Obscure Things that make me want to HURLLL!

in General Discussion edited January 2014
In no particular order:

Carracho Administrators who offer "FREE!" wares, only you have to upload something they want first. Pud-whackers.

Speaking of pud-whacking: People who think talking about bizarre sexual practices (or participating in them), makes them "open minded." You see a lot of this at big liberal arts schools and art colleges. Not talking about Jamie here (since he recently started an old-fashioned, monkey-spanking, good time of a thread) just in general.

Whoever it is that gives W. ideas like "The Evil Axis." Definitely needs to practice his or her reading and writing skills more often.

Television / Ad producers who think they're "in touch with America" and try to prove it by relentlessly beating dead horses such as the Olympic Figure Skating thing...oh and then there's the "M Life" we all need to get. F*ck you, AT&T!

Bill Walton (since I already bashed Mark Cuban)

Multi-million-dollar-per-year athletes who cannot perform basic tasks that their sports require, like say, making a free throw or throwing a strike.

Multi-million-dolloar-per-year athletes who hold out at the beginning of the season because you know, X million dollars a year to play a sport is just unfair!

Any sports agent other than Arliss Michaels.

People who intend to upload music files to AG's servers, and then promptly mispell (har har) the name of the artist and / or song.

People who intend to upload music files, and do so using shitty recordings as a source.

People who upload Live Music and don't label it as "Live"

People who complain too much about AG music quality.


Anyone care to add some more?

[ 02-19-2002: Message edited by: Moogs ? ]</p>


  • Reply 1 of 47
    People who smell with bad higene

    Shy people (frustrating as hell)

    Having steve jobs not advertising your favorite platform on tv like they should be doing

    having apple having to delay qt6 because of liscensing reasons so i can't have my mp3 VBR fix to properly watch my pirated DivX movies

    not having morpheus on the mac at the moment

    having to get those eye drops from eye checkups that make your pupils all big and uncomfortable

    having to wake up at 6:30 in the morning to go to school everyday

    having to here the phrases "in the aftermath of.." or "america's new war", or "axis of evil", or "security reasons" or any such phrases everyday
  • Reply 2 of 47
    jambojambo Posts: 3,036member

    No seriously, I don't mean to be offensive but I feel physically sick when I see them. I can't watch some James Bond films because of this. And don't talk to me about Mini Me.

  • Reply 3 of 47
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,428member
    What makes me want to hurl

    Advertisers/Marketing mucks who think the Internet is their friggin birthrite to subject us to horrible advertising.

    The typical commercial on television...some say they're made for the typical 12 year old...yeah may 12yrs in 400BC

    Deceptive Advertising...why adverstise Audio Speakers as $XXX "each" and then tell me I must purchas in pairs?

    Telemarkters...how do you presume to tell me what I want! I already have a list of everything I want for the near future...if your product is not on my list or better than the current Items I have...I'm not interested.

    Tech Schools- why must they continually lie "Are you tired of flipping Burgers?" "Well join our school and pay $8000 dollars and you'll be a Network Administrator making $60,000 in a matter of months!" "It's easy!" Fecking idiots...If I hear them lie 1 more time about unfilled Tech positions I'm going to pull stunt like Falling Down.

    Women- egads women are getting worse and worse..is there ANY insecurity they don't try to mask with something. Whether it be stuffing silicone bags into their chest to feel better or wearing rediculous shoes to boost their height..I think it's abundantly the until women excise these demons they will not be looked at as capable of leading this Nation or crashing through other glass ceilings.

    Music Industry- I've already hurled at the boneheaded distributors. Geez..I really like xxx song but I'd prefer not to buy the album...let me just get the single...what?...it's only available in a Maxi Single for $7.99?? Morpheus here I come(with no shame I might add)

    Loud computers---sheesh your typical PC sounds like a jet taking off....people would rather scream about multiple Gigahertz and add Bay Busses to their machines waking up the fricking neighborhook. Oh I wish the Cube still existed...I can't bear to put a loud computer in my Living Room...any sound that deviates from what is recorded and intended is DISTORTION! I don't like distortion.
  • Reply 4 of 47
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member
    [quote]Originally posted by hmurchison:

    <strong>What makes me want to hurl

    Women- egads women are getting worse and worse..is there ANY insecurity they don't try to mask with something. Whether it be stuffing silicone bags into their chest to feel better or wearing rediculous shoes to boost their height..I think it's abundantly the until women excise these demons they will not be looked at as capable of leading this Nation or crashing through other glass ceilings.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Well said! Although the masking insecurities thing is plenty popular among jet-set males too. "Life is demanding, but I THRIVE on it!" The "I can take on anything / control everything" attitude is so pervasive it's astounding. People are vane / clueless about how life works sometimes.

    Also: athletes who are given second, third and fourth chances that nobody else would get (because of their fame) and they STILL screw it up. Like Daryl Strawberry, Theo Fluery, Mike Tyson, etc. etc.

    [ 02-19-2002: Message edited by: Moogs ? ]</p>
  • Reply 5 of 47
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member
    Magazine Sub-titles on the cover like this week's TIME:

    "Justice Triumphs, but the scandal exposes the dark side of Olympic skating. Can we ever trust the judges again?"

    A: Figure skating and Justice have nothing to do with one another.

    B. Gary Condit was involved in a scandal, this is called a personal, petty, bribe. Nothing more.

    C. There's no "dark side" to the judges who preside over world championship figure skating? DUH!

    D. Does our ability to trust figure skating judges somehow have a tremendous impact on our lives and our ability to trust others around us?

    Or maybe the editors at Time (as with so many other media outlets) have their heads squarely up their asses. Morons.

    [ 02-19-2002: Message edited by: Moogs ? ]</p>
  • Reply 6 of 47
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,428member
    Anything silly that now has "terrorism" in it's name. There is no such thing as Cyberterrorism...what's next foodterrorism...sexual harrassment becomes sexualterrorism. I hate when people commoditize a word...especially one like Terrorism.
  • Reply 7 of 47
    People who talk on cell phones while driving poorly.

    Whoever canceled Family Guy again... bastards

    People who feel that warning labels are needed on everthing. "Caution: Coffee may be hot!"

    Newspapers which think that figure skating is front page material.

    People who look down upon me when I tell them I'm not religious.

    Whoever thinks that "Friends" is the best sitcom ever.

    Actors/Sports player who get paid insanely large amounts of money.
  • Reply 8 of 47
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member
    [quote]Originally posted by RyanTheGreat:

    <strong>People who feel that warning labels are needed on everthing. "Caution: Coffee may be hot!"

    People who look down upon me when I tell them I'm not religious.

    Whoever thinks that "Friends" is the best sitcom ever.


    Can I get an "Amen!", my brotha?! Good ones all...so reassuring to know I'm not the only person who notices things like this.
  • Reply 9 of 47
    That freakin' "Purple Pill" ad. Shit, I'm tired of these people who have to eat a 4 course meal in 5 seconds...then have a tummy ache.

    All those "purple people" should be shot, with the pharmecutial company next in line.

    Enron...Ok, they were scumbag corporate assholes and there will (hopefully) be changes and policies made to prevent this again...BUT ENOUGH MEDIA DIARRHEA ALREADY!

    Oh, and I could give a big fat shit what sentence they'll finally dish out to the mother who drowned her kids. Why not drown her now, save the taxpayers some money and save us from the insanity of seeing a telemovie next season?

    The fact that the Unemployment Compensation Extension has passed the Senate and the House...only thing is that Bush has to sign it...oop! He's in Japan stuffing his face with sushi...get back and do your job!

    I could go on and on...but you know me... <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" />
  • Reply 10 of 47
    falconfalcon Posts: 458member

    That is one of the few net sites that deserves to be taken down perminantely. Who the hell looks at this stuff?
  • Reply 11 of 47
    rancid.com? You mean rotten.com? Thats one of the best sites for decensitization (though Soldier of Fortune is still better).

    Ok, what makes me sick?

    Any of thing things listed on <a href="http://www.scn.org/news/newspeak/"; target="_blank">American Newspeak</a> (Yes, you guys will love this, no its not liberal propaghanda).

    People who put miniature american flags on their SUVs (reduces efficency by 0.5% )


    McDonalds (work there for a month, tell me that you dont hate the place).

    Xbox display units (full of neon lights and bad techno, and of course they can NEVER play Halo, its always DOA3 or some such garbage).

    All the crap thats going on over the Olympics. Yes Jamie deserved gold! BUT WHO CARES! WE ALL KNOW THAT ITS FIXED!

    Any product of the new pop culture (Britney, BsB, and all the clones)

    The RIAA who brought us that previously mentioned

    Good artists that are virtually unheard

    People who think that Windows XP is a great acheivment

    Microsofts code

    Windows Interface (Im using it now...)

    Beaver Fever

    Rootbear milk

    "pink" milk

    chunky milk

    Cerial killers (people who put sugar on their frosted flakes)

    Feminists (oh Im gonna get shit for this one) who fight to say that women should have more than equal rights (though very few phraze it like that).

    People who look/act like Nsync clones

    People with "Save the Earth" on their SUVs bumper


    The "Axis of Evil"

    People who beleive in Nazism

    People who make nude patches for that indiana jones game based on the tomb raider engine.

    People who still see Communism as intrinsically evil (its a freakin ideology)

    Those deisgners who cant think up a new game, and so they make ANOTHER Tomb Raider

    George Lucas




    The people who decided to nuka Japan TWICE

    People who watch animes such as Sailor Moon, Dragonball Z, Goldenboy, or anything of the like.

    Friends (the TV show)

    Modern Sitcoms (friends is so bad that it deserves its own category)

    That people STILL rerun Mash.

    Most of the governments in the world (transitional democracies that will not last).

    TV ads with half a screen of illegible fine print

    (warrning, may cause premature balding, upset stomachs, diarhea, heart problems, brain tumors, bloating, gas, premature death)

    TV ads showing corney "happy people: who use some odd companies product.

    Oh man, I cant go on.... too much.

    [ 02-19-2002: Message edited by: The Toolboi ]</p>
  • Reply 12 of 47
    falconfalcon Posts: 458member
    I think there is a rancid.com, though im not going to check it thank you very much. Pictures of motorcycle accidents where peoples faces are torn off from the nose down, and photos of run over babies are not my thing. Sick ****ers.
  • Reply 13 of 47
    [quote]Originally posted by The Toolboi:

    <strong>Beaver Fever</strong><hr></blockquote> <img src="graemlins/surprised.gif" border="0" alt="[Surprised]" /> :confused: Maybe I shouldn't ask...? :eek:

    Agreed with everything so far except Sony.
  • Reply 14 of 47
    What Makes me want to hurl:

    Labour winning a second term here in the UK


    That feeling in your stomach when you fear thatsomething that you did in good faith has gone wrong or backfired

    Opression - of races, groups or just individuals

    Tree-hugging idealistic liberal hippies

    Waiting for assistance in a shop when the one assistant that you do not want to see approaches you


    Dixons Employees

    Shop assistants who know far less than you (oh, also Dixons)

    Shop assistants who you have to persuade that the product that you want actually exists (opps, Dixons again)

    (For those of you who do not know, Dixons is the ubiquitous general electrics/computer store here in the UK)

    Tony Blair

    Gordon Brown

    That annoying woman government advisor who tried to 'bury' bad news on September 11

    British Telecom, for still not making local calls free as standard

    Anyway, thats it for now - but I feel alot better!

  • Reply 15 of 47
    jambojambo Posts: 3,036member
    [quote]Originally posted by iMacfan:

    <strong>What Makes me want to hurl:

    Labour winning a second term here in the UK


    Tony Blair

    Gordon Brown

    That annoying woman government advisor who tried to 'bury' bad news on September 11


    A round of applause please

  • Reply 16 of 47
    [quote]Originally posted by Jamie:


    A round of applause please


    Thank you SO much - I thought that I would be flamed!
  • Reply 17 of 47
    jambojambo Posts: 3,036member
    No way! Not from a guy who gets called 'Tory Boy' by some of his workmates

    J :cool:
  • Reply 18 of 47
    [quote]Originally posted by iMacfan:

    <strong>For those of you who do not know, Dixons is the ubiquitous general electrics/computer store here in the UK</strong><hr></blockquote>Dixons sounds a lot like the US's CircuitCity. Man, talk about idiots...
  • Reply 19 of 47
    jambojambo Posts: 3,036member
    My boss

  • Reply 20 of 47
    [quote]Originally posted by starfleetX:

    <strong>Dixons sounds a lot like the US's CircuitCity. Man, talk about idiots...</strong><hr></blockquote>

    or BestBuy
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