iPhone 4 antenna hardware fix anticipated as some orders are delayed



  • Reply 61 of 69
    bfrenchbfrench Posts: 3member
    Originally Posted by Mazda 3s View Post

    Anand's latest article:


    I agree with your comments, and my very unscientific tests on connectivity in low, moderate, and high signal strength areas appears to corroborate your assertions.


    However, my data is a comparison with i3Gs and locally-biased. We have to be careful of all measuring sticks, but setting this anecdotal data aside, i4 rocks in every other way.
  • Reply 62 of 69
    Originally Posted by Quevar View Post

    I've been debating all day today how far the stock is going to drop tomorrow. I can't think of a single realistic thing Apple can say tomorrow that won't hurt their stock. Remember, stock price has little to do with the actual amount of money they'll make, but rather the perceived ability to make money. In store fix - expensive, like this article seems to mention. Bumpers - would cost money, not much, but it's also an inelegant solution that would take all bragging rights away from their design team. Recall - obviously expensive. Software fix - unlikely to happen and many would blow it off as not workable anyway. Saying there is no problem - bad face that will lead to worse PR down the road. They only seem to be able to admit there is a problem and propose a solution to it. All of these will cost money. I'm surprised these article/forums haven't had more discussion of the stock price.

    The market doesn't react to cost, it reacts to perception. Even if Apple swallowed the $1.8B recall pill, the stock would bounce just on the closure of the issue.

    As a stock holder, I hope Apple does institute a voluntary recall. Even if offering a temporary fix to user's experiencing issues. Apple needs to take the high-road. Provide an unparalleled response, and show the market "This is why you buy Apple.". Every company has mishaps (Toyota anyone?), Apple needs to show that unlike other companies, it won't apply a band-aid it will make it fully correct.
  • Reply 63 of 69
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    Originally Posted by SendMe View Post

    I don't believe this. If it were true, Apple would not have announced that a software glitch was the culprit.

    More to the point they wouldn't have kept selling phones. And yet I've seen folks parading out of the shop on the mall were I work (right across from the Apple Store) with phones to the tune of dozens a day. ANd several of my friends in various spots around the country have mentioned getting their phones at last. I don't know of a single day where someone I know hasn't bought an iphone.

    Originally Posted by Quevar View Post

    I've been debating all day today how far the stock is going to drop tomorrow. I can't think of a single realistic thing Apple can say tomorrow that won't hurt their stock.

    I can think of a lot of things that would keep it steady and perhaps even raise it.

    Providing the number of phones sold in the US and the number of bar swaps and returns citing issues with the phone (showing how small a share it actually is)

    Pointing out the sources of all this information and how it's mostly blogs looking for hits. ANd pointing out the engineers that have questioned Consumer Reports methods and the tiny sample. Plus the whole 'in areas with weak reception'

    Parading up a collection of experts who will 'testify' that there's no design flaw in the iphone at all and about all the vast number of factors that are in play. And explaining the whole game with signal strength (ie the bars) and actual reception

  • Reply 64 of 69
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    The car company


    Put many lives at risk and those lives are still at risk due to faulty brakes .

    Same story like the lead paint .. We are all so stupid >>We allow these companies to put ALL OF us great risk or worse .. Yet apple seems to be a demon to so many . In a month all this will be old hat and apple will be at 285 .

  • Reply 65 of 69
    antkm1antkm1 Posts: 1,441member
    this Kumar guy (me thinks) is full of crap. me also thinks he's throwing darts based on stuff he over-hears and then spews out a bunch of crap in the hopes something sticks.
  • Reply 66 of 69
    Originally Posted by hdasmith View Post

    How is a stopper inside going to stop your body shorting the gap between the two antennas?

    By isolating the lower segment of the metal band from the right side segment and removing it from the antenna system. It would shorten the length of the cellular antenna and likely compromise reception in the process, but shorting either side with the inert bottom segment would no longer cause a problem.
  • Reply 67 of 69
    myapplelovemyapplelove Posts: 1,515member
    Originally Posted by JiveTurkey View Post

    By isolating the lower segment of the metal band from the right side segment and removing it from the antenna system. It would shorten the length of the cellular antenna and likely compromise reception in the process, but shorting either side with the inert bottom segment would no longer cause a problem.

    Exactly that's what I said in the previous page, but it seems to have been lost in the mass hysteria.
  • Reply 68 of 69
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by LongDukDong View Post

    You have to be related to brucep. Inbred son?

    nice that my top buds are all in your sig

    your trailer park jokes offend me and my son since we live in one

  • Reply 69 of 69
    lilgto64lilgto64 Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by myapplelove View Post

    Exactly that's what I said in the previous page, but it seems to have been lost in the mass hysteria.

    The mass hysteria is SOOO much more entertaining
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