Apple TV sellouts seen as start of 1M sales per quarter



  • Reply 81 of 94
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by TNSF View Post

    Well look at that, a Bose TV.

    Now explain to me again why Apple can't build a TV?

    Who said they couldn’t?

    BTW, how are those TVs selling? I haven’t seen them in any stores I’ve been in.
  • Reply 82 of 94
    tnsftnsf Posts: 203member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    BTW, how are those TVs selling? I haven?t seen them in any stores I?ve been in.

    Who knows... And who knows if they'll even be a success. But it proves that there is truly no technical or logistical barrier preventing Apple from introducing a TV.

    The question is whether they want to. Or perhaps, whether they have to.
  • Reply 83 of 94
    programmerprogrammer Posts: 3,467member
    Originally Posted by TNSF View Post

    Who knows... And who knows if they'll even be a success. But it proves that there is truly no technical or logistical barrier preventing Apple from introducing a TV.

    The question is whether they want to. Or perhaps, whether they have to.

    Apple has been steadily getting out of the monitor business... why would they want to dive back in by building TVs? These are expensive, low-margin devices. Exactly what Apple doesn't want to be involved in. The AppleTV is cheap to build and they still have a decent margin on it, plus it works with TVs the consumer already has or may buy in the future. Even if the consumer buys a GoogleTV. If the STB model isn't going to work for them, then they are going to have to go with the Google/Microsoft model of licensing their tech to the manufacturers... otherwise they can't possibly get the market penetration that they'd need to succeed in that sort of a venture. Their goal is to draw more people into their ecosystem, selling a handful of expensive low-margin TVs doesn't accomplish that.
  • Reply 84 of 94
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by TNSF View Post

    Who knows... And who knows if they'll even be a success. But it proves that there is truly no technical or logistical barrier preventing Apple from introducing a TV.

    The question is whether they want to. Or perhaps, whether they have to.

    I wasn't under the impression that anyone was arguing that Apple couldn't build or bring to market a TV. What I've seen (and agree with) is more along the lines of what Programmer is saying-- that Apple wouldn't have any interest in making razor thin margins on a device to which they could only bring add-on functionality, as opposed to controlling the entire experience.

    Apple obviously couldn't build an "Apple TV only" TV, it would have to do all the things most people use their TVs for most of the time-- connect to a range of third party devices and tune in and display broadcast and cable TV. The Apple TV part would then be just a minority segment of the all over experience. Has Apple ever sold such a device?

    Of course, Apple could design a UI that controlled those things as well, but switching inputs and channels, or somehow enhancing your optical disc playback enjoyment, isn't the kind of problem Apple seems interested in solving. Doesn't it make much more sense for Apple to make a standalone device, as they do, which focuses on what Apple feels they can do well, and leave the vanilla TV functionality to the TV people? To put it another way, what problem would an Apple TV solve?
  • Reply 85 of 94
    tnsftnsf Posts: 203member
    Originally Posted by Programmer View Post

    Apple has been steadily getting out of the monitor business... why would they want to dive back in by building TVs? These are expensive, low-margin devices. Exactly what Apple doesn't want to be involved in. The AppleTV is cheap to build and they still have a decent margin on it, plus it works with TVs the consumer already has or may buy in the future. Even if the consumer buys a GoogleTV. If the STB model isn't going to work for them, then they are going to have to go with the Google/Microsoft model of licensing their tech to the manufacturers... otherwise they can't possibly get the market penetration that they'd need to succeed in that sort of a venture. Their goal is to draw more people into their ecosystem, selling a handful of expensive low-margin TVs doesn't accomplish that.

    So let's pretend that Apple doesn't make a TV and they focus on their little box. And Google focuses on getting OEMs to add Google TV to their sets.

    Now fast forward a few years. Google TV ships on every TV out of the box. And Apple is still pushing their little box. Is this an acceptable outcome for Apple? Will any consumers by an Apple TV box if Google TV comes on every set already? This future would be disastrous for Apple.

    I don't think their little black box will cut it. There has to be more. As long as Jobs is around that doesn't include putting Apple software on OEM TVs.
  • Reply 86 of 94
    areseearesee Posts: 776member
    Originally Posted by TNSF View Post

    So let's pretend that Apple doesn't make a TV and they focus on their little box. And Google focuses on getting OEMs to add Google TV to their sets.

    Now fast forward a few years. Google TV ships on every TV out of the box. And Apple is still pushing their little box. Is this an acceptable outcome for Apple? Will any consumers by an Apple TV box if Google TV comes on every set already? This future would be disastrous for Apple.

    I don't think their little black box will cut it. There has to be more. As long as Jobs is around that doesn't include putting Apple software on OEM TVs.

    Ok, lets pretend that Google TV is on every TV. Now what happens when Google wants to update Google TV? Do we all rush out and replace our TVs? No, I don't think so. For the last half of the Google TVs life the user will be stuck with using out of date software that may or may not be even useful.

    Remember, the Apple TV, Google TV and all the other set top boxes are just computers using the TV display as its monitor. Currently computers have a 3 to 5 year life before we replace them. TVs on the other hand have a 7 year life span before they are replaced. And with the recent mass replacement of TVs (due to the outside force of going digital) it will be another 5 years or so before most of the TVs currently being used will be replaced. So a STB is currently the way to go. And as for the Sony Google TV? I think in 4 years we will be hearing complaints about how bad it is and how it can not be upgraded to accept the then current media codexes even though it still has half of its life left.
  • Reply 87 of 94
    Seems to me Apple is already making TVs. They're called iMacs. Notice where they are heading? Nice little wireless keyboards, matching touchpad that is standalone. Perfect for a living room home entertainment center. Test out the waters with the ATV and if it does well come out with a larger iMac that is TV sized and incorporates it all. I see this as one of their goals down the road.
  • Reply 88 of 94
    nhtnht Posts: 4,522member
    Originally Posted by antkm1 View Post

    Agreed, Apple should have partnered with ATT's Uverse to make an integrated DVR/ATV device.

    ATT IPTV U-verse set top product is powered by...MS.
  • Reply 89 of 94
    tnsftnsf Posts: 203member
    Originally Posted by Woffles View Post

    Seems to me Apple is already making TVs. They're called iMacs. Notice where they are heading? Nice little wireless keyboards, matching touchpad that is standalone. Perfect for a living room home entertainment center. Test out the waters with the ATV and if it does well come out with a larger iMac that is TV sized and incorporates it all. I see this as one of their goals down the road.


    Yesterday we saw a degree of convergence between iPad, Macbook Air and the iMac. Apple has leveraged lessons learned from each of their lines of business to strengthen others and their ecosystem.

    Apple TV is no different. Already, the new Apple TV is based on lessons learned from the iPad and iPhone. The device is compact and based almost exclusively on proprietary components first used in iPad and iPhone.

    It isn't feasible to put a computer in a TV. Moving parts like hard drives, fans, traditional motherboards etc. They're all to expensive and cumbersome and more than whats needed. As you stated, take the big LCD displays Apple is experienced with, make them bigger and then combine them with the guts of an Apple TV and some basic tuners. What do you have? iTV.
  • Reply 90 of 94
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by antkm1 View Post

    Me thinks it's the power of the Netflix App that's driving sales.

    And Airplay. We don't have Netflix in my country, yet I bought one.
  • Reply 91 of 94
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    The iMac is not a TV. If you think it is I have to assume you are either a geek or an idiot.
  • Reply 92 of 94
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Who said they couldn?t?

    BTW, how are those TVs selling? I haven?t seen them in any stores I?ve been in.

    How were tablets selling?
  • Reply 93 of 94
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    The iMac is not a TV. If you think it is I have to assume you are either a geek or an idiot.

    Your welcome to assume what you want but come back in about 5 years when an iMac is 40+ inches wide and is your TV/computer/DVR etc. Learn to be a little more open minded and try to understand what I really said. I didn't literally mean an iMac was a TV. It's really quite easy to see where Jobs is headed with all this if you pay attention.
  • Reply 94 of 94
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