iPhone head Mark Papermaster leaves Apple



  • Reply 161 of 209
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    You're completely wrong on that.

    You clearly don't know anything about sociology, psychology or what's sometimes called the "madness of crowds." A press conference is usually called to correct a mistaken impression that has gotten into the press or that the press itself is spreading around on purpose. It's specifically to correct *impressions* and *opinions*. That's the whole point of the thing.

    Same thing for "screamingfist" (teckstud?) comments above. The fact that they called a press conference does not necessarily indicate there is or was a real physical problem with the design of the antenna. They *might* equate to the same thing, but the press conference is/was needed to address the perception of the problem regardless of whether there actually was a problem.

    The press conference is *not* "evidence" that there was a problem with the antenna design because they would have had to have it whether the design was the best ever, or the worst ever. The conference was mainly to address the "perception in the press" as most press conferences do.

    yes i understand it isnt 'proof'. and it is quite possible that someone suggested to Papermaster something that might have avoided all the trouble and he chose to dismiss it before the product came out. that would be a very good reason to have him leave.

    while not conclusive the actions apple has taken along with the nature/tone of the press conference indicates that the antenna is not the best designed and i wouldn't be surprised to find newer models with steps taken to do away with the need for bumpers or cases (not that anyones iphone really needs bumpers or cases they just need them for psychological reasons)

    however, my original gripe is with the doing away with papermaster and putting the blame on him. i may be really off the mark with that as it may come to light that it was really warranted, but, if it does truly come out that he was thrown under the bus to save Jobs/apple image.....
  • Reply 162 of 209
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Habañero View Post

    Facts, Schmacts.

    As Stephen Colbert would say: "it FEELS like Alexander Graham Bell should have been born in America, so I'll believe he was. Otherwise he wouldn't be on the $10 bill!?

    UPDATE: Just submitted to wikipedia:

    Alexander Graham Bell- Born: July 4, 1776 in Dallas Texas.

    American inventor of cell phone (and current CEO of AT&T)

    LOL to both parts.

    Originally Posted by apple4life View Post

    The bumper FIXED my flawed phone.

    A Bumper fixed the media frenzy. That?s it.

    Originally Posted by SendMe View Post

    That is WAY too confusing for the average iPhone user, who is a total non-technical regular person. They don't know GPRS from a hole in the ground. That is why they bought an iPhone in the first place.

    And a tiny little dot for GPRS and bars that mean nothing makes more sense? Sure¡


    All that typical iPhone users need is some kind of indication that the reason that they cannot make a phone call is due to no signal. Maybe if the signal is too low, the dialer could be set to refuse to work? That would be clear enough, and would not need any cryptic acronyms that regular people find impossible to memorize.

    Yeah, that?s why the very first thing I wrote is No Service. If there is no service there is no service. If you aren?t on 3G the 3G label drops down to EDGE represented by an ?E? and if that drops down it?s represented by an odd dot that very few people today know what it means. Hence my comment to write slow and fast 2G, etc. to make it simple.

    The bottom line is if I can?t put two phones with different OSes next to each other and and know which one is getting a stronger signal by looking at the bars then it?s a pointless metric. Nothing has changed in that regard, all Apple has done is saved itself from allowing their phones to drop from full bars to 1 bar with a death grip by moving the goal posts.
  • Reply 163 of 209
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    Once he got famous, and needed places to develop them further, he moved to the States which was a fairly obvious, practical thing to do at the time.

    I don?t know, that sounds like a pretty strong argument to me. He came to the US because other countries couldn?t accommodate his needs and wants. When you are traveling and some asks you where you are from do you tell them you are from the city you live now or the city your born in? (see what I did there? )
  • Reply 164 of 209
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by screamingfist View Post

    however, my original gripe is with the doing away with papermaster and putting the blame on him. i may be really off the mark with that as it may come to light that it was really warranted, but, if it does truly come out that he was thrown under the bus to save Jobs/apple image.....

    You didn?t qualify your comment to note that Apple hasn?t stated why Papermaster has left and that ?if? they put the blame on him that you would take issue.
  • Reply 165 of 209
    Originally Posted by SendMe View Post

    What is it about Thomas Edison that you don't understand? He is an American, just like Steve Jobs.

    Yes, hired on by a Canadian-raised Scot. As an ASSISTANT.
  • Reply 166 of 209
    Originally Posted by SendMe View Post

    You can try to spin things all you want, but the facts are that the telephone is an American invention. Just like the light bulb and the airplane and everything else.

    "... and everything else."

    It's comments like these that shake the foundations of my belief that not ALL americans are arrogant pr!cks.

    The patent for the invention is held by the US patent office, so I suppose technically it can be claimed as an American invention. But really, everyone else knows better.
  • Reply 167 of 209
    Originally Posted by Good Fella View Post

    Alexander Graham Bell was Born in Scotland. Furthermore the technology used by almost every country in the world for mobile phones was created by a European group lead by Torleiv Maseng, a Norwegian born engineer.

    So before you go all patriotic on us Europeans, check your facts.

    If anyone should check facts, it is you. Here, let me help you get started: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_mobile_phones
  • Reply 168 of 209
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    You didn?t qualify your comment to note that Apple hasn?t stated why Papermaster has left and that ?if? they put the blame on him that you would take issue.

    the thread started with a statement that apple did not say. so why repeat it? i assume people actually read, just like i assumed that papermaster was thrown under the bus to make Jobs/apple look better.

    i ain't trying to solve important complex issues here. just putting in my 2 cents, opinions, thoughts, BS like everyone else.
  • Reply 169 of 209
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    A Bumper fixed the media frenzy. That?s it.

    I say again, the bumper fixed my FLAWED iPhone 4.
  • Reply 170 of 209
    ivan.rnn01ivan.rnn01 Posts: 1,822member
    Microprocessor guy. The father of the A4.

    Antenna-tschmantenna... Move on to something easier for you noobs...
  • Reply 171 of 209
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by apple4life View Post

    I say again, the bumper fixed my FLAWED iPhone 4.

    So how exactly does a case fix a phone. Nanobots attached to the Bumper go to work on fixing this device you call flawed but chose not to return within the typical risk-free, 30-days time frame.
  • Reply 172 of 209
    sargessarges Posts: 94member
    Originally Posted by SendMe View Post

    You can try to spin things all you want, but the facts are that the telephone is an American invention. Just like the light bulb and the airplane and everything else.

    you are wrong on most counts:

    1. Antonio Meucci invented the telephone; Italian - if you're thinking of Graham Bell he was a Scot

    2. Alessandro Volta discovered electricity; Italian - which led to light bulb

    3. Guglielmo Marconi invented radio telegraph system; Italian

    4. Roberts Bros pioneered first flying machine; French

    ..... and I stop here, but you get the idea, hopefully

    all of this ages before your ancestors disembarked from their boat on that north american land nowadays called USA

    Originally Posted by SendMe View Post

    Jony's designs are always brilliant and beautiful and combine form and function. How could he be any kind of a culprit?

    what does that mean? just because somebody created successful design in the past cannot produce a lemon today? Apple is a tech company not a religious cult
  • Reply 173 of 209
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Excellent, to the point article by John Gruber on Daring Fireball.



    I know many people think that come next June (if not sooner), we’re going to see Steve Jobs on stage unveiling an iPhone 5 with a “revolutionary” new antenna that’s back inside the case.

    I’d say it’s more likely we’ll see an iPhone 5 with an external antenna with all the same advantages of the iPhone 4 antenna, but without the problem.

    One last tidbit from an informed source: the bug on the “touching it wrong” signal loss issue was filed two years ago. This is not a problem they didn’t catch, or caught too late. So, on the one hand, clearly the fundamental antenna design predated Papermaster’s time at the company. But on the other hand, there was plenty of time to find a solution to the problem. I.e., it’s not that Apple should not have used an external antenna. It’s that it should have been even better.

  • Reply 174 of 209
    i own an iPhone 4 and most likely will ask for another one. this one is full of bugs.

    constantly freeezes up on me. drops calls and just plain sucks.

    not only is the antenna design questionable, I also wonder if the quality suffers when they're turning them out so fast. they can't make them quick enough and the quality shows.

    i really really want mine to be as good as others say it is, but until then I say it sucks! LOL

    I'm hoping a switch to another one might fix all this bullshut, otherwise I'll go back to my trust 3GS.
  • Reply 175 of 209
    justflybobjustflybob Posts: 1,337member
    Originally Posted by screamingfist View Post

    don't let my jibes at apple fool you

    I don't think any of your comments are fooling anyone.
  • Reply 176 of 209
    robin huberrobin huber Posts: 4,014member
    Someday, when the memoirs get written (and/or NDAs expire) we'll actually know what happened not just with Papermaster but with the entire iP4 story. Until then, all we can do is wag our tongues and insult those who don't fall in line with our personal take on the situation. Such is the way of anonymous forums.
  • Reply 177 of 209
    rabbit_coachrabbit_coach Posts: 1,114member
    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    Well... Someone had to 'take the fall' for these recent fiascos, and we knew it wouldn't be Ole Stevie.

    Inside Apple, he's "the guy responsible for the antenna" - that's a quote from a source back on July 23. (Another quote from the same source:

    "Apparently the antenna guys used to have a big chip on their shoulder. No more."

    What fiasco do you mean? That stupidity of the media people? Well you certainly can't blame apple for those morons.
  • Reply 178 of 209
    justflybobjustflybob Posts: 1,337member
    After carefully reading this thread from start to current, I realized that the only general topic that hasn't been discussed, or trashed, is sports.

    So, how about those Celtics!
  • Reply 179 of 209
    drdoppiodrdoppio Posts: 1,132member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Excellent, to the point article by John Gruber on Daring Fireball.


    Agreed 100%.

    Yet another snippet from the same article:


    The good aspects of the iPhone 4 antenna:
    • It gets a stronger signal in most situations, and is able to hold calls in places where older iPhones couldn?t get any signal at all.

    • By going external, it saves space inside, allowing the iPhone 4 to be physically smaller while at the same time having a larger battery. This antenna is perhaps the single biggest reason why the iPhone 4 gets best-of-class battery life.

    • It looks great.

    There?s one and only one problem with it:
    • It can lose signal when human skin touches a certain spot.

    You didn't seem to agree with me yesterday when I said this:

    Originally Posted by DrDoppio View Post

    ... Perhaps same construction (as a frame), but definitely insulated, even if the insulation is transparent to preserve the aesthetics.

    I am glad that more eloquent writers have been more convincing, so that we can all agree.
  • Reply 180 of 209
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    So how exactly does a case fix a phone. Nanobots attached to the Bumper go to work on fixing this device you call flawed but chose not to return within the typical risk-free, 30-days time frame.

    I absolutely love how out of touch you are. Pretty entertaining actually. Thanks. In the end, you'll come to realize how embarrassing your limited insight is.

    For all of you thinking of buying an iPhone 4.... wait until they fix this problem everyone, I say again, everyone, knows about except this genius.
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