Apple rumored to release 3rd iPad this winter, redesigned MacBook Pro in 2012



  • Reply 41 of 67
    I have information from a trusted source, that in 2014 apple gonna release a new macbook model.

    There no detailed information yet... but its properly gonna have more ram, new intel cpu & longer battery life....
  • Reply 42 of 67
    xsuxsu Posts: 401member
    Originally Posted by kidaje View Post

    I have information from a trusted source, that in 2014 apple gonna release a new macbook model.

    There no detailed information yet... but its properly gonna have more ram, new intel cpu & longer battery life....

    I raise you with this prediction: in 2015, Apple will release a new macbook air model using ARM based processor, one of them new fangled memory that can work as DRAM or flash, full day battery.
  • Reply 43 of 67
    bugsnwbugsnw Posts: 717member
    Originally Posted by Wiggin View Post

    If this is true, my emotions are but my wallet is

    LOL!!! Thanks for the laugh. Struck me as funny as hell....

    Diehards and techheads will always appreciate new kit from Apple, but knowing the September rumor might have some validity, you can imagine the mental turmoil.

    An avid reader of AI who wants to upgrade but just can't, knowing something stunningly better might be just around the corner.

    Imagine them holding that interim March iPad thinking, "I love you, but i'm not IN love with you..."
  • Reply 44 of 67
    How convenient that just as Apple is about to release the iPad 2 and updated MacBook Pro, a single source comes forward implying that the next version of both these products is the one you're really going to want to wait for. Sounds like a competitor doesn't want Apple to sell as many iPads and MacBook Pro's this year as they otherwise would.
  • Reply 45 of 67
    tbelltbell Posts: 3,146member
    Bingo. Products releases are spread out over the year to sustain earnings. I can see Apple doing multiple iPad updates in the year if Apple is concerned with Android Tablets and it couldn't get all the features it wanted in this release.

    Originally Posted by cameronj View Post

    It's very easy to tell when a rumor is false. If it suggests that a new iPad will go widely on sale at the same time that a new iPhone will (June), you immediately know it is false. Apple has carefully crafted a quarterly schedule of product releases to ensure that corporate financials remain as steady as possible from quarter to quarter. Asking buyers to consider a new iPhone AND a new iPad in the same month is not going to happen, no matter how many other rumors suggest it might.

    In all liklihood they will release what we all know they will release, in April, and then POTENTIALLY release a new iPad for the Christmas season, which Apple has generally ignored recently. They just can't not release anything new in April, and they can't possibly release a double resolution iPad this soon either.

  • Reply 46 of 67
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    These ridiculous rumors and speculations are nothing more than pure rubbish coming from the demented minds of sad people who don't have the faintest clue. There will be no iPad3 in the fall. I'm glad that the clowns who are making these rumors are not in charge of Apple, because the company would be run into the ground in record time if the clowns were in charge. Apple is not like these other companies who are constantly releasing different versions of a product. Look at Samsung, they're releasing a 7", an 8", a 8.9" and a 10.1" tablet. Their strategy is to just throw shit at a wall, and hopefully some of it sticks.

    As most of us know, Apple releases most of their products on a yearly schedule. Major revisions to a product take time to design, create and manufacture. Apple is not going to have a big press announcement on March 2, 2011 with them massively hyping the iPad2 and then turn around and release a whole new iPad3 in the fall. It is fundamentally bad business and it sounds downright dumb and amateurish. The iPad 2 will continue to sell well until the next one is released one year later. Expect the iPad3 in March or April of 2012. Don't listen to the clueless clowns.
  • Reply 47 of 67
    poochpooch Posts: 768member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Apple rumored to release 3rd iPad this winter, redesigned MacBook Pro in 2012

    good grief, does the crack appleinsider journo team not have access to a dictionary to look up the word "this" and to an almanac from which to determine when is winter?

    this winter ... as in between now and the first day of spring? really? and 2012? palin will be president and we'll all be dead (two unrelated events by the way) so who cares?
  • Reply 48 of 67
    nasseraenasserae Posts: 3,167member
    Originally Posted by Cory Bauer View Post

    How convenient that just as Apple is about to release the iPad 2 and updated MacBook Pro, a single source comes forward implying that the next version of both these products is the one you're really going to want to wait for. Sounds like a competitor doesn't want Apple to sell as many iPads and MacBook Pro's this year as they otherwise would.

    The funny thing is that the iPad 3 nonsense theory was the creation of John Gruber. His reasoning was flowed. He thought Apple want to move the iPad release schedule to match that of the iPod because then the iPad will be hot holiday item.

    If Apple wanted to do that wouldn't a three or four months delay be more reasonable than releasing the same products within 5 months?! Right now the iPad controls the tablet market and I think Apple iPad can handle the competition for few more months with iOS 5 update this summer if Apple wanted to wait until September.

    Of course the press along with Apple competitors loved the theory for obvious reasons.
  • Reply 49 of 67
    Originally Posted by Logisticaldron View Post

    I do think that moving the iPad inline with the iTunes/iPod event each Autumn makes some sense, but it?s tricky. Apple will have to force a lot of things to make that viable, like actually getting a much better display for that iPad, having it still perform well on the HW with good battery life, and have enough supply to actually meet the demand they are meeting now.

    It does make some sense to move iPad launches to the iPod event especially as iPods lose their appeal to other mobile devices like the iPhone. However, I think that Apple's current strategy of spacing out their product announcements may be the better model - allowing each product some time in the spotlight.

    I do think there is a chance that there will be a Retina Display iPad this fall (a one-time event) but I think it appears as a premium model which not only offsets the increased cost but will likely tamp down demand. But getting it out there would be an important milestone and, hopefully, by next March they would have the hi-rez display yields that they need in perfect time for their annual spring iPad event.
  • Reply 50 of 67
    rp2011rp2011 Posts: 159member
    Cannot help to think that a lot of the rumors are attempts at stock manipulation, even if there may be some underlying truths. As in, don't buy this iPad ot Macbook, because there may be a better one soon after. Because the truth of the matter is, there will always be a new version around the corner.
  • Reply 51 of 67
    Originally Posted by macinthe408 View Post

    Seems very un-Apple like to release "interim" products used solely as stopgaps until better products roll around.

    This to me is Apple feeling threatened by the competition and is now resorting to the same tactics people lambast Apple's competitors for in the first place: releasing crap first, good stuff later. Google is adept at this, releasing perpetually-in-beta products to give them time to create, if ever, version 1.0.

    You are being critical of Apple for something it is rumoured they are going to do. As for Apple feeling threatened, I should hope the company does not grow complacent.
  • Reply 52 of 67
    Originally Posted by penchanted View Post

    It does make some sense to move iPad launches to the iPod event especially as iPods lose their appeal to other mobile devices like the iPhone. However, I think that Apple's current strategy of spacing out their product announcements may be the better model - allowing each product some time in the spotlight.

    Yeah, I?m sure that is why they did it, but we can?t ignore that the iPod is losing ground as a whole while the iPad will soon be Apple?s 2nd more profitable segment. Heck, even the AppleTV is growing at pretty fast rate that I think will really take off once off they get an SDK and App Store in place.
  • Reply 53 of 67
    nasseraenasserae Posts: 3,167member
    Originally Posted by Logisticaldron View Post

    Yeah, I?m sure that is why they did it, but we can?t ignore that the iPod is losing ground as a whole while the iPad will soon be Apple?s 2nd more profitable segment. Heck, even the AppleTV is growing at pretty fast rate that I think will really take off once off they get an SDK and App Store in place.

    The iPod is losing unit sale but not revenues. People are buying iPods because they are buying iPhones and the more expensive iPod touch. Think about it.. about 5% to 10% year over year decline in iPods unit sale while revenues grow.
  • Reply 54 of 67
    Glad they'll be moving to these "FFS" panel screens.

    I really have trouble lining my head up for optimal viewing angle with a screen that I am holding in my hands.
  • Reply 55 of 67
    Originally Posted by Logisticaldron View Post

    Yeah, I?m sure that is why they did it, but we can?t ignore that the iPod is losing ground as a whole while the iPad will soon be Apple?s 2nd more profitable segment. Heck, even the AppleTV is growing at pretty fast rate that I think will really take off once off they get an SDK and App Store in place.

    I expect the iPod event to become an iPod/aTV event. It would be a great time to also announce content deals although I would generally prefer content be announced as soon as it is available.

    It will be interesting to see how much further erosion there is in iPod sales over the next year. I think Apple has its product lines set for the next 2-3 years so I don't really expect a major new product to scramble the product contributions, providing very clear visibility to what's growing and what's shrinking and how fast.
  • Reply 56 of 67
    antkm1antkm1 Posts: 1,441member
    Originally Posted by nagromme View Post

    If it?s a different physical shape and internal design, then it?s a ?true? second-gen in my view. More (mainly a retina display) may become practical later this year, and that would be great! But there?s always something new coming along. That doesn?t make all models ?interim."

    If it?s the same old shape updated, with the same internals, then I WOULD call it an ?interim? model.

    Adding a retina display sounds more like an iPad 2.5, rather than this being an iPad 1.5. (And if that does happen, doing it for holiday shopping sounds better than doing in August/September for back-to-school. November might make sense. But I?m sure it depends on when retina displays can be obtained cheaply enough, and in enough quantities.)

    Agreed. However, Apple has never released products as late as November. They have always coincided with the Tech Conventions. Producing a new device that close to the holidays doesn't really garner huge profits. They need that extra 2 months to drum up some hype from earlier adopters so that there is a huge buzz for the holidays.
  • Reply 57 of 67
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    You really shouldn't let people jerk your chain.

    Originally Posted by macinthe408 View Post

    Seems very un-Apple like to release "interim" products used solely as stopgaps until better products roll around.

    Every product Apple has ever sold is a stopgap. In businesyou market what you are capable of shipping.


    This to me is Apple feeling threatened by the competition and is now resorting to the same tactics people lambast Apple's competitors for in the first place: releasing crap first, good stuff later. Google is adept at this, releasing perpetually-in-beta products to give them time to create, if ever, version 1.0.

    Obviously you have never been involved in a business that creates new and novel devices. As far as I'm concerned the only critical things with iPad 2 is the RAM and the processor these both need updating. In fact the RAM should have been updated last fall. An iPad without a dual core Cortex A9 based SoC would be a failure.
  • Reply 58 of 67
    Originally Posted by sflocal View Post

    Actually you're not that far off. Everyone will spew everything they can in the hopes something sticks. Then, in a few years when that product does have that feature, only because the tech and costs are finally feasable, these guys will come out of the woodwork to proclaim at the top of their lungs how spot-on their were in their predictions.

    It's not a matter of "if" but "when" the iPad will have a retina-like display. It's just evolutionary.

    Now... if I put on my tinfoil hat, a conspiracy could be said that the tablet competitors are purposely putting out false iPad rumors in the hopes everyone will hold off their Apple purchases.

    I'm wearing the same tinfoil hat. But a conspiracy isn't necessary: the usual suspects will push these vapid rumors just for the click traffic.
  • Reply 59 of 67
    It seems painfully obvious to me that this rumor is utter horseshi* that has clearly been fed to the rumor sites by people who are working on behalf of Apple's desperate competitors, and we are all empowering them by continuing to debate this as a possibility.

    This is not a possibility. Let's collectively abandon this thread and move on to more productive endeavors shall we?
  • Reply 60 of 67
    People keep saying Ipad 3 but it's going to be a big Ipod Touch. Apple focuses on Ipod Touch in September so they are likely doing that mid-size Ipad Touch. That's how they will get the retina display at a somewhat affordable price.

    Its either this or they are just flat out lying. Is there a way to get rid of the ipad glare?
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