iOS 4.1 on iPhone 3G shows marked improvement in speed test



  • Reply 21 of 71
    Originally Posted by delete View Post

    Like people are saying on Lifehacker and Gizmodo, there needs to be a test between 4.1 and 3.1.3. 4.0 is so bad that anything is going to look better while 3.1.3 is the benchmark for the phone.

    Exactly. One day on 4.0, I already gave up texting and called people instead.
  • Reply 22 of 71
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    There will be variances in the component makers and/or the model number of that component and/or batches of a component, but that surely isn?t the only possibility and I dobt we?ll ever know for sure. I warned my nephew not to update his 3G, but he did anyway and he says it was a little faster with 4.0 than it was with 3.x, yet I know several who had issues with the update. it?s an odd one, that is for sure.

    I more suspect a problem in the software config. Completely resetting the phone seems to fix the problem in all cases vie seen described, at least for a while. This implies to me that there is an errant process, perhaps in a driver specific to the 3G or related to handling the virtual memory system.
  • Reply 23 of 71
    It's 3G. 3GS would have battery indicator, if it is not disabled by hand (which not many users do).

    @Programmer: iOS has no virtual memory system.

    As to the "fix", 4.1 also removes Google notes over the air sync and SMS spotlight search - guess these two were too tough for poor old 3G. It's also why disabling Spotlight in Prefs makes sense.

    My launch speeds: 3G with 4.1, set as a new phone. 46 apps, 327 songs, 319 photos. Launch times after cold boot (s):

    Maps 5.1

    iPod 3.2

    Settings 3.1

    SMS 2.7

    camera 4.0

    ical 4.7 (incl. times to refresh google calendars, this was MUCH faster in 4.0.x)

    notes 3.1
  • Reply 24 of 71
    pg4gpg4g Posts: 383member
    For the record, my 3GS has a marked improvement so I expect that the issue was the codebase for something major in the OS needed to be improved, and that improvement has carried over to the 3GS. On my 4G, it seems about the same, if not a tad quicker, but the A4 in the iPhone 4 is fast enough that there wouldn't be that much difference.
  • Reply 25 of 71
    I'm still not seeing any of the issues some people are stating here. If anything in some cases it's been faster than running 3.1.3 most notably with apps like Bento.

    Be interesting to see how the 4.1 update goes though.
  • Reply 26 of 71
    Cool... Now what will the trolls say, I wonder.
  • Reply 27 of 71
    Originally Posted by striker_kk View Post

    Exactly. One day on 4.0, I already gave up texting and called people instead.

    Wow, you went retro? I'll bet you surprised your friends.
  • Reply 28 of 71
    Since upgrading to 4.0 my problem has not been slowness, it has been my own private antenna gate. Reception had decreased dramatically. How do I know? I borrowed a friends new iphone - you know the one withthe alleged antenna problem and used it in the same location as my 3g and while mine had reception/dropped calls, etc, the 4g did not. I am hoping without hope that the software update addresses this issue for me. Since I am no longer under contract with AT$T, I really would hate to have to buy a new phone and get locked in under a new 2 year contact
  • Reply 29 of 71
    Originally Posted by joe in miami View Post

    Wow, you went retro? I'll bet you surprised your friends.

    Yep. But hey, 4.1 is snappier.
  • Reply 30 of 71
    Originally Posted by stooovie View Post

    @Programmer: iOS has no virtual memory system.

    Yes, it does.
  • Reply 31 of 71
    Having used iOS 4.1 a few days on my 3G, I can safely say that it is much, much better than 4.0. The phone is entirely usable again.

    Some problems with basic functionality that I had:
    • Screen unlock unresponsive, in particular if a podcast was playing.

    • Sliding to accept incoming phone calls was unresponsive.

    • Playing video was sometimes incredibly slow to get started.

    • Safari would block the UI regularly.

    • Safari had problems when switching between the 3 web pages I always have open.

    • Typing with the keyboard, incl. texting, could be unresponsive.

    These issues are largely fixed now. It's also better overall when using the Settings app, even though it's not nearly as fast/smooth as a newer model.

    In daily use, it's doing OK for my somewhat limited needs. I'm glad Apple did the right thing here. BTW, I should note that I have Spotlight turned on, but only for apps (both under 4.0 and 4.1).
  • Reply 32 of 71
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Programmer View Post

    Yes, it does.

    It?s clear he?s referring to a "backing store? within virtual memory just as most such discussions on the subject do, in which case iOS does not have virtual memory as they know it.

    Here?s a link I?m posted several times on the subject of virtual memory.
    PS: I?m perfectly fine with pedantic replies, but at least specify as to why you are not using the well worn colloquial definition in your counter-statement.
  • Reply 33 of 71
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    It’s clear he’s referring to a "backing store” within virtual memory just as most such discussions on the subject do, in which case iOS does not have virtual memory as they know it.

    Here’s a link I’m posted several times on the subject of virtual memory.
    PS: I’m perfectly fine with pedantic replies, but at least specify as to why you are not using the well worn colloquial definition in your counter-statement.

    It is a virtual memory system and Apple's documentation clearly states that it is. Didn't seem much reason to provide any more info when 2 minutes of examining the documentation or using Google turns up the necessary information. Having a backing store for modified pages is not a requirement for calling it "virtual memory" -- there are VM systems without any external backing store at all.

    Oh, and he didn't provide any information proving it didn't when he contradicted my statement.
  • Reply 34 of 71
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Originally Posted by sacatty View Post

    Since upgrading to 4.0 my problem has not been slowness, it has been my own private antenna gate. Reception had decreased dramatically. How do I know? I borrowed a friends new iphone - you know the one withthe alleged antenna problem and used it in the same location as my 3g and while mine had reception/dropped calls, etc, the 4g did not. I am hoping without hope that the software update addresses this issue for me. Since I am no longer under contract with AT$T, I really would hate to have to buy a new phone and get locked in under a new 2 year contact

    The 3G will always come up short against the 4G as the 4G has a very good antenna. Well as long as you don!"'t short it out. I'm not sure why people still are under the influence of all the negative press around the 4G. Even after a self done "demo" like yours you still seem to think the 4G has a lesser antenna system. I don't get it.

  • Reply 35 of 71
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    It?s clear he?s referring to a "backing store? within virtual memory just as most such discussions on the subject do, in which case iOS does not have virtual memory as they know it.

    It does no good to sink to the level of ignorance often seen in these forums. It isn't always easy to convey technical info in short bytes here, but that is no reason to compromise.


    Here?s a link I?m posted several times on the subject of virtual memory.
    PS: I?m perfectly fine with pedantic replies, but at least specify as to why you are not using the well worn colloquial definition in your counter-statement.

    IOS has a VM system by any definition. It doesn't support a paging file for user data though. Read only data, that is chunks of code do get managed by the VM system. Here there is no need for the paging file as code should be static and can be easily teread as needed from flash.

    In many ways it can be likened to running Linux without swap turned on.

  • Reply 36 of 71
    Does iOS 4.1 beta run faster on the iPhone 4 as well??? Has anyone tested it?
  • Reply 37 of 71
    Originally Posted by wizard69 View Post

    The 3G will always come up short against the 4G as the 4G has a very good antenna. Well as long as you don!"'t short it out. I'm not sure why people still are under the influence of all the negative press around the 4G. Even after a self done "demo" like yours you still seem to think the 4G has a lesser antenna system. I don't get it.

    Yes, the whole "antennagate" thing frustrates me from this perspective -- it makes it so clear that people hear a soundbite, make up their minds based on invalid thinking founded on inaccurate information, and then cling to their notions forever.
  • Reply 38 of 71
    It seems, when he previewed iOS 4.2, Jobs kinda hinted at cameras:
  • Reply 39 of 71
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Originally Posted by Programmer View Post

    Yes, the whole "antennagate" thing frustrates me from this perspective -- it makes it so clear that people hear a soundbite, make up their minds based on invalid thinking founded on inaccurate information, and then cling to their notions forever.

    What was strange there is that he had the evidence right in front of him that is consistent with testing.

    By the way it is always possible Apple screwed up something in the RF subsystem. Even if that did happen it has been demonstrated again and again that iPhone 4 does much better than the average phone in low signal strength areas. Well better than anything Apple had made.

    The thing that kills me here is that we have a whole generation of people that apparently have no experience at all with radio technology. That is the use of an AM/FM radio, installation and adjustment of a TV antenna, a short wave radio, HAM radio or even commercial systems. If they did they would realize that there are many factors involved in getting proper reception.

    As an interesting aside I was at work a while ago talking to somebody when his cell phone (non Apple) went off. He had a surprised look on his face because the building we are in is noted for blocking most RF, be it cell, TV or whatever. RF is a funny thing, sometimes the signal gets through when 90% of the time it doesn't.

    I mentioned HAM radio above as it has an intersting sub culture of people that like to operate at very low powers. While the specific radio used is a factor there is a lot more to getting the contact than the radio itself.

  • Reply 40 of 71
    Originally Posted by injected View Post

    Having used iOS 4.1 a few days on my 3G, I can safely say that it is much, much better than 4.0. The phone is entirely usable again.

    But is it as responsive as 3.1.3 is/was?
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