iPad 3 with Retina display, new device sized between iPad and iPod in Apple's pipeline



  • Reply 121 of 140
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by jw915 View Post

    Wow, a 5"-7" touch device that runs a phone/ipod-like OS instead of a tablet OS. Kind of like the Dell Streak or the Galaxy Tab. What amazing innovation!

    This is a rumor.
  • Reply 122 of 140
    Originally Posted by grking View Post

    I thought 7" was DOA according to SJ, the playbook was DOA because it was 7", the Tab was an epic fail according to many on the board because it is 7". I thought the current size was optimal. However a 7" iPad is now ok?

    As an iPad yes. Because using the iPad optimized apps wouldn't work as well. They were designed the way they were in part because of the large screen.

    But what if this is a bigger touch. Not as a second line, but as THE touch. Right now, the only diff between a phone and a touch is that one can make calls and use 3G data. What if come Fall, the touch will be a little bigger. Make it a little more game and kid friendly. Then when the kid is yelling he wants an iPad you can give him a touch instead and know that he is less likely to drop something too big for his hands, be swinging at a little screen etc. And new apps won't be needed because scaling up iPhone apps will be a piece of cake and still look pretty good (unlike when you do it on an iPad and half the apps look like crap)
  • Reply 123 of 140
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Read more carefully, instead of jumping in with your usual troll-speak.

    How is he jumping in? Touched a nerve did he? You will all now defend this idea as sensible even thought you all laughed at the 7" quote from Lord Jobs. Now it's totally ok. You're all so full of shit. Apple will backtrack on this, as they will with Flash, and you dicks will all have to soak it up.
  • Reply 124 of 140
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Not one person here has seemed to understand my point that the iPod touch is of a certain size because it needs to be pocketable.

    This statement is the crux of your whole argument. And it is wrong. The iPod touch doesn't necessarily need to be pocketable. Unlike the iPhone which is taken everywhere all day including by men that aren't into the whole murse thing, the iPod touch often stays at home, goes in the kids overnight bag, etc. There is less of a mandate for the touch to fit in the pocket so perhaps future ones won't be so universally pocketable.

    On another note, while the language was perhaps over the top, you do often come off as arrogant and a jerk. You make a lot of comments of the 'I am right, you are stupid' and 'shut up and go away, your opinion is dumb and so are you' tone. Even your 'I reported you' comment to the guy that insulted you could be taken as an very arrogant 'I am all powerful, don't cross me' statement.

    Fact is Ireland, while you are very smart, clearly read a lot, clearly stop and think before you post, you are not all knowing etc. Unless you are Jobs, Cook, etc. But until you are willing to post a photo proving it, perhaps you should tone it down and stop acting like you are better than the rest and folks must shut up and just agree with you and praise your brilliance. Because while you are not Jonny Ive sneaking on the board, it is possible someone else is. Maybe even one of the someones you insulted.
  • Reply 125 of 140
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by charlituna View Post

    This statement is the crux of your whole argument. And it is wrong.

    No. It's not. That's the (main) reason it's not 5". That and, one-hand operation, cost, works with every iPhone app, differentiates it from iPad, etc, etc, etc.

    iPad 2 will likely cost $399. People will buy that as their big-iPod. iPod touch will remain 3.5" or very close to that size. Let's wait and see who turns out to be right. If it turns out I'm wrong, then I'll be wrong. I am saying what I believe.
  • Reply 126 of 140
    herbapouherbapou Posts: 2,228member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    No. It's not. That's the (main) reason it's not 5". That and, one-hand operation, cost, works with every iPhone app, differentiates it from iPad, etc, etc, etc.

    iPad 2 will likely cost $399. People will buy that as their big-iPod. iPod touch will remain 3.5" or very close to that size. Let's wait and see who turns out to be right. If it turns out I'm wrong, then I'll be wrong. I am saying what I believe.

    My prediction of whats coming in 2011 is: (beside current hardware upgrades)

    * New 3DS portable gaming device that is bigger than a ipod touch, but smaller than an ipad

    * AppleTV gets an app store and a gaming controller and an hardware update that will make it a powerful gaming console.

    * Once Apple got the 'brain' (AppleTV) completed, they will start to produce real TV's that wont required a separate box. Then cable/sat could provided an App to decode and manage there feed so you could have a setup with no external devices at all! Neat the Apple way.
  • Reply 127 of 140
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by herbapou

    My prediction of whats coming in 2011 is: (beside current hardware upgrades)

    New 3D portable gaming device that is bigger than a ipod touch, but smaller than an ipad


    Originally Posted by herbapou

    AppleTV gets an app store and a gaming controller and an hardware update that will make it a powerful gaming console.

    Agreed. Not sure about this year, but 2011 would be interesting. I remain convinced this does actually need a dedicated hardware controller for games, however. And I'm not talking about an app for the iPhone or iPod touch. Is that what you mean?

    Originally Posted by herbapou

    Once Apple got [sic] the 'brain' (AppleTV) completed, they will start to produce real TV's wont required a separate box.

    Yes. I believe this is spot on. But it's not that simple. It may take a while yet - with content deals and all that crap. I'm most excited about a future where my living room will have one remote. It just need to be a bluetooth remote.
  • Reply 128 of 140
    herbapouherbapou Posts: 2,228member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    I remain convinced this does actually need a dedicated hardware controller for games, however. And I'm not talking about an app for the iPhone or iPod touch. Is that what you mean?

    Yes, but an App could be made for people who don't want to buy a separate controller and already have an idevice.
  • Reply 129 of 140
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    Same bs rumor that's been circulating for 5 years. It's not happening. Get over it. iPhone/iPod touch will remain identical to each other because that WORKS, so incredibly well.

    Apple has nailed the sizes and the markets for portables. F'ing Nailed It.

    Now they have to be looking at what's next, what's better, and what should stay the same. Obviously iPhone/iPod touch should remain small and pocketable, but an extra 0.5" to 1" of screenestate would be nice.

    Perhaps this next iPhone/iPod touch will be slightly larger, with enough space to "retinize", and make it 1024 x 768, bringing the entire iOS lineup into identical resolution? Not that this helps developers at all, who still need to (and should) build completely different UIs.

    Of course, some major improvements to the iPad 2 screen will occur, making it a nicer looking and nicer to touch product, but of course with the same number of pixels.

    AppleTV should be getting the App Store this Fall. To miss another entire year of that would be truly a shame. Chopper 2 for the Mac/iPhone/iPod/iPad is proof of concept in my book. Whether you like that formula/gameplay or not, this is the direction they should go. An Apple branded dedicated game controller is just not going to happen. As far as they're concerned, they've already made several. Touch is the future, not a bulky piece of plastic with six buttons.
  • Reply 130 of 140
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by herbapou View Post

    Yes, but an App could be made for people who don't want to buy a separate controller and already have an idevice.

  • Reply 131 of 140
    macrulezmacrulez Posts: 2,455member
  • Reply 132 of 140
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by MacRulez View Post

    That Digler imagines the difference between the two is worth writing so many words about is almost charming.

    That's one way of putting it. It's time he tried a different color t-shirt, other than black.
  • Reply 133 of 140
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by Galbi View Post

    What did I tell you.

    I knew that Steve would eat his own words claiming DOA when the Galaxy Tab launched with the 7" screen. It's purpose was to rain on Samsung's parade to quell Apple's competition by putting the words "DOA" into journalists hands.

    He obviously saw Samsung as a threat ( and they should be).

    Now look at Apple now, eating its own words.

    Huh. I'm looking at Apple. I'm looking at a rumor site. They're two different things. I guess I would need some proof that Apple intends to release this midsize device before I got too giddy with the "eating their own words" talk. But then I imagine you don't much care about evidence or proof. Oh wait, you do:


    Originally Posted by Galbi

    What proof do you have that Apple's claims are true? I'm talking third party, verifiable, non-biased proof.

    For the record, Samsung has a battery making subsidiary called Samsung SDI. They know a thing or two about batteries more so than Apple.

    Now look at Galbi, trolling as if his life depended on it.
  • Reply 134 of 140
    hirohiro Posts: 2,663member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    No. It's not. That's the (main) reason it's not 5". That and, one-hand operation, cost, works with every iPhone app, differentiates it from iPad, etc, etc, etc.

    iPad 2 will likely cost $399. People will buy that as their big-iPod. iPod touch will remain 3.5" or very close to that size. Let's wait and see who turns out to be right. If it turns out I'm wrong, then I'll be wrong. I am saying what I believe.

    That's the weakest argument I've seen from you yet. And it's utterly immaterial. A larger Touch would not be a problem this way, because it isn't a phone.

    Time will tell.
  • Reply 135 of 140
    Originally Posted by Hiro View Post

    That's the weakest argument I've seen from you yet. And it's utterly immaterial. A larger Touch would not be a problem this way, because it isn't a phone.

    Time will tell.

    And where does he get this idea they will drop the price 20% when they can?t make enough of them as it is and the competition can?t even match their price for a similarly speced device?
  • Reply 136 of 140
    bugsnwbugsnw Posts: 717member
    Of all the rumors, an Apple branded TV seems the most distant. Not saying it's never going to happen, but why would Apple have any success here when there are so many brands and fervent consumers of those brands? Sony lovers, Sharp, Panasonic... not to mention the debate between LCD and Plasma.

    Apple already has their trojan horse, the Apple TV. It can be used on any TV, leaving the TV manufacturers to continue chasing the prices and profits downward. I would think more rapid innovation there would bring greater sales. I'm excited about the prospects of a gaming controller, perhaps, and an App store. There are many things I'd love to do in front of my huge TV that I would pay a small premium for.
  • Reply 137 of 140
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by Hiro View Post

    That's the weakest argument I've seen from you yet. And it's utterly immaterial. A larger Touch would not be a problem this way, because it isn't a phone.

    Saying it needs to be pocketable is not a weak argument. The iPad isn't pocketable. It's a table computer. The iPod touch is meant to be pocketable, and designed, like the iPhone for one handed operation for all the basic apps.

    We'll see who's right. Personally I think a tweener would just stop people buying the iPad.
  • Reply 138 of 140
    Originally Posted by charlituna View Post

    This statement is the crux of your whole argument. And it is wrong. The iPod touch doesn't necessarily need to be pocketable. Unlike the iPhone which is taken everywhere all day including by men that aren't into the whole murse thing, the iPod touch often stays at home, goes in the kids overnight bag, etc. There is less of a mandate for the touch to fit in the pocket so perhaps future ones won't be so universally pocketable.

    On another note, while the language was perhaps over the top, you do often come off as arrogant and a jerk. You make a lot of comments of the 'I am right, you are stupid' and 'shut up and go away, your opinion is dumb and so are you' tone. Even your 'I reported you' comment to the guy that insulted you could be taken as an very arrogant 'I am all powerful, don't cross me' statement.

    Fact is Ireland, while you are very smart, clearly read a lot, clearly stop and think before you post, you are not all knowing etc. Unless you are Jobs, Cook, etc. But until you are willing to post a photo proving it, perhaps you should tone it down and stop acting like you are better than the rest and folks must shut up and just agree with you and praise your brilliance. Because while you are not Jonny Ive sneaking on the board, it is possible someone else is. Maybe even one of the someones you insulted.

    Thank you for your timely comments, I havn't ventured into the 'Ireland thing' and I'm very glad I didn't.

    You have put 'it' far more punctilious (and eloquently) than I could hope to.

  • Reply 139 of 140
    It's a very good news for iPad user. iPad 4 , iPad 3 is relaunched with retina display. It is nothing but resolution of screen become high. All feature of tablet is same as old. Now you can see images in big resolution.

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