Amazon preempts Apple with cloud-based music service for Web and Android



  • Reply 61 of 129
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,556member
    Why so many negative comments about an Amazon service none of you have used? FWIW, if you want to give it a spin just for giggles, it is MAC and Safari compatible, and will even let you upload your iTunes music purchases. Just no go for iOS devices, which should come as no surprise given Apple's attitude towards competing services. Perhaps it's not ready for primetime. . . or perhaps it is. Other than a single forum post from one solitary member giving it a try, everyone else is just guessing and bitching with no evidence either way.
  • Reply 62 of 129
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    Originally Posted by benanderson89 View Post

    I have an iPhone, not an Android, I just downloaded an album last week from a torrent site because I felt like it. I guess I should go wait in line for my Android phone since my methods of acquiring music are SO Android...

    But really, what?

    Did you drop it in iDisk, so you can stream it to your iPhone?

    I think I'll upload some more AC/DC and a TV show to watch tomorrow at lunchtime on my iPad.

    Apple has had this for YEARS and I can use it in Australia.

    iDisk part of MobilMe.
  • Reply 63 of 129
    firefly7475firefly7475 Posts: 1,502member
    Originally Posted by genovelle View Post

    I think they listen closer to the Apple rumors and try to beat them to the punch. These companies watch these sites to get their ideas and try to beat Apple to the punch on their announced products.

    I'm not sure that's the case this time. Amazon have been doing cloud services for a very long time now and this fits in with their Appstore for Android announcement more than anything to do with Apple.

    Originally Posted by benice View Post

    Why sign up for a music only type of locker? We want open data services that can store all we have.. music, videos, documents, everything and, just as importantly, use the front end (browsers, apps) that we already have.

    There are two services. Amazon Clouddrive (storage of all document types) and Amazon Cloudplayer (which allows music streaming).

    The big difference here is the ability to stream music though. The Clouddrive service itself doesn't look very interesting at all.

    The 5GB of free space is nice but the added features of other free online storage services (e.g. document sharing and collaboration, online document/spreadsheet/image editors, web photo albums and integration with social services etc) like Google Docs/Picasa (2GB free) , (5GB free) and Windows Live Mesh (25GB free) put Clouddrive to shame.
  • Reply 64 of 129
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    Originally Posted by caliminius View Post

    And when Apple announces an extremely similar service later this year, it will be the greatest thing in the world. Really, go look at any of the comment sections for any time where an Apple cloud music service is rumored. You won't see all the negative comments that Amazon's service is getting.

    Maybe it doesn't interest you, but apparently a lot of Apple fans are interested in a similar service. Well, unless it's from Amazon; then it's automatically crap.

    Well apart from Apple announcing iTools in 2000, that is.

    Cloud streaming service, Apple has had it for years, I can drop music into my iDisk and play it from the iDisk App on my iPhone or iPad.

    It's like Apple TV a "hobby" Apple has been dabbling in for years.

    What Amazon is "introducing" isn't greatly different to iDisk.
  • Reply 65 of 129
    nim81nim81 Posts: 16member
    Originally Posted by Aeolian View Post

    Will Amazon's new service work without WiFi or 3G?

    That's the point I'm making, any of these cloud based music services are hopeless without the mobile infrastructure
  • Reply 66 of 129
    newbeenewbee Posts: 2,055member
    Originally Posted by kilimanjaro View Post

    Yeah, but Amazon stole the thunder from Apple.. .......

    I was really hoping that Apple would have been the first to pioneer this could-based service.. Now the credit will go to Amazon, damn you Amazon..

    If you look back over Apple's history you will find that, although Apple is seldom first to enter a market, it is usually the best and that the rest usually wind up chasing Apple. I expect nothing to change in that regard, this time.

    As well. I think what "might" be slowing things down this time is a lack of cooperation with the music execs. It's no secret that they, in their limited ability to think, would like to "break Apple's stranglehold" on them. Another example of not seeing the forest for the trees.
  • Reply 67 of 129
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    Why so many negative comments about an Amazon service none of you have used? FWIW, if you want to give it a spin just for giggles, it is MAC and Safari compatible, and will even let you upload your iTunes music purchases. Just no go for iOS devices, which should come as no surprise given Apple's attitude towards competing services. Perhaps it's not ready for primetime. . . or perhaps it is. Other than a single forum post from one solitary member giving it a try, everyone else is just guessing and bitching with no evidence either way.

    I'll try it, oh yeah I'm in Australia, guess I'll have to stick with iDisk, at least MobileMe is available here.
  • Reply 68 of 129
    al_bundyal_bundy Posts: 1,525member
    Originally Posted by nim81 View Post

    That's the point I'm making, any of these cloud based music services are hopeless without the mobile infrastructure

    a lot of us are on android phones and have ipads or Mac's. this is awesome since there is no need to buy a phone with more than 8GB of storage. i'm going to start uploading some of my itunes playlists to amazon soon to listen on my $20 HTC Inspire. i was going to look into Doubletwist to sync my HTC with itunes, but no need now

    love my ipad 2

    might get a Mac this year

    but there is no reason to spend more than $50 on a smartphone this year. i would have bought the HTC Aria for free, but it didn't support Froyo and Flash last month.
  • Reply 69 of 129
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,815member
    I just said this in the latest post but seems relevant here too: Apple's new cloud service is not about streaming music (although that may be a part) it is IMHO going to be a slew of services including voice recognition, Siri based artificial intelligence and search, a Apple mapping services linked to all of this and probably language translation services amongst many other things. I predict the end of Apple's use of anything Google although that will be the user's decision.
  • Reply 70 of 129
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,556member
    @Hill60: Then you have a valid excuse
  • Reply 71 of 129
    newbeenewbee Posts: 2,055member
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    What *is* important though is to be able to get your songs from anywhere onto your device wirelessly. Like DropBox.

    That is, streaming is less important than SYNCING.

    A. Without connecting a USB cable

    B. Without iTunes deleting your library

    C. Without iTunes not allowing you to connect your device to more than one computer

    nvidia2008,..... You'll have to help me out here as I'm not "highly mobile" and as such am not as informed on this subject as I should be. My question to you is this. If it's possible to have iTunes allowing you to connect your device to more than one computer, or a file sharing program like dropbox, which, if I understand it correctly, would allow you to "share" audio files between multiple computers ..... wouldn't that just encourage "piracy" to flourish? If this all works how I imagine it to, then I can understand the content providers reluctance to cooperate. What am I missing here (except some of my previously used brain cells).
  • Reply 72 of 129
    Don't understand all the hate against Amazon. They are providing a free service that can be used on Macs, not just for music but any kind of docs/pics/etc. Plus it doesn't hurt Apple at all, they're not even coming to iOS devices. What's the problem?
  • Reply 73 of 129
    malaxmalax Posts: 1,598member
    Originally Posted by pmoeser View Post

    As long as Apple get their 30% I would think they would approve it

    30% of the cost of a free app isn't much revenue for Apple.

    I suspect they would approve it if submitted properly. They allow the Kindle app for example. Apple gets "nothing" out of that either, except that it makes their platform more compelling.
  • Reply 74 of 129
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    Originally Posted by al_bundy View Post

    a lot of us are on android phones and have ipads or Mac's. this is awesome since there is no need to buy a phone with more than 8GB of storage. i'm going to start uploading some of my itunes playlists to amazon soon to listen on my $20 HTC Inspire. i was going to look into Doubletwist to sync my HTC with itunes, but no need now

    love my ipad 2

    might get a Mac this year

    but there is no reason to spend more than $50 on a smartphone this year. i would have bought the HTC Aria for free, but it didn't support Froyo and Flash last month.

    I've got over 10GB of Apps.

    Nova 2 and Metroview GPS take up over 2GB between them and I've got 240 more.
  • Reply 75 of 129
    We are not there yet. Having cloud access for media is nice extra to have. For my ipod to sorely rely on cloud media would be treacherous thing.
  • Reply 76 of 129
    Originally Posted by al_bundy View Post

    a lot of us are on android phones and have ipads or Mac's. this is awesome since there is no need to buy a phone with more than 8GB of storage. i'm going to start uploading some of my itunes playlists to amazon soon to listen on my $20 HTC Inspire. i was going to look into Doubletwist to sync my HTC with itunes, but no need now

    love my ipad 2

    might get a Mac this year

    but there is no reason to spend more than $50 on a smartphone this year. i would have bought the HTC Aria for free, but it didn't support Froyo and Flash last month.

    I am still getting my iphone 5 whenever it comes out. It was never about the storage(o boy, don't I contradict myself!).. app and the look and being apple..
  • Reply 77 of 129
    Originally Posted by RichyS View Post

    This is about access, not ownership.

    Have to politely disagree with you there: it is about sales. No one will create one of these services out of the goodness of their heart. The idea will be that by giving away a storage option the user will use the online store of their storage provider -- in this case, Amazon.

    Will this be a good strategy? You tell me. I'm an old guy compared to many of you, so I'm skeptical about introducing a third party into things. I use AirPlay . . . a lot, as well as Remote. But a cloud service?

    But many you -- that is, younger people -- may not feel that way, and don't mind having your music and video tied to a cloud environment. You tell me.

    All I know is that the first time the cloud service was down for any reason when I wanted to use it I would be livid. The acceptable error rate for a business like this is zero.
  • Reply 78 of 129
    nim81nim81 Posts: 16member
    Originally Posted by al_bundy View Post

    a lot of us are on android phones and have ipads or Mac's. this is awesome since there is no need to buy a phone with more than 8GB of storage. i'm going to start uploading some of my itunes playlists to amazon soon to listen on my $20 HTC Inspire. i was going to look into Doubletwist to sync my HTC with itunes, but no need now

    love my ipad 2

    might get a Mac this year

    but there is no reason to spend more than $50 on a smartphone this year. i would have bought the HTC Aria for free, but it didn't support Froyo and Flash last month.

    I don't think you're getting what my beef is with the cloud services... it sounds great in theory, but good luck trying to stream your music without it continuously buffering unless you never leave inner city areas with 3G coverage...
  • Reply 79 of 129
    al_bundyal_bundy Posts: 1,525member

    i also have slacker plus and use the caching on my wife's iphone, ipad and my HTC phone. and my 64GB ipad has a lot of music on it that i use my car's USB port to listen to.

    this is for the times you don't want to or can't pull out a computer or ipad to listen to.

    apple does the same thing. release products with limited but working features and add on later. amazon will add to their service as time goes on and they see how people use it.
  • Reply 80 of 129
    gqbgqb Posts: 1,934member
    Originally Posted by myapplelove View Post

    Apple have been sitting on their asses with lala, the nc data center and mobileme. Amidst rumors of free mm and retraction of mm retail boxes, we are paying a pretty hefty s.


    Apple has invested millions in this project precisely because they intend to 'sit on their asses', and are totally clueless.

    Or, maybe its because they intend to launch successfully and are taking whatever time is necessary to assure that, instead of launching to glitches and the inevitable barrage of criticism.

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