US Sen. Schumer writes letter to Apple CEO over iPhone 4 antenna



  • Reply 121 of 197
    desarcdesarc Posts: 642member
    Originally Posted by ded48 View Post

    Returning the phone is not an option.

    why not? if enough people that are having this problem actually started doing this, Apple would make some big fixes and make them fast. i have another week to return my phone, and i'm seriously considering it... just wondering what to pick up for the short term until an iP4 hardware fix is finished.
  • Reply 122 of 197
    ded48ded48 Posts: 10member
    Originally Posted by desarc View Post

    why not? if enough people that are having this problem actually started doing this, Apple would make some big fixes and make them fast. i have another week to return my phone, and i'm seriously considering it... just wondering what to pick up for the short term until an iP4 hardware fix is finished.

    I've already sold my 3GS. AT&T would make me pay full price for another phone and I will never do that.
  • Reply 123 of 197
    htoellehtoelle Posts: 89member
    Mr Schumer Sir

    The people of the US have extended to you the honour of being a Senator with its rights, privileges and responsibilities. Perhaps if you and your counter parts would have be more diligent about matters that were clearly your concern. Deep water drilling for example . Not areas which you yourself hint at as being handled very ably by a company which does care about its products and clients. Then all the millions of people of five Gulf states would be far better off than they are presently and will be for the foreseeable future.

    Respectfully submitted

  • Reply 124 of 197
    It's good to see an elected official looking after his constitutes and not wasting time denying marriage rights or pushing for tax cuts for the rich in a time of inherited economic turmoil.

    But I digress... My iPhone 4 is working fine.
  • Reply 125 of 197
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by Masterz1337 View Post

    So a senator agrees and backs up the majority of people's opinions and frustrations with the new iPhone, and decides to use his power and status to help the people who elected him, and you're all complaining. Good grief.

    Really? The majority of people's opinions? Care to show the data where you found that the majority of iPhone owners are having problems? And even if you can, maybe you can explain why they're not being returned en masse.

    Originally Posted by Hatchet View Post

    Q: Who stands to gain most from bad iPhone press?

    A: Google Android

    Q: How do you get the media to write even more about a consumer product issue?

    A: Have a prominent government official complain in public about it.

    Q: Why would a NY Senator do Google's bidding?

    A: Follow the money

    Campaign Contributions by Google PAC to Schumer:

    2009-2010: $4900

    2007-2008: $1000

    And CEO Schmidt gave Schumer the max: $2400 in the general and $2400 in the primary this year.

    Who knows what other Google money has flowed into Schumer's pockets.

    So yes, Google can buy a few minutes of a Senator's time to pay for more bad press for a competitor at a crucial moment. The favor was called in.

    When you look at the macro scale, Google is one of the heaviest contributors to PACs and other congressional election funds. I believe they're by far the largest tech contributor, out-spending Apple by something like 20:1.

    Originally Posted by tt92618 View Post

    Your theory runs along the lines that for less that $10,000 in campaign contributions, this senator would bring his influence to bear 'for hire'. Forget the fact that campaigns cost millions upon millions of dollars to run... The money from Google's CEO is the important stuff.... The stuff that really moves the senator's hand.

    You're making a silly false dichotomy. There's no reason to believe that a senator is either 100% unbiased or 100% evil. That level of contribution buys access. When Google is one of the top 10 contributor's to a senator's campaign, if they pick up the phone, they're going to be heard. Especially when the senator can look like some kind of consumer rights hero while doing it.

    Originally Posted by desarc View Post

    do you HONESTLY believe that this letter was written because Google told him to write it?.

    No one ever made such a claim.

    There are a number of facts:

    1. Google is the largest tech contributor to Congress - outspending Apple many-fold.

    2. This senator chose to write a complaint about an Apple phone which is a direct competitor to Google. He has apparently never written a letter to any other phone manufacturer about deficiencies in their products. In fact, I haven't seen any evidence that he's EVER written such a letter to ANYONE.

    3. Apple has a long history of taking care of its customers. The problem has been out for less than a month and Apple is exploring its options. It's far too early for this type of panic.

    Now, I doubt if Google's contributions to one senator bought them anything. But their $100 M being spread around the halls of Congress certainly gets them a credibility and visibility greater than companies that don't spend that kind of money.
  • Reply 126 of 197
    Originally Posted by jb510 View Post

    I have a lot of respect for Senator Schumer and this isn't the first time he has gotten involved in consumer protection matters. I don't see anything wrong with the letter, letters like this get written all the time by senators and representatives.

    The timing of the letter is a bit questionable. Apple has already announced a press conference. While I suspect the letter was already in the works, why release it between the announcement of the PC and the PC. It makes it look like he's setting himself up to take credit for whatever comes out of the PC which would be complete BS.

    For the record I think Apple has little to no obligation to offer a solution to this aside from directions "not to hold your phone like that".

    If they do offer a solution I hope the call it the cry baby band aid and it's a 1" piece of flesh colored tape you apply to the bottom left corner of the phone.

    Anyone who is unhappy can get a full refund. Therefore, there is no reason for Schumer or any government agency to get involved. Why people are suing instead of returning their phones shows what a screwed up legal system we have. As an Apple stock holder, I hope they address the problem by giving away bumpers to prior owners and coating the antenna in the future so those with sweaty hands cannot cause the electrical interference. But even if they don't, it is not the government's job to get involved in this case.
  • Reply 127 of 197
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by OllieWallieWhiskers View Post

  • Reply 128 of 197
    sandausandau Posts: 1,230member
    Originally Posted by Boogerman2000 View Post

    Maybe you should perform a bit of research before posting like a self entitled idiot.

    More grandstanding by the Senator, but at least its something.

    I accept your title.
  • Reply 129 of 197
    abster2coreabster2core Posts: 2,501member
    According to all the research, when people are asked, "Which 'profession' would you consider the most honest?" reporters, lawyers and politicians are virtually tied at the bottom of the survey, if they make the list at all.

    But lets be honest. Bloggers are equally nefarious, and invariably, we can't see over the top of the holes we dig ourselves into.

    Perhaps we need a site where shovels aren't allowed. Obviously, we don't know how to hold them.
  • Reply 130 of 197
    thepixeldocthepixeldoc Posts: 2,257member
    So what part of the following sentence, do you folks and your stupid media and politicians, don't understand:

    "...take the !@#$%^& iPhone 4 back and get a 100% refund if it doesn't work for you".

    This is just un-F-ing-believable!!! So what's next? Force-feeding Flash on iDevices?

    You're goin' the way of the Romans America!

    You're collapsing under the weight of your own self-importance, collective stupidity, and erroneous and ineffective political and legal systems.

    Someone above said it sarcastically, but many of you believe truthfully, that this antenna issue is an "international crisis". You're beyond help!
  • Reply 131 of 197
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    Seriously, do you really think he just woke up this morning and decided, "Hey, I'm going to write a letter to Apple about this iPhone antenna thing."

    More likely, his office is getting bombarded with phone calls, emails and letters saying, "Apple is screwing us with this iPhone 4 antenna," his staff have been looking into it for a couple of weeks, the CR no recommendation recommendation comes out, and it's just coincidence that his letter was released today.

    That is my point. I don't think he woke up this morning and decided to write the letter. He decided to write the letter just before the conference. Why not wait until after if what is proposed is unsatisfactory?

    If it is a coincidence that his letter came out today, then he is not educated enough on what Apple is doing and therefore is not in a position to write such a letter.
  • Reply 132 of 197
    abster2coreabster2core Posts: 2,501member
    Originally Posted by ThePixelDoc View Post

    So what part of the following sentence, do you folks and your stupid media and politicians, don't understand:

    "...take the !@#$%^& iPhone 4 back and get a 100% refund if it doesn't work for you".

    This is just un-F-ing-believable!!! So what's next? Force-feeding Flash on iDevices?

    You're goin' the way of the Romans America!

    You're collapsing under the weight of your own self-importance, collective stupidity, and erroneous and ineffective political and legal systems.

    Someone above said it sarcastically, but many of you believe truthfully, that this antenna issue is an "international crisis". You're beyond help!


    I am the first to admit, you phrased it better than I did.
  • Reply 133 of 197
    Originally Posted by macinthe408 View Post

    Afghanistan, Iraq, BP, unemployment, financial crisis, Sarah Palin, and now iPhone.

    Our politicians sure have their hands full these days.

    Seriously. WTF?!
  • Reply 134 of 197
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Wow, there is some serious anger going on in this thread. It is just a phone.
  • Reply 135 of 197
    Originally Posted by Hatchet View Post

    Boogerman2000... too late. Besides, why can't you address the merits of my theory instead of trying to make lame attempts at being funny?

    I personally don't see any merit to the argument which speaks of silly conspiracy, Hence my "unfunny" reply.. I agree with desarc, below.

    Originally Posted by desarc View Post

    do you HONESTLY believe that this letter was written because Google told him to write it?

    He is a media whore writing about what's big in the media right now, and has ALWAYS been big on consumer protection. This letter fits perfectly into his character, not into corporate puppeteering.

    if you're going to speculate about who asked him to write it, start with his three kids.

    Chuck loves chuck. He and Markowitz are the media whores of NYC and BK, respectively. Howevs, there is usually substance to the issues with which Shumer address, at least those that I am aware of. Not so sure about Marty.
  • Reply 136 of 197
    Originally Posted by ThePixelDoc View Post

    So what part of the following sentence, do you folks and your stupid media and politicians, don't understand:

    "...take the !@#$%^& iPhone 4 back and get a 100% refund if it doesn't work for you".

    This is just un-F-ing-believable!!! So what's next? Force-feeding Flash on iDevices?

    You're goin' the way of the Romans America!

    You're collapsing under the weight of your own self-importance, collective stupidity, and erroneous and ineffective political and legal systems.

    Someone above said it sarcastically, but many of you believe truthfully, that this antenna issue is an "international crisis". You're beyond help!

    While this is painful to read, I'm afraid that you aren't far off... The hysterics surrounding this PR debacle are unreal, and I see the Fandroids out there fanning the flames with their own misguided ways.
  • Reply 137 of 197
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,950member
    Originally Posted by TomBombadil View Post

    That is my point. I don't think he woke up this morning and decided to write the letter. He decided to write the letter just before the conference. Why not wait until after if what is proposed is unsatisfactory?

    If it is a coincidence that his letter came out today, then he is not educated enough on what Apple is doing and therefore is not in a position to write such a letter.

    It's quite probable that this letter was prepared for distribution yesterday, before Apple even announced its press conference, so, yes, I think it's entirely coincidental, but that that has nothing to do with whether he and his staff know what's going on. Frankly, I suspect he knows a lot more about what is going on related to this issue than most of the people here do about how a Senator's office works, or our government in general, for that matter.
  • Reply 138 of 197
    This is coming from a life long liberal democrat, Mr. Schumer, Shut the fu#k up and do YOUR job. This country enjoys a free enterprise economy.
  • Reply 139 of 197
    newbeenewbee Posts: 2,055member

    Yeah, this man who has 2 degrees from Harvard and has decades of experience in politics is an "idiot".


    Just because he acts like an idiot doesn't necesarily make him an idiot ... but if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck ... etc.

    quote from wikipedia"

    "Schumer's propensity for publicity is the subject of a running joke among many commentators, leading Bob Dole to quip that "the most dangerous place in Washington is between Charles Schumer and a television camera."
  • Reply 140 of 197
    Originally Posted by ghostface147 View Post

    Funny. I don't see the big deal with him writing this letter. It's not like it takes a long time to write this.

    and he didn't write it... his interns did, and his aides reviewed it, and he signed it.

    bottom line... This is not 'senatorial.'

    Get out of Iraq and Afghanistan, Address Immigration reforms before states revolt, Wander into some Wall Street Firms and kick some *ss to get them off the gov't dole, and in general work to help the 300+million Americans, instead of some 1-2Million consumers. This isn't like a Toyota careening off the road... it's a 'oops, no signal'

    As a Senator, Schumer should be all over the FCC to deal with this, not going to the 4th party.

    FCC oversees wireless, so it addresses ATT and Apple

    ATT provides the bandwidth and the (piss-poor) tower signal.

    Apple built a great antenna, with one small flaw.

    It's FCC's responsibility to oversee this, possibly the FTC, but certainly not the SOTUS.

    Did any Senator complain to Westinghouse, RCA, and Zenith about the need to put aluminum foil on their rabbit ears to be able to watch the Ed Sullivan Show? No. Why does he feel this is his duty now?
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