Android gaining on Apple iOS in mobile web market share



  • Reply 181 of 348
    Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer View Post

    You guess wrong.

    What the Autodesk example shows is for heavy engineering in enterprise shops it is no longer a risk but a shrewd investment to build on OS X and more importantly build out on 3 major areas of OS X [OS X Desktop/Server, iOS iPads and iOS iPhones/iPods] for your enterprise needs with them being managed in a distributed, but central ecosystem, ala iTunes/Appstore/iBooks/Games Center, etc.

    What is the iPad's market penetration in "heavy engineering"?

    Got any facts?
  • Reply 182 of 348
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    Apple is as successful as ever in terms of total units of Mac OS X and iOS being used in business.

    What degree of success is that? My understanding is that the proportion of OSX in business is vanishingly small, and that Apple has no real enterprise solutions.

    What facts can you cite to correct me?
  • Reply 183 of 348
    Originally Posted by Newtron View Post

    Those things are a means to an end. You confuse the tactic with the strategy.

    \: Isn't strategic line the line joining strategic points.

    : Oh, Google is here to save the planet from !

    : Who gonna save us from Google?

    : Who cares, I do not want to be saved. I am already free.
  • Reply 184 of 348
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    A strategy for losers who can't make ONE decent phone to outdo Apple's one phone (or at most two) on a single US carrier.

    Are you saying that every manufacturer who makes an Android phone is a loser who cannot make ONE decent phone?

    If so, you are delusional.
  • Reply 185 of 348
    Originally Posted by Ochyming View Post

    Please let stop this nonsense!

    Isn't designing itself building?

    No. It is not.

    You are confusing the architect with the construction company.
  • Reply 186 of 348
    Originally Posted by Ochyming View Post

    USA automobile companies cannot compete with Asian and European companies.

    No? GM sells MANY more cars than ANY European car maker. The only one who is close is Volkswagen. Ford sells more than ANY European car maker except Volkswagen.

    GM sells more cars than ANY Asian car maker except Toyota. Ford sells more cars than ANY Asian car maker other than Toyota.

    Try to use facts to support your contentions, and you won't be surprised as often.
  • Reply 187 of 348
    Doesn't mean shit if you can't use all the applications and performance of the OS is different on every device. Google needs to singularize that platform. It's a friggin mess.
  • Reply 188 of 348
    Originally Posted by 0yvind View Post

    > Originally Posted by tonton:

    > It's a hell of a lot easier to grow from nothing.


    Operating system "A" har grown from 5 copies sold a month to 40! - WOW, that's a 800% increase!

    Where as sysem "B" har only grown from 1 million copies to 1.5 million - that's only 50% growth.

    Consequently, operating system "B" is doomed, because system "A" is growing 16 times faster than system "B"... ;o)

    What you need to do is look at raw numbers. It is estimated that new Android phone activations now equal or exceed new iOS phone activations on a daily basis.

    The percentages can mislead those who do not know what they are looking at, but the raw numbers are easy to grok.
  • Reply 189 of 348
    Originally Posted by iGod 2.0 View Post

    Doesn't mean shit if you can't use all the applications and performance of the OS is different on every device. Google needs to singularize that platform. It's a friggin mess.

    You forget the early days of personal computers.

    Many machines were sold that, for example, could not take advantage of the "multimedia" capabilities of Windows. Buyers of these machines couldn't "use all the applications and performance of the OS". But that did not stop Windows from relegating Apple to niche markets.

    Why would you think that the pocket computer market will be different from its historical precedent?
  • Reply 190 of 348
    Originally Posted by Newtron View Post

    No. It is not.

    You are confusing the architect with the construction company.

    No, you are forgetting the engineers!

    Engineers do build things, construction workers just hit the nails and glue things.

    Construction workers do what you do after buying a Mac, you just plug things.

    Plugging is not erecting.

  • Reply 191 of 348
    Originally Posted by Newtron View Post


    But that did not stop Windows from relegating Apple to niche markets.

    : Proof that  does not care being everywhere, selling like windows sells. Just because it is cheep for Microsoft licensing its software.

    Your argument contradicts itself.

    If Apple is all about the money WHY not mold itself in the Microsoft way of things as Google is doing now?

    Nowadays the bad boys of engineering in the automobile playground are all within the system.

    Lamborghini, Bentley, Bugatti etc…

    Apple is the only engineering house standing o its premisses.

     shareholders must be dumb!
  • Reply 192 of 348
    Originally Posted by jayhammy View Post

    You can't be serious. Android has surpassed iPhone WORLDWIDE where most countries have iPhone on multiple carriers. The U.S. is one of the few where it's only on one carrier. It's too little, too late for iPhone in the U.S. The Droid/Verizon combination is killer and iPhone won't matter if/when it comes to Verizon. People have "moved on" from wanting an iPhone when they know Android devices do so much more, have much more flexibility and customization.

    Our Droid Incredible has a preinstalled crapware app called City ID. Google it. Basically it offers you some kind of service related to your phone calls and location if you pay a monthly fee. Here's the e-mail I got from their customer support when I couldn't uninstall it myself:

    "Thank you for your message. Because City ID is one of the preinstalled applications, there are no install or uninstall options (as with all preinstalled applications on the Android operating system)."

    Note the phrase "one of the" in the e-mail. To get rid of junk like this, you have to root your phone. How does that make the Incredible more flexible and customizable?
  • Reply 193 of 348
    freerangefreerange Posts: 1,597member
    Originally Posted by SockRolid View Post

    And did Apple perish with that measly 6% of the overall personal computer market? Nope. Why not?

    Because Apple's 6% is the top 6%. For example, in July 2009, Apple's U.S. market share of all personal computers costing more than $1000 was 91%. Read it and weep:

    What's that? You say you can screw together your own pee cee for two hundred bucks? Well good for you. I did that years ago. Jumpers, BIOS settings, and all that. That puts you and me in the tiny minority who actually bothered to roll their own. You can make your own car too if you want. Is it worth the trouble? No.

    Let's take the automotive analogy a little further. Guess what BMW's US market share is. It was 1.9% in June 2009. That's minuscule, but do you think BMW is going to retreat from the US market because they can't out-sell Toyota? I think not:

    So now we can compare iPod touch market share, iPhone share, and iPad share against Android devices in those same categories, just to be fair. Yes, all those Apple devices run iOS, but...

    Oh wait, there aren't any Android tablets on the market yet? Oops. And what? There aren't any competitors (Android or otherwise) to iPod touch yet? After how many years? I thought Android development began years before iPhone OS aka iOS.

    The reason Android is so far behind iOS in development is because the original Android phones were near-perfect clones of Blackberry. Small screens, chiclet keyboards, and wobble buttons galore. Look it up in Wikipedia. Google was so intent on killing Microsoft that they ganged up against them by copying the most successful smartphone on the market. The Blackberry.

    Fast forward to today and look what Android has been hastily hacked into. A quick and dirty mashup that resembles iOS. So quick and dirty that Google tried to do an end around on the Java license. And that can only result in doom.

    Oracle's lawsuit has merit. Android's Java implementation is not 100% compliant with the Java reference spec, which means Google has not implemented Java at all according to the license agreement. You are either 100% compliant or you are in violation of the agreement. It's that simple.

    Oracle's lawsuit also has legal precedent. Microsoft settled with Sun for a measly $20 million for Java non-compliance. But do you think Larry wants money? Hah. Larry wants blood. The lawsuit requires Android software to be "impounded and destroyed." Google won't be able to buy their way out of this one. Giving away free shovelware just hasn't built up that much karma for them.

    So if you think "barely good enough" Android is going to thrive and overwhelm Apple in some way, you are either ignorant or you are in serious denial. Even if Android manages to survive the Oracle lawsuit somehow (and I don't see how) and the eventual bombshell of iPhone on Verizon and the hopeless fragmentation of 1.x, 2.x, and any number of hardware mutations on the market, Apple will still own top top end of the market. And that means huge profit share.

    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Well said...
  • Reply 194 of 348
    Originally Posted by FreeRange View Post

    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Well said...

    Apple demise will cause cosmic orgasm for centuries.

    A tiny company that withstand kicks from all the Big bucks from all over the world is looked upon as the Devil!

    Apple does oppress you.

    Isn't that sexy?!
  • Reply 195 of 348
    ibillibill Posts: 400member
    Originally Posted by Newtron View Post

    In the computer market as a whole, Macs are not important.

    In the niche markets you identify, the Mac sells well.

    Welcome to my ignore list. Good bye.
  • Reply 196 of 348
    Originally Posted by iBill View Post

    Welcome to my ignore list. Good bye.

    This is what he wrote:

    Originally Posted by Newtron View Post

    Judging solely by the number of posts discussing Zune, it strikes me that many, many posters care very much what Zune has or does.

    Otherwise, nobody would be discussing it.

    Indifference is not generally displayed by people posting opinions.

    In response to this :


    Originally Posted by nitewing98

    I mean, this is AppleInsider, do you think we CARE what Zune has or does?

    On the Ping draws over 1 million users in first 48 hours

    : Very honest dude!
  • Reply 197 of 348
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Kudos to RockSolid for his virtual bitchslap.

    Originally Posted by Newtron View Post

    Say what?

    What concepts or words confuse you? That the number of units doesn't equal revenue or profit, or that Apple takes 1/3 of all PC profits for the industry because they havent waisted their resources selling profitless machines that in turn have weakened their brand.
  • Reply 198 of 348
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    What concepts or words confuse you? That the number of units doesn't equal revenue or profit, or that Apple takes 1/3 of all PC profits for the industry because they havent waisted their resources selling profitless machines that in turn have weakened their brand.

    He wrote that  is sooo non important because  is tiny.

    But  success annoys him/her. Which is a contradiction in itself.

    In the end what we are discussing here?

    Is it  business model or that  should die and that hegemony is supreme (software licensing by Google and Microsoft)?
  • Reply 199 of 348
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    Originally Posted by Newtron View Post

    Your ignorance is surpassed only by your self-confidence.

    You know little or nothing about business if you think that the above is accurate.

    Lol. Apple is owned by shareholders who dont see a dime in dividends. So why would they care?

    Not all "businesses" run to maximise profits all the time, and Steve was specific about why he thought the Mac lost the OS wars - too much profit maximising by sales men. What this generation of Apple management want is to win the new OS war mobile, something they will do.
  • Reply 200 of 348
    Originally Posted by Blackintosh View Post

    Even a broken clock is right twice a day. Learn some tolerance for an opinion other than your own. I don't know about you, but I have a job and a family so I don't have time to personally interview everyone in the world to find out why they do or do not have an iPhone 4.

    Regarding your comment about morphing OSX into iOS on the Mac, the very notion of taking something as brilliant as the Mac and crippling it into an iPhone or iPad is the worst idea in the world.

    Therefore I'm sure Steve Jobs will be doing it soon. He seems bent on ruining everything he touches.

    You have a job and a family but you manage to spend a lot of time on this website trolling. You never have anything positive to say about Apple. Nothing. And to take that approach to a premium brand simply shows your bias.

    Of course no company or line of products is perfect. But there's a clear difference in those who are actually interested in these products, and those who simply whine about products they obviously don't own.

    Surely since you hate Apple so much you can find something more productive to do with your life than make constant negative posts.

    You really should ask yourself why you need to vent so much negativity. I think you'll find it has nothing to do with Apple.
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