'Amazing' demand for iPad 2 seen as 'insurmountable lead' for Apple



  • Reply 41 of 176
    inkswampinkswamp Posts: 337member
    Originally Posted by wheeles View Post

    Agreed. When cheap Android tablets start to undercut the iPad, then the market share will get eroded and margins compressed. That's just the way it goes.

    Where are the cheap Android tablets going to come from exactly? And better yet, what Android fans are going to buy them? For Android tablet makers, it's going to be a serious catch-22. Android fans are demanding top-of-the-line specs (which IMO is a non sequitur in terms of a tablet device, but to each his own.) That doesn't come cheap. There's no way to blow the iPad 2 out of the water in terms of specs and still be cheaper.
  • Reply 42 of 176
    tundraboytundraboy Posts: 1,908member
    Originally Posted by captbilly View Post

    But as more and more Android tablets are released with better specs then the IPad 2 (even the Xoom beats the IPad hardware in virtually every category, and better quad core units are on the way) and almost certainly lower prices, the IPad 2 is going to take a big hit.

    So are you the one who will talk to each and everyone of the hundreds of millions of 'ignorant' non-geeks out there to let them know that Android tablet hardware beats the iPad 2 in every category, and that the smoother, more satisfying user experience of the iPad 2 is a) not as important as RAM and CPU specs and b) just a figment of their imagination?

    The era of geeks determining which tech products are purchased by the masses is over.

    Oh and by the way, how convenient you refused to mention that Macs are the fastest growing personal computer brand out there.
  • Reply 43 of 176
    Originally Posted by Olternaut View Post

    How does the non-business geek invest in tech stocks? Is it simple as going to a website? What should I look out for and how much cash is reasonable to invest in a stock like Apple and still consider it disposable? I mean, for the investment to be worth it how many shares would I have to look at buying?

    Apple is a screaming BUY. Pristine balance sheet + 40% margins + tremendous growth. Call TD Ameritrade or Charles Schwab and they will set you up to buy APPL stock, its as easy as setting up a checking/savings account at a bank
  • Reply 44 of 176
    nofeernofeer Posts: 2,427member
    Originally Posted by Morky View Post

    The problem for Apple in maintaining dominance in tablets is that if they can't make enough for everyone who wants one, it will give a major boost the soon-to-be bonanza of Android tablets. I can't see them maintaining this close to this kind of market share in the long run, but the market will be so big, it is still going to quadruple the size of the company.

    Man, if I believe that, I should go buy more stock right now, shouldn't I?

    hope the "old days" of lack of inventory while others catch up won't affect future sales perhaps people will just accept as in the last many introductions, "sell out" and stay loyal

    i would

    but apple must respond quickly to inventory issues

    also is apple facing a fragmentation issue, with all the combinations available

    i wonder if there is a stat for which are the most popular #1 #2 #3

    i also wonder how many were just bought to sell on ebay or europe
  • Reply 45 of 176
    paulmjohnsonpaulmjohnson Posts: 1,380member
    Originally Posted by syracuse View Post

    Apple is a screaming BUY. Pristine balance sheet + 40% margins + tremendous growth. Call TD Ameritrade or Charles Schwab and they will set you up to buy APPL stock, its as easy as setting up a checking/savings account at a bank

    The only thing stopping me adding more AAPL at the moment is their huge pile of cash.

    Don't get me wrong, I think it's a positive thing to hold a decent amount, and I wait with interest to see what they do with it, but it's the sort of thing that no matter what Apple spend it on, the market will probably over-react and send their stock down, and that could represent an opportunity to buy at something of a discount.
  • Reply 46 of 176
    rhyderhyde Posts: 294member
    Originally Posted by asdasd View Post

    None of that is true.

    1) Apple were never ever higher than 10% of the market in computers. The Mac was a disaster. Even before the release of the IBM PC, the Apple II was a minority in the market - but it was a tiny market.

    Actually, there was a brief period when the Apple II line bested the TRS-80 (the king of the hill at the time); alas, the IBM PC came out shortly after that and the rest, as they say, is history.
  • Reply 47 of 176
    Originally Posted by captbilly View Post

    Android, which nobody took seriously only a year ago, is number one in the world (both in sales and total units in use). ....

    and iOS devices still beats the entire world market of Android devices combined in sales profits by a long shot........
  • Reply 48 of 176
    tundraboytundraboy Posts: 1,908member
    Originally Posted by NOFEER View Post

    also is apple facing a fragmentation issue, with all the combinations available

    i wonder if there is a stat for which are the most popular #1 #2 #3

    i also wonder how many were just bought to sell on ebay or europe

    Even Apple is not immune to fragmentation as they upgrade iOS and iOS devices. There will always be older models that cannot do everything the newer models do. If they want to avoid this problem, they can do what MS did with Windows and turn iOS into a big fat blob of code.

    The issue is manageability. Apple juggling with 3 or 4 versions of a product to support with a centralized software update system is far, far more customer friendly that the anarchic system of multiple carriers, multiple manufacturers and multiple update channels that plagues Android.
  • Reply 49 of 176
    Originally Posted by captbilly View Post

    Apple once had a tremendous lead in personal computers, now they have 3-4% of a market dominated by Microsoft Windows (92+%). Only a couple of years ago Apple seemed to have a totally insurmountable lead in smartphones, today the IPhone is #3 in the US and #4 in the world, and Android, which nobody took seriously only a year ago, is number one in the world (both in sales and total units in use). Apple is the clear leader in a market which had essentially zero competitors until about a week ago (when the Xoom came out) and it is clear that Motorola pushed the release date earlier then they wanted (Flash won't be working until this Friday and the SD card and 4G even later then that) in order to get in before the IPAd 2). But as more and more Android tablets are released with better specs then the IPad 2 (even the Xoom beats the IPad hardware in virtually every category, and better quad core units are on the way) and almost certainly lower prices, the IPad 2 is going to take a big hit. Remember that Android is free and open and works very well, and even one of those criteria would make Android tablets a serious threat to Apple.

    Look Jobs wouldn't continue to harp about how fragmented and silly Android was if he wasn't worried about it. He isn't worried about Windows mobile 7 or RIM, because they suck so bad, but if Android phone and tablet sales continue to increase at their present rate (about 900% in just one year) in a few years Apple will be about as relevant in mobile computing as they are in presently in PCs. I would love to see Apple remain a serious force in mobile computing, but IPods are going to disappear soon (it just doesn't make sense to have a separate device that doesn't do anything that any smartphone can do), Macs are a tiny niche market, Iphones are losing market share rapidly to Android, and there are finally going to be competitors to IPad. If Apple doesn't open their OS to other companies then IOS will whither away, that's just a fact.

    dude, get back on your PC site full of worms and viruses , seems like some of them leaped from your crappy windoze pc onto your BRAIN WTF!!??? are u stupid?? ANDROID CRAP is for geeks who want to be bothered with 'TAILORING' their experience on a hand held device -- the average person could care LESS or give a S#!T about stupid SPECS... where are the 100,000 Plus apps or the smooth coupling of software & hardware??? you are DUMB SCHUCK who is obviously a HATER and not really seeing the FOREST for the TREES (or maybe you smoking some really good trees) but be serious man--

    MARKET WATCH named Steve jobs CEO of the DECADE--

    APPLE is sitting on over $54 Billion DOLLARS of CASH - can you count???


    and this one here is from 2008 when they had more $$ than MicroSH!T


    so when you sober up from your dumb ass drunken state and read some REAL APPLE FACTS get back to me , otherwise just go back to your PC troll universe and stay out of AI you TROLL

  • Reply 50 of 176
    Originally Posted by inkswamp View Post

    Where are the cheap Android tablets going to come from exactly? And better yet, what Android fans are going to buy them? For Android tablet makers, it's going to be a serious catch-22. Android fans are demanding top-of-the-line specs (which IMO is a non sequitur in terms of a tablet device, but to each his own.) That doesn't come cheap. There's no way to blow the iPad 2 out of the water in terms of specs and still be cheaper.

    Android fans are all about the specs. They raised so much dust just about how Xoom is more superior due to the extra 512MB of RAM, just to get a bucket of cold water in the face after all the reviews and benchmarks showed them that the iPad 2 has smoked the Xoom.

    Now they are going to be quiet until the next Android tablet comes out in 6 - 12 months, and then they'll start barging about how their precious tablet is much more superior.

    One thing I found funny is that the thickness of the Xoom is the same as the iPad 1, down to a mm.... Who is copying who? I'll give the competition six months to an year to catchup with the software and hardware updates.
  • Reply 51 of 176
    mennomenno Posts: 854member
    Call me an optimist, but I hope that in 5 years (or less) there will be no "clear majority" in the tablet space.

    WebOS, iOS, Android, Bberry (if they can get their act together), Windows8, and hopefully a handful we haven't heard of yet.

    Steve Jobs said we're living in the post PC era. Something I agree with, but I'm hoping it goes further. I don't want a single OS to dictate the market like it currently does with PC's, no matter who makes that OS or how amazing it might be.

    Multiple competitive platforms will mean that developers and content creators will start thinking about how to make their apps work on the web, and it will force current product manufacturers to open up their devices to this new market (for example, allowing an HTML5 based app to have access to the GPU, like some new browsers are offering). It will mean that smaller companies with really unique ideas on hardware/software will be able to create something without worrying it will be DOA because too few devs are willing to devote the time to port their apps over to native code.

    I don't think native apps will go away, at least in the short term. But I think "Universal" applications will become more important.

    Post PC is all about making the "computer" actually personal. something to fit your lifestyle, your wants and needs. NO single OS, Hardware design, or app platform will be able to satisfy everyone, and it shouldn't try to. If you try mastering EVERYTHING, you won't master anything.

    For me? I want a tablet that's a bit more like a computer than most current offerings. For my brother? He would be happy with something like an iPad. My dad needs something that can take some abuse and is really resistant to dust and grime and can (hopefully) fit in his pocket.

    Why should any of us feel the need to all compromise on the SAME type of device, simply because it's so big, devs won't look elseware?
  • Reply 52 of 176
    pokepoke Posts: 506member
    Originally Posted by Morky View Post

    The problem for Apple in maintaining dominance in tablets is that if they can't make enough for everyone who wants one, it will give a major boost the soon-to-be bonanza of Android tablets. I can't see them maintaining this close to this kind of market share in the long run, but the market will be so big, it is still going to quadruple the size of the company.

    Man, if I believe that, I should go buy more stock right now, shouldn't I?

    I don't think it's a problem. The important thing to realise is how manufacturing has changed since the "Mac vs. PC" era. When the original Mac was competing with IBM compatible PCs, all the companies, including Apple, had their own manufacturing facilities. The reason the IBM compatible PCs won was because all the manufacturers combined had more manufacturing clout than Apple alone could ever muster. That's no longer true. In fact, the exact opposite is now true. Everybody outsources manufacturing, nobody has their own factories and everybody is competing for the same slots at manufacturing facilities in China. Under these circumstances one very large company has a huge advantage over many smaller companies. The same is true when it comes to purchasing components. That's why Apple retained over 70% of the market with the iPod. The smaller companies could not compete. A large, cash rich company like Apple can very easily lock them out now.

    The phone market is different. The main barriers to entry in the phone market are the carriers and it's a very difficult place to sell a product. Apple is still new to the phone market. The companies that have had success with Android are long-term incumbents. Samsung and HTC both have established relationships with carriers in every territory and have had them since long before Apple entered the market. It would have been very easy for them to ship Android phones everywhere, very quickly. That's why we saw such a dramatic spike in Android sales. There are also markets where prepaid phones are more popular than contracts where Apple has had difficulty competing on cost (an issue they're expected to address this year). So there's a lot of friction involved in rolling a product out in the phone space. But the iPad exists in the same retail space as the iPod and Apple has a tremendous retail advantage over most of its competitors. Probably the only company that can really compete with Apple is Samsung. Samsung has access to components, manufacturing and has an existing retail presence, including its own stores. But in this case they're directly competing with Apple rather than selling in those places where Apple has created demand but doesn't have its product available (as was the case with Verizon in the US before the Verizon iPhone was released), so they'll need to do much more to compete. Android 3.0 doesn't appear to be up to the challenge.

    Personally I think this will play out just like the iPod. It's possible Apple will retain an even higher percentage of the tablet market because tablets are more difficult to build and there's stronger lock-in (if you switch to a different manufacturers tablet you lose your investment in apps and books and potentially music and movies).
  • Reply 53 of 176
    I was among the first to order at 4:03 in the am EST and I still get "not yet shipped" at the store....grrr

    I went on a quest to find one on Friday and Saturday only to run in to lines that were bigger than what the store stock was. Best buy and at&t were completely sold out in a matter of minutes, including accessories.

    If they had a million at hand I'm sure they sold it. If not, they underestimated demand big time

    "Amazing" is pretty lame though... isn't that a 90's cliche word?

    The fandroids are green with envy and will probably try to spin this as iSheep and all that nonsense. The difference with Android phones was that they were subsidized by the carriers and they had tons of 2 for 1 sales. Tablets are different, and the way the android offerings are, many parties are involved and that way they all want a piece of the pie. Price will be an issue for a long time to come.
  • Reply 54 of 176
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by captbilly View Post

    Apple once had a tremendous lead in personal computers, now they have 3-4% of a market dominated by Microsoft Windows (92+%). Only a couple of years ago Apple seemed to have a totally insurmountable lead in smartphones, today the IPhone is #3 in the US and #4 in the world, and Android, which nobody took seriously only a year ago, is number one in the world (both in sales and total units in use). Apple is the clear leader in a market which had essentially zero competitors until about a week ago (when the Xoom came out) and it is clear that Motorola pushed the release date earlier then they wanted (Flash won't be working until this Friday and the SD card and 4G even later then that) in order to get in before the IPAd 2). But as more and more Android tablets are released with better specs then the IPad 2 (even the Xoom beats the IPad hardware in virtually every category, and better quad core units are on the way) and almost certainly lower prices, the IPad 2 is going to take a big hit. Remember that Android is free and open and works very well, and even one of those criteria would make Android tablets a serious threat to Apple.

    Look Jobs wouldn't continue to harp about how fragmented and silly Android was if he wasn't worried about it. He isn't worried about Windows mobile 7 or RIM, because they suck so bad, but if Android phone and tablet sales continue to increase at their present rate (about 900% in just one year) in a few years Apple will be about as relevant in mobile computing as they are in presently in PCs. I would love to see Apple remain a serious force in mobile computing, but IPods are going to disappear soon (it just doesn't make sense to have a separate device that doesn't do anything that any smartphone can do), Macs are a tiny niche market, Iphones are losing market share rapidly to Android, and there are finally going to be competitors to IPad. If Apple doesn't open their OS to other companies then IOS will whither away, that's just a fact.

    1) Windows isn?t a personal computer, it?s an OS licensed to any and all vendors, including Apple?s Macs. Apple has been and still is the most profitable PC maker on the planet and they increasing this lead each quarter.

    2) The iPhone ? which didn?t even exist on the market 4 years ago ? has been the most profitable handset in the world for at least the last 2 years. You really think marketshare by units is more important than profits to companies?

    3) Android only exists as it does because of the iPhone so you should be thankful for Apple making this stagnant market active again instead of hating on Apple for no other reason than and innate dislike for anything or anyone who is on top.

    4) So your argument includes that the Xoom was shipped unfinished with HW that doesn?t actually work? Really?!

    5) The Xoom?s better HW on this spec sheet of yours isn?t turning out to be true in real world or synthetic tests. What do you think actually matters to the consumer? A device that works as expected or a device that is barely faster than a year old iPad with a single-core older CPU and GPU design but looks good when you?re copying and pasting the specs to strangers you?re trying to impress while playing WoW?

    6) Xoom will have a lower price? Good one!

    7) WP7 trounces Android in pretty much every UI aspect. MS has done a great job with WP7 and it?s pretty slick for their initial release. The biggest issues will be resolved in an upcoming update, yet when will Android get its issues resolved across it?s hundreds of devices?

    8) That open OS. Wasn?t it Android that sent out a kill switch on some apps last week? So much for ?openness?.
  • Reply 55 of 176
    tjwtjw Posts: 216member
    I think people are forgetting here that the average consumer, especially in Europe, I can't speak for the US, does not know anything about the huge advantages that an iPad has over the competition at the moment.

    Many consumers in Europe are going to walk into Carphone Warehouse or PCWorld and buy a crap android tablet that is cheaper than an iPad. I am talking the lower end of the spectrum in android tablets. They do not see the benefits the iPad has because they can't be bothered to look deeper. Proof of this is I know 6 or 7 people that really want an iPad and have just been and bought a 1st gen one, despite me saying that the iPad 2 is much better. They're not even bothered about exchanging it when iPad 2 arrives, they would rather have the £100 back.

    For a lot of people a touch screen tablet is going to be a touch screen tablet whether it is an iPad, Android tablet or TouchPad.
  • Reply 56 of 176
    tundraboytundraboy Posts: 1,908member
    Originally Posted by bitzandbitez View Post

    dude, get back on your PC site full of worms and viruses , seems like some of them leaped from your crappy windoze pc onto your BRAIN WTF!!??? are u stupid?? ANDROID CRAP is for geeks who want to be bothered with 'TAILORING' their experience on a hand held device -- the average person could care LESS or give a S#!T about stupid SPECS... where are the 100,000 Plus apps or the smooth coupling of software & hardware??? you are DUMB SCHUCK who is obviously a HATER and not really seeing the FOREST for the TREES (or maybe you smoking some really good trees) but be serious man--

    MARKET WATCH named Steve jobs CEO of the DECADE--

    APPLE is sitting on over $54 Billion DOLLARS of CASH - can you count???


    and this one here is from 2008 when they had more $$ than MicroSH!T


    so when you sober up from your dumb ass drunken state and read some REAL APPLE FACTS get back to me , otherwise just go back to your PC troll universe and stay out of AI you TROLL


    Xanax prescription run out? :-)
  • Reply 57 of 176
    hirohiro Posts: 2,663member
    Originally Posted by captbilly View Post

    Apple once had a tremendous lead in personal computers, now they have 3-4% of a market dominated by Microsoft Windows (92+%). Only a couple of years ago Apple seemed to have a totally insurmountable lead in smartphones, today the IPhone is #3 in the US and #4 in the world, and Android, which nobody took seriously only a year ago, is number one in the world (both in sales and total units in use). Apple is the clear leader in a market which had essentially zero competitors until about a week ago (when the Xoom came out) and it is clear that Motorola pushed the release date earlier then they wanted (Flash won't be working until this Friday and the SD card and 4G even later then that) in order to get in before the IPAd 2). But as more and more Android tablets are released with better specs then the IPad 2 (even the Xoom beats the IPad hardware in virtually every category, and better quad core units are on the way) and almost certainly lower prices, the IPad 2 is going to take a big hit. Remember that Android is free and open and works very well, and even one of those criteria would make Android tablets a serious threat to Apple.

    Look Jobs wouldn't continue to harp about how fragmented and silly Android was if he wasn't worried about it. He isn't worried about Windows mobile 7 or RIM, because they suck so bad, but if Android phone and tablet sales continue to increase at their present rate (about 900% in just one year) in a few years Apple will be about as relevant in mobile computing as they are in presently in PCs. I would love to see Apple remain a serious force in mobile computing, but IPods are going to disappear soon (it just doesn't make sense to have a separate device that doesn't do anything that any smartphone can do), Macs are a tiny niche market, Iphones are losing market share rapidly to Android, and there are finally going to be competitors to IPad. If Apple doesn't open their OS to other companies then IOS will whither away, that's just a fact.

    No Apple never had a tremendous lead in personal computers. Even in the Apple ][ days they weren't much over 20% of the market. The whole sky-can-fall analogy falls apart right there with the death of the opening assumption.

    Jobs is harping because it is foot-on-the-throat time. Grind the competition into irrelevance with a very good product and relentlessly illustrate why Apple's iPad is better than all the rest. Putting your foot to the competitions throat in this manner is very legal. Apple will have to be a little more careful in the tablet space if they continue with this level of success though as it will start to trend into monopoly territory.

    Foot-on-the-throat by out innovating the competition will still be legal, but there are other things they may not be able to do that they don't have to worry about at all right now.
  • Reply 58 of 176
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by captbilly View Post

    Apple once had a tremendous lead in personal computers, now they have 3-4% of a market dominated by Microsoft Windows (92+%). Only a couple of years ago Apple seemed to have a totally insurmountable lead in smartphones, today the IPhone is #3 in the US and #4 in the world, and Android, which nobody took seriously only a year ago, is number one in the world (both in sales and total units in use). Apple is the clear leader in a market which had essentially zero competitors until about a week ago (when the Xoom came out) and it is clear that Motorola pushed the release date earlier then they wanted (Flash won't be working until this Friday and the SD card and 4G even later then that) in order to get in before the IPAd 2). But as more and more Android tablets are released with better specs then the IPad 2 (even the Xoom beats the IPad hardware in virtually every category, and better quad core units are on the way) and almost certainly lower prices, the IPad 2 is going to take a big hit. Remember that Android is free and open and works very well, and even one of those criteria would make Android tablets a serious threat to Apple.

    Look Jobs wouldn't continue to harp about how fragmented and silly Android was if he wasn't worried about it. He isn't worried about Windows mobile 7 or RIM, because they suck so bad, but if Android phone and tablet sales continue to increase at their present rate (about 900% in just one year) in a few years Apple will be about as relevant in mobile computing as they are in presently in PCs. I would love to see Apple remain a serious force in mobile computing, but IPods are going to disappear soon (it just doesn't make sense to have a separate device that doesn't do anything that any smartphone can do), Macs are a tiny niche market, Iphones are losing market share rapidly to Android, and there are finally going to be competitors to IPad. If Apple doesn't open their OS to other companies then IOS will whither away, that's just a fact.

    Basically, that's nonsense. Apples marketshare in computers has risen every year for a good 6 years. At one point, it was down to 1% internationally, and 2.8% here in the USA. Now, it's 4.5% internationally, and a good 10% here. That's a significant rise, and it's continuing. The bad old days are behind Apple.

    The big rise in Android sales one year is because they started out that year with a very bad, poorly selling phone in the USa only, using the smallest of the big national carriers, T-Mobile. Sales were very small. Then they had a couple dozen phones from a half dozen manufacturers on all four carriers here, as wall as a large number of carriers worldwide.

    So, of course sales went up 880% that year! They started from almost nothing. But that vast sales rise is long over. Apple is mow on two carriers here, and you have to remember, they were on only one. We'll see how the numbers change as Apple gets in more carriers over the world.

    There's no guarantee that more Android tablets will take over the world. No evidence even. And it isn't Apple that started talking about Android fragmentation. There's been plenty written about it both before and still.

    It's interesting that 89% of iPhone users will get another iPhone, but only 73% of Android users.

    Your "facts" aren't facts at all, just your hopes and desires.
  • Reply 59 of 176
    Originally Posted by tjw View Post

    I think people are forgetting here that the average consumer, especially in Europe, I can't speak for the US, does not know anything about the huge advantages that an iPad has over the competition at the moment.

    Many consumers in Europe are going to walk into Carphone Warehouse or PCWorld and buy a crap android tablet that is cheaper than an iPad. I am talking the lower end of the spectrum in android tablets. They do not see the benefits the iPad has because they can't be bothered to look deeper. Proof of this is I know 6 or 7 people that really want an iPad and have just been and bought a 1st gen one, despite me saying that the iPad 2 is much better. They're not even bothered about exchanging it when iPad 2 arrives, they would rather have the £100 back.

    For a lot of people a touch screen tablet is going to be a touch screen tablet whether it is an iPad, Android tablet or TouchPad.

    Uh no! not at all. Europeans are very gadget oriented and when I took my ipad1 there last spring, everyone knew about it even if it wasn't available in any market there, except the gray market! They actually warned me to watch out and some offered to buy it from me as high as 1200 Euros.
  • Reply 60 of 176
    boogabooga Posts: 1,082member
    Originally Posted by inkswamp View Post

    Where are the cheap Android tablets going to come from exactly? And better yet, what Android fans are going to buy them? For Android tablet makers, it's going to be a serious catch-22. Android fans are demanding top-of-the-line specs (which IMO is a non sequitur in terms of a tablet device, but to each his own.) That doesn't come cheap. There's no way to blow the iPad 2 out of the water in terms of specs and still be cheaper.

    The cheap tablets are going to come from supply and demand. A lot of folks will try coming out with products, find they don't sell, and sell out their inventory at a loss and get written off. Sucks for the manufacturer. But enough manufacturers do that and you have a flood of cheap, money-losing Android 3.0 tablets that some folks might snap up.

    HD DVD's best-selling weeks were the weeks after it was cancelled.
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