Thousands line up for China iPhone 4 launch



  • Reply 41 of 70
    Here's the scene from the China iPhone 4 launch...

    Apparently, the pre-orders was 200,000. Considering iPhone4 is sold unsubsidized in China, that number is very impressive and IMO China launch is more impressive than the first iPhone 4 launch.
  • Reply 42 of 70
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    Guys, WTF happened to this thread?

    There must be a full moon or something.
  • Reply 43 of 70
    Originally Posted by nealg View Post

    Elmer Dewitt in Forbes is reporting that the pre order number is up to 200,000. The 50,000 order number is the number of reorders on the first day of pre orders. I would say with this in mind, having more than a thousand show up and wait in line is a good number.

    I wonder if Apple will report first day sales numbers for China? My guess is we will hear a number reported from Apple if they exceed expectations.

    More than a thousand in line is a GREAT number! There may be 1.3 Billion people, but they don't all live down the block from this particular Apple Store.

    So, 1000+ people is fantastic.

    Oh, and I lucked out and got mine on Friday. I only had to wait from 5:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. store opening. Got lucky. 32 GB. It is such a cool device and so very useful. And yes, I can make the 5 bars go down to 4 if I hold it the "wrong" way or put my thumb across the two antennae, but in everyday use, it means nothing. I also ordered a case for it from Apple, the Speck Pixelskin HD. I like to have as much covered as possible even if the phone is so great looking naked. We have 3 year contracts here in Canada and I need it to last that long.

    /long post, off topic mostly

  • Reply 44 of 70
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member
    Originally Posted by GregoriusM View Post

    Oh, and I lucked out and got mine on Friday. I only had to wait from 5:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. store opening. Got lucky.

    Congrats. There are still shortages where I live, Australia. The Apple Store online says 3 weeks. To get it subsidized from a carrier, even longer.

    I don't remember shortages of the original 3G being this bad, I walked in to a store and just picked one up 2 weeks after launch. But then they staggered the international release a bit more that time.

    Despite antennagate, this is looking to be one very successful product. Antennagate was an (desperate) attempt by rival device makers to make a mountain out of a molehill.
  • Reply 45 of 70
    Latest news report 60000 sold first day...
  • Reply 46 of 70
    Originally Posted by paxman View Post

    I am glad everybody has the opportunity to get an ip4 but where I live in Canada people are still queing up at 6am every morning outside the Apple Stores 7 weeks after they arrived. My local Rogers store has a waiting list of 150 people and they get at the most 10 phones per week. Same story all over town.

    I am sorry to hear that mate.

    Got mine on Friday. Got it from one of the less glamorous carriers of the two that launched the iPhone 4 here in Malaysia on the 24th as well. I knew if I didn't pull the trigger early Friday morning I'd be hunting for stock. My friend went on Saturday to the launch event of the bigger carrier and gave up.

    If it's any consolation I have the deathgrip issue. Case from Apple arrives in 3 weeks.
  • Reply 47 of 70
    Jeezus... Faaakeee LOL just kidding. I guess they didn't want the cheap knockoff iPhones or the Samsung Galaxy.

    Originally Posted by Wurm5150 View Post

    Here's the scene from the China iPhone 4 launch...

    Apparently, the pre-orders was 200,000. Considering iPhone4 is sold unsubsidized in China, that number is very impressive and IMO China launch is more impressive than the first iPhone 4 launch.

  • Reply 48 of 70
    In Capitalist China, crowd is in you.
  • Reply 49 of 70
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Which is funny after even the original iPhone seemed to huge market for Apple right out of the gate. Possibly the 2nd larger user base after the US within the first few months of sales.

    On the other hand, with 1.3 BILLION people having 1000 people in queue is pretty small.

    It is a pretty large area too, a long way to walk for many

    BTW How are those MS (wannabe Apple Stores) stores doing? I haven't heard much since the launch of one in CA..
  • Reply 50 of 70
    The preorder numbers on the first iPhone 4 launch was 600,000. And that was what? In the U.S. plus 4-5 other countries. The China preorders is 1/3 of that. Really really great numbers for a device sold at $750 & $900 in a country although has over a billion people but whose people on average make way less (monthly) than what the phone cost.
  • Reply 51 of 70
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Lochias View Post

    This is completely off topic, but FYI: archeological evidence is no longer really needed for this point. We have genomes for us and them, and we are essentially a single, interbreeding species. Ethnic Europeans and Asians share Neanderthal genes.

    I haven’t seen any conclusive evidence to that effect. In fact, mDNA has shown the other to be more likely. if you have some sources please post them to me here or a private message, if you don’t want to muddy up this thread any more than it is.
  • Reply 52 of 70
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    There is some newer finds from Portugal that may show a successful breeding between Homo sapiens sapiens and Homo sapiens neanderthalensis.

    Yeah, saw that on NOVA I think? Very interesting.

    But I confess that I was sucked in by the original "troll" post. I am so conditioned to this kind of rant that I swallowed it, hook, line, and sinker. Wasn't until I read other responses that I got it. The framing with a new registration and one post was genius. Someone here should copy and paste this as a "me too" response to all future troll posts.
  • Reply 53 of 70
    Originally Posted by Wurm5150 View Post

    That's funny... Next time don't lump it in one big paragraph so it's readable.

    I think that was a conscious part of the ruse. Worked on me.
  • Reply 54 of 70
    Originally Posted by Mac_Keeper_Fan_Mod View Post

    At this rate Apple's going to move to China and forget about the rest of the world. All their phones are already made in China, what difference does a few thousand people and some desks make.

    A bit of sarcasm there, but not much.

  • Reply 55 of 70
    Originally Posted by Lochias

    This is completely off topic, but FYI: archeological evidence is no longer really needed for this point. We have genomes for us and them, and we are essentially a single, interbreeding species. Ethnic Europeans and Asians share Neanderthal genes.

    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I haven’t seen any conclusive evidence to that effect. In fact, mDNA has shown the other to be more likely. if you have some sources please post them to me here or a private message, if you don’t want to muddy up this thread any more than it is.

    Who cares about midichlorians the most important part is the interbreeding...
  • Reply 56 of 70
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    If it's any consolation I have the deathgrip issue. Case from Apple arrives in 3 weeks.

    For the record in field test mode I'm seeing a 25 db(M?) drop when bridging the antenna with palm or thumb. No dropped calls or total loss of signal, except in an area where the signal is very low. In such an area previously my 3GS would lose signal completely, un-deathgripped though the iPhone4 can hold a 3G signal at one bar in that location (storeroom of a retail shop in a mall). It is able to load 3G data as well.

    Overall I'm happy with the phone. Screen colour, resolution, contrast, overall design, speed, it'll be damn hard to go back to a 3GS after this. I can understand little niggles like the antenna, but in right-handed use and in relatively decent signal areas the db(M?) drop is not an issue. Left-handed in bad signal areas, well, signal may get real low to no service, but this is offset by not touching the spot or using a case which you then get better signal because the antenna is better overall. It's a tradeoff, I guess.

    Have not tested with a case though. As mentioned above not spending on one, Apple should be sending me one in 1-3 weeks time through the case program (for those who have a Malaysian unit please read this forum thread for the apparent workaround to get your free case: )

    The iPhone 4 feels slightly warm to the touch in heavy 3G usage and during charging, so far though it never feels "hot" or uncomfortable.

    The weight and texture, feels quite nice, the external metal strip is pretty cool. Websites and PDFs really look like a fine-printed micro-book when looking at it zoomed-out.

    Just wanting to let everyone know my experience. I'm sure Apple will like to get this over with because perfection is in their nature, the iPhone 5 will have the best reception of any smartphone when it's released, I expect. In the meantime, another 9 months to go of 5+ million iPhone 4 per month to a lot more people where it's needed.

    Basically Apple was extremely ambitious with the iPhone 4, and they had some challenges including the guy that was supposed to be in charge of it that was hired from outside Apple. It's a learning process for everyone. One thing they got right, nonetheless, is the outright desirability of this thing, something, almost intangible, that reaches out to people.

    From this point on I'll really try not to comment on the antenna because I've shared my experience, and beyond this point there are tons of tests, documentation by Anandtech etc. etc. that is all there is to say on the matter.

  • Reply 57 of 70
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    Originally Posted by Doorman. View Post

    Can't you order it online? Or is it so much a social event to go to a store knowing that you won't get one?

    Yeah, that's it smart-ass - its so much of a social event going to the store knowing I won't get one.
  • Reply 58 of 70
    Originally Posted by clydor View Post

    Did anybody tell them that they are getting a crippled phone? Why in the world are they lining up like that? For what? For an obviously inferior phone. Why are tech sites even the anti apple ones rank them as the highest rated phone? Somebody from PCWorld, PCMag, ComputerWorld, eWeek should just rank all the smartphones (android, bb, iphone) and put the iphone at the bottom of the heap where it belongs. Why? It doesn't have the features I want.

    And you are... Who?

    And you plan to buy how many smart phones?

  • Reply 59 of 70
    Originally Posted by clydor View Post

    Did anybody tell them that they are getting a crippled phone? Why in the world are they lining up like that? For what? For an obviously inferior phone. Why are tech sites even the anti apple ones rank them as the highest rated phone? Somebody from PCWorld, PCMag, ComputerWorld, eWeek should just rank all the smartphones (android, bb, iphone) and put the iphone at the bottom of the heap where it belongs. Why? It doesn't have the features I want.

    For example:

    It has an overly simplified GUI that is based on principles of hiding engineering complexity. I don't want that. I don't want a simple GUI. I want a complicated UI phone that is different from vendors to vendors that allows full customization that will make it even more complicated. That way, when there is a new phone I will have to re-learn it again and again and my customization will never end. That is sooo exciting just thinking about that.

    Besides, I want flash on my phone so I can play the thousands of games (not to mention those lovely ads) that is not optimized to finger gestures and as long as I can move it with an imaginary mouse pointer,I am good. I don't care if the battery juices run out. I have 3 replaceable batteries in my bag for that. In which I might add, idiotic iphone couldn't do. Who cares if iphone battery lasts longer? It can't tether all my multiple android phones (3) in which I need to get all the capabilities I want in one phone (but I can't so I bought all three of them) and all advantages that each network provides and none of the limitations.

    Such iphone fanatics are plain dumb, stupid, and not technical savvy enough for a smartphone. iphone should be called a dumbphone. They don't know that the reason of the occasional hiccups on android GUIs are caused by the garbage collection mechanism inherent with Java. But wait I can't say that because Oracle might read this and they might sue android because we can't really say we rip off that from java. I should say GC which is really too technical for appletards to understand is an architectural design decision that is the centerpiece of our very elegant java-like uhhmm, "clone", well, "derived" framework. But it is open and can be used by hundreds and hundreds of handsets and maybe tablets each one competing for it's own interests and introduce its own unique drivers that Google had to manage and to include but couldn't possibly optimized all of them. This is what I want. You can't tell me otherwise coz any mention of apple makes my blood boils for no apparent reason except Apple is making almost 40% of the profit and they only have 5% phone market share. I mean this is insane!. That is why I why I would petition the CEO of Verizon. Please don't add the iphone. Let it stay to a crippled network like ATT. We all know, Apple will only look out for its own interests disguised as "maintaining a polished and consistent user experience". I would rather, sir, have my android phone bloated with unnecessary software from Verizon and the occasional malware that I get from the app market and the growing trojans and viruses that for the life of me I don't understand why they target the android platform but not the ios. I did not say freedom is cheap. I have to pay for those but I don't mind. Because I love freedom. It is as american as pizza and spaghetti. So please PCW, ComputerWorld, and eweek. Please rank the iphone the lowest and make us all technology pundits happy. Just to balance it out with all stupid AI readers.

    OK, at the behest of others, I read the whole thing... it is funny!

  • Reply 60 of 70
    Originally Posted by Cpsro View Post

    Looks more like millions lined up to me! Oh, wait. There's no pictures. That's odd.

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