Apple hit with class-action suit after girl drops, breaks iPhone 4's glass



  • Reply 41 of 302
    nasseraenasserae Posts: 3,167member
    Originally Posted by bdkennedy1 View Post

    "20 times stiffer and 30 times harder than plastic," and is "ultradurable" having been made from the same material as the "glass used in helicopters and high-speed trains."

    If Apple actually claims this, then they are in trouble.

    Apple didn't invent glass and plastic. Based on engineering properties glass is Young's Modulus (modulus of elasticity) is between 50 GPa to 90 GPa while plastic is 2.5 GPa. So glass is 20 to 30 times harder/stiffer than plastic. However, glass have a disadvantage of being brittle.
  • Reply 42 of 302
    Originally Posted by studiomusic View Post

    Dropping it from 3 feet is not normal use.

    My Waterford Crystal vase broke when the maid knocked it off of the Louis XIV bureau... I'm suing Waterford!!!

    Oh man please tell me it's a French maid and she wears the traditional outfit.
  • Reply 43 of 302
    Originally Posted by mac_dog View Post

    why should americans take personal responsibility? our leaders don't. they lie, cheat and steal.


    Seriously, the deficiencies of America start from the bottom, not the top. And your comment is a prime example of this sorry truth.
  • Reply 44 of 302
    Last night I went to bar, had a few too many, dropped my rocks glass, it hit the counter, shattered, went to the floor and cut my foot (I was wearing sandals). Ambulance came, took me to the hostpital and got 10 stitches, not before I punched out the nurse for cutting my Calvin Klein jeans off.

    I'm suing the bartender for not cutting me off, the bar for hiring such an inept employee, the bar again for using glass that doesn't break, the counter manufacturer for not adding rubberized raiils to protect from such mishaps (after all, it IS a bar), the liquor manufacturer for making a product that KNOWINGLY causes an altered state of consciousness... and it burned when it hit my open wound. I'm suing the ambulance for such an expensive trip, and that friggin nurse, for destroying my jeans (seriously, they aren't onesies with built in booties... It was just a foot). Oh yeah, and the damn cops for arresting me on TWO charges: Public Intoxication and assault. Oh, and I'm sure I can name Apple for something that happened that night too.

    Show me the money. I'm proud to be American.
  • Reply 45 of 302
    Originally Posted by studiomusic View Post

    Dropping it from 3 feet is not normal use.

    My Waterford Crystal vase broke when the maid knocked it off of the Louis XIV bureau... I'm suing Waterford!!!

    Don't forget to sue Louis XIV for making his bureau so tall.
  • Reply 46 of 302
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,393moderator
    while I do think the lawsuit is stupid, I also think building a mobile phone out of glass is quite stupid too. Maybe they did it with the intention of making the back a multi-touch surface too, which is fair enough but it's too vulnerable to breakage. They use plastic camera lenses, I'm sure they could do the same with the back.
  • Reply 47 of 302
    In other news, the girl also crashed her dad's car. To everyone's surprise fender and hood were dented and the windshield got a crack.

    Another class action lawsuit is in the works.
  • Reply 48 of 302
    mgl323mgl323 Posts: 247member
    Couldn't he just return it to the Apple Store and get it fixed?
  • Reply 49 of 302
    oakieoakie Posts: 35member
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    while I do think the lawsuit is stupid, I also think building a mobile phone out of glass is quite stupid too. Maybe they did it with the intention of making the back a multi-touch surface too, which is fair enough but it's too vulnerable to breakage. They use plastic camera lenses, I'm sure they could do the same with the back.

    had they used plastic, they would suffer the wrath of those who filed a class action lawsuit against them over the first gen nano that people claimed, "scratched too easily."

    the scratch resistance of glass is why they used it instead of plastic, like the previous 2 iphones, due to so many complaints by people who marred the backs of the iphones. they also didnt intend for people to sue them when they break their own device, either. i dont care what excuse someone comes up with... the bottom line is that NO PHONE (other than specifically ruggedized) is guaranteed against drops.
  • Reply 50 of 302
    djsherlydjsherly Posts: 1,031member
    The phone is a mobile device. One might argue that it should be able to withstand the incidents of its normal use. It is not a remote possibliity that a mobile phone might be dropped, or even knocked out of the user's hand.

    No previous phone was created substantially from glass and there's probably a very good reason why. glass breaks.

    Being a mobile device you shouldn't have to treat the thing with kid gloves. You shouldnt be negligent with it either but that's another matter.

    My first impression with the iPhone 4 was that i was afraid to hold it. It was my friends and it felt quite slippery and it's shape made me feel like it might escape my grasp at any time.

    It's a beautiful device. No doubt about it. But its use case suggests that perhaps different materials should have been used.

    Should i get one - i am still on contract - it will be first time i consider a case for a phone.
  • Reply 51 of 302
    djsherlydjsherly Posts: 1,031member
    Originally Posted by bunnyturd View Post

    In other news, the girl also crashed her dad's car. To everyone's surprise fender and hood were dented and the windshield got a crack.

    Another class action lawsuit is in the works.

    And it was iCar. didn't come with fender and hood. They were an optional accessory to protect the good looks of the vehicle.

  • Reply 52 of 302
    Originally Posted by bdkennedy1 View Post

    "20 times stiffer and 30 times harder than plastic," and is "ultradurable" having been made from the same material as the "glass used in helicopters and high-speed trains."

    If Apple actually claims this, then they are in trouble.

    http:// sorry to tell you, i would say more, but on itouch
  • Reply 53 of 302
    I spilled my McDonalds coffee on my iPhone...
  • Reply 54 of 302
    Attorneys have found "bottom feeding" is more profitable than "ambulance chasing!"

  • Reply 55 of 302
    I remember the first aluminum was like holding a bar of soap!

    He should have put a case on it. Bad parenting then and bad parenting now by showing his daughter he's going to sue! What a cheese d**k!
  • Reply 56 of 302
    His daughter was holding it wrong.

    -S. Jobs

    Sent from my Iphone
  • Reply 57 of 302
    cory bauercory bauer Posts: 1,286member
    I'm surprised he didn't also file a lawsuit against his daughter.
  • Reply 58 of 302
    r00fusr00fus Posts: 245member

    Should i get one - i am still on contract - it will be first time i consider a case for a phone.[/QUOTE]

    I would also recommend you just replace the back glass with an aftermarket backing. My friend did this for $20 (and an hour of labor.
  • Reply 59 of 302
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    while I do think the lawsuit is stupid, I also think building a mobile phone out of glass is quite stupid too. Maybe they did it with the intention of making the back a multi-touch surface too, which is fair enough but it's too vulnerable to breakage. They use plastic camera lenses, I'm sure they could do the same with the back.

    I am sure they thought of it. I am sure customers know. And if they buy it, then it's their problem.

    The fact that Apple sold tens of millions of them tells us that your concern about the company's 'stupidity' is unwarranted.
  • Reply 60 of 302
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    Some people do prefer it cooler, but the McDonald's coffee was kept at a significantly higher temperature than 180-185F, which is also one of the reasons it tastes like crap since the flavor of brewed coffee degrades at a rate directly proportional to the temp it is kept at.

    Actually, the capuccinos and espressos served in McDonalds (in the newer McDs that serve them) are surprisingly good.

    Better than the bitter nonsense you get at Starbucks, as far as my palate is concerned.
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