Nielsen: Android overtakes Apple's iOS in latest US smartphone sales



  • Reply 81 of 188
    asianbobasianbob Posts: 797member
    Originally Posted by asdasd View Post

    Nielsen reported android at 9% in June, can we trust their methodology?

    So you don't trust them because they showed that Android gained? Considering how many more Android phones I've seen in the wild since June, their numbers don't surprise me.

    Originally Posted by mrochester View Post

    The best for who? For all the people who are buying these Android devices, they are the best for them. You can't say about any Android user that the best device for them is the iPhone, because if it was, they would have picked it! I can't understand why so many people fail to grasp the notion that for a lot of people, the iPhone is not the best choice. This information just shows that that is true. It doesn't mean it's not the best device for you or anyone else that owns one, but it is certainly not the best device for everyone.

  • Reply 82 of 188
    Originally Posted by BTBlomberg View Post

    Look at it that way and any given Android phone maker is getting an average or 5% or less of market share and the fact that each Android install is different based on the manufacturer and carrier, what do you have? Crap.

    Yeah, that's why I can't run an application specifically written for the iPad on an iPhone. As a matter of fact, they can't currently even run the same version of iOS, can they???? Which Apps can AppleTV currently run since iOS is SOOOO consistent compared to the "fragmented" Android???

    Originally Posted by BTBlomberg View Post

    FIne, people are buying a lot of Android phones, but many may be just trying to find something like the iPhone on their carrier.

    Or maybe they just want an Android phone...

    Originally Posted by BTBlomberg View Post

    Then there are those that hate Apple.

    How is it possible to "hate" a corporation or a inanimate object? This is a fanboy nonsense argument like one would expect to find on MacDailyNews, not a classy site full of level headed people like we find on Apple Insider.... Come on!

    Originally Posted by BTBlomberg View Post

    Then there are the clueless that get suckered by salespeople. You get what you pay for in this case and more people buying it doesn't make it the best.

    Yeah, they're all stupid and not intelligent enough to make an informed decision - - - which by your definition involves purchasing anything but an iPhone....

    Again, I use a Mac and I use an iPhone because it is what "I" prefer. I never really understood where you guys get the viciousness that you feel you have to direct at anyone who chooses a cellphone or computer manufactured by someone other than your personal preference..
  • Reply 83 of 188
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    Originally Posted by AsianBob View Post

    So you don't trust them because they showed that Android gained? Considering how many more Android phones I've seen in the wild since June, their numbers don't surprise me.


    i don't trust them because this report now shows 22% for June. The report which first showed that the android surpassed the iPhone was NPD, Nielsen was used to discredit that one.

    It is all interpreted statistics. Apple give real results and claimed to be outpacing the Market.

    For US users we won't know which is the favoured device until Apple us on all carriers. I know which one would be tops were it on all carriers now.
  • Reply 84 of 188
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    Bibler, it is possible to write an app for the iPad and iPod. Only the UI need differ. IOs 4.2 will run on iPhones from the 3G to the iPad. The Apple TV is not an app platform.

    Do learn about the things you are commenting on.
  • Reply 85 of 188
    Originally Posted by asdasd View Post

    Bibler, it is possible to write an app for the iPad and iPod. Only the UI need differ. IOs 4.2 will run on iPhones from the 3G to the iPad. The Apple TV is not an app platform.

    Do learn about the things you are commenting on.

    You go learn something.. I'm not here to get into a pissing match with anyone... You haven't a clue.
  • Reply 86 of 188
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    Originally Posted by Bibbler View Post

    You go learn something.. I'm not here to get into a pissing match with anyone... You haven't a clue.

    Lol. It's not a pissing match to correct misleading posts. Universal apps.
  • Reply 87 of 188
    Originally Posted by asdasd View Post

    Lol. It's not a pissing match to correct misleading posts. Universal apps.

    OK, can i come over and see 4.2 running on your iPad right now (Like you said that you could)???
  • Reply 88 of 188
    asianbobasianbob Posts: 797member
    Originally Posted by asdasd View Post

    i don't trust them because this report now shows 22% for June. The report which first showed that the android surpassed the iPhone was NPD, Nielsen was used to discredit that one.

    It is all interpreted statistics. Apple give real results and claimed to be outpacing the Market.

    For US users we won't know which is the favoured device until Apple us on all carriers. I know which one would be tops were it on all carriers now.

    Wait... So because time had moved on and things have changed and now Nielsen reports the same Android growth as everyone else they're not to be trusted all of a sudden? Because that no longer support your point of view?

    And Apple gives real results? You're trusting the word of a company talking about themselves over a third-party, independent analysis company? I would expect Apple to say nothing but rises and sunshine and lollipops about their sales even if they were being outsold. Do you think Apple would ever publicly announce that they are bring outsold by a competitor?
  • Reply 89 of 188
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    Originally Posted by Bibbler View Post

    OK, can i come over and see 4.2 running on your iPad right now (Like you said that you could)???

    You can actually since it is in beta. However you don't need to because my point was you could already build the sane app , the same binary, for iPads and iPod touches and iPhones. These are called universal apps.

    So, basically, stop posting total bollocks.
  • Reply 90 of 188
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    Originally Posted by AsianBob View Post

    Wait... So because time had moved on and things have changed and now Nielsen reports the same Android growth as everyone else they're not to be trusted all of a sudden? Because that no longer support your point of view?

    And Apple gives real results? You're trusting the word of a company talking about themselves over a third-party, independent analysis company? I would expect Apple to say nothing but rises and sunshine and lollipops about their sales even if they were being outsold. Do you think Apple would ever publicly announce that they are bring outsold by a competitor?

    Jesus the brains are out tonight.

    I don't trust Nielsens methodology since they gave gotten it so wrong before. In my previous post I suggested why.

    Apple can't lie in conference calls, that's a civil and criminal offence.
  • Reply 91 of 188
    Originally Posted by AsianBob View Post

    I would expect Apple to say nothing but rises and sunshine and lollipops about their sales even if they were being outsold. Do you think Apple would ever publicly announce that they are bring outsold by a competitor?

    Oh yes, Apple always gives "real" results!! They have 91% of all computers over $1000, they have 77% of something called "mindshare", they have 99.7% of all cell phones sold to people who work for computer companies in Cupertino, CA, they make the most profit of all companies who make "mobile devices"....

    Sunshine and Lollipops for sure..
  • Reply 92 of 188
    Originally Posted by asdasd View Post

    These are called universal apps.

    So, basically, stop posting total bollocks.

    And if you knew anything about programming, you'd know that the programmer has to program the "Universal App" for each device. The same can be done with Android, for as much as you want to spread FUD, all Droid devices aren't that much different that they need major rewrites of each program.

    If you go back and read my original post, I said that iPad and iPhone don't CURRENTLY run the same version of iOS...

    Of course, you'd don't really care do you?? You're hear to argue all things Steve... Goodbye, I'm done with ya kid..
  • Reply 93 of 188
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    Originally Posted by Bibbler View Post

    Oh yes, Apple always gives "real" results!! They have 91% of all computers over $1000, they have 77% of something called "mindshare", they have 99.7% of all cell phones sold to people who work for computer companies in Cupertino, CA, they make the most profit of all companies who make "mobile devices"....

    Sunshine and Lollipops for sure..

    It's like talking to 2 year olds here tonight. If you can source any of those claims from a financial conference call, do.
  • Reply 94 of 188
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    Originally Posted by Bibbler View Post

    And if you knew anything about programming, you'd know that the programmer has to program the "Universal App" for each device. The same can be done with Android, for as much as you want to spread FUD, all Droid devices aren't that much different that they need major rewrites of each program.

    If you go back and read my original post, I said that iPad and iPhone don't CURRENTLY run the same version of iOS...

    Of course, you'd don't really care do you?? You're hear to argue all things Steve... Goodbye, I'm done with ya kid..

    What you said was that no iPad app could run on the iPhone. That was wrong. I pointed out that it was wrong, and you threw the toys out of the pram.

    Just retract false or misleading stTwments, it us easier fir us all.
  • Reply 95 of 188
    asianbobasianbob Posts: 797member
    Originally Posted by asdasd View Post

    Jesus the brains are out tonight.

    I don't trust Nielsens methodology since they gave gotten it so wrong before. In my previous post I suggested why.

    Apple can't lie in conference calls, that's a civil and criminal offence.

    If you would have just said that in the first place we wouldn't have had to go down this path. No need to be insulting over a misunderstanding...
  • Reply 96 of 188
    Originally Posted by mrochester View Post

    This whole post assumes that consumers give a rats ass about profits, which I can assure they don't. Incidently, each extra Android device on the market is an additional revenue stream for Google through the sale of products, services and advertising.

    how many times do I have to explain this?

    DID YOU ACTUALLY READ MY POSTS? Did you follow the thread?

    1) "This whole post assumes that consumers give a rats ass about profits, which I can assure they don't."

    DUDE: my first post was to those that were saying that Android was making all this money and that it was way better than Apple's model of revenue. It's the Droid fans who brought up the revenue issue.

    but since you brought up the topic of users and profits...

    Perhaps some users don't give a rat's ass about profits but they certainly should. WHY? Perhaps you should ask the no profit Palm users (in limbo as Palm is being slowly digested by HP). go ask the msft KIN phone users, the Win Mo 6 users...

    also go ask the AMIGA users, the people who bought BETAMAX players, the OS2 users...

    No profits can mean END of LINE for your product or at best it means nothing for R&D, bad customer service, sucky hardware as OEMs cut costs, go ask the no profit NETBOOK users about that...

    2)"Incidently, each extra Android device on the market is an additional revenue stream for Google through the sale of products, services and advertising."

    Shoot, are you DENSE or what? THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I SAID does NOT happen EVERY TIME. I explained it sideways and backwards with examples that even small brained reptiles could understand.

    here AGAIN (for like the third time):


    get it? If a phone runs Bing Google gets zilch from search. If they run non google maps, services etc same thing.

    If users buy apps from a NON google store and they are sprouting: Google gets zilch.

    Some phones in Asia come with Baidu not Google and are locked down. You can't even download apps from Google android market. Google profit from them Zero.

    If advertisers use other ad agencies and not Google's Admob, google loses revenue

    etc (all I explained in DETAIL in my first posts)

    I even gave an EXAMPLE in my first post:

    "Engadget on Moto Backflip:

    "Yahoo has replaced Google as the default search provider throughout the phone. It's crazy: the home screen widget, the browser, everything's been programmed to use Yahoo.

    It's filled to the brim with pre-loaded AT&T stuff: AllSport GPS, AT&T Maps, AT&T Music (which takes the place of the standard Music app), AT&T Navigator, AT&T Wi-Fi Hotspots, Mobile Banking, MobiTV, MusicID, Where, and YPmobile. We strongly prefer the approach of offering a special branded Android Market portal where you can download your carrier's recommended apps."



    "Verizon's decision to force the use of Bing as the core search engine on the Samsung Fascinate may be part of a larger change that could undermine Android itself, .... Verizon's approach also prevents owners from choosing an alternative short of installing unofficial firmware, an investigation found."

    I also explained that if people are looking at Google ads on their phones they are NOT (probably) looking AT THE SAME TIME at ads on their laptops or desktops: page view GAIN for Google ZERO.

    Man you DON"T READ and you SPOUT!
  • Reply 97 of 188
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by freddych View Post

    the iPhone needs to get on other carriers or it will get left behind...

    Yup, adding more carriers when you already can't make enough phones to keep up with demand is an absolutely brilliant strategy.

    And left behind at what? Owning the 2 for one special? The high volume no-profit marketshare? I think Apple has a pretty clear history of being perfectly happy not being all things to all people, and since high volume no-profit strategies are about, well, volume I don't understand why anyone gets worked up about market share numbers. At all.

    Google can ship all the Android phones they want, but like Windows Mobile of old, if hardly any of them are used to do anything beyond basic phone calls and light email does it really matter that the phone came with Android? Does google really gain any revenue from the fact that it was simply loaded on a device that was shoveled out the door to someone that is not using it nearly as much as the average iOS user?

    As they say, the proof is in the earnings reports...
  • Reply 98 of 188
    Originally Posted by mrochester View Post

    This whole post assumes that consumers give a rats ass about profits, which I can assure they don't. ...

    I suggest you take a breath and re-read the post. I have and don't find that assumption present at all.
  • Reply 99 of 188
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by Davewrite View Post

    "Verizon's approach also prevents owners from choosing an alternative short of installing unofficial firmware, an investigation found."

    I also explained that if people are looking at Google ads on their phones they are NOT (probably) looking AT THE SAME TIME at ads on their laptops or desktops: page view GAIN for Google ZERO.

    "unofficial firmware" is basically jailbreaking.

    Something I can also do to my iPhone.

    If I have to jailbrake Android to get choice, then what exactly is the point of it again? Why not just go with iOS which has a much richer experience?

    Android may be open, but not always to the end users benefit. In this case it's open for Verizon who promptly locked it down (as V is fond of doing) for the end user. At that point why even mess with it?

    As for Verizon's actions: well duh! It's what they do! It's probably the sole reason the iPhone isn't on Verizon - it's certainly the reason they passed on it the first time. Really, it's not that hard to understand why Apple is less than thrilled with Verizon when they are doing their same old crap - even today! I'm surprised they aren't charging a fee to turn wifi on. You know they want to
  • Reply 100 of 188
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by freddych View Post

    If Google surpasses Apple by enough on this point, Android will become the primary platform that mobile developers are catering to, and iOS will fall behind.

    Only if developers make money with Android. Right now they aren't.

    While a bit of hyperbole, 2x0=0 as much as 20000x0=0

    Mere market share numbers do not equate success. Developers will go where the money is. Many of the developers that left in a huff last year are now (surprise!) back...

    At the end of the day dogma doesn't pay bills.
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