Apple iTunes takes just 4% of US digital video market as Netflix dominates



  • Reply 81 of 112
    macslutmacslut Posts: 514member
    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post

    Oh, give me a break. Do you leave your damn house, or do anything that involves not being on the internet? 250GB is MORE than reasonable- it's fucking fantastic, and those who pass it would be on the extreme outliers- and from a corporate standpoint, its reasonable to punish outliers that have such extreme usage. How many movies, application, games etc do you pirate per month to hit those numbers?

    You know what my bandwidth cap is? Do you REALLY want to know? 4GB. That's 1.6% of the bandwidth that you're bitching about. Basically, you get more than DOUBLE my monthly cap PER DAY. And you don't want to know how much I pay for that, the speeds I get, nor how much I'm overcharged per MB when I go over (which is every month obviously). And no, there aren't any alternatives at reasonable prices. Before I click a link, watch a youtube vid, I actually have to stop and think if it will be worth my while and the hit on bandwidth. I'd kill to get even 10GB/month, to give some damn breathing room. So please, don't even dare bitch about 250GB.

    Easy there Frances. I'm on Comcast with a 250GB cap, but it's not a hard cap. I did 400GB in a month, all legal, and they just contacted me to make sure "everything was ok". I told them it was an emergency situation where I had to restore a server for my company. The offered me a great deal on a business account, but told them it was a one time situation. They were cool about it and didn't throttle me or anything. In fact, I got 5mbps more than what they advertised for my account.

    So yes, many of the large caps are there as guidelines or indicators of where something may be going wrong. Smaller caps are there because the ISP either can charge more, or actually can't provide the bandwidth for everyone.
  • Reply 82 of 112
    applestudapplestud Posts: 367member
    Originally Posted by macslut View Post

    Easy there Frances. I'm on Comcast with a 250GB cap, but it's not a hard cap. I did 400GB in a month, all legal, and they just contacted me to make sure "everything was ok". I told them it was an emergency situation where I had to restore a server for my company. The offered me a great deal on a business account, but told them it was a one time situation. They were cool about it and didn't throttle me or anything. In fact, I got 5mbps more than what they advertised for my account.

    So yes, many of the large caps are there as guidelines or indicators of where something may be going wrong. Smaller caps are there because the ISP either can charge more, or actually can't provide the bandwidth for everyone.

    Slurpy raises a good point though - no reasonable consumer should ever exceed 250 gigs in a month. Even if you watch an HD movie and several netflix episodes, that's still only 3 or 4 gigs per day. Not many folks watch that much TV. It's the pirates and the gamers (often one in the same) who could exceed 250GB, and they should rightfully pay more.

    That said, I'm quite curious what 4GB plan Slurpy is on. Sounds awful. Oh, and don't call me Frances :-)
  • Reply 83 of 112
    paulmjohnsonpaulmjohnson Posts: 1,380member
    Originally Posted by paxman View Post

    There are many GREAT UK shows, but they tend to loose their impact when you no longer reside there. Question Time is great for the spectacle(!) but as most of the issues are local its hard to get too excited about it. Ditto HIGNFY.

    Re the accents... crazy analysis imo. The accents are part of everyday language in the UK and not at all hard to understand. Brookie might be hard for North Americans but can you imagine it in Queen's English? Or is Brookie not BBC?

    Actually I've stayed very in touch with UK current affairs since I left (I'm a news junkie), and actually watch HIGNFY which someone helpfully uploads to YouTube, but Question Time I'd like to be able to see.

    The accents, I was referring specifically to the news. I have no problem at all with shows using relevant regional accents, obviously if Brookside were still going it would be mad not to have Scouse accents, but I actually prefer the news to be presented in the old fashioned "received pronunciation" of old.

    I say that as a Yorkshireman with a very broad accent by the way. I don't think I would be suitable presenting t'news!
  • Reply 84 of 112
    paulmjohnsonpaulmjohnson Posts: 1,380member
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    Sheesh I had forgotten all about that show. Do they still play that awesome base riff from Fleetwood Mac's The Chain at the start?

    You're mixing your British racing shows!

    The Chain was used for the BBC Formula 1 coverage, then it wasn't used for the ITV coverage, and I believe it is now back, since the BBC have the rights again.

    Top Gear uses Jessica. They used to use the original version by the Altman Brothers, but now it's a more modern version, by whom I do not know.
  • Reply 85 of 112
    ibillibill Posts: 400member
    Originally Posted by wally626 View Post

    On Cox Cable if you go to your on-line account and search around they have a graph of usage, you can set it to daily and monthly. I am running about 30 to 50 GB per month. The graph has a limit of 200 GB per month, but I can see no mentioned of that limit on any of the promotional material, so I do not know if it is enforced or not.

    Thanks. I'm on AT&T dsl, I'll check to see if they have anything similar. Really have no idea what my total is monthly, but I'm guessing it's pushing that new cap limit, at least on occasion.
  • Reply 86 of 112
    thomprthompr Posts: 1,521member
    Originally Posted by Eriamjh View Post

    Ageed. I'll pay $10 a month to watch movies because I watch them once then move on. But music I listen to over and over (and all over... Car, house, garage, gym, etc.) So I gotta own it!

    C'mon, Apple! Give us unlimited movies and tv shows for $10 a month! if Netflix can so it, so can you!


    Heck, if it makes the studios happy and results in all videos being available, I'd be more than happy to pay $30 per month.

  • Reply 87 of 112
    Originally Posted by TimUSCA View Post

    Residential DSL will be capped at 150GB. That's way more than you'll need in a month for a HEAVY Netflix watcher.

    I'm not supporting AT&T's decision in any way, but they're doing this to stop the torrenters who download 100 movies a month. It's very unlikely that it'll affect you or anyone you know. According to AT&T, we're talking less than 2%.

    It depends on the family.

    An HD movie may be "only" 2GB, but if you have multiple users who are YouTube users and online gamers, then the limit is not that much.

    We regularly use 125 GB without Netflix, downloading movies from iTunes or pirating.
  • Reply 88 of 112
    chris_cachris_ca Posts: 2,543member
    Originally Posted by AaronJ View Post

    Yeah, got an ATV2 just a few days ago, and I'm loving it.

    I do have to be careful where I point the remote, though, as my iMac is at a ~90-deg. angle from where my ATV2 is. A couple times I was trying to play a movie, and the Beatles started playing.

    Turn off the infrared receiver on the iMac. System prefs > Security > System.
  • Reply 89 of 112
    donlphidonlphi Posts: 214member
    Originally Posted by Eriamjh View Post

    Ageed. I'll pay $10 a month to watch movies because I watch them once then move on. But music I listen to over and over (and all over... Car, house, garage, gym, etc.) So I gotta own it!

    C'mon, Apple! Give us unlimited movies and tv shows for $10 a month! if Netflix can so it, so can you!

    Agreed, but I think Apple could take it a step further. Offer the lame old movies and new documentaries that Netflix offers online, but still make the newer movies available for a fee.

    We'll see what happens.
  • Reply 90 of 112
    herbapouherbapou Posts: 2,228member
    The thing to watch in the next months is if Apple drops its in-app subscription rule for re-sellers apps like netflix, kindle, zinio, ... They are not publishers but they are resellers of content.

    They absolutely cant give a cut to apple and still make a profit, so they will have to leave the app store if the rule is enforced to them. This will be a huge blow for Apple. Not to mention the FTC lawsuit that will follow...
  • Reply 91 of 112
    guinnessguinness Posts: 473member
    Originally Posted by enjourni View Post

    Netflix is pretty good, but as soon as someone can bring to market an instant streaming service with more current/popular releases, they will get killed. It's really annoying how much isn't on streaming. But nobody else is any better, so meh.

    Someone could do it, but it will cost more than $8/month. I went with the $10/month plan, as there are so many movies I want to see that are only on DVD (plus I can rip and burn them), and it's still loads cheaper than when I was spending $23/month on Netflix years ago for 3 DVD's at a time.

    I'm expecting Netflix to add a tiered system, in order to get newer releases on DVD and streaming, but it makes a lot more sense (and $$$) to go with Netflix, Xfinity, or Hulu, than something like iTunes.
  • Reply 92 of 112
    x38x38 Posts: 97member
    I don't watch enough movies to justify a subscription service like Netflix.

    There is a Redbox less than five minutes away, but the selection isn't that good.

    iTunes rentals are too expensive to rent except very rarely and the 25 hour window to watch is completely stupid. The last one I rented I had to stop midway and restart the next night, except that I was unexpectedly delayed and it expired a few minutes before I could restart it, effectively loosing my rental fee.

    iTunes rental prices need to drop to a dollar for all movies with no viewing restrictions within the 30 day rental period for online distribution to really take over.
  • Reply 93 of 112
    hkzhkz Posts: 190member
    Originally Posted by gas_pig70 View Post

    Agreed. I so want to cut the cord but unfortunately I can't find a good (and legit) source for my Forumula 1, Moto GP, WSBK and AMA Supercross/Motocross fix. iTunes could pretty much cover eveything else I really care about which are Discovery & History Channel shows.

    Thank the gods! I'm not the only one who has this problem! I would toss my dvr outside right now if I could get a reliable, legit place to watch/record good quality F1/WRC/MotoGP/NHRA coverage somewhere other than cable. It's a shame the ALMS made such a bonehead, anti-fan move to not broadcast any race this season live. Luckily my ISP has support. You can bet your ass I'll record that on my MacBook as I stream it from my xbox. Speed doesn't offer all the practice sessions for F1 and ESPN delays drag racing for f*cking womens basketball(!!). I'd pay 50 bucks a month for just those sports in HD in a heartbeat. The data caps being proposed are simply to drive out competition for the telecos VOD service. Just like DRM it is a way to lock you into a platform and it should be illegal. Too bad both sides of our government grant them a complete monpoly under the law to do this. Racing coverage is the only reason I have cable, and HD channels shouldn't cost a dime after the record profits they post every year. I have no interest in the 99% of garbage reality tv that's on, give me my motorsports in HD on demand and I'll pay good money for it. Thankfully my HauppagueHD recorder works great, I record everything I can so I can watch later.
  • Reply 94 of 112
    hkzhkz Posts: 190member
    Originally Posted by AppleStud View Post

    Slurpy raises a good point though - no reasonable consumer should ever exceed 250 gigs in a month. Even if you watch an HD movie and several netflix episodes, that's still only 3 or 4 gigs per day. Not many folks watch that much TV. It's the pirates and the gamers (often one in the same) who could exceed 250GB, and they should rightfully pay more.

    That said, I'm quite curious what 4GB plan Slurpy is on. Sounds awful. Oh, and don't call me Frances :-)

    I agree to a point, but when AT&T makes multiple billions in profit they should invest in upgrading their infrastructure. It has absolutely nothing to do with piracy, caps are there to squeeze more profit out of their pipes without improving the service or upgrading hardware. Same goes for every teleco, they are imposing caps to maximize profit without upgrading their infrastructure. 250gb is easily maxed just playing games and using netflix. Easily. I torrent races, that's not illegal, simply because I cant get access to them other than torrents. Saying gamers are pirates one in the same isn't very fair either. I game and I don't torrent games, music or movies. I rent or stream those and that eats bandwidth quickly. I use the Zune store on Xbox to watch current movies and even those are about 8gb apiece for small ones, There Will be Blood was over 10gb when I rented it form Zune. Tiered pricing is a legit way to offer your service, I have no problem paying more if I use more. But saying caps prevent/curb piracy is a flat lie as has been presented to Congress recently. There is zero truth to that statement by anyone that testifies to it before a Congressional panel. If the telecos are raking in billions, they should invest billions to provide the speeds that they promise but don't deliver. My parents have service 'up to' 6mbps. In reality it's less than 3. No excuse for that. They have the money and the political clout, obviously since they can lie to congress to further entrench their anticonsumer policies with a government granted monopoly, to expand and improve their speeds and capacity. But they won't because it cuts into profits.
  • Reply 95 of 112
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,388member
    Originally Posted by AppleStud View Post

    Slurpy raises a good point though - no reasonable consumer should ever exceed 250 gigs in a month. Even if you watch an HD movie and several netflix episodes, that's still only 3 or 4 gigs per day. Not many folks watch that much TV. It's the pirates and the gamers (often one in the same) who could exceed 250GB, and they should rightfully pay more.

    That said, I'm quite curious what 4GB plan Slurpy is on. Sounds awful. Oh, and don't call me Frances :-)

    Needless to say, I'm not currently living in the US. I'm in Lebanon. I was just trying to make the point that he has it pretty fucking good, compared to other countries. I pay $50/month for 4GB @ '512Kbs' (theoretical, it basically never hits those speeds). Since I always go over, it always comes to more than that- at least $70. I pay another $50/month for a PPPoe connection,(usb dongle) which is even slower, and has a 2.5GB/month cap. However, it allows me to use my laptop outside the house. And I payed $200 for the dongle. And if I surpass those 2.5GB? It disables the connection- no 'soft caps' here.

    So basically, I pay $120+/month for a total of 6.5GB, at pathetic speeds. As you can understand, I can't really sympathize with the bitching in this thread, and suggest that people get some damn perspective. Stop demanding unlimited of everything in this life, especially when those limits imposed are generous. And yes, I'm bitter.
  • Reply 96 of 112
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    Originally Posted by Wiggin View Post

    Sure, and let's just have unlimited electricity so I can leave my lights on all the time and unlimited water so I can leave my facuets running all day. How about unlimited gas so I don't have to turn off my car.

    Welcome to the real world. If you are using more data, you should be paying more becasue the ISP has to add more bandwidth, more lines, more switches, more routers, etc, to support YOUR habits. Not mine, nor that of most other people. Why should we pay for all those equipment upgrades just to support your usage? You use 20 times more data than I do. Why should I support your addiction?

    See those analogies might hold water is the ISPs actually made the data and then delivered it but they don't. Websites generate all the data and the ISPs are only a vessel for it. They charge both the sender and the recipient and now want to limit the amount we can use? That's that BS
  • Reply 97 of 112
    hkzhkz Posts: 190member
    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post

    As you can understand, I can't really sympathize with the bitching in this thread, and suggest that people get some damn perspective. Stop demanding unlimited of everything in this life, especially when those limits imposed are generous. And yes, I'm bitter.

    Just because people I've seen and interacted with in Thailand don't have clean water all day every day doesn't mean I shouldn't complain about crap floating in mine.
  • Reply 98 of 112
    slang4artslang4art Posts: 376member
    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post

    Oh, give me a break. Do you leave your damn house, or do anything that involves not being on the internet? 250GB is MORE than reasonable- it's fucking fantastic, and those who pass it would be on the extreme outliers- and from a corporate standpoint, its reasonable to punish outliers that have such extreme usage. How many movies, application, games etc do you pirate per month to hit those numbers?

    You know what my bandwidth cap is? Do you REALLY want to know? 4GB. That's 1.6% of the bandwidth that you're bitching about. Basically, you get more than DOUBLE my monthly cap PER DAY. And you don't want to know how much I pay for that, the speeds I get, nor how much I'm overcharged per MB when I go over (which is every month obviously). And no, there aren't any alternatives at reasonable prices. Before I click a link, watch a youtube vid, I actually have to stop and think if it will be worth my while and the hit on bandwidth. I'd kill to get even 10GB/month, to give some damn breathing room. So please, don't even dare bitch about 250GB.

    haha that reminds me of my grandparents. I guess that's the price you pay for living in the middle of nowhere.
  • Reply 99 of 112
    chris_cachris_ca Posts: 2,543member
    Originally Posted by bfpseller View Post

    iTunes need to introduce a monthly fee service to start thinking how to compete to Netflix on streaming.

    A monthly service fee for what?


    Apple also needs to work with other companies to make iTunes streaming available on Bluray player, Wii, XBox, PS3 ... not just over-priced Apple TV

    It would be nice but I don't see why this is something Apple should do.

    Perhaps the other companies should approach Apple.
  • Reply 100 of 112
    razorpitrazorpit Posts: 1,796member
    Originally Posted by battiato1981 View Post

    If you take a moment to pair your remote to the Apple TV, that annoying problem disappears ... Just look under settings and then remotes ... Your remote will then only work on that Apple TV, no mater what other iDevices are around.

    Thanks for the tip. I turned my IR sensor off on my MacBook not realizing this was the true solution.

    Originally Posted by FlashmanBurgess View Post

    Too bad NetFlix doesn't have any HD movies that are current. I'll take my rentals on iTunes for $4.99 over a $9.00 a month subscription to nothing worth watching.

    I don't understand why you need to tell us this? From this story it obviously looks like you're in the minority.

    Originally Posted by gwlaw99 View Post

    Hard to compete with a service that is free. For most users this is just a bonus to their Netflix DVD subscription or streaming only for $9 a month.

    Now that Amazon is making its streaming service free for all Prime members, I can foresee the gap between Amazon's service and iTunes quickly widening as soon as it is available on AppleTV.

    Originally Posted by gas_pig70 View Post

    Agreed. I so want to cut the cord but unfortunately I can't find a good (and legit) source for my Forumula 1, Moto GP, WSBK and AMA Supercross/Motocross fix. iTunes could pretty much cover eveything else I really care about which are Discovery & History Channel shows.

    Sports and news still have a lot of us suckered in to the monthly cable bill.

    Originally Posted by Wiggin View Post

    Sure, and let's just have unlimited electricity so I can leave my lights on all the time and unlimited water so I can leave my facuets running all day. How about unlimited gas so I don't have to turn off my car.

    Welcome to the real world. If you are using more data, you should be paying more becasue the ISP has to add more bandwidth, more lines, more switches, more routers, etc, to support YOUR habits. Not mine, nor that of most other people. Why should we pay for all those equipment upgrades just to support your usage? You use 20 times more data than I do. Why should I support your addiction?

    I see what you are trying to say, but it is not really the same argument. Ever try to add a new turbine to a power plant? The planning and resources required to do so are considerably more than upgrading network hardware going in to a local neighborhood. Plus it require very little energy, relatively speaking, to power the additional networking equipment.

    There is a lot of money to be made by nickeling and dimming consumers on "extra" "unlimited data".

    Originally Posted by antkm1 View Post

    Not surprising to read this headline. I got the Apple TV last November, and the only reason why i pulled the trigger was because it had Netflix and YouTube, and a direct link to iTunes. However, it was Netflix that put us over the edge. Otherwise, it would have been Roku for our household. I would say about 90% of our aTV use is Netflix.

    Same here. I think adding Netflix was some Apple had to reluctantly do to sell more hardware.

    Originally Posted by X38 View Post

    iTunes rentals are too expensive to rent except very rarely and the 25 hour window to watch is completely stupid. The last one I rented I had to stop midway and restart the next night, except that I was unexpectedly delayed and it expired a few minutes before I could restart it, effectively loosing my rental fee.

    iTunes rental prices need to drop to a dollar for all movies with no viewing restrictions within the 30 day rental period for online distribution to really take over.

    Agreed. There are too many restrictions on Apple's rentals. Add the high cost of the rental and it is a no-win. I'm sure just about any one with kids and a real job can verify how difficult it can be sometimes to watch a movie in 25 hours.
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