iOS 4.1 version of Apple TV firmware posted, jailbroken



  • Reply 21 of 76
    Originally Posted by kotatsu View Post

    Probably because hacks will be the only way to get apps into the Apple TV. If Apple hadn't been so conservative, they'd of done Apple TV properly and such hacks wouldn't be needed.

    Google TV is going to eat Apple TV for breakfast.

    You forget it's not a major project it's been out for years and it's just a hobby/novelty to Apple. You say there being conservative do you know for sure if there going to offer a app store? No you don't. It took how long for competitors to attempt this market? Geez one whole refresh gets everyone all scared and jumping and another oo let's follow apple bandwagon.
  • Reply 22 of 76
    Originally Posted by gordy View Post

    I had no interest in jailbreaking my phone, but, I am intrigued by the possibilities with the new AppleTV.

    Frankly, the older ones had more capability after they were hacked than I can see the new ones having.
  • Reply 23 of 76
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    Originally Posted by Ereinion View Post

    Why on earth does AI put so much effort on reporting on these hacks? If I want that information I could go to the hacker paradise. I prefer to stay outside that world.

    That world? I have a 3 word phrase for you, that I'm not going to post.

    Arrogance is stunning.
  • Reply 24 of 76
    I'm curious about this - watching to see if Boxee can be squeezed in, like they did for the old one.

    I have and Like Dish Network with their 622 DVR, but looking to cut costs. We will be dropping it soon for an antenna and internet sources. I'm evaluating the pros/cons and costs of several options. An antenna is cheap and I already have the Xbox.

    - Live TV only, Netflix (Requires XBox Live Gold), Zune Video. Hulu+ is supposed to be available on the Xbox early 2011...

    - Live TV Only, Roku With Amazon + Netflix

    - Live TV only, AppleTV Rentals + Netflix

    - Tivo DVR, with Netflix + Amazon Video

    - Home-brew HTPC DVR, Linux with MythTV, Boxee/Hulu etc. Looks Like Amazon should work (eww flash). Keep Netflix via XBox.

    I believe that Apple will allow apps on the AppleTV eventually, but like the iPhone, it may be a year away, and can't weigh in the choice now. If the jailbreaking community can hack Boxee onto it (as they did for the older one), it would give it a big boost.

    On the other hand, both the AppleTV and Roku are so cheap, that they are almost disposable. If I don't like them, I could resell and not really lose much! In the meantime, I have an old ex-Windows box I will use to test the HTPC software to see if I like it.
  • Reply 25 of 76
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    Originally Posted by kotatsu View Post

    Google TV is going to eat Apple TV for breakfast.

    In what way? It will have 3 features that AppleTV doesn't? And it will also float by completely unknown to the public like every hardware product Google has ever touched? While the Apple TV appears to people as the only device to play nice with the iPhone/iPod/iPad they already have?

    Yea, I thought so.
  • Reply 26 of 76
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    Originally Posted by gordy View Post

    I had no interest in jailbreaking my phone, but, I am intrigued by the possibilities with the new AppleTV.

    a jailbroken iPhone is a wonderful thing, especially if its an iPhone 4. You're missing out, dude.
  • Reply 27 of 76
    jmmxjmmx Posts: 341member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Hackers have succeeding

    Does your writer speeeking inglish?

    YOur standards are slipping!
  • Reply 28 of 76
    Originally Posted by pmz View Post

    That world? I have a 3 word phrase for you, that I'm not going to post.

    Arrogance is stunning.

    It used to be strictly enforced policy here on AI that no hacking information was allowed. Personally, I think they should have maintained this stance.
  • Reply 29 of 76
    gmhutgmhut Posts: 242member
    Originally Posted by jmmx View Post

    Does your writer speeeking inglish?

    YOur standards are slipping!

    MAybe THat's COrrect SEntence STructure FOr inglish, AS OPposed TO English.
  • Reply 30 of 76
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,780member
    Originally Posted by kfury77 View Post

    It is very, very easy to hack your AppleTv to add Boxee and XBMC. Just copy the installer to a USB stick, stick in the back of your AppleTV, restart and let it do its thing. Boxee is a great thing to have on your AppleTV, is updated regularly and works well. There's a free remote control app for your iPod touch/iPhone too. Give it a try - it will give your old AppleTv a new lease of life.

    Thanks, I am aware of all you say, I just would prefer an Apple update to allow the features of the new Apple TV that's all. But you tempt me ...
  • Reply 31 of 76
    Originally Posted by Ereinion View Post

    Why on earth does AI put so much effort on reporting on these hacks? If I want that information I could go to the hacker paradise. I prefer to stay outside that world.

    Or apparently if you want this information, you can navigate to AI, click on an article that's clearly about it, then comment...

  • Reply 32 of 76
    mactelmactel Posts: 1,275member
    We all knew it. Apple can't hide their plans after all their attempts. The app store games would look nice on my TV even if Apple has to blow-up the pixels.
  • Reply 33 of 76
    Originally Posted by iDunno View Post

    Will the new OS run on the older ATV?



    Not possible.

    Different processor and hardware architecture. Think of it as a different product line. Sorry, that ship has sailed.

    As for the jailbreak, its just uninteresting because it won't attract interesting app developers... companies with big content aren't going to bring it to a hacked version of Apple's hobby product. I think we'll see Apple open ATV to 3rd parties, they just may not do it using the conventional AppStore user interface. It might be a more private internal work-with-external-channel-developers approach and new options will just appear in the menus when the system updates.
  • Reply 34 of 76
    cmf2cmf2 Posts: 1,427member
    Originally Posted by nkhm View Post

    I see - and how are these apps going to be controlled exactly - with an apple remote?!


    Pointless jailbreak.

    Apple will introduce apps when they've worked out how to best control them.

    Netflix is an app, everything you do on Apple TV is done through an app. Apple knows how to control apps on Apple TV. The only people that don't know how apps will be controled are the ones trying to figure out how iPhone Apps would be controlled on Apple TV without coming to the simple realization that iPhone Apps won't be on Apple TV.

    If the jailbreak does allow apps to be installed, then any apps installed would be ones made for Apple TV. Developers make Cydia only iPhone apps, if there's a market they'd do the same for Apple TV.
  • Reply 35 of 76
    Originally Posted by iancass79 View Post

    Whoa! Think about what you just said. I absolutely hate having to take out my laptop just because my old apple tv can't hold all of my content. It's a five minute process that is literally a pain in the ass. Sounds stupid, but it gets old...seriously.

    Now, with that said, someone makes iOS available for the old apple tv. I hate that I can't use my old apple tv as an airport express anymore. Especiallyy now that I can stream from my phone. Sucks that I have to keep my airport express AND my old apple tv in the bedroom just to have the functionality of apple tv and streaming music with the rest of the house. Dumb. I can understand not streaming video to old apple tv. That's fine. BUT, don't strip a feature that the previous generation could do before. (I know it can still do it from my computer but I want to do it from my idevices seeing that they can stream to my airport express).

    If getting out your laptop is a literal pain in the ass, you shouldn't keep it there. 5 min to get it out of there seems quite fast.

    Hoping you meant figurative instead of literal.
  • Reply 36 of 76
    Originally Posted by kotatsu View Post

    Probably because hacks will be the only way to get apps into the Apple TV. If Apple hadn't been so conservative, they'd of done Apple TV properly and such hacks wouldn't be needed.

    Google TV is going to eat Apple TV for breakfast.

    Kotatsu's first post in 2005:

    "I don't own a cell phone. Never have.

    Why? Because I'm never far from a land line, so why waste my money on something I have no need for?"

    This guy is a real visionary and technophile, let's hang on every prediction he makes.
  • Reply 37 of 76
    Originally Posted by pmz View Post

    That world? I have a 3 word phrase for you, that I'm not going to post.

    Arrogance is stunning.

    And don't come back with the equivalent of - "well they started it!"

    Why even get dragged to that level?

    And for the record, I don't jailbreak because my current set of iDevices have to interface with corporate-governed secure systems, and I require a high degree of reliability to do that. Not worth the risk, but fun to watch.

  • Reply 38 of 76
    Originally Posted by nkhm View Post

    You don't need the HDD for storage, use your mac and stream, as the device is meant to...

    don't agree. The current ATV allows me to watch episodes of TV series, movies, pictures and listen to my music without having to always power on my MacBook Pro and login and wait...

    Having some internal storage is truly great, so I can lay back, turn ATV on and enjoy the latest 3 unwatched episodes of a TV series, see all the pics of holidays, and also listen to hours and hours of music... Without turning on half of the computers in my house...

    16 GB of internal storage, nowadays, is truly poor. Too poor for what the ATV is meant to do in the living room.

    And if you tried to stream an HD movie over Airport Extreme WIFI (N), then you know why internal storage is beneficial...
  • Reply 39 of 76
    Now if someone can reverse engineer airplay and make a daemon that'll show up on ATV (jailbroken or not) and stream my mkv's.
  • Reply 40 of 76
    gqbgqb Posts: 1,934member
    Originally Posted by kotatsu View Post

    Probably because hacks will be the only way to get apps into the Apple TV. If Apple hadn't been so conservative, they'd of done Apple TV properly and such hacks wouldn't be needed.

    Google TV is going to eat Apple TV for breakfast.

    Right... the device isn't even out yet and "hacks will be the only way to get apps into the Apple TV".

    You sound like the dimwits who think that there are apps for the iPhone because of the footsie stomping they did while Apple was actually doing the hard work of developing a proper API.

    SO glad you're not in charge of Apple.
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