Death Grip hysteria may end Monday with iOS 4.01



  • Reply 81 of 613
    boogabooga Posts: 1,082member
    It DEFINITELY does happen with MicroCell... That's my configuration here at home and I still get the 5 bars to zero on my iPhone 4 when I hold it "wrong."
  • Reply 82 of 613
    sector7gsector7g Posts: 156member
    Originally Posted by g3pro View Post

    Who wants to bet that Apple's fix will be to secretly change the way that signal strength is presented to the user?

    In the end, people will probably still be blaming AT&T for poor network quality and Apple will escape from this horrendously idiotic engineering error by once again fooling its users.

    why do you come and post on a apple fan site if all you do is bitch? no one is forcing to buy iphones i kinda wish more people didnt as i cant find one anywhere
  • Reply 83 of 613
    I hope they fix the broken bluetooth in 4.0.1 as well... Can't connect to my car any longer and it seems that there's a lot of people out there experiencing the same issue.
  • Reply 84 of 613
    Originally Posted by g3pro View Post

    Loss of reception while dialing out?

    Avoid using the phone for phone calls.

    Dropped calls in San Francisco?

    Avoid going to San Francisco.

    Playhouse Disney (or other flash site) doesn't work in the browser?

    Avoid going to that site.

    Screen gets smudged?

    Avoid touching the screen.

    Hate getting ripped off for expensive junk?

    Stop buying Apple products.

    Seriously, if the software fix doesn't do it, there will be multitudes of ripped off users who will be pissed off.

    Have you actually seen a iPhone 4? Have you ever used a Mac? If so you would know it is not junk. The iPhone 4 is really an awesome piece of hardware. I'm really getting tired of all the bashing just for the sake of bashing. What kind of phone do you have? Please go to your own forums. I promise I won't visit your forums and bash your device.
  • Reply 85 of 613
    donlphidonlphi Posts: 214member
    The good news is, this release might help reduce line sizes when iPhone 5 is released. I'm looking forward to it.
  • Reply 86 of 613
    Originally Posted by alectheking View Post

    It hasn't been any issue to *most* people except being cosmetically wrong, I can continue to make calls and use data even with the 0 bars. Apple will fix it, big deal.

    I can't believe how crazy these forums get. I am almost thinking of just reading the real newspaper reviews, and waiting until I can actually buy one in Canada anyways. Forums are always slanted with the folks who are having issues too.

    I have faith that the Apple engineers know what they're doing at that the phone works as it is supposed to, under normal conditions.
  • Reply 87 of 613
    So it wasn't the bloggers at WWDC that were the problem. Jobs was holding the phone wrong. All he had to do was demo it without holding it that way...
  • Reply 88 of 613
    bartbuzzbartbuzz Posts: 131member
    All these iPhone bashers are getting lame. I'll watch for Monday's reports after users upgrade to iOS 4.0.1.

    Enjoy your bickering. I'm bored and going to bed.
  • Reply 89 of 613
    Originally Posted by g3pro View Post

    Loss of reception while dialing out?

    Avoid using the phone for phone calls.

    Dropped calls in San Francisco?

    Avoid going to San Francisco.

    Playhouse Disney (or other flash site) doesn't work in the browser?

    Avoid going to that site.

    Screen gets smudged?

    Avoid touching the screen.

    Hate getting ripped off for expensive junk?

    Stop buying Apple products.

    Seriously, if the software fix doesn't do it, there will be multitudes of ripped off users who will be pissed off.

    Shit like this happens EVERYTIME a brand new product is released.. I remember when 3G first came out it took nearly 20 minutes to download an app.. then when they tried to fix that, anytime you updated an app it would never register and the update would stay available in the app store!!!

    lol, give it a month or two for them to work out all the bugs, your phone will work fine.
  • Reply 90 of 613
    Originally Posted by freddych View Post

    I replicated the effect on 12 different iPhone4's at the Apple store. Granted, they could have been all from the same bad batch, but if its a software problem, this is unlikely.

    It may have more to do with the conductivity of your skin. If your skin is less conductive, its logical that you wouldn't experience the same effect.

    QED you are a robot and your skin is made of silicone.

    I wish I were a robot, would make my life sooooo much easier.

    Sadly, all i have a anecdotal evidence, out of the 9 people I know who have iPhones, only 2 see any kind of signal strength change. They both saw about a 30% drop in DL/UL speed, this was alleviated with a bumper.

    Hopefully, it is a software/firmware fixable issue. If not, I hope Apple does the right thing and gives out (and packages) bumpers for the effected phones.
  • Reply 91 of 613
    If Gizmodo had immediately returned the "lost" iPhone 4 prototype, Apple could have finished their field tests!
  • Reply 92 of 613
    jerseymacjerseymac Posts: 408member
    Originally Posted by technohermit View Post

    So it wasn't the bloggers at WWDC that were the problem. Jobs was holding the phone wrong. All he had to do was demo it without holding it that way...

    Good one!
  • Reply 93 of 613
    Originally Posted by Ochyming View Post

    I thought USA is a free country, where people do what they want!

    Does this happens outside USA?

    This problems happens here in Japan too, so unfortunately your ignorant anti-American rant is meaningless.
  • Reply 94 of 613
    chillinchillin Posts: 59member
  • Reply 95 of 613
    dm3dm3 Posts: 168member
    Making excuses for Apple again.

    Ya... a software update is going to redesign the antenna to cover it with scotch tape...

    Maybe a software update will give it a 4.3" screen too.
  • Reply 96 of 613
    st3v3st3v3 Posts: 63member
    I was just thinking something... if the issue is just the hand blocking the signal and the phone not being able to connect fast enough pr w/e, why is it fixed with a rubber bumper? I'm pretty sure that people are using the same hand positioning if they're stating it works with the rubber bumper. If the rubber bumper fixes it, I don't believe it is a software issue especially if the user's hand is covering the antenna in the same way.
  • Reply 97 of 613
    Originally Posted by Park Seward View Post

    Nice post, good photos, well displayed. But it seems you are in a low RF area due to the speed you have when the phone is on the table. I'd expect speeds of around 3000 kbps but you are a little over 1000.

    Thanks for the compliment! But I think you're misreading my results a little. I'm actually getting DL speeds of >2Mbps and I'm in the center of San Francisco with full bars. (It's the UL that's 1.2 Mbps... that's the last thing to be reported on speedtest's speedometer.) And this is above average for the nation according to PC World.

    Throughput drops to 12% of its unheld potential when held in my hand for about a minute, even cutting out uploads entirely. This is just unacceptable. As an app developer, I would seriously fear for the disruption of functionality in my app for customers with iPhone 4s. I just pray that this can be fixed in software.

    I have to say, the reporting on this from AI seems quite poor from an objectivity standpoint.
  • Reply 98 of 613
    I've yet to get my iPhone 4, but I've tried to replicate the problem on several phones in AT&T and Apple stores. I have lost bars on the ones I've tested (one or 2 at most), so I was wondering has it been ruled out that what causes the problem is actually cause by individual people who's body attributes somehow make them more conductive, therefore bridging the antennas?

    It would make sense if this were so, as it would be odd that certain phones were manufactured defectively or it is a software bug that only effects certain people.
  • Reply 99 of 613
    Originally Posted by g3pro View Post

    Who wants to bet that Apple's fix will be to secretly change the way that signal strength is presented to the user?

    In the end, people will probably still be blaming AT&T for poor network quality and Apple will escape from this horrendously idiotic engineering error by once again fooling its users.

    Dipshit alert.
  • Reply 100 of 613
    h2ph2p Posts: 335member
    Who the hell is this pathetic swine g3pro? Please do us all a favor... Return, sell or give away all of your Apple products and be gone. I can't help but call you you names... Reading your comments... You deserve it.
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