Inside Apple's iOS 4.1 update: proximity sensor fix, GameCenter, more



  • Reply 41 of 53
    sheffsheff Posts: 1,407member
    Originally Posted by SendMe View Post

    These excuses crack me up. There is no excuse for jailbrealing anymore. The iP4 already HAS multitasking. The iP4 already HAS wallpaper.

    No, the real reason for all jailbreaking is the same as ever: To steal from Apple and to hurt the Apple community.

    You are an idiot. iOS 4 does not officially support multitasking or wallpaper for iPod 2G or iPhone 3G, hence the jailbreak of iOS 4.0
  • Reply 42 of 53
    How dare you say theres a proximity sensor fix in the new iOS?

    If Apple didnt claim to fix it, its not fixed.

    If as you say "its fixed", then please show a video of a proximity sensor test using your finger showing the sensor sensitive to 1/2 inch as all the previous iphones.

    The 4 is sensitive to only a 1/4 inch which is the problem.

    "It seems like there is much improvement"...Dude that is just irresponsible. If Apple fixed it they would say they fixed it.
  • Reply 43 of 53
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by mackintard View Post

    How dare you say theres a proximity sensor fix in the new iOS?

    If Apple didnt claim to fix it, its not fixed.

    If as you say "its fixed", then please show a video of a proximity sensor test using your finger showing the sensor sensitive to 1/2 inch as all the previous iphones.

    The 4 is sensitive to only a 1/4 inch which is the problem.

    "It seems like there is much improvement"...Dude that is just irresponsible. If Apple fixed it they would say they fixed it.

    Because Apple claims everything they?ve fixed and added to their HW and SW?

    Anecdotally speaking, it?s resolved as of Beta 3. I can hold my pinky finger 3cm away from the sensor and it will turn off the display. If I use my hand I can hold it about 3x as farther away and still get the display to turn off. I do wish the effect was faster but I haven?t put anyone on Mute or disco?d a call since installing beta 3.

    i would post a video but your first post to this forum is calling people liars and being a complete jackass so I won?t bother as I?m guessing you?re likely going to call my post and any anecdotal "evidence? I post a lie, too.
  • Reply 44 of 53
    Originally Posted by SendMe View Post

    These excuses crack me up. There is no excuse for jailbrealing anymore. The iP4 already HAS multitasking. The iP4 already HAS wallpaper.

    No, the real reason for all jailbreaking is the same as ever: To steal from Apple and to hurt the Apple community.

    Your lack of knowledge is frightening. I still jailbreak my iPhone 4, and I don't have any cracked apps. I like to be able to text from within apps, download from within mobile Safari, access settings without having to dig through layers of menus, use a screen orientation lock that's better than Apple's ridiculous portrait-only lock, and many other things - all of which are legal, by the way.
  • Reply 45 of 53
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    *** ACHTUNG ***

    SendMe apparently is Teckstud trolling under a new name, only this time I alter ego is going to some silly extreme that he perceives represents anyone who doesn’t agree with negative, myopic view of Apple. Let’s try to ignore him instead of letting him ruin even more threads.
  • Reply 46 of 53
    mazda 3smazda 3s Posts: 1,613member
    I hope they fix the yellow white balance issues with photos on the iPhone 4 as well. My phone is plagued with this problem (as are many others).
  • Reply 47 of 53
    coolcatcoolcat Posts: 156member
    Originally Posted by mackintard View Post

    How dare you say theres a proximity sensor fix in the new iOS?

    If Apple didnt claim to fix it, its not fixed.

    If as you say "its fixed", then please show a video of a proximity sensor test using your finger showing the sensor sensitive to 1/2 inch as all the previous iphones.

    The 4 is sensitive to only a 1/4 inch which is the problem.

    "It seems like there is much improvement"...Dude that is just irresponsible. If Apple fixed it they would say they fixed it.

    Oh settle the hell down. You HONESTLY believe Apple discloses EVERYTHING? Wake up and crawl out from whatever rock you are living under....
  • Reply 48 of 53
    coolcatcoolcat Posts: 156member
    Originally Posted by SendMe View Post

    It kind of ruins my User Experience when I see a misspelled word in a text message that I receive. Giving people the choice to turn it off is a huge mistake. Probably just for geeks who use weird words. I hope that nobody finds out about this "option" except for hardcore geeks.

    Get over yourself. Do you honestly expect people to stop and spell check their text's before sending? Even if spell check catches it, do you think they are going to stop and try and fix it?
  • Reply 49 of 53
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Mmmm NDA violation. My favourite kind of violation.
  • Reply 50 of 53
    I figured out why my phone does all of those annoying things that everyone bitches about.

    Who knew?

  • Reply 51 of 53
    rpsxrpsx Posts: 46member
    what is up with wood and the iphone? is this like the fake brushed metal of 2010? i think apple hardware design is great - but, i don't get how the UI design seems to exist in this strange other world of mimicking "reality."

    i mean - they are pixels of light - make them just be what they are. what's up with fake glass, wood and marble. ugly. i suppose that's what the masses think is "cool" though. ugh.
  • Reply 52 of 53
    I just upgraded to 4.1 10 minutes ago -> The same frustrating problem!! My Iphone 4 still refuses to recognize my favorite JABRA 3030 stereo headset ( Or is unable to..... ) , spinning wheel goes on spinning and draining my battery, The hardware spinning like a wind mill is just like the spin " The proximity sensor on 4.1 is far more reliable...." , which makes me ask: Can anyone ( even almighty spinning Apple) fix a hardware issue with a software update?
  • Reply 53 of 53
    I just want to know if issue has been solved?
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