Google founder accuses Apple's Steve Jobs of 'rewriting history'



  • Reply 141 of 244
    g3prog3pro Posts: 669member
    Originally Posted by BartBuzz View Post

    After reading thru these posts it's comforting to know I'm not the only one who thinks the Android looks like an iPhone wannabe. Like they say, imitation is the greatest form of flattery. But I'd rather have the real thing.

    That's not surprising since AppleInsider is one of the premier Apple Fanboi sites on the internet.
  • Reply 142 of 244
    chopperchopper Posts: 246member
    Originally Posted by seanie248 View Post

    You absolute IDIOT !!

    Being Profitable (barely) is not the same as making a profit on something.

    Lets make this VERY VERY simple for you :

    Say you start a business and for the first 5 years you make 1m Loss per year. Now you are down 5m. In year six, you start to see a profit of 100,000. Now you are profitable in what you are doing. ( PLEASE note the "ABLE" part on the end )

    But you are still at an over all loss of 4,900,000.

    profitABLE does NOT equal profit.

    Ask the Underpants Gnomes. At least they understand more than you. I think there is a question mark over steps 1, 2, and 3 with you.

    Another example of attacking the poster in lieu of a rational argument. You assume, without any basis whatsoever, that the Xbox has not yet recovered its investment and attempt to use that total speculation to re-define profitability.

    You might as well claim the iPhone 4 isn't profitable to Apple because the sales so far cannot have covered the development costs and manufacturing, marketing and shipping.

    The personal insult was unnecessary but seems increasingly to be the standard OP for certain irrational Apple Faithful? who seem incapable of retaining some sense of proportion. Welcome to my ignore list.
  • Reply 143 of 244
    icyfogicyfog Posts: 338member
    Originally Posted by davesw View Post

    Yes, Google was working on Android. but their phones looked like this. Apple has always been the innovator. Google is a one-trick pony that just adds features and increase specs but doesn't innovate.

    Yeah this is the way I understand history too. Hardly like the Droids like the iPhone.
  • Reply 144 of 244
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,408member
    Originally Posted by Chopper View Post

    You might as well claim the iPhone 4 isn't profitable to Apple because the sales so far cannot have covered the development costs and manufacturing, marketing and shipping.

    No one has said that iPhone was making a 'profit' yet.

    In any event, this is the kind of nonsense that pervades forums (in all fairness, it's not just you) when people don't understand the difference between free cash flow and profit.

    The latter is an often meaningless term. The former is all that really matters.
  • Reply 145 of 244
    mdriftmeyermdriftmeyer Posts: 7,503member
    Originally Posted by davesw View Post

    no matter how crappy the Rockr was and how small Apple's involvement, it showed that they were at least in the mobile business several months before Google had ANYTHING running on a mobile device.

    And don't forget Apple had the iPod (a mobile device ) years before Google bought Android.

    Apple routinely invests several years into prototype projects that eventually spin off into other skunk works projects which find their way into the consumer space, with research 5-10 years in fruition.
  • Reply 146 of 244
    daveswdavesw Posts: 406member
    Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer View Post

    Apple routinely invests several years into prototype projects that eventually spin off into other skunk works projects which find their way into the consumer space, with research 5-10 years in fruition.

  • Reply 147 of 244
    bartbuzzbartbuzz Posts: 131member
    Originally Posted by g3pro View Post

    That's not surprising since AppleInsider is one of the premier Apple Fanboi sites on the internet.

    Thanks for the compliment. I have to admit since switching to Apple products I have enjoyed computers and electronic gadgets more than ever. Unfortunately, I don't have an iPhone since I'm not willing to dump Verizon. But I love my iPod Touch. BTW, is fanboi a french word?
  • Reply 148 of 244
    ihxoihxo Posts: 567member
    Originally Posted by Chopper View Post

    And the irony is that you don't actually understand that the same applies to you, or you wouldn't have made that post.


    Google's R&D must suck really bad because the first time they got a chance to show their take on smartphone, they showed the world a blackberry clone.
  • Reply 149 of 244
    dr millmossdr millmoss Posts: 5,403member
    Originally Posted by Chopper View Post

    Apparently I didn't make myself clear...

    If you want to know my view of this, you could look at my post on the previous page. Post number 111 if you need help finding it. Or you could continue to assume that my views are more convenient for your snarky rants. Your choice.
  • Reply 150 of 244
    daveswdavesw Posts: 406member
    Originally Posted by ihxo View Post

    Google's R&D must suck really bad because the first time they got a chance to show their take on smartphone, they showed the world a blackberry clone.

  • Reply 151 of 244
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,408member
    Originally Posted by BartBuzz View Post

    BTW, is fanboi a french word?

    You're asking g3pro?

    The guy wouldn't know the answer if it hit him in the face. (Oh, he'd miss the sarcasm too.....)
  • Reply 152 of 244
    suddenly newtonsuddenly newton Posts: 13,819member
    Originally Posted by Johnny Mozzarella View Post

    This is the crux of the issue. Its more about inspiration than timing.

    Yes, Google was working on phones before the iPhone.

    Once the iPhone was introduced however, Google did a 180 and copied the iPhone.

    Google will be releasing Chrome OS this fall.

    I guarantee you it will look nothing like the early demos?


    Because Apple has unveiled the iPad and now Mountain View has a successful reference design from which to work from.

    Well said. And it's kind of inevitable. Sooner or later, every smartphone will resemble iPhone, and every tablet will resemble iPad. That's not what Steve Jobs is angry about. Of course there would be imitators. It's the fact that Google was a partner in iPhone's development and had access to early prototypes. I guess now Steve must know how Xerox PARC felt

    Doesn't Steve Jobs like to quote Pablo Picasso: "Good artists copy, but great artists steal"?
  • Reply 153 of 244
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    Originally Posted by Booga View Post

    You're referring to the XBox 360 which has lost Microsoft millions of dollars (subsidized by their Windows and Office monopolies) and has the highest recall rate in the industry? Yes, it's a fun product, but as a business model it sucks.

    News Flash, Gaming consoles have and will always be a money losing enterprise. They are actually sold for less than what it costs to build, so why build them? Because MS, Sony, and Nintendo get at least $10 per game sold.
  • Reply 154 of 244
    Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton View Post

    Well said. And it's kind of inevitable. Sooner or later, every smartphone will resemble iPhone, and every tablet will resemble iPad. That's not what Steve Jobs is angry about. Of course there would be imitators. It's the fact that Google was a partner in iPhone's development and had access to early prototypes. I guess now Steve must know how Xerox PARC felt

    Doesn't Steve Jobs like to quote Pablo Picasso: "Good artists copy, but great artists steal"?

    Didn't Apple license the Xerox Parc Interface - and Microsoft just rip it off ?

    There's copying with integrity and there's stealing
  • Reply 155 of 244
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member
    I think tech companies are prototyping things all the time, that's not the same as being "in the business." Apple was clearly selling phones to the general public before Google, that is what I would call "in the business," and that is all Jobs claimed.
  • Reply 156 of 244
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    Originally Posted by Magic8Ball View Post

    Didn't Apple license the Xerox Parc Interface - and Microsoft just rip it off ?

    There's copying with integrity and there's stealing

    Paying for something doesn't always mean you didn't steal it.
  • Reply 157 of 244
    Originally Posted by replicant View Post

    Interesting. They probably feel that the public opinion is shifting one them in Apple's favor.

    Daring Fireball had an interesting post showing the Android prototype before the iPhone appeared. Steve Jobs was right when he said that Google copied the look and feel of the iPhone. Just take a look at that Android prototype and the Google phones you see today.

    Rewriting history? I don't think so.

    thanks man for clearing this up here, folks are getting all the facts twisted and this is what really happended... as for the preceding post that has an incorrect image take a lQQK at this GOOGLE PROTOTYPE...

  • Reply 158 of 244
    Originally Posted by davesw View Post

    Maybe he should spend some time fixing their f'ups in China instead of all this non-sense.

    Boy, Did Google Blow It In China

    This morning came news that China has renewed Google's license to operate in the country.

    That seemed like good news--Google wins the China standoff!--until it was revealed that Google's China search engine will now be censoring its entire list of web pages, instead of just the ones that the Chinese government found objectionable.

    Yes, Google was working on Android. but their phones looked like this. Apple has always been the innovator. Google is a one-trick pony that just adds features and increase specs but doesn't innovate.

    are you sure its not this prototype:

  • Reply 159 of 244
    str1f3str1f3 Posts: 573member
    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post

    News Flash, Gaming consoles have and will always be a money losing enterprise. They are actually sold for less than what it costs to build, so why build them? Because MS, Sony, and Nintendo get at least $10 per game sold.

    It is because console makers charge on a per game sold basis that the hardware is so unreliable. They make it cheap with substandard parts so kids can afford it. The is endemic with the 360. Sony tried the opposite approach with the PS3, after years of cheap hardware on the PS1 and PS2 and it hurt them for this generation. The XBOX division was losing money for almost a decade and that was taking into consideration per game sold figures. It has only been until recently that the XBOX has been in the black.
  • Reply 160 of 244
    And I remember the days when Apple and Google, together, were going to conquer the world.

    "A fickle heart is the only constant in this world"

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