leaks confirmation of iLife '11, new MacBook Airs, more



  • Reply 41 of 63
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Seriously people, enough with the comments about Core-i3 being great for the MBA. You people are having a laugh or you have no idea what that you are talking about.

    If you disagree find me the Core-i3 chips that you think would be ideal for the MBA.

    The ones where you can take a bit out of the chip to get the igfx out... I am sure they are referring to these...
  • Reply 42 of 63
    Originally Posted by PeterRRRRRR View Post

    Control-Shift-Eject turns off the screen. Handy for battery conservation.

    Wow, I never knew of that before! Thanks!
  • Reply 43 of 63
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Seriously people, enough with the comments about Core-i3 being great for the MBA. You people are having a laugh or you have no idea what that you are talking about.

    If you disagree find me the Core-i3 chips that you think would be ideal for the MBA.

    no one could find the core 2 chips that came with the air initially either. they were special items. is it not possible that apple worked out another deal for specialized ix chip? not that i think it will happen but it could.

    what really needs to happen is a refresh on the 13" macbook pro. no way should they still be running core 2 duo's for what those laptops cost!
  • Reply 44 of 63
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by screamingfist View Post

    no one could find the core 2 chips that came with the air initially either. they were special items. is it not possible that apple worked out another deal for specialized ix chip? not that i think it will happen but it could.

    what really needs to happen is a refresh on the 13" macbook pro. no way should they still be running core 2 duo's for what those laptops cost!

    Again, tell me why Apple would have Intel make a special Core-i3 chip instead of using the Core-i5 or Core-i7 chips that are designed for this class machine?

    Are you suggesting Apple struck a deal with Intel to allow Nvidia to use their IGP in the MBA over the Intel HD built into the chips? How exactly do you propose that to work?
  • Reply 45 of 63
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Again, tell me why Apple would have Intel make a special Core-i3 chip instead of using the Core-i5 or Core-i7 chips that are designed for this class machine?

    Are you suggesting Apple struck a deal with Intel to allow Nvidia to use their IGP in the MBA over the Intel HD built into the chips? How exactly do you propose that to work?

    i didn't say i3. i said ix.

    they use nvidia on the macbook pros alongside i5. so are you talking about 'work' as in license or work as in 'how does one cram all that into the air'?

    if the later i don't know. if i did i would be getting paid to do so rather than jabbering on this site.
  • Reply 46 of 63
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    I am kind of Apple-d out at this point on the gadget front. \

    And you call yourself a shareholder! Tsk Tsk
  • Reply 47 of 63
    Originally Posted by screamingfist View Post

    i didn't say i3. i said ix.

    they use nvidia on the macbook pros alongside i5. so are you talking about 'work' as in license or work as in 'how does one cram all that into the air'?

    if the later i don't know. if i did i would be getting paid to do so rather than jabbering on this site.

    nvidia is discreet on the pro.
  • Reply 48 of 63
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by screamingfist View Post

    i didn't say i3. i said ix.

    I was specifically responding to posters to keep mentioning dropping the C2D for a Core-i3 for the MBA with no mention of the available Core-i5 and Core-i7s that have the appropriate power draw.
  • Reply 49 of 63
    Originally Posted by urbansprawl View Post

    Buddy, this is no gadget. Look at everything Apple has built up in power efficiency over the last three years. The iPad can sit in lock mode for a month and have a charge. This new little Air is going to be a full little computer that is just on and ready to use. Maybe even a touch screen. It's not far off the size of iPad. 10.7 is going to usher in something fantastic, a plethora of advances as Mac OS and iOS help eachother grow.

    I'm personally excited.

    I'm excited but concerned a little. iOS is so easy to use, Mac OS for new users is completely daunting... Yes average intelligence levels are dropping, or there's simply not enough time for people to adapt.

    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    You need a drink. Have a nice glass of cider.

    Just had one. Ahh...

    Originally Posted by huntson View Post

    While the new MacBook air and os x 10.7 are possibilities people seems to be discounting steve's magical new app for iLife. This could also fill the shoes of that forum space

    Yes... The "new category". Nothing is more tantalising than placeholder text.
  • Reply 50 of 63
    Originally Posted by Durnaurion View Post

    Does the eject button actually work before the OS is loaded? It's purely software, isn't it?

    IIRC after the "boinggg" sound (yes very technical here) you can hold down the eject key, or press and hold the trackpad/mouse button, and it will force-eject any discs in the drive.
  • Reply 51 of 63
    cmf2cmf2 Posts: 1,427member
    Originally Posted by screamingfist View Post

    no one could find the core 2 chips that came with the air initially either. they were special items. is it not possible that apple worked out another deal for specialized ix chip? not that i think it will happen but it could.

    what really needs to happen is a refresh on the 13" macbook pro. no way should they still be running core 2 duo's for what those laptops cost!

    Tell me. How much will the new MBA cost?
  • Reply 52 of 63
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    IIRC after the "boinggg" sound (yes very technical here) you can hold down the eject key, or press and hold the trackpad/mouse button, and it will force-eject any discs in the drive.

    hmpf, could have thought of that myself, since I use BootCamp...

    About the CPUs:

    The main focus of an ultraportable should be portability = small size, light weight, and long battery life. I think we all agree on that, don't we?

    Now, given these limitations, does any of you guys really think that it would make a huge (or even a noticeable) performance difference whether you use a C2D or a Core iX? If power consumption and heat are the limits you have find a CPU that suits those limitations. I don't think it would make that much of a difference.

    I personally hope that Apple chose the cheaper solution, since I (and I think it's the same for most people who are looking for an ultraportable) don't need a lot of CPU power and certainly don't want to pay extra for it.

    That said, I still believe that that C2D + 320M gives you better overall performance than Core iX incl. Intel HD.
  • Reply 53 of 63
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    I am more interested in iLife 11 than the MBA to be honest. No mention of mystery app or iWeb so far ... I hope this isn't all about iPad versions. I love iPad but hope this is all about Lion and new OS X apps today. The title back to the Mac would encourage me to think so

    given the title, the press releases giving out all the release info and last months event, there's nothing iOS that needs to be talked about. So i'm thinking no. This is all Mac OS related.

    Perhaps as an aside there will be a mention during the ilife talk about an ipad version of imovie etc available with the 4.2 release, but just as aside 'more details available on our site closer to the release date' but that's it. No major showcasing. Although in true such software would likely wait until an ipad with a faster processor and more ram (ie ipad 2.0 which will not be discussed)
  • Reply 54 of 63
    Originally Posted by cmf2 View Post

    Tell me. How much will the new MBA cost?

    um...too much? ha.
  • Reply 55 of 63
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    You need a drink. Have a nice glass of cider.

    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    And you call yourself a shareholder! Tsk Tsk

    You guys are right -- don't know what I am thinking! [Smacks side of head].

    Attitude has been readjusted.
  • Reply 56 of 63
    Originally Posted by Durnaurion View Post

    hmpf, could have thought of that myself, since I use BootCamp...

    About the CPUs:

    The main focus of an ultraportable should be portability = small size, light weight, and long battery life. I think we all agree on that, don't we?

    Now, given these limitations, does any of you guys really think that it would make a huge (or even a noticeable) performance difference whether you use a C2D or a Core iX? If power consumption and heat are the limits you have find a CPU that suits those limitations. I don't think it would make that much of a difference.

    I personally hope that Apple chose the cheaper solution, since I (and I think it's the same for most people who are looking for an ultraportable) don't need a lot of CPU power and certainly don't want to pay extra for it.

    That said, I still believe that that C2D + 320M gives you better overall performance than Core iX incl. Intel HD.

    The problem is CoreiX (of the 18W TDP range) + IntelHD = really crippled Mac. Ultraportable or not.

    The last thing Apple will risk, IMO, is the MacBook Air being just an expensive netbook where you've got to go to a MacBook (not Pro even) to get any decent usage.
  • Reply 57 of 63
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    The problem is CoreiX (of the 18W TDP range) + IntelHD = really crippled Mac. Ultraportable or not.

    The last thing Apple will risk, IMO, is the MacBook Air being just an expensive netbook where you've got to go to a MacBook (not Pro even) to get any decent usage.

    I agree for the most part, although I think "crippled" is a pretty hard word. I mean, SL runs pretty smoothly on an Atom, as long as you don't edit video files or huge images. And how many people are going to do that on a MBA?
  • Reply 58 of 63
    cmf2cmf2 Posts: 1,427member
    Originally Posted by screamingfist View Post

    um...too much? ha.

    Yeah, get back to me when you know the price instead of shooting off your mouth about how the Air costs too much for the chips it has in it without even knowing the price.

    I think you are grossly underestimating how important decent graphics capabilities are to even the most basic computing tasks. Hardware acceleration of flash is huge in itself, regardless of how powerful the CPU is, it will be less efficient than a GPU designed for it. It not a coincidence that there was a jump in battery life when Apple started using Nvidia integrated graphics.

    If you want better CPU's you should be arguing for AMD chips because they still offer respectable integrated graphics. I think AMD chips for all macs with integrated graphics and i5/i7 chips for macs with discreet graphics (which is already the case) is the only way that Apple can move forward. Going to an ix chip and Intel integrated graphics would be a downgrade in many ways. Why do you think Intel blocked Nvidia from providing an integrated graphics solution for ix processors? They simply can't compete.
  • Reply 59 of 63
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Durnaurion View Post

    I personally hope that Apple chose the cheaper solution, since I (and I think it's the same for most people who are looking for an ultraportable) don't need a lot of CPU power and certainly don't want to pay extra for it.

    it's possible the C2D + Nvidia 320M could me more costly than te comparable chip-over-chip Core-i5/i7 if you look at Intel's price list.
  • Reply 60 of 63
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    it's possible the C2D + Nvidia 320M could me more costly than te comparable chip-over-chip Core-i5/i7 if you look at Intel's price list.

    You could be right. I honestly don't know for sure, but I could imagine Apple getting a good deal for clearing out Intel stock, plus, since they use these chips in other notebooks there might be some sort of discount.

    I really think that it's not that big of a difference any how... If it did, I selfishly hope Apple takes the cheaper option, which ever it may be.
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