What breed of dog?

in General Discussion edited January 2014
My sister's chocolate lab just died (got distemper and was going blind and having seizures) and I think they are wanting to replace him within the next 3-4 months.

What breed do you guys think might be best?

She's got 3 boys with a girl on the way. (Ages 11, 7, 2 and a baby in June).

Rottweiler? Dalmation (I hear they're mean)? Weimeraner(sp?)?

What dogs stink less than others?


  • Reply 1 of 52
    falconfalcon Posts: 458member
    A little unushual but Keeshounds are great dogs. They have a lot of life in them. Just be sure to get a pup!
  • Reply 2 of 52
    airslufairsluf Posts: 1,861member
  • Reply 3 of 52
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    I hear you, Air, that's what I told my sister. We had a dog when I was a kid that had serious jealousy issues when I (the youngest of 5) was born, tried to attack me when I was a toddler.

    keeshound... interesting

    <a href="http://www.akc.org/breeds/recbreeds/keeshon.cfm"; target="_blank"></a>

    Seems friendly.

    But I think she's looking for something bigger, the 2 year old love to be physical with the dog and Lou didn't mind the kid jumping on him and such. Another lab would probably be ideal, but I don't know if they just want Lou v.2 running around already.
  • Reply 4 of 52
    rottweiler (most loyal damn dog u can find) or maybe golden retriever (great w/ kids). pretty much anything but a chow (bite randomly--very aggressive at times) or lab (too hyper fer my patience).
  • Reply 5 of 52
    i take that back about the labs--i just personally dont care fer em. they are perfectly good dogs...ive just had bad experiences...

    my appologies if i sounded too negative.
  • Reply 6 of 52
    and if u have the DNA of the deceased lab, bring it on over here to a&m--we'll bring a new copy over in the morning.
  • Reply 7 of 52
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    Oh, I don't think they'd want a clone of Lou, he was fairly young but seriously messed up in many ways.

    I myself would get a Rotty pup, I think they're gorgeous and very sweet when raised by people who don't treat them like crap. They are also very protective, which would be fantastic for the kids playing outside and such.

    Anyway, the sister is in England right now so we're going to talk about it when she gets back. The boys had really loved having a dog around and they desperately want another one.

    *pours out a 40oz for his dead homie*

    <a href="http://www.neto.com/vikkib/images/lou.jpg"; target="_blank"></a>

    [ 03-27-2002: Message edited by: groverat ]</p>
  • Reply 8 of 52
    sebseb Posts: 676member
    I've got a West Highland Terrier, or a Westie as they're commonly known. I've gotta say he's probably the best dog I've ever had. I've had a few dogs - A yellow lab (great dog), a cockapoo (cocker poodle mix) decent dog, shih-tzu - ok, fun, but too small for kids IMO, and a couple of mutts.

    Anyhow, here is a link to some pics of my little pooch when he was about 6 months old - <a href="http://homepage.mac.com/fuzzmuzzle/PhotoAlbum2.html"; target="_blank">link</a>. He's not a 'perfect' Westie. His ears don't stick up and his tail is a bit too long. Not to mention he's a bit bigger than standard. I don't care though. He's just a pet - I'd never show him. And I kind of like him for his 'flaws'.

    He's a little over a year old now. Always ready to go on a walk or play a game of fetch, or catch, he's great at catching things mid air. Easily trained. Although I'm a big fan of at least one semester of obedience school - for the dog's sake believe it or not. I think they're happier knowing how to behave.

    If they do get a Westie, they don't have to get it one of those froo froo hairdos like you'll see on the net while you research.

    Beagles are good with kids too though, can't go wrong with a beagle hardly. I had an uncle who raised Beagles as hunting dogs in Missouri. He said the best way to tell a good Beagle was to hold a nickel up to its, uh, poopchute. If it was the same size it was eating the perfect amount. Probably just Missouri lore, but hey, it worked for him. <img src="graemlins/hmmm.gif" border="0" alt="[Hmmm]" />

    Whatever they do, don't get a dog at a pet store. You probably already know that breeding dogs at puppy mills (aside from being treated inhumanely most of the time) get worn out reproductively and often times the puppies are more prone to disease and genetic defects. Not to mention harder to housebreak. Imagine spending the first few months of your life in a cage smelling dog crap all the time. You'd get used to it and wouldn't know the scent of the 'good' place to go for a while. Sort of like being in a freshly painted room. You get used to the smell after a while. You can look up info on the net about it. A lot of vets have done research, and have tried to put a stop to most of them. Puppy mills suck. That's why you won't find many GOOD pet stores that sell dogs anymore.

    Here are a couple of Westie sites I found doing a quick google search. I'm sure you could find more if you wanted.

    Oh, and a lot of people think that Westies are Scottish dogs. Which is partially true. They were originally from Spain. The crews of Spanish ships would keep them on board to route out rats. As they sailed north they sort of migrated to Scotland. However, Scots didn't care for white dogs. Preferring Cairn terriers many Scots killed off Westies as they saw them as poor stock - due to their color. However a king somewhere decided he like them, so they got a second chance. There's also a legend about a Westie that was out hunting with its master in the highland, but while chasing its prey got stuck between some rocks. Considering it lost, the owner went home dismayed. About a week later, the loyal Westie came home, very thin as he'd actually starved enough that he could squeeze out of the rocks and get home. After a couple of weeks of rest and good meals he was right back out hunting. Loyal and sturdy little dogs. Eh, enough dog history. Here are the links.

    (oh, and saving a mutt from the shelter is always cool too. Mutts are great.)

    <a href="http://www.dogbreedinfo.com/westhighland.htm"; target="_blank">http://www.dogbreedinfo.com/westhighland.htm</a>;

    <a href="http://members.ozemail.com.au/~blinda/hmwestie.htm"; target="_blank">http://members.ozemail.com.au/~blinda/hmwestie.htm</a>;

    <a href="http://www.puppydogweb.com/gallery/westhighlandwhiteterriers/e.htm"; target="_blank">http://www.puppydogweb.com/gallery/westhighlandwhiteterriers/e.htm</a>;

    <a href="http://www.hoflin.com/BR/West Highland White Terriers&quot; target="_blank">http://www.hoflin.com/BR/West Highland White Terriers&lt;/a&gt;

    [ 03-27-2002: Message edited by: seb ]</p>
  • Reply 9 of 52
    [quote]Originally posted by groverat:

    <strong>Oh, I don't think they'd want a clone of Lou, he was fairly young but seriously messed up in many ways.

    I myself would get a Rotty pup, I think they're gorgeous and very sweet when raised by people who don't treat them like crap. They are also very protective, which would be fantastic for the kids playing outside and such.

    Anyway, the sister is in England right now so we're going to talk about it when she gets back. The boys had really loved having a dog around and they desperately want another one.

    *pours out a 40oz for his dead homie*

    <a href="http://www.neto.com/vikkib/images/lou.jpg"; target="_blank"></a>

    [ 03-27-2002: Message edited by: groverat ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    from someone who grew up w/ 3 rottweilers, i wholeheartedly support that breed as top choice. they are incredible dogs--incredibly smart, and so very loyal. if u want a dog that defends your territory and family enuff to kill, then this is the dog for u. but dont worry about that. they have a great sense of surroundings, including when its necissary to attack and when merely a growl is enuff (our garbage men know about that--they got out once and caught one. the poor bastard nearly pissed his pants.)
  • Reply 10 of 52
    yes, mutts on the average will always be smarter than purebreds. if u dont care about genetic background or pride of having an AKC dog, then a mutts the way to go--mixing of genes always leads to higher quality life.
  • Reply 11 of 52
    sebseb Posts: 676member
    Heh, while I was typing you said they want something bigger than a Keshound. :/

    Either way, don't get a Dalmation. They're dumb and prone to deafness. A lot of people got dalmations after 101 Dalmations came out and the shelters were over run with them after people realized they aren't very good dogs, especially with kids.

    The reason why you see so many Firemen/houses with Dalmations is because they're deaf and the sound of the sirens doesn't bother them.

    Don't go for a dalmation.
  • Reply 12 of 52
    Shar Pei

    Hes my buddy, very affectionate and clam. Pure bread, all tan with no black spots, purple tongue, and no eye problems. Guys you want to get the lady's? You may want one, as long as your not as ugly as the dog

  • Reply 13 of 52
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    I've never seen a dog evoke stronger reactions in females than the miniature pinscher. My girlfriend squealed for well over and hour about her friend's new mini-pinscher puppy, and so did the roomie's gf and every other chick that was within eyeshot. It was quite a display and I'm sure many guys in the area made a mental note, "get a miniature pinscher immediately"

    Thanks for the heads up about the dalmations, seb, I had also heard that they tended to have bad tempers. I've never been a fan of dalmations, didn't even like the movie.


    How aggressive were your Rotts? Would they chase strangers or intimidate them?
  • Reply 14 of 52
    [quote]Originally posted by groverat:



    How aggressive were your Rotts? Would they chase strangers or intimidate them?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    they are extremely territorial. if a neighbor walks their dog on our front yard while my dogs were in view, it would piss them off. ANYONE or ANYTHING, especially a male dog, on our yard would send them into a riot. if it was another male dog, they wouldnt hesitate to kill it on the spot if they were to get loose. but if its just a person, they basically lower their stance a bit and just bark in defense. i can tell the difference in their barks and growls--in regards to people, its more a display of aggression rather than a threat. theyre harmless to people...but if a dog thats outside their pack intrudes...well...i feel sorry fer that dog...
  • Reply 15 of 52
    My parents always had labs and retrievers so I grew up with them, they were always so gentle and friendly and had such great characters..and they always seemed to be smiling too, so I am biased perhaps. My aunt had Jack Russells...I didn't like them them because they went for peoples' ankles and yapped incessantly. I got nipped by one when I was jogging a year ago. The other dogs (apart from the obvious ones) I've heard bad things about are dalmations and chows. I have heard of several really nasty incidents involving chows...they look so cute, but can be extremely unpredictable and aggressive.
  • Reply 16 of 52
    kaboomkaboom Posts: 286member
    Well, you know what I would recommend

    However, my wife is quite fond of Newfoundlands and St. Berhnards. She had one of each growing up and says that they're gentle as anything.

    The web is a fantastic resource for this kind of thing. My wife and I looked for 2 weeks before choosing our Ruby dog.

    After a quick search I found this:

    <a href="http://www.puppyfinder.com/selector/"; target="_blank">http://www.puppyfinder.com/selector/</a>;
  • Reply 17 of 52
    splinemodelsplinemodel Posts: 7,311member
    [quote]Originally posted by groverat:

    <strong>My sister's chocolate lab just died (got distemper and was going blind and having seizures) and I think they are wanting to replace him within the next 3-4 months.

    What breed do you guys think might be best?

    She's got 3 boys with a girl on the way. (Ages 11, 7, 2 and a baby in June).

    Rottweiler? Dalmation (I hear they're mean)? Weimeraner(sp?)?

    What dogs stink less than others?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Weimeraners (I don't know how to spell them either) are excellent dogs, but you need some land to go with them, since they tend to be pretty active, and like to run. They are short haired and don't smell too bad, so that's less mess. Plus, they tend to be fairly smart. A lot smarter than Labs, for that matter.

    While my household has never owned a dog, my father's family, (i.e. my grandparents) had several weimeraners, as they got a new one when the previous one died. There were 4 in total, and I knew two of them. They're good dogs, but they're not great housedogs. (As I said, they need space)

    [quote]My favorite breed of dog is a CAT!

    IMNSHO dogs are smelly, dumb and annoying.

    But if I had to live with a purebred canine companion it would have to be a Chihuahua.

    That said, my sis-in-law has a gorgeous Siberian that never barks, pees and sh^ts only in its cage and doesn't have bad breath. Not bad, but it's still not a cat.


    With that said, a female weimeraner is generally a better bet, since they are more docile. My grandparents had a male in the 80's who would routinely chow on cats and rabbits. They are hunting dogs, and they're fast as hell, along with being smarter than any stupid cat. More than a match for alomst any small mammal out there. It's just that bringing your neighbor the carcass of his dead cat is generally not a good way to break the ice.

    [ 03-27-2002: Message edited by: Splinemodel ]</p>
  • Reply 18 of 52
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member
    I'll second the Keeshound vote.

    *Goes into AKC Announcer mode*Also known as Dutch Barge Dogs, they were originally bred in Holland to watch over barges that were tied to the Docks. They killed the mice, rats, etc...and alerted barge masters when intruders came onboard. Fast, Intelligent and Loyal. All in all, a fine animal!

    Seriously though, they'er great dogs and they don't shed like you might suspect (just need to brush em for 5 minutes every few days). They're the most easy-going, but intelligent dogs I can think of. And they're attentive around the house - they notice when something isn't right, a stranger's around, etc. They're not going to be a guard dog obviously but they are a decent size. Not like the little pansy toy dogs (malteese, lasa's, etc), and not too big for small homes. They can play fetch with you, they can sit on the couch and vegetate with you...they're the perfect companion.

    If you want something bigger, I'd go to the Humane Society and get on the list for a mutt that has some golden retriever in it. Some pounds and HS places let you get on a waiting list for a specific mix of traits (i.e. "Medium-sized, part golden, young - call Groverat @ 555-DAWG")...then it's just a matter of waiting. Shouldn't take more than a few weeks. Just like waiting for a new Mac!

    As for Weine... Weima...I mean Reimaw...aw fvck it, you know what I mean (Weimaraner). Just DONT get one. A couple of my neighbors have one and they

    A) Are completely spastic until they get to be 2 or 3 years old (i.e. are very hard to train / discipline)

    B) Are none too bright relative to other big dogs like retrievers, labs and sheppards.

    At least not based on what I've seen. And the owners have put some real time into training them; not lazy people at all.

    [ 03-27-2002: Message edited by: Moogs ? ]</p>
  • Reply 19 of 52
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    Dog's are OK, but a cat is where it's at!

    Apparently, both make a good savory meat, though that is, perhaps, another discussion.

    Most of the people I've seen who purposefully buy intimidating and agressive dogs, are either stupid and un-informed or they are just plain creepy. Whenever I see a guy with some massive, obedient, yet ready to strike, dog I immediately think to myself, "Yep, small dick."

    Though perhaps I ought not be thinking about other men's dicks.
  • Reply 20 of 52
    pfflampfflam Posts: 5,053member
    I too like cats.... but I also love dogs:

    The BEst breed is by far a New Zealand sheephound, or an Australian cattle dog: they are very very smart, loyal, friendly, very good with kids . . . the only problem is is that they need fairly constant exercise . . . which could be a good thing, after all, it would get you out of the house and away from the mac for a bit.

    For the life of me I can't understand the appeal of Rotweilers?!?!?!? they're bulky, they slober, they lumber and contrary to expressed opinion here (as I read at least once a year in the paper) they are not good for kids but they think kids are good for them (tasty that is) . . . I think part of it is that power/fear image that people think they excude and that people somehow think that they as dog owners somehow also exude it if they have one.

    My wife stands by, and absolutely would have nothing other than a Boxer.
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