Google VP Andy Rubin says Android 'openness' hasn't changed



  • Reply 21 of 84
    ivkivk Posts: 46member
    "Open", "Do No Evil", "Change You Can Believe In", "Yes We Can", "Vote For Change", etc. These are all marketing slogans that people eat up that have no real meaning.
  • Reply 22 of 84
    matrix07matrix07 Posts: 1,993member
    Originally Posted by GalaxyTab View Post

    It really does surprise me the amonunt of attention Android gets on Apple related sites.

    Yet you are here.
  • Reply 23 of 84
    Originally Posted by Qualia View Post

    I don't fault Google for preaching openness while being, as one might say, DRACONIAN. They're a business whose primary interest is to make money, and if they want to take advantage of the people who blindly believe that Google's a humanitarian charity and not a for-profit business, then kudos to them. It's the fanboys who swallow the drivel who annoy me. And people think Apple fans are deluded. I don't think even the most rabid Apple fanboy pretends that people at Apple make awesome products just out of the goodness of their hearts.

  • Reply 24 of 84
    The interesting part of Rubin's blog post to me was this statement:

    " but throughout we’ve remained committed to fostering the development of an open platform for the mobile industry and beyond."

    Android is for the mobile industry and [industries] beyond. Contrast that with Apple's focus on the end user.
  • Reply 25 of 84
    d-ranged-range Posts: 396member
    Originally Posted by Menno View Post

    You obviously don't read AI comments that often.

    Care to explain WTH you are actually implying because I can't find any connection to reality, and I've been reading AI comments for years.

    Usually, people commenting here like Apple products for what they are, and they pay good money to use them. You can slap all kinds of qualifications on 'people who like Apple products', but none of them imply the typical Apple user thinks Apple is not out there to make money, just like every other business. Over here no-one seems to feel bad about directly filling Apple's pockets, as long as their products are great, which they are, at least in my opinion.

    You are really preaching to the wrong choir and being a hypocrite if you try to spin things as if Apple 'fanboys' buy Apple because they like how 'open' it is, or how altruistic Apple is for giving us the privilege of buying their stuff. On the one hand you probably don't have any problem saying that Apple products are 'overpriced', while on the other hand you are now trying to imply that the people who buy these 'overpriced products' with REAL MONEY, yet report insanely high customer satifaction numbers, do so because they think Apple is like a charity. A bit like how fandroids seem to think Google is being 'open' or 'free' just for their own good.

    Or summarizing: you are making no sense and you are quickly starting to climb my top-10 of most useless trolls around here.
  • Reply 26 of 84
    roboduderobodude Posts: 273member
    Originally Posted by hittrj01 View Post

    No, Eastasia (Microsoft) is our ally and has always been our ally. Westasia (Google) is our enemy and has always been our enemy. I expect all of your best efforts and cooperation to go to war against Westasia and see our victory through to the end!

    Eurasia not Westasia. Quite humorous that Motorola is painting Apple as 1984, yet their partner Google is being about as misleading as it gets with their definition of the word "open". Which isn't really an advantage anyway since people still have to root Android devices just like those will Jailbreak their iPhones.

    In regards to the move, it was probably a smart move for Google to make in terms of stopping fragmentation, amusing to see Android fans tripping over their companies flip-flop in ideologies (and the ensuing PR shit storm). At least they still have their widgets!

    Originally Posted by d-range

    Care to explain WTH you are actually implying because I can't find any connection to reality, and I've been reading AI comments for years...

    While I agree somewhat with your statement just look at the first reply to the topic. There are others on the forum who seem to think everything ever produced by Google (and Microsoft) is complete garbage. Yes it's an Apple forum. But informed opinions are good too.
  • Reply 27 of 84
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    Originally Posted by GalaxyTab View Post

    Google must be crazy for doing a Tablet and Smartphone OS seperatly mustn't they? What sort of idiotic company would put out two OS's with the intention of merging them into a single release at a latter date? Oh, hang on Apple already did that with the release of iOS 4.3 on iPhone and iPad. Mustbe good then!

    The next revision of Android will be merging both the tablet optimized version and the smartphone version into a single release fyi. As someone proclaiming that handset and tablet manufacturers should be "sh*ting their pants", you sure know little about Android or the release schedule of it.

    Anyhow, I bet the likes of HTC are really afraid, especially as they've just taken over the market cap of both Nokia and RIM.

    It really does surprise me the amonunt of attention Android gets on Apple related sites.

    Nobody here is questioning the merge of 3.0 and 2.3 - although I bet that takes most of the year.

    The discussion is about the OPenness of Android. Apparently the reason Android users love Android is it's commitment to Open Source, that has now shown to be a marketing fraud designed to fool people of limited intelligence, and manufacturers. It is not open if you control who gets it, and when. Far better to licence from MS, rather than play this crap shoot with Google.
  • Reply 28 of 84
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member

    Anyhow, I bet the likes of HTC are really afraid, especially as they've just taken over the market cap of both Nokia and RIM.

    it certainly helps to be a preferred partner. Are they this time? Who knows. Entire manufacturing plants, and industrial schedules lie closed until Google gives it's open platform to everybody who wants it, so they can close it for users. It's more a farce than a tragedy. Gartner is predicting Android's share to fall by 2015 with MS gaining, I think this a bit favourable to MS, but if Google play silly buggers then it will happen. Far better to pay $X per handset then to let your competitors get 6 months on an open platform.

    As for how this affects the Oracle suit, it can't help. As for whether HoneyComb is good enough as a tablet, and will gain traction this year - unlikely. Android may well have shot it's bolt.
  • Reply 29 of 84
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer View Post

    I'm not going to defend Google on their Open Source initiative, but you make yourself look like an ass talking out of it as if you know jack about Atmospheric Physics and Geological Physics. Keep talking. Please. Just ignore my comments.

    Keep spreadin' the faith that Global Warmin' [no longer even called that as it's Climate Change, or as a Mechanical Engineer I call it Global Heat Redistribution in a Nonlinear Dynamics Model creating pockets of deltas beyond traditional tolerances to such an extreme it's impacting trade winds and seasonal averages well founded since we've become an Industrial World] Faith because I find it ironic that people actually think this Atmospheric Regulated System has some infinite amount of tolerance for subterranean byproducts without damaging the basic cycle of healthy Photosynthesis, etc.

    My favorite is people who say "we can't have global warming because we got more snow than normal". I guess it never occurred to them that the amount of snowfall is determined by the amount of moisture that is picked up over the pacific (and, to a smaller extent, the Great Lakes and other bodies of water). If the average air temperature is warmer, it will pick up MORE water. Then, when it gets over land and cools, it drops more snow.

    Originally Posted by asdasd View Post

    Nobody here is questioning the merge of 3.0 and 2.3 - although I bet that takes most of the year.

    The discussion is about the OPenness of Android. Apparently the reason Android users love Android is it's commitment to Open Source, that has now shown to be a marketing fraud designed to fool people of limited intelligence, and manufacturers. It is not open if you control who gets it, and when. Far better to licence from MS, rather than play this crap shoot with Google.

    Google's hypocrisy is astounding. I guess they've painted their way into a corner and can't find a way out.

    "There is no fragmentation" followed by "We're working to ensure consistency"

    "We're open" followed by "we're not allowing changed to 3.0"

    "We're open" followed by "partners have to follow Google guidelines"

    And so on.
  • Reply 30 of 84
    d-ranged-range Posts: 396member
    Originally Posted by Robodude View Post

    While I agree somewhat with your statement just look at the first reply to the topic. There are others on the forum who seem to think everything ever produced by Google (and Microsoft) is complete garbage. Yes it's an Apple forum. But informed opinions are good too.

    Oh don't get me wrong, I'm not denying you have fanboys and trolls in both camps, and they all post here.

    The guy I was replying to was implying that the typical Apple fanboy 'pretends Apple makes awesome products just out of the goodness of their hearts' in the same way that the Google fanboys can't seem to look past the 'open!', 'free!' kind of PR BS that Google is brainwashing them with, making them forget that Google is also simply after the money. To them Android is a tool to make them money through their other services, and there is no altruistic feelings or 'don't be evil' philosophy behind any of that, just cold, hard cash. Just like Apple, or any other commercial business.

    My point was, that at least the Apple fanboys don't try to hide the fact that Apple is also just in it for the money using drivel about openness and freedom. All I get from the typical fandroid is meaningless rants about walled gardens, freedom, choice, openness. It's almost as if you are debating with real politicians, nothing they say has any bearing on reality, at least not from a practical point of view, yet they manage to brainwash hordes of people to eat their shit like mindless drones.
  • Reply 31 of 84
    galaxytabgalaxytab Posts: 122member
    Originally Posted by matrix07 View Post

    Yet you are here.

    I own and invest (quite happily might I add) in Apple hardware and software. I also invest in Apple's competitors products which is why I vest an interest in articles like this.

    If there is a rule stating that one must have an allegiance to Apple and only Apple, please direct me to it and I will never post again.

  • Reply 32 of 84
    lopsidedlopsided Posts: 20member
    Originally Posted by Nairb View Post

    Android is open. If you doubt that go to Android site at where you can download the source code or learn how to port android to your own devices. Seems pretty open to me. You can also read the licensing details.

    What is not open are things like the google market, google navigation, google earth, google translate etc. These never were open source so nothing has changed here. If you want these you need to fall in line with some google standards.

    It could not be easier to understand..

    So it's open, except for the parts that are closed.

    And Google decides when it's open and when it's closed and for how long.

    It could not be easier to understand.
  • Reply 33 of 84
    mrstepmrstep Posts: 518member
    Originally Posted by djsherly View Post

    Looks like you've mixed java and shell there. Btw, local variable your_company is never read.

    Oh that makes sense then, Rubin just has a bug in his new build script!
  • Reply 34 of 84
    thepixeldocthepixeldoc Posts: 2,257member
    Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer View Post

    I'm not going to defend Google on their Open Source initiative, but you make yourself look like an ass talking out of it as if you know jack about Atmospheric Physics and Geological Physics. Keep talking. Please. Just ignore my comments.

    Keep spreadin' the faith that Global Warmin' [no longer even called that as it's Climate Change, or as a Mechanical Engineer I call it Global Heat Redistribution in a Nonlinear Dynamics Model creating pockets of deltas beyond traditional tolerances to such an extreme it's impacting trade winds and seasonal averages well founded since we've become an Industrial World] Faith because I find it ironic that people actually think this Atmospheric Regulated System has some infinite amount of tolerance for subterranean byproducts without damaging the basic cycle of healthy Photosynthesis, etc.

    Just curious, but did you happen to paste a reply to the wrong page? While interesting, and I like your viewpoint, I was wondering if I should report you for "political poisoning" of this thread.
  • Reply 35 of 84
    thepixeldocthepixeldoc Posts: 2,257member
    I found this thread and it's comments quite interesting:

    WARNING: Rough language

    This whole "openness" thing is starting to run wild me-thinks.

    Why do I think that Google, HTC, Moto and the rest of them are sticking up their noses collectively at licensing, copyrights, etc., and trying to get as much "junk" out there as possible, so that in the end when it makes it to court, the judge wouldn't "dare" to pull the rug out, and the offending devices with it.

    I'm thinking "1mil. shards of tech-shrapnel" when this "open" thing explodes... or I mean, "implodes".
  • Reply 36 of 84
    rtm135rtm135 Posts: 310member
    love watching the gSheep battle the iSheep.
  • Reply 37 of 84
    Why can't anybody here take something at face value? Neither Google nor Apple is in their business to provide products merely for the benefit of humanity, and neither makes that claim. The fact that anybody can interpret "open source" as "charity" is baffling. I don't think even one phone in a thousand sells because Android is open source, so why take issue with the idea? Open is not anti-Apple and Apple is not anti-open. It just happens to suit Apple to be more restrictive with their software and Google to be less restrictive. It's unnecessary to read into it any more than that.
  • Reply 38 of 84
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    Originally Posted by wakefinance View Post

    Why can't anybody here take something at face value? Neither Google nor Apple is in their business to provide products merely for the benefit of humanity, and neither makes that claim. The fact that anybody can interpret "open source" as "charity" is baffling. I don't think even one phone in a thousand sells because Android is open source, so why take issue with the idea? Open is not anti-Apple and Apple is not anti-open. It just happens to suit Apple to be more restrictive with their software and Google to be less restrictive. It's unnecessary to read into it any more than that.

    That realistic view on Google, is not, however what was been sold by Google. Look at their conference when they attacked the closed nature of Apple, and its potential monopoly. The closed nature of iOS is also a major talking point for Android users. Frankly I cant whip out an iPhone amongst geeks without someone mentioning it, and how they liked to play, and how OS would win the day . Etc.

    Then there is Rubin's tweet.

    The definition of open: "mkdir android ; cd android ; repo init -u git:// ; repo sync ; m

    Which now shold come with the caveat: For Preferred users only. Not for you, you aint got the correct Public key.

    ( for not techies - that command, to get the source code for android, will now not get the latest)
  • Reply 39 of 84
    mrstepmrstep Posts: 518member
    Originally Posted by All Day Breakfast View Post

    The interesting part of Rubin's blog post to me was this statement:

    " but throughout we?ve remained committed to fostering the development of an open platform for the mobile industry and beyond."

    Android is for the mobile industry and [industries] beyond. Contrast that with Apple's focus on the end user.

    Android is an ad delivery channel, no more, no less. Google has no reason to make it other than trying to make money through another route and buy insurance against other mobile OS vendors being able to cut them off. (Default Bing/yahoo/whatever search - oh no!) No 'openness', not making a better user experience... sort-of trying to stop Apple from dominating, but again for pure business reasons, not some freedom-fighting bull$hit line they use.
  • Reply 40 of 84
    kerrybkerryb Posts: 270member
    Originally Posted by IVK View Post

    "Open", "Do No Evil", "Change You Can Believe In", "Yes We Can", "Vote For Change", etc. These are all marketing slogans that people eat up that have no real meaning.

    Support our troops, mission accomplished, and war on terror.
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