Gabrielle Giffords's recovery noted in terms of iPad use



  • Reply 41 of 67
    I have to admit, my first reaction to seeing the headline on the main page was that it seemed a Perhaps in poor taste? I wasn't sure at first, but after reading the comments on it as well as the original source, I do believe that there is a legitimate Apple story in this situation. I just don't think that a recovering shooting victim using an iPad is that story.

    The AppleInsider article title hints at this: "Gabrielle Giffords's recovery noted in terms of iPad use." The article, however, is a quick recap of the Reuters story with a quote from John Gruber thrown in. It misses what I think is legitimate analysis from an Apple news perspective, and that is: Why did Reuters run with this headline: "Giffords standing up and using iPad"

    This entire event is a tragedy. Looking at the Reuters article, it's clear that Mrs. Giffords has made great progress, but is still in relatively poor condition. Indeed, It's not even clear how much she is aware of what's going on around her. During the news conference today, the doctor did reference her use of an iPad as a sign that her cognition is improving, a very promising indicator. I was very glad to read it. However, Reuter's choice of headline wording seems to trivialize it by bringing an element of pop culture into a situation where it does not apply. Would it matter if she were using a Galaxy Tab? No! But by doing what they did, an the headline takes on the flavor of some perverse kind of product placement. Reading the full quote from John Gruber, he seems taken aback as well: "Sounds like an Onion headline, but it’s true. Unbelievable."

    I don't fault AppleInsider for running the article, but I do fault Reuters for trivializing it in the manner that they did. Am I over-analyzing this? I'm sure I am, but it's just my $0.02
  • Reply 42 of 67
    Yay Gabby! Can't wait until she walks back into Congress.
  • Reply 43 of 67
    recrec Posts: 217member
    Originally Posted by AppleZilla View Post

    Yay Gabby! Can't wait until she walks back into Congress.

    Yeah no kidding. She's gonna win re-elections from here till eternity if she proves to Arizona that she can beat this. I want to see her succeed.

    I love the iPad, and if I were in the hospital and unable to speak this would be the device I'd want to have handy. It is an amazing piece of technology.
  • Reply 44 of 67
    Originally Posted by AppleZilla View Post

    Yay Gabby! Can't wait until she walks back into Congress.

    To do what, exactly?

    Increasingly, it seems like such a wasted branch of the US government.

    I think that someone like her is too good for that place.
  • Reply 45 of 67
    recrec Posts: 217member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    To do what, exactly?

    Increasingly, it seems like such a wasted branch of the US government.

    I think that someone like her is too good for that place.

    All the more reason for her to be there, don't you think? She's clearly an exceptional person, and one of the good ones. Public service could use more people like her.
  • Reply 46 of 67
    penchantedpenchanted Posts: 1,070member
    Originally Posted by REC View Post

    I love the iPad, and if I were in the hospital and unable to speak this would be the device I'd want to have handy. It is an amazing piece of technology.

    Honestly, I would think it would be much easier for her to first use a keyboard.

    But I am happy to see that she is making progress and that her use of an iPad (or any device, really) means that she is cognitive.
  • Reply 47 of 67
    Originally Posted by AppleZilla View Post

    Yay Gabby! Can't wait until she walks back into Congress.

    ...with a quad-resolution iPad 2 under her arm! That will be an awesome day!
  • Reply 48 of 67
    cnocbuicnocbui Posts: 3,613member
    Originally Posted by tomlawler View Post

    You go, Gabby. We r rooting for you!

    No you aren't, only android users Kiwi's and Aussies can do that.

    Reporting on Gifford's recovery in terms of a product endorsement is crass and tasteless. AI is regurgitating someone else's verbal puke.

    It doesn't surprise me that the Apple piranha are attacking anyone who is questioning the propriety of this, they lost the ability for rational and critical thought where Apple is concerned in 2007.
  • Reply 49 of 67
    1. My initial thought was that the headline was poorly worded. The angle with which the topic was approached could have been more tasteful. It belongs here as a shining example of assistive technology, but not as a plug that takes advantage of Ms. Giffords' injury. It's a fine line to cross.

    2. The joke isn't bad. It's in poor taste, but I've read and heard far worse things uttered by people through various mediums on the Internet for years now. It's also ok for us to be a YouTube video that has been out in the wild recently stated, nothing happens to you when you're offended. We'll get over it.
  • Reply 50 of 67
    newbeenewbee Posts: 2,055member
    Originally Posted by HahaHaha321 View Post

    Surprisingly, it's only the arrogant nature of this website and the fanboys who contribute to it that gets under my skin this much.

    How stupid are you if you can't figure out that you are going to find fanboys at an Apple fansite? If it bothers you so much .... why do you stay? .... do you really think you're going to "change their mind" and they're suddenly going to think like you .... think again, silly person.
  • Reply 51 of 67
    bageljoeybageljoey Posts: 2,008member
    Originally Posted by mentalward View Post

    I don't fault AppleInsider for running the article, but I do fault Reuters for trivializing it in the manner that they did. Am I over-analyzing this? I'm sure I am, but it's just my $0.02

    I agree. AI noticing how the iPad has already become a pop culture touchstone is not nearly as odd as the fact that regular news sources keep trumpeting the iPad angle of this story... I'm not sure why the iPad has to be mentioned (3 times!) at the intro of the 11:00 news in NYC except for the fact that anything Apple increases public interest right now.

    Actually it would be odd if AI didn't pick ip on this. Remember, less than a year ago the iPad was being derided as under-powered toy not running a full OS--just a big iPod--with a name that would keep half the population from even considering it (he he "pad!" he he)...
  • Reply 52 of 67
    bageljoeybageljoey Posts: 2,008member
  • Reply 53 of 67
    bedouinbedouin Posts: 331member
    This is great news for Palin. If Gifford is able to navigate the iPad in her condition imagine what someone with innate mental retardation like Sarah can do.
  • Reply 54 of 67
    sandorsandor Posts: 665member
    My father in law was in the SICU all of December after suffering a broken neck, and was first able to communicate with a iPad. Swelling and paralysis made it impossible to hold a writing instrument. But the vent, trach, wired jaw, paralysis, halo, etc didn't matter, because all he needed was one finger to trace words.

    of course, he could use the laminated communication cards that the SICU provided, but these are very generic, and even the homemade ones we made required him to be able to see well enough to read. It is unbelievable, unless you have been there, how much communication of any sort improved the morale of both the patient and their family in traumatic care.
  • Reply 55 of 67
    Originally Posted by HahaHaha321 View Post

    Surprisingly, it's only the arrogant nature of this website and the fanboys who contribute to it that gets under my skin this much. I can't help but [attempt] to knock some common sense into the mix. Kind of like my position of not taking a simple remark about an iPad to turn it into a tasteless Apple plug. Especially in a tragedy like this. Apparently some people can't help it.

    When your IQ matches mine then I will gladly listen to you.
  • Reply 56 of 67
    Originally Posted by iLiver View Post

    Exactly- this has to be the most ridiculous AI thread ever posted. BY FAR.

    No actually your posts are the most ridiculous.
  • Reply 57 of 67
    Originally Posted by Robin Huber View Post

    One notorious troll chimes in in support of another. And you, having been here for all of four months would know about the "ever" of this place.

    I commented on these lines before. One feeds the others.

    But I have had a re-think I think iliver, hahahaha, and darharder are the one and the same.

    You know how ? Darharder purchased 3 PCs so he could have 3 aliases to torment us.
  • Reply 58 of 67
    Originally Posted by ChiA View Post

    How ironic.

    Is the only internet site your browser can access?

    Is somebody coercing you into visiting


    Then it's arrogant of you to visit appleinsider only to start complaining about it.

    Obviously you enjoy this website as you keep visiting again and again, if it were so bad you'd simply keep away.

    Its actually not arrogance, its more of a case of mental issues.

    Why would someone be so focused and spend lots of time in trolling and annoying people.

    Perhaps deep down he/she/it wants to find a friend and be loved.

    I say we start treating the trolls nicely and become buddies with them. Agree with everything they say and perhaps we one day may be invited down to their mum's basements for milk and cookies.

    Stare in awe at their Star Trek posters and Start War figures.

    Thinking about of Weird Al's song "White and Nerdy" her folks.
  • Reply 59 of 67
    Originally Posted by rosujin View Post

    I heard this on NPR while driving to work this morning and wondered if the news would circulate. This is definitely a testament to the ease of use of the iOS.

    I wish the congresswoman a speedy recovery and my heart goes out to all the other victims' families.

    I listened to the same report on my commute this morning... Reminds me a bit of a story I saw about a child with a muscular disorder who was able to use an iPad, and just about nothing else.

    Apple products being ergonomically sound, intuatively easy to use, and focused intensely on the end-user's experience has what may be unintended benefits such as this.
  • Reply 60 of 67
    I just saw that she left the hospital this morning.

    Her amazing recovery is a small miracle among a larger tragedy.

    I like the story that she was able to use an iPad (a nice way to measure her progress) but like several here, I would stress that the story shouldn't be used for the wrong reasons.
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