34 hours with no sleep...interrsting things start to happenn



  • Reply 41 of 222
    dfilerdfiler Posts: 3,420member
    Wow, a ten year old thread!?
  • Reply 42 of 222
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by bongo View Post

    I also googled something similar.. "3 days no sleep" and this is one of the first things that came up. I'm beginning to get a little worried as I am a little tired, very conscious of my heartbeat for some reason, and have Bern staring at my wall for 3 days at night with no results. I found this thread really Close and timewasting. Ate there any resources for sleep deprivation slash insomnia that anyone knows about,, I haven't heard of any..

    I take it you're new to staying up, eh?

    I've done over two days only three times, but I've never run into any of this, even on my longest run (74 hours).

    Might be because I believe in mind over matter for most things. I'm only hungry if I want to be, and caffeine has a larger effect on me because I want it to. I don't drink anything with sugar in it after 4 because a single can of soda would keep me up past two in the morning.

    Just trust that your mind can control most of the world around you and you can do some impressive things. Mind you, nothing like reality bending or changing the cosmological constant, but with your lifestyle and your interactions with others? Certainly.

    Also, this is the most impressive thread necro I've ever seen. Ten years, ten years...
  • Reply 43 of 222
    Remedial Math would be a good place for you folks to start... I'm having a hard time coming up with "10" years on this thread.
  • Reply 44 of 222
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by KingOfSomewhereHot View Post

    Remedial Math would be a good place for you folks to start... I'm having a hard time coming up with "10" years on this thread.

    Your signature is now ironic.

    11 minus 1 is 10.

  • Reply 45 of 222
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Your signature is now ironic.

    11 minus 1 is 10.


    From what I can see, the thread was started 01-01-2002 ... that was 9 (NINE) years ago.

    (Yes, I'm just THAT bored right now.)
  • Reply 46 of 222
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by KingOfSomewhereHot View Post

    From what I can see, the thread was started 01-01-2002 ... that was 9 (NINE) years ago.

    (Yes, I'm just THAT bored right now.)

    It says 12-31-2001 for me. That's not really possible.
  • Reply 47 of 222
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    The insomnia thread will never sleep.
  • Reply 48 of 222
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Sleep is important!
  • Reply 49 of 222
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by bongo View Post

    I also googled something similar.. "3 days no sleep" and this is one of the first things that came up. I'm beginning to get a little worried as I am a little tired, very conscious of my heartbeat for some reason, and have Bern staring at my wall for 3 days at night with no results. I found this thread really Close and timewasting. Ate there any resources for sleep deprivation slash insomnia that anyone knows about,, I haven't heard of any..

    Seek professional help immediately. I'm not joking. A psychiatrist can help you.
  • Reply 50 of 222
    Ah yes, the days before AppleOutsider, just the General Discussion forum for the non-sensical topics.
  • Reply 51 of 222
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    It says 12-31-2001 for me. That's not really possible.

    Of course it's possible. When the thread was started, it was January first where KOSH is now, and it was still Dec. 31 where you are.

    Right now it's January 7th here. But it's still Jan 6th where you are. My browser will report that this post was made on January 7th. Your browser will report that I said this on January 6th.
  • Reply 52 of 222
    Originally Posted by pscates View Post

    I never went to sleep last night (up doing a project until 5:30...alarm goes off at six. I watched TV for thirty minutes because i was s afraid if i slept any, i woulnd't want to get back up again.

    I'm all "fuzzy around the edges" and feel like I've had a whole lots of bbeers. I stood in the grocery store a while ago and just swayed badck and forth at the magazine rack.

    I don't think i've ever gone this long with no sleep at all. Quite an odd sensation. I couldn't be a doctor and have to do those wild "36 on/36 off" emergency room hours, or whaetever it is they do.

    STarting to hit me really good in the past half hour...there's NO WAY I'll make it to midnight.

    I might not make it to the end of this post...

    This is not good for your heart at all with no sleep.You should at least 7-8 hours of sleep everyday.:
  • Reply 53 of 222
    yea yea yea....no sleep bad, what ever. When you live in the REAL world there are times were you or others may go a day or 2 with no sleep. Just think if you end up getting surgery that the one cutting you open might be on a 3 day bender. So what that you miss a few nights of sleep here and there. yea no sleep is bad for you...so are cow farts....you will live.

    anyways as far as being worried when you havnt slept about feeling off, seeing things, hearing things...all normal. Eating something and get a little rest it will go away. still cant sleep eat and take some alergy meds, the bynadrll.

    and as far as it being a 3 year old thread....doesnt matter how old. advice and personal story will help others looking at it now, and later.
  • Reply 54 of 222
    e1618978e1618978 Posts: 6,075member
    I have been up 96 hours, and started to get serious shakes from caffeine overdose or something. No hallucinations, though.

    But that is nothing - my wife was up for two weeks straight during pregnancy. Every time she started to drift off she had some kind of internal pain that she said felt like she was dying, and sleeping medications just made her stay awake more. I think that she was psychotic for part of the time, it wasn't pleasant - finally she checked herself into the hospital and they fixed things.
  • Reply 55 of 222
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,020member
    Holy crap I just realized this thread was from 12/31/2001. WTF?
  • Reply 56 of 222
    I think 40 hours is the longest ive gone without sleep when on a long haul flight to Australia and I got delayed so sat about in the airport waiting to find out when my out going flight would leave. Couldn't really sleep incase i missed my flight and i just cant sleep on planes so by the time i arrived in Australia it was 10am in the morning so i had to try to stay awake as long as possible to stop myself getting jet lag. As others mentioned it was fine while doing something but as soon as you stop you feel the tiredness and you head starts to go
  • Reply 57 of 222
    So it was the week before college finals week, and what do 4 of my professors do? Assign a large writing assignment due before the end of the week. So to get everything done, I had to sacrifice some sleep; 30 hours of it. I woke up on a Wed around 7:00am, had class from 8am to 12pm and then started my papers. Around 7pm the same day, I had a program to do in my hall which sucked up a good 4 hours of my day. Finally around 11pm, I continued with my papers, but having three to complete before the next day, I knew I wasn't heading to bed anytime soon. From 11am til 6:30am (Wed into Thurs) I wrote both of my papers on an empty stomach with nothing to drink but an AMP energy drink. Luckily I finished two of my papers and was near completion of the last. I decided to take a shower around 6:30am and watch infomercials until 7:30am which is when the library on campus opens, so I can finish my last paper. Then at 8am til 12pm, again, I had class back to back. At around 9:30am (right before my second class) I got a coffee with cream and sugar, but still nothing to eat. Sitting in class, I felt well drinking the coffee and attentive. Then 11am rolled around (my 3rd class starting) and things changed drastically. Sitting in my class, I started to get really figity. The fingers on my right hand started moving rapidly in a circular motion, without me really controlling, or realizing, until I actually noticed. Then the figits started moving up to my wrist, where my fingers and wrist would start moving circularly in a rapid motion. Within 30 min into the class, the figits moved up my arm; my arm would figit quickly (shaking) while my wrist and fingers continued the "scooping" circular movement. My fingers on my right hand started to feel tingly and were very cold to the touch. It was hard for me to focus on what the teacher was saying, and difficult for my to obtain control of my hands long enough to be able to type notes. Naturally, I looked very awkward and did everything I could to stop my movements. I sat on my right hand, but then the movements started in the left (not to the same severity as the right hand though). Then I sat on my left hand and the movements started in my toes, then ankles. Class finally let out, and the right side of my body was flailing excessively. I pretty much started to panic, since this has never happened to me. At around 12:30pm, I arrived back to my hall where I talked to some of my friends of my involuntary muscle movements. At this point, I was also pretty dehydrated, and my friends insisted that I drink tons of water, which I did. It was very difficult for me to focus on what anyone was saying, though I remember being cognitive enough to respond to their questions appropriately and I could not function a touch-screen phone because my pointer finger was in constant motion. Around 1pm the "fuzziness" feeling I had been experiencing since 11am, started to get worse, and I started to feel dizzy and cloudy; despite everything though, I did not feel tired or even desired to sleep. At 2pm my friends and I were planning on going to lunch (mind you I still hadn't eaten since maybe 5pm Wed night); between 1pm and 2pm I started to have involuntary muscle movements in my mouth and tongue. I was constantly grinding my teeth, rolling my tongue, and licking my lips; of course this looked really silly. Fortunately, the movements in my arm started to decrease in severity. Again, I didn't feel sleepy or even irritated; I was kind of just "okay" with things. I went to lunch with my friends and the entire time, I kid you not, I felt like I was high (and yes I know the feeling enough to be able to identify it). I do not remember chewing my food, but I do remember swallowing it (if that makes sense haha). I also started to get very panicky and paranoid; I started to feel really scared that maybe someone put drugs in my coffee this morning (lol). I even considered calling the place that I got my coffee from! My friends just thought it was hilarious, but helped calm me down. At around 3:00pm, I finally laid down in my bed, the movements stopped, and within 10 minutes I was sound asleep. I woke up about 2 hours later feeling sick, groggy, and having a full bladder; I went to the bathroom and back to sleep soundly and undisturbed for 5 more hours. I finally woke up around 11:00pm (Thurs still), and felt fantastic for the most part. I remember everything that happened, but everything felt like a dream. It was a very strange experience; I have never encountered anything like it before; then again I've never stayed awake longer than 24 hours without food/water and with an energy drink and coffee. Sorry this post is really long, but has anyone else experienced severe involuntary muscle movements from lack of sleep?
  • Reply 58 of 222

    You brought back a previously-necroed thread from 2001 to post your FIRST POST as an unreadable wall of text?
  • Reply 59 of 222
    marvfoxmarvfox Posts: 2,275member
    Originally Posted by bongo View Post

    I also googled something similar.. "3 days no sleep" and this is one of the first things that came up. I'm beginning to get a little worried as I am a little tired, very conscious of my heartbeat for some reason, and have Bern staring at my wall for 3 days at night with no results. I found this thread really Close and timewasting. Ate there any resources for sleep deprivation slash insomnia that anyone knows about,, I haven't heard of any..

    Go see a shrink!
  • Reply 60 of 222
    funnily enough im curently at 88 hours without sleep.

    i rolled over in bed this morning to find the girl i like apparently in my bed, before she sat up and slit her throat.

    i see things in the corner of my eye that arent there and are SHIT scary, and i find myself paranoid at these imafges.

    i cant read things without it taking me 6-10 minutes to realise what it means or to put the words together

    ive blaked out (micro sleeps) 7 times today according to my parents, including near the top of the stairs

    ive (so far) had my room on fire, had ants (inside my arm) eat their way out and the flesh around it, and ive had the skin around my eyes melt in the mirror

    sugar, lucozade, dr pepper, tea are what ive taken to keep me awake so far

    im going to the doctors tommorrow to pick up some sleeping tablets.

    ive completely lost my appetite, find myself rocking back and forth without intention, my left leg has been giving way underneath me today from shaking uncontrollably. i cannot foxus on text corectly,

    i wouldnt recomend doing this on purpse to anyone. when im not halucinating i feel like im dead. when i am, i generally wish i was dead. cause is currently unknown and unfortuantly my doctors are useless as you have to make an appointment days in advance. i made this appointment at 22 hours without sleep. by the time my appointment is here, ill have had roughly 100 hours without sleep.

    until then i just need to try and not kill myself for whatever reason
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