iPhone head Mark Papermaster leaves Apple



  • Reply 141 of 209
    sendmesendme Posts: 567member
    Originally Posted by Wurm5150 View Post

    So how much did AT&T spend on the war in Iraq and Afghanistan? Do you know?

    ATT spent nothing on those wars. They are being paid for with off-budget deficit spending. The Chinese, buying Treasury Securities, are the ones currently paying for those wars, NOT ATT.

    But those foreigners don't understand the War on Terror.
  • Reply 142 of 209
    sendmesendme Posts: 567member
    Originally Posted by alphajack7 View Post

    Short list of candidates to replace Mark Papermaster:

    James Rockmaster

    Fred Scissormaster

    If he was a Pokemon Master, he could beat both of them at once!
  • Reply 143 of 209
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by drow View Post

    hey there, mr. papermaster.

    how's that sword?

    comfy enough for you?

    The antenna is mightier than the sword, sharper than the pen... Wait wha?
  • Reply 144 of 209
    sendmesendme Posts: 567member
    Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton View Post

    Good point. The purpose of spin is to make it "interesting". The reasons for Papermaster's leaving is not public information. That's all we know. I'm kind of surprised AI would speculate; they don't need to: The resident supply of forum trolls will dutifully provide that entertainment

    Eventually, this thread will devolve into people posting pictures of their Macs or dictionary quotes. You know the drill. Flame on!

    My first purchase from Apple:

  • Reply 145 of 209
    zoetmbzoetmb Posts: 2,655member
    Originally Posted by FreeRange View Post

    Hey clueless "screamingfist" - before you make a post that really really makes you look so stupid you should check the facts. First, only a handful of people complained. In fact, the OVERWHELMING majority of iPhone4 users say that they get much better reception and fewer dropped calls. The solution is actually quite simple - don't touch an area that is 1/16th of an inch in the lower left corner of the phone. 1/16th!!!!! How hard is that? This is something that was totally blown out of proportion by the media frenzy. As for Apple doing testing, I suggest you check out Apple's website where they show off their $100 million + testing facility. Now grow up, and go troll somewhere else.

    Even if you're somewhat correct, do you think his leaving is just a coincidence? The fact is that it is hard not to touch that area of the phone if you hold it in your left hand, as most right-handed people would do in order to type with their right hand.

    I agree that the media blew this out of proportion. But just because they did doesn't mean the problem doesn't exist and the fact remains that enabling the user to easily short out the two antennas is extraordinary poor design. Think how much better it would have been if the split between the two antennas was at the top of the phone instead of the lower left.

    I'm in the camp that believes that Apple, due to their paranoia about secrecy, did not properly test this phone. $100 million testing facility or not, a phone like this needs to be tested in real-world conditions and without a case. My bet is that it wasn't to any great extent. I've been involved in other Apple projects and we had to keep equipment in a locked room and the equipment had to be kept in a case that "disguised" it and it had to be secured to the desk. And we weren't allowed to even acknowledge that we had such equipment, even after the hardware was released for consumer sale.

    The question in this case is assuming he's being "punished" for the fiasco, whether real or imagined, is whether he deserves to be or whether he's taking the fall for everyone else, including Jobs.
  • Reply 146 of 209
    ne1ne1 Posts: 71member
    Love it!
  • Reply 147 of 209
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    Originally Posted by Trajectory View Post

    Um, no. They sold millions of them and became the dominant maker of personal computers for quite a few years.

    That's only because they were the only game in town. Can u find a IBM PC now? We don't even call them IBM compatible anymore. A company should improve over the yes not fail. So in my eyes IBM=Epic Fail
  • Reply 148 of 209
    ne1ne1 Posts: 71member
    Originally Posted by ghostface147 View Post

    Papermaster made a mistake. Now it's time to erase that mistake. (substitute Bob Morton for Papermaster to get the movie reference)

    Love it!
  • Reply 149 of 209
    Originally Posted by davestall View Post

    That post is proof that Jobs distortion field is stronger than common sense for those foolish enough to believe every word he says. Barnum would be proud.

    Apple would never hold an emergency press conference to squelch the media; unless what the media was reporting was impossible to dispute. They would not spend millions distributing a rubber band fix if one was not required.

    You're completely wrong on that.

    You clearly don't know anything about sociology, psychology or what's sometimes called the "madness of crowds." A press conference is usually called to correct a mistaken impression that has gotten into the press or that the press itself is spreading around on purpose. It's specifically to correct *impressions* and *opinions*. That's the whole point of the thing.

    Same thing for "screamingfist" (teckstud?) comments above. The fact that they called a press conference does not necessarily indicate there is or was a real physical problem with the design of the antenna. They *might* equate to the same thing, but the press conference is/was needed to address the perception of the problem regardless of whether there actually was a problem.

    The press conference is *not* "evidence" that there was a problem with the antenna design because they would have had to have it whether the design was the best ever, or the worst ever. The conference was mainly to address the "perception in the press" as most press conferences do.
  • Reply 150 of 209
    Originally Posted by Good Fella View Post

    Alexander Graham Bell was Born in Scotland. Furthermore the technology used by almost every country in the world for mobile phones was created by a European group lead by Torleiv Maseng, a Norwegian born engineer.

    So before you go all patriotic on us Europeans, check your facts.

    For the record, Canada claims Bell for their own as well and have a much stronger claim than the USA.

    Bell was born in Scotland but lived in Canada during the years when he made most of his major inventions. Once he got famous, and needed places to develop them further, he moved to the States which was a fairly obvious, practical thing to do at the time.

    So yeah, despite claiming Bell as one of their own, the USA has the weakest claim on him.
  • Reply 151 of 209
    sendmesendme Posts: 567member
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    You say this a lot, but I don't' think you've ever made a case for what a more useful alternative might be, or why in fact the bars bother you so much.

    They botyher me because they are not usefrul, and take up valuable space, ande they confuse the Users.

    Until Apple perfects the art of displaying signal strength, I think that they should eliminate this "feature". Everybody uses a bar graph. It was invented by people with no taste. Why does Apple continue to use this outmoded, useless, confusing tech?

    Maybe a green dot for "calls OK" and a red dot for "no signal"? Much less confusing for the average iPhone user! But I'm no Jony. I wish he would come up with the next generation of signal strength indicators. No unnecessary information at all, just a simple, yes/no.

    Like the lights on car dashboards. Sure, there are total geeks out there who care to the half-degree how their coolant is doing, but most people are happy just driving along, content that if they have a problem, the "Check Engine" light will come on.

    Why is this silly, non-calibrated, crudely divided, outmoded and unnecessary bar graph anywhere near the iP4? Just get rid of the damn thing until it gets replaced with something insanely great.
  • Reply 152 of 209
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    The problem they fixed by holding a press conference which detailed the advantages of the iPhone 4?s antenna, their testing facility and on staff experts, giving away cases, reiterating that you had 30 days to return the device, and showing that ?death grip? attenuation was common to cellphones was to fix the media frenzy and public image issues, not to fix the iPhone 4 itself.

    The bumper FIXED my flawed phone.
  • Reply 153 of 209
    sendmesendme Posts: 567member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    IThe methods I?ve suggested is to?[LIST=1][*]Simply show the best connection available. For example: No Service, Voice, GPRS (or Slow 2G), EDGE (or Fast 2G), 3G (or HSDPA), etc.

    That is WAY too confusing for the average iPhone user, who is a total non-technical regular person. They don't know GPRS from a hole in the ground. That is why they bought an iPhone in the first place.

    All that typical iPhone users need is some kind of indication that the reason that they cannot make a phone call is due to no signal. Maybe if the signal is too low, the dialer could be set to refuse to work? That would be clear enough, and would not need any cryptic acronyms that regular people find impossible to memorize.
  • Reply 154 of 209
    sendmesendme Posts: 567member
    Originally Posted by cvaldes1831 View Post

    IBM still sells computer hardware, but it's the enterprise market (like blade servers) and most of the draw is tied to professional services.

    Are they still the largest seller of software in the world?
  • Reply 155 of 209
    sendmesendme Posts: 567member
    Originally Posted by sarges View Post

    I'd have thought that the culprit was Jon Ive as VP for Industrial Design, has Papermaster made a scapegoat instead?

    Jony's designs are always brilliant and beautiful and combine form and function. How could he be any kind of a culprit?
  • Reply 156 of 209
    sendmesendme Posts: 567member
    Originally Posted by str1f3 View Post

    Android is garbage compared to these two OS's but the average person doesn't know any better.

    That's the real problem. Apple's new target customer for its mobile device business is the average person - the people who they show in their ads. And the average person doesn't know any better, so they might get an Android.

    But if they do, and then see how much better the iPhone is, they probably will throw their DROID in a drawer, and buy an iPhone. So I don't think that Apple has anything to worry about, once the average person sees that Android is just plain confusing and ugly.

    And besides, those other phones just fall apart once the warranty is over. So in 90 days, people need a new phone anyways, and their Android is all out of date too soon.
  • Reply 157 of 209
    sendmesendme Posts: 567member
    Originally Posted by Good Fella View Post

    Alexander Graham Bell was Born in Scotland. Furthermore the technology used by almost every country in the world for mobile phones was created by a European group lead by Torleiv Maseng, a Norwegian born engineer.

    So before you go all patriotic on us Europeans, check your facts.

    What is it about Thomas Edison that you don't understand? He is an American, just like Steve Jobs.
  • Reply 158 of 209
    benicebenice Posts: 382member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    They say great minds think alike, but in actuality the truly great minds think like no one else.

    Seriously though, doesn't this news seem a little coincidental to the timing of HP's "reorganization"?

    Yes, it seems like a quite interesting coincidence at the very least. Also I'd get the impression that moving from the IBM to the HP culture is much more familiar than going from IBM to Apple.

    As part of that reorganisation, HP will be looking for some pretty different hardware/software combinations in the next few years and is probably open to more new ideas whereas Apple is happy with their success so far and will probably make less hardware changes than what HP is going to try.
  • Reply 159 of 209
    sendmesendme Posts: 567member
    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post

    Can u find a IBM PC now?

    Har! So true!!!

    All they make is servers and mainframes and supercomputers and stuff like that. They completely failed in the regular computer market where Apple is making huge amounts of money with the Mac Pro and iMac and MBP. Poor IBM. So Sorry...
  • Reply 160 of 209
    sendmesendme Posts: 567member
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    So yeah, despite claiming Bell as one of their own, the USA has the weakest claim on him.

    You can try to spin things all you want, but the facts are that the telephone is an American invention. Just like the light bulb and the airplane and everything else.
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