iPhone 4 to launch in China on Sept. 25, 2 new stores to open



  • Reply 21 of 48
    aiaaia Posts: 181member
    I was at Xidan Joy City mall a few weeks ago and noticed what appeared to be construction of a new Apple store going on. There wasn't much to see actually as they had covered the windows with black paper, but the big white Apple logo and URL to Apple's China website sort of gave it away.

    It appears that the new store will be two levels - going from F1 (main level) down to B1.

    I took some photos of the B1 level with my iPhone but again it's not too exciting, if the mods want to see them just drop me a note.

    What's interesting is that there's already an authorized 3rd-party retailer of Apple products (Dragonstar) in that very same mall. I wonder what will happen to them with the opening of the official Apple store.
  • Reply 22 of 48
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    If iOS sells like hotcakes and Android has passed iOS then what is Android selling like?

    Like any subsidized phone for entry, middle and high end smartphone accounts.

    I look forward to the Verizon 2 for 1 plan when Motorola, HTC and Samsung start paying people to use an Android phone locked to their specs.
  • Reply 23 of 48
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Surely it won’t sell well¡ After all Apple uses commodity HW, Android had not only caught up with iOS but far surpassed it with its openness, and Asian phones are so advanced that anything designed in the US pales in comparison¡

    Exactly. iPhone, iPad and iOS is dead. Android won, game over. Samsung, HTC, Dell, etc. are all fantastic products and offer freedom, diversity, flexibility, better hardware and features, and apparently, it's thinner as well. Oh, they play Flash and have great battery life and user experience, plus no walled garden in Android. Hardly anyone is going to buy this iPhone 4 in China, why do they even bother, they should give up now. They should have made a Verizon iPhone instead because Apple is losing out big time in the US, who cares about the global market, the US is where they should be number 1.

    Why do you keep trolling these boards???


  • Reply 24 of 48
    Originally Posted by AIA View Post

    I was at Xidan Joy City mall a few weeks ago and noticed what appeared to be construction of a new Apple store going on. There wasn't much to see actually as they had covered the windows with black paper, but the big white Apple logo and URL to Apple's China website sort of gave it away.

    It appears that the new store will be two levels - going from F1 (main level) down to B1.

    I took some photos of the B1 level with my iPhone but again it's not too exciting, if the mods want to see them just drop me a note.

    What's interesting is that there's already an authorized 3rd-party retailer of Apple products (Dragonstar) in that very same mall. I wonder what will happen to them with the opening of the official Apple store.

    Please post about 5 pictures you took, resized appropriately, in this thread as soon as possible.

    We would love to see the pictures you have taken, you don't need any permission to post them here.
  • Reply 25 of 48
    Here is what I was able to find from http://www.iphonelive.info/2010/08/3...d/28_184032_3/

    Xidan Joy City, Beijing


    Hong Kong Plaza, Shanghai

  • Reply 26 of 48
    What is interesting is these are highly-prominent, ground-floor, large stores. Maybe occupying two or more floors, as one of the above posters on this thread said. By end of this week, 4 Apple Stores in China already, now selling iPad unlocked and iPhone 4 unlocked.
  • Reply 27 of 48
    matrix07matrix07 Posts: 1,993member
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    Why do you keep trolling these boards???

    I say ban him for good.
  • Reply 28 of 48
    Originally Posted by matrix07 View Post

    I say ban him for good.

    I wish we could vote people off the AppleInsider island... (not solipsism of course, you know of whom I speak).
  • Reply 29 of 48
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Surely it won’t sell well¡ After all Apple uses commodity HW, Android had not only caught up with iOS but far surpassed it with its openness, and Asian phones are so advanced that anything designed in the US pales in comparison¡

    All Android devices from all manufacturers combined may have exceeded iOS' single manufacturer but no single Android device manufacturer has exceeded iOS' single manufacturer. Try comparing Apples to Apples not Apples to lemons.
  • Reply 30 of 48
    Originally Posted by solipsism

    Surely it won’t sell well¡ After all Apple uses commodity HW, Android had not only caught up with iOS but far surpassed it with its openness, and Asian phones are so advanced that anything designed in the US pales in comparison¡"

    Originally Posted by Realistic View Post

    All Android devices from all manufacturers combined may have exceeded iOS' single manufacturer but no single Android device manufacturer has exceeded iOS' single manufacturer. Try comparing Apples to Apples not Apples to lemons.

    Realistic, solipsism was being sarcastic.
  • Reply 31 of 48
    nkhmnkhm Posts: 928member
    Originally Posted by Wurm5150 View Post

    Well that's real cheap..

    I guess the iPhone is for the middle class and rich Chinese..

    It's not exactly in the hands of the lower/working classes elsewhere - this is an expensive toy to own.
  • Reply 32 of 48
    nkhmnkhm Posts: 928member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Surely it won?t sell well¡ After all Apple uses commodity HW, Android had not only caught up with iOS but far surpassed it with its openness, and Asian phones are so advanced that anything designed in the US pales in comparison¡

    Prepare to eat your words. I'm using android, it pales into shite compared with the iPhone 4 and iOS 4. Battery life sucks, crashes at least once a day and massive interface lag.
  • Reply 33 of 48
    nkhmnkhm Posts: 928member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    It?s an activated mobile OS comparison, which means little considering both OSes have healthy ecosystems and are thriving. From a business PoV the models are disparate and any real comparisons break down as iOS is sold from one vendor whilst Android is sold among a potentially unlimited different number of vendors, as you undoubtedly are aware.

    Ah, so you're stating that having a greater market share makes a phone a better device, and more desirable?
  • Reply 34 of 48
    nkhmnkhm Posts: 928member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    The new Android phones Evo, Incredible, Droid X and Droid 2 are every bit as good as the iPhone. Running 2.2 they are also faster.

    I disagree, holding the new Evo in my hand running 2.2 - massive interface lag, unstable and icons constantly dragging around the screen, it's so easy to remove icons from the home screen - why no easy way to lock your icon layout?

    Web browsing is smoother on the iPhone, the EVO scrolls horribly and page renders take around twice as long. It's meant to have flash, but apart from ads, nothing is usable.
  • Reply 35 of 48
    kibitzerkibitzer Posts: 1,114member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Surely it won?t sell well¡ After all Apple uses commodity HW, Android had not only caught up with iOS but far surpassed it with its openness, and Asian phones are so advanced that anything designed in the US pales in comparison¡

    From the serious responses to your sarcasm, it's clear that most of the responders don't get it or lack any sense of humor. The dumbass quotient appears to be running greater than normal on this thread.
  • Reply 36 of 48
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    The new Android phones Evo, Incredible, Droid X and Droid 2 are every bit as good as the iPhone. Running 2.2 they are also faster.

    And yet there's a 3 week wait for an iPhone 4 while Android phones are readily available. Really wish you fandroids would be more effective in getting people on your platform of choice so I don't have to go through this wait every year.
  • Reply 37 of 48
    quambquamb Posts: 143member
    How about Apple steady the demand and supply in the countries they've already launched in before rolling out elsewhere?? I mean, the iphone has been out for 2months here in australia and people are still on 4-6 week waiting lists...
  • Reply 38 of 48
    Originally Posted by quamb View Post

    How about Apple steady the demand and supply in the countries they've already launched in before rolling out elsewhere?? I mean, the iphone has been out for 2months here in australia and people are still on 4-6 week waiting lists...

    I agree.

    The situation sounds worse in Canada. No one is even maintaining wait lists. The phone is simply, basically unavailable. There is a line up every morning outside of the Apple stores in Vancouver waiting to see if they get a few. The ONLY people getting iphones in Canada today, two months after it was introduced, are people willing to wait in lines with no guarantee of success, people willing to buy the unlocked phone online, or people willing to buy a 3GS.
  • Reply 39 of 48
    It is CRITICAL for Google and partners to churn out an ocean of devices at different price points, catering to different "needs", in a multitude of OS/hardware combinations in order to compete with Apple's ONE (at most, two) phone running on ONE carrier in the US. Since Google has no single "iPhone killer", it's absolutely vital they flood the market with VOLUME in order to make up for the lack of quality in Android and Android devices in general.

    Google doesn't have what it takes to do what Apple does. And the reason is simple: Google doesn't think, create and act like Apple. It's all about the User Experience, and getting it right all comes down to philosophy, attitude, and priorities.
  • Reply 40 of 48
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Realistic View Post

    All Android devices from all manufacturers combined may have exceeded iOS' single manufacturer but no single Android device manufacturer has exceeded iOS' single manufacturer. Try comparing Apples to Apples not Apples to lemons.

    Just to be clear, I try to always use the Ethiopian irony punctuation (¡) to indicate sarcasm irony or satire to indicate what I’m saying is not what I actually believe. Often trying to be funny, which can easily get lost if what I write is taken literally.
    Originally Posted by nkhm View Post

    Prepare to eat your words. I'm using android, it pales into shite compared with the iPhone 4 and iOS 4. Battery life sucks, crashes at least once a day and massive interface lag.

    I’ll eat apples and oranges, but I probably won’t eat my words.
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