Android gaining on Apple iOS in mobile web market share



  • Reply 201 of 348
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by asdasd View Post

    Lol. Apple is owned by shareholders who dont see a dime in dividends. So why would they care?

    Not all "businesses" run to maximise profits all the time, and Steve was specific about why he thought the Mac lost the OS wars - too much profit maximising by sales men. What this generation of Apple management want is to win the new OS war mobile, something they will do.

    I think you are wrong about Apple' interest in profits. What jobs changed when he return was the short term focus on profits that many CEOs do from quarter to quarter while looking for a more profitable position. He's looking at the longterm growth, but in that vision is profits, which is why Apple is in the position they are today.
  • Reply 202 of 348
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    Originally Posted by Realistic View Post

    SJ just said 230,000 per day so it is more like 83+ million per year..

    He said 230K activiations, and not upgrades.

    Now correct me if I am wrong but but I take it that activations mean new activations with a carrier, rather than an upgrade of a phone with the same carrier. Note that it definitely exludes iPads which are not activated, and iPad touches which are not activated ( unless they mean activated in iTunes rather than a carrier). If I am right the real sales of iOS devices this quarter are absolutely huge,

    Anyway Android is going to stall. Take games for instance - it is a hopeless games machine.
  • Reply 203 of 348
    Originally Posted by Wil View Post

    Oh I believe the Android OS is mature and all that, my problem is the OS upgrades. It does not matter how good the higher end Android phones are, if the phone company or the manufacturer cannot provided up to date OS upgrades, they will be in trouble. Apple knows the competition problem is this, does the telecom and phone manufacturers know about Goggle ?


    Android is updated at least as often than iOS. That does not make any sense.....

    I am pretty sure that telcom companies know about Google unless they have been under a rock for the last few year.... Again , that does not make any sense....
  • Reply 204 of 348
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    Originally Posted by Newtron View Post

    Why would you think that the pocket computer market will be different from its historical precedent?


    Um, because as I stated in my longish post on page 4


    To those of you who think that this is a re-run of the Mac - Windows market please learn about some other markets. The PC market is anomalous in being a dual platform. The Mobile market was multi-platform before the iPhone, it was after the Android, and it will be post Windows 7 - which will also be licensed ( so why do the licensing will always win brigade ignore Windows 7?) . Windows 7 will attract that portion of the Apple hating Windows loving crowd who now go to Android.

    Most markets have multi-platforms and vendors, and not the monopoly enjoyed by MS and Intel. That is true of this one, not one player will get to 95%.
  • Reply 205 of 348
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by asdasd View Post

    He said 230K activiations, and not upgrades.

    Now correct me if I am wrong but but I take it that activations mean new activations with a carrier, rather than an upgrade of a phone with the same carrier. Note that it definitely exludes iPads which are not activated, and iPad touches which are not activated ( unless they mean activated in iTunes rather than a carrier). If I am right the real sales of iOS devices this quarter are absolutely huge,

    Anyway Android is going to stall. Take games for instance - it is a hopeless games machine.

    That phone still has to be activated and that user still needs to be tied to that device so I took that statement to mean any iPhone or iPad with cellular chips in it. Note that the iPad doesn't need to be activated right away to be used, one can wait until they go on vacation or whatever.
  • Reply 206 of 348
    Originally Posted by asdasd View Post

    He said 230K activiations, and not upgrades.

    Now correct me if I am wrong but but I take it that activations mean new activations with a carrier, rather than an upgrade of a phone with the same carrier. Note that it definitely exludes iPads which are not activated, and iPad touches which are not activated ( unless they mean activated in iTunes rather than a carrier). If I am right the real sales of iOS devices this quarter are absolutely huge,

    Anyway Android is going to stall. Take games for instance - it is a hopeless games machine.

    iPad 3Gs are activated with a carrier.
  • Reply 207 of 348
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by sranger View Post


    Android is updated at least as often than iOS. That does not make any sense.....

    I am pretty sure that telcom companies know about Google unless they have been under a rock for the last few year.... Again , that does not make any sense....

    Are you not aware how many Android phones are still running 1.6? The Dell Streak is being hopped with 1.6!!!
  • Reply 208 of 348
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    Originally Posted by sranger View Post


    Android is updated at least as often than iOS. That does not make any sense.....

    I am pretty sure that telcom companies know about Google unless they have been under a rock for the last few year.... Again , that does not make any sense....

    Android updates depend on the phone, the carrier, and other mystical stuff which happens when the moon is a certain size. 2.2 is not available on most of the most recent phones, and 3.0 which needs 1G of RAM will be available on less than that. 2.2 is rarely seen in the wild. The OS upgrade strategy for Android is the same as pre-Iphone, rarely and at the carrier's discretion.

    Meanwhile iOS 4.0 is on almost every single iDevice from the 3g upwards. So a dev wanting to target an API in 2.2 would not find it worth his while, a dev wanting to target 4.0 would just go and do it.
  • Reply 209 of 348
    Originally Posted by Newtron View Post

    You forget the early days of personal computers.

    Many machines were sold that, for example, could not take advantage of the "multimedia" capabilities of Windows. Buyers of these machines couldn't "use all the applications and performance of the OS". But that did not stop Windows from relegating Apple to niche markets.

    Why would you think that the pocket computer market will be different from its historical precedent?

    Oh, God. Can you imagine meeting this Newtron guy at a party? The kind of person discussing tech loudly in the kitchen, but you gotta pass him to get to the beer in the fridge.

    Your contributions, Newtron, poison this website. Their tone is arrogant and combative. You feel compelled to answer back to every objection, to prove how right you are.

    You really must ask yourself why you hate Apple SO much. Why you feel compelled to start fights from the anonymity of the web?

    This much negativity is really distressing, and how much more so for those who actually must interact with you in the real world.

    I would suggest that if you hate Apple so much you go and make POSITIVE contributions to PC or Android websites.
  • Reply 210 of 348
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    Originally Posted by tonton View Post

    iPad 3Gs are activated with a carrier.

    I think 60% of iPads were wifi only. The point is that the 230K activation's is not the number of sales, of all iOS devices on that day. It seems like the sales are a huge number. i am surprised that the analyst community has not jumped on it.


    To explain. Lets assume that 50% of all iPads are 3G ( and therefore activated), and that Apple is selling 2 Million a month in this quarter. That is 3 Million iPad activations, out of 6M iPads sold.

    The total activations in this quarter - July, August, September - is 230K * 92. September has 30 says, the rest 31.

    Total activates on iPhones is therefor 230K * 92 - 3m = 21.16 M - 3M = 18.16 M iPhones. not including upgrades and iPod touches.

    Which brings me back to my claim that iPhones will have a 100% Q-Q increase , or more.
  • Reply 211 of 348
    Originally Posted by SockRolid View Post

    And did Apple perish with that measly 6% of the overall personal computer market? Nope. Why not?

    Because Apple's 6% is the top 6%.

    Apple has done okay with 6% computer market share. That doesn't mean that was how it was supposed to work out. Microsoft executed in the 90s and Apple made some very, very bad decisions. In an alternate reality, with someone competent at the head of Apple in the late 80s/early 90s, things would have been different.

    Originally Posted by LewysBlackmore View Post

    So the actual question to ask is, what measure does Apple use to judge success? Obviously it isn't market dominance, SJ stated that he would be happy with 1% of the worldwide market for the iPhone. At 2.2% - this means that the iPhone has surpassed their target handily within 3 years of its inception - from here on out it's all gravy as far as Apple is concerned.

    Absolutely wrong. The goal of 1% was for the first year only, not to remain fixed forever at 1%. Go back and watch the video from 2007 on Youtube.

    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    Is there anyone else that can challenge Android in 2011 and 2012? Unfortunately it doesn't look like it, unless Microsoft does a Windows7-quality mobile platform.

    I think Windows Phone 7 looks pretty good. In a lot of ways much better than the "open" Android. Less restrictive than Apple - more carriers, more handsets, etc. - but hopefully without turning everything over to the carriers like Android has. I think WP7 will hurt Android much more than iPhone.

    Originally Posted by Wurm5150 View Post

    APPLE STOPPED CARING ABOUT MARKETSHARE A LONG LONG TIME AGO. They measure success now by profits. As long that doesn't drop it's all that matters.

    This is not true, and I don't understand why it keeps getting repeated here. Apple has shown their MO with the iPod. Profits are important, of course, and Apple is not going to become Dell, scraping by on a 5% margin. But if Apple can still earn a healthy margin and dominate a market, they will. The extremely low market share in the PC space is an aberration. I don't think it is how Jobs would have done it had he been running Apple, and I don't think it is applicable to the current Apple.

    Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton View Post

    Things are different this time:
    1. they continue to innovate

    The iPhone 4 hardware is amazing, and the software and services that Apple controls is great. But Apple only controls half the experience. Until the iPhone is on other/all carriers - mainly Verizon in the US - innovation on Apple's side will only take them so far.

    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    At some point, Google will have to start to figure out a way to start to monetize Android (since they are not a charity, but a shareholder value-maximizing firm). That will be fun to watch......

    They already are.
  • Reply 212 of 348
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Are you not aware how many Android phones are still running 1.6? The Dell Streak is being hopped with 1.6!!!

    The Dell Streak will be update very soon. My Droid is running the latest Android OS. It's hardware might not be up to the task of the next update howeve, but that is natural in all electronic devices.

    Of course older phones will reach an end of life where their hardware can no longer support a new OS. Do you really think this is a new concept? That is just common sense. Do you really think the original iPhone will continue to get the latest new OS indefinitely?

    Does the original iPhone current run iOS 4 ?

    I am sorry, trying to use this as an argument that the iPhone is better than and android phone is a little weak...
  • Reply 213 of 348
    matrix07matrix07 Posts: 1,993member
    Originally Posted by JakeBarnes View Post

    Oh, God. Can you imagine meeting this Newtron guy at a party? The kind of person discussing tech loudly in the kitchen, but you gotta pass him to get to the beer in the fridge.

    Your contributions, Newtron, poison this website. Their tone is arrogant and combative. You feel compelled to answer back to every objection, to prove how right you are.

    I could imagine he read every posts in every topics since he joined up. That's kind of scary.
  • Reply 214 of 348
    Originally Posted by asdasd View Post

    So a dev wanting to target an API in 2.2 would not find it worth his while, a dev wanting to target 4.0 would just go and do it.

    Yea, why would a developer be interested in developing an app for a few million smart phone users...... Especially when you have to hit a few buttons to upgrade your app ever six months or so....
  • Reply 215 of 348
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    Originally Posted by sranger View Post

    Yea, why would a developer be interested in developing an app for a few million smart phone users...... Especially when you have to hit a few buttons to upgrade your app ever six months or so....

    Right. Nail on head. Why would a developer ( or his manager) target 2.2 which is only available to a few million android phones, when he could target all iDevices from the 3G up. The original iPhone sold 2 M, and I think we can assume that most people have upgraded. So effectively the iDevice market for 4.x is all of it, and the Android 2.2 market is a fraction of the total android market.

    Nail on head.
  • Reply 216 of 348
    nhtnht Posts: 4,522member
    Originally Posted by sranger View Post

    Yea, why would a developer be interested in developing an app for a few million smart phone users...... Especially when you have to hit a few buttons to upgrade your app ever six months or so....

    Yah, but it's kinda a pain in the rear. Do you know how many different bleeding configs I need to test? It's not just hitting a few buttons, it's making sure I didn't use something out of 2.2 when I still want to support 1.6. Streak at 1.6...what was Dell thinking?
  • Reply 217 of 348
    Originally Posted by JakeBarnes View Post

    You have a job and a family but you manage to spend a lot of time on this website trolling. You never have anything positive to say about Apple. Nothing. And to take that approach to a premium brand simply shows your bias.

    Of course no company or line of products is perfect. But there's a clear difference in those who are actually interested in these products, and those who simply whine about products they obviously don't own.

    Surely since you hate Apple so much you can find something more productive to do with your life than make constant negative posts.

    You really should ask yourself why you need to vent so much negativity. I think you'll find it has nothing to do with Apple.

    First off, it's not trolling to tell the truth.

    Now that we have that out of the way, when it comes to negativity. I'm really not the only one. Want a few examples?

    I listen to several podcasts about all things Apple (which lately means iOS) and there is a negative undercurrent there as well. Take MacWorld. Unless they have fallen out of favor in the Mac community like Consumer Reports, you should agree they are the biggest Apple fans in the world. In the one podcast when the iPhone 4 first came out, Christopher Breen referred to ATT as a cancer on Apple's name. In the iPhone 4 review, Jason Snell referred to the antenna design as a failure on Apple's part as a device maker. I almost drove off the road when I heard that.

    Want another example? Have a listen to the latest Mac Roundtable podcast and here the usual bunch of geeky Apple fans piss on their favorite company.

    Speaking of consumer reports, I was watching Fox news last night. The guy from consumer reports was on a talk show and he referred to the iPhone 4 as a Ferrari with a big scratch in it because of the Antenna design.

    So a lot of people are peeing on the Apple tree lately. And if other people do it then it must be right. Right??
  • Reply 218 of 348
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by sranger View Post

    The Dell Streak will be update very soon. My Droid is running the latest Android OS. It's hardware might not be up to the task of the next update howeve, but that is natural in all electronic devices.

    Of course older phones will reach an end of life where their hardware can no longer support a new OS. Do you really think this is a new concept? That is just common sense. Do you really think the original iPhone will continue to get the latest new OS indefinitely?

    Does the original iPhone current run iOS 4 ?

    I am sorry, trying to use this as an argument that the iPhone is better than and android phone is a little weak...

    1) Apple?s iOS devices get rich updates for 3 full years.

    2) Apple?s iOS devices are updates along side (if not somewhat earlier than) the newest iOS devices.

    3) Froyo v2.2 came out in 20-May-2010. That is 3.5 months ago.

    4) Dell Streak came out AFTER Froyo was officially released and it still came with Donut, which was released a year ago minus ten days ago.

    ?but you call my argument weak because Apple stops updating their iOS devices after 3 full years when most Android devices are lucky to even get a single update. Reality check!
  • Reply 219 of 348
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    Originally Posted by Blackintosh View Post

    Speaking of consumer reports, I was watching Fox news last night. The guy from consumer reports was on a talk show and he referred to the iPhone 4 as a Ferrari with a big scratch in it because of the Antenna design.

    So a lot of people are peeing on the Apple tree lately. And if other people do it then it must be right. Right??

    There are pleny of criticisms on AI when Apple releases stuff, that has always been the way. Most famous was the reaction here to the iPods. Apple was doomed.
  • Reply 220 of 348
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by sranger View Post


    Android is updated at least as often than iOS. That does not make any sense.....

    Then please explain why my daughter's Android phone (just purchased in June) is stuck at 1.6 - and no newer version is available.

    Originally Posted by sranger View Post

    The Dell Streak will be update very soon.

    "Real soon now". Funny how everyone attacking Apple has that phrase memorized.

    Sorry, but I'm not interested in promises. Updates were supposed to be available for my daughters phone months ago - and still nothing. And even if they get around to it, they're saying it will be 2.1, not 2.2.
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