MacMinute claims to have new iMac info/photo.



  • Reply 21 of 223
    mithrasmithras Posts: 165member
    Here's my rough sketch of how a flatpanel iMac with a bulbous base and a swiveling screen might look:

    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

  • Reply 21 of 223
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member
    PICTURES please. Now everybody go out into the world (aka. the Internet) and bring to me pictures of the one called "iMacII". Now off you go. NOW.
  • Reply 21 of 223


  • Reply 21 of 223
    thegeldingthegelding Posts: 3,230member
    G4 too!!!

    dang, how reliable is this site??? plus, with all the people having to keep the iMac a secret (designers, production people, shippers, box makers, etc....would apple also add Time magazine personal to mix and really hope to keep this secret??? of course, apple would love the free press Time who knows....bring on the photos!!!) g
  • Reply 21 of 223
    tcotco Posts: 87member
    If it's not bogus, Jobs will be PISSED.
  • Reply 26 of 223
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    please, no one post the photo here when they post it at their website. I hate when the surprise is ruined and don't want to have to stop reading the boards tonight
  • Reply 26 of 223
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member
    [quote]Originally posted by Jeremiah Rich:

    <strong>Dang, dang, wow. I cannot wait to see the photo, and hope it is not a fake.. But, I would hope this is not ALL that Apple is announcing tommorow. (Or their big thing)</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Good God, are we that jaded that suddenly a 15" LCD and G4 and Superdrive in a model is not enough??!?!?!?!
  • Reply 26 of 223
    thentrothentro Posts: 231member
    G4 imac = G5 um.. G4
  • Reply 29 of 223
    If the rumored $1800 price tag is true for the top end, I think its worth it.

    I mean, it'll have a G4, 15" LCD, and a SuperDrive!

    Going by ( sub-retail prices, a 15" LCD runs $300 and a SuperDrive goes for about $400.
  • Reply 29 of 223
    tcotco Posts: 87member
    I hope that puts the Sahara G3 in the iBook.
  • Reply 29 of 223
    iPhoto too!
  • Reply 29 of 223
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member
    [quote]Originally posted by Mithras:

    <strong>Here's my rough sketch of how a flatpanel iMac with a bulbous base and a swiveling screen might look:

    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;


    Was that you? I LOOOOOOVE when people are toying with MOSR.
  • Reply 29 of 223
    dosaldosal Posts: 28member
    i am refreshing every five seconds
  • Reply 34 of 223
    mithrasmithras Posts: 165member
    [quote]Originally posted by Macintosh:




    Okay, who has the memory (or the search-power) to figure out who was the first with the story of the $1800 high-end iMac? I definitely saw that several times in the last few days, but don't know from where. Anybody know?
  • Reply 34 of 223
    [quote]Originally posted by TCO:

    <strong>I hope that puts the Sahara G3 in the iBook.</strong><hr></blockquote>

  • Reply 37 of 223
    thegeldingthegelding Posts: 3,230member
    yes, when other sites mentioned $1800, i thought, if it has a G4, a LCD and superdrive, that would be worth 1800, but not with a G3 and combo drive......dang dang getting too excited....hoping there is no let down tomorrow....g
  • Reply 37 of 223
    murbotmurbot Posts: 5,262member
    I really hope this means G5 PowerMacs...

    I am ordering that damn iMac as soon as the Apple Store opens!

    I don't think I want to see any pics either... I'm taking the morning off to watch this on TechTV and I want to be blown away....


    I will never get any sleep tonight!!!!!
  • Reply 37 of 223
    Ill be PISSED, and ill DOS and macminute
  • Reply 37 of 223
    tcotco Posts: 87member
    Damn... couldnt find the pic on the normal site... nice find.
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