Existing MobileMe subscriptions extended, service ends June 2012



  • Reply 61 of 85
    markbyrnmarkbyrn Posts: 662member
    Originally Posted by RichL View Post

    Migrate to Dropbox. It's a superior product anyway.

    Dropbox might be a superior product but who is going to MANUALLY move every individual file that I stored on iDisk over to Dropbox? Is Apple going to do that or will I be spending days and weeks to do it myself? THAT IS AN UNACCEPTABLE migration plan from Apple Inc. and to call the the new service iCloud when there no is provision for iDisk is an INSULTING slap in the face.
  • Reply 62 of 85
    kyle76kyle76 Posts: 54member
    Originally Posted by Bilbo63 View Post

    My MobileMe family pack just renewed on May 29th. If I buy Lion and use iCloud, mobile me basically becomes useless to me. Shouldn't Apple be issuing a refund for the unused months?

    Exactly. I only use MobileMe for syncing contacts and calendars. I was just billed for another year last month. Their idea of compensation is an extra year of something that I can get for free later this year. WTF?
  • Reply 63 of 85
    bilbo63bilbo63 Posts: 285member
    Originally Posted by Kyle76 View Post

    Exactly. I only use MobileMe for syncing contacts and calendars. I was just billed for another year last month. Their idea of compensation is an extra year of something that I can get for free later this year. WTF?

    My hope is that Apple just did a crappy job communicating here. Existing MobileMe subscribers appear to be getting hosed.

    If I upgrade to Lion, the fees for my 11 unused MobileMe months should be refunded.

    If I choose not to upgrade to Lion and continue to use MobileMe until they finally pull the plug, then fine keep my money.

    I expect that Apple has plans for how this will all work, they just haven't explained it.
  • Reply 64 of 85
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Bilbo63 View Post

    If I upgrade to Lion, the fees for my 11 unused MobileMe months should be refunded.

    If I choose not to upgrade to Lion and continue to use MobileMe until they finally pull the plug, then fine keep my money.

    I expect that Apple has plans for how this will all work, they just haven't explained it.

    Your choice not to use the MobileMe service you choose to pay for.

    I'm not sure what people expect from Apple. Steve Jobs to personally give you a call and let you in on the changes and rebranding of MobilMe even though you're getting your MobileMe service for no less than the amount of time agreed upon?
  • Reply 65 of 85
    cory bauercory bauer Posts: 1,286member
    I like others am very concerned as to what will become of iDisk and Galleries. I rely heavily on iDisk for web hosting, sharing work files, and general image hosting. And I use galleries to host and share my photography. To my knowledge there is no other service out there that can come anywhere close to matching these services. I tried Flickr once; the upload experience was awful and it took over 30 days before my photos would show up in a search. A web hosting service as elegant as drag-and-drop iDisk, built right into the Finder's Go menu? I very much doubt one exists.

    Even if Apple rolls out similar services that utilize iCloud, my current iDisk storage is 20GB, where-as iCloud gives you 5GB. That's not going to work. Thankfully I saw a "purchase more storage" button in iOS 5 video walkthru. So should Apple move galleries and iDisk to the iCloud, the amount of storage one has should be addressable. It'd just be nice to get a confirmation from Apple as to whether or not they intend to provide these missing features that many MobileMe users depend upon.
  • Reply 66 of 85
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Cory Bauer View Post

    I like others am very concerned as to what will become of iDisk and Galleries. I rely heavily on iDisk for web hosting, sharing work files, and general image hosting. And I use galleries to host and share my photography. To my knowledge there is no other service out there that can come anywhere close to matching these services. I tried Flickr once; the upload experience was awful and it took over 30 days before my photos would show up in a search. A web hosting service as elegant as drag-and-drop iDisk, built right into the Finder's Go menu? I very much doubt one exists.

    Even if Apple rolls out similar services that utilize iCloud, my current iDisk storage is 20GB, where-as iCloud gives you 5GB. That's not going to work. Thankfully I saw a "purchase more storage" button in iOS 5 video walkthru. So should Apple move galleries and iDisk to the iCloud, the amount of storage one has should be addressable. It'd just be nice to get a confirmation from Apple as to whether or not they intend to provide these missing features that many MobileMe users depend upon.

    As stated, more details will appear after iCloud is out but you can be assured you still have the same services through June 30th, 2012. They were smart to extend it to just over a year when they could have let users just run to the end of their accounts naturally. This way no one should be surprised by the end date. Still, thought that just bought the service can probably complain and get there money back (and likely still get the service through 2012). They are only a few gnats on the Serengeti.

    I didn't see the slide regarding paying for more service. I as hoping there would be some premium offering for iCloud and expected email not to be part of the deal. I thought Apple would use whatever email already had as your ID and have your CC as your unique identifier. I did predict no iCloud email addresses in lieu of the cleaner @me.com domain. Imagine how much like Hotmail, Gmail and Yahoo that domain will become. I'm glad I already have mine now I started using for my primary account this year.
  • Reply 67 of 85
    dr millmossdr millmoss Posts: 5,403member
    Originally Posted by PXT View Post

    I think Apple have been screwing this up ever since the release of MobileMe. During this time they have managed to delete every kind of data from some people's accounts. They are great in hardware and in the media sector, but as a person who runs business package implementations, it is clear to me that their isolation from enterprise has left them weak in data processing, which is what email/contacts/calendars/etc is all about. They lack the attitude, the approach, the skills and the computer languages to do this professionally.

    After getting off to a rocky start, the kinks were worked out and MobileMe has been fine for most people. I've really come to rely upon it.

    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    As stated, more details will appear after iCloud is out but you can be assured you still have the same services through June 30th, 2012. They were smart to extend it to just over a year when they could have let users just run to the end of their accounts naturally. This way no one should be surprised by the end date. Still, thought that just bought the service can probably complain and get there money back (and likely still get the service through 2012). They are only a few gnats on the Serengeti.

    And very possibly nothing after that date, unless you upgrade to Lion.
  • Reply 68 of 85
    kyle76kyle76 Posts: 54member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I'm not sure what people expect from Apple. Steve Jobs to personally give you a call and let you in on the changes and rebranding of MobilMe even though you're getting your MobileMe service for no less than the amount of time agreed upon?

    That's a start.
  • Reply 69 of 85
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    Originally Posted by Jensonb View Post

    1) My Apple ID for iTunes is not my MobileMe. Am I going to lose access to my DRM'd iTunes Content after the changeover?

    I suspect a lot of folks are in this boat and am hoping that they allow you to merge accounts so that everything is under one id.


    2) My website is hosted on MobileMe so it looks like I have until next July to find a hosting provider who can match the hosting service MobileMe offered at a comparable price (Fat chance of that)

    I wouldn't be so sure about that. I can't imagine that Apple would want to lose everyone to DropBox, Blogger, GoDaddy etc. I suspect that there is something in the air for the whole iDisk thing. They probably aren't releasing it at the same time to avoid another MobileMe launch disaster. But it is likely there in the works. After all, they say "you only have to upload the music iTunes can't match" but where are you doing that. I can't see them wanting that in the same system. And some folks have more than 5gb. So some kind of adding storage would be needed. If it was priced well and is seamless with your old idisk (and seamless with any new interfaces etc) then I think folks would stick around or even jump on.

    ANd perhaps we'll see a new iweb that is on par with Wordpress, Blogger etc in terms of customizing, add ons etc.
  • Reply 70 of 85
    boboostaboboosta Posts: 17member
    I currently use MobileMe to remotely sync calendar, contacts, and email for two Macs (which I will update to Lion), one iPad, and three 2G Touches. It looks like iCloud will not work with my 2G iPod Touches. Does that mean that I will lose the ability to remotely sync their calendar and contacts?
  • Reply 71 of 85
    pendergastpendergast Posts: 1,358member
    Originally Posted by markbyrn View Post

    As a Mobile Me Customer and iDisk user, here's what I got to say to Mr Jobs. I'm very disappointed in how Apple has committed an egregious foul to it's MobileMe customers in removing key features without a documented migration path that will not force YOUR loyal customers into having to manually move large amounts of data from iDisk to a 3rd party service such as Dropbox. A year of "free" service for that which I already paid for and some kind of refund for MobileMe activations that I haven't used yet is NOT acceptable - it's an insult.

    Mr. Jobs, you may have laughed off the the poorly executed launch of MobileMe but you're repeating the mistake in spades with iCloud. How on earth can you launch this so called "iCloud" service and have it only allow for storage of files from your proprietary office suite plus stuff purchased on iTunes? That's not a post PC era cloud service - it's a joke and a slap in the face to those customers who have have paid for true cloud storage and have spent copious amounts of time and effort to use it. Is Apple going to send an employee over to manually move all the files from my iDisk folders to another service, or are you going to pay me to do it?

    I will be looking forward to expressing my grave disappointment by telephone to the appropriate executives in Cupertino.

    Wow, boo hoo.

    You make it sound like it's so painful to move your files of iDisk and onto something like Dropbox.com.

    It would be as simple as *dragging* files from one folder to another, going to bed, and waking up in the morning with a completely synced Dropbox.

    iCloud is not intended to be the be-all end-all cloud storage solution. Eventually, maybe they'll add a Dropbox.com-esque service on top of iCloud (or buy Dropbox), but for now what iCloud is intended to do is eliminate the need for a file system on an iOS device. iCloud is more of a way to get everything you do on the go back on your desktop at home. All the photos you take, bookmarks you make, documents you create, etc. will automatically be synced to all of your desktops.

    If you need a way to sync large amounts of third party data, you can use Dropbox.com. Also, isn't Lion adding the ability to publish WebDAV folders?

    Companies end services all the time. You have a year to migrate everything, or learn to use the new system.
  • Reply 72 of 85
    pendergastpendergast Posts: 1,358member
    Originally Posted by markbyrn View Post

    Dropbox might be a superior product but who is going to MANUALLY move every individual file that I stored on iDisk over to Dropbox? Is Apple going to do that or will I be spending days and weeks to do it myself? THAT IS AN UNACCEPTABLE migration plan from Apple Inc. and to call the the new service iCloud when there no is provision for iDisk is an INSULTING slap in the face.

    Dropbox is an actual folder on your computer that is synced to Dropbox.com.

    Just drag the files from iDisk into the Dropbox folder. It will start syncing automatically.

  • Reply 73 of 85
    pendergastpendergast Posts: 1,358member
    Originally Posted by RichL View Post

    Migrate to Dropbox. It's a superior product anyway.

    Apple should really use that cash and buy Dropbox. I've tried other "similar" services and none work as effortlessly or smoothly.

    Actually, Dropbox seems like something Apple would create. Everything you think it should do, it does. We use it for a small business, and it keeps everybody synced. We even had a person accidentally delete a key file, and we simply logged onto the Dropbox.com website, viewed deleted items, and restored it.

    The only thing it lacks is enabling security permissions on individual files or folders.
  • Reply 74 of 85
    pendergastpendergast Posts: 1,358member
    Originally Posted by boboosta View Post

    I currently use MobileMe to remotely sync calendar, contacts, and email for two Macs (which I will update to Lion), one iPad, and three 2G Touches. It looks like iCloud will not work with my 2G iPod Touches. Does that mean that I will lose the ability to remotely sync their calendar and contacts?

    I would imagine the functions of syncing photos and documents wouldn't work.

    I would think you could still link your mail and calendars, just like you can link them to Exchange or Gmail.
  • Reply 75 of 85
    elrothelroth Posts: 1,201member
    Originally Posted by rkevwill View Post

    What I am really worried about, is will we have to be using Lion to use iCloud? (which I assume we will) Problem is, some of us are going to have to wait to switch on one or more of our computers because of the lack of Rosetta support. I still need to use the traditional mac quicken (2006 or 2007) and plan on keeping my desktop on Snow Leopard, till a solution is offered. My Macbook Air....I can switch to Lion immediately.

    I use Word and Excel 2004, and won't buy the later versions, which I can't stand. I find the alternatives to Office lacking too much. Is there no hope for a Rosetta-like app in Lion?
  • Reply 76 of 85
    Another topic (along with the future of iDisk, Photo Galleries, Back to My Mac, etc.) is email aliases. I use several of these to keep companies and websites from having direct access to my primary email address. With server side rules and rules in Mail I can route these emails into specific folders. From everything Apple has said so far and what can be read between the lines the only thing being migrated from MobileMe to iCloud is your primary email address. Yikes! At the very least I hope they offer the (suboptimal) option of turning our aliases into full email accounts.
  • Reply 77 of 85
    stevehsteveh Posts: 480member
    QUOTE=TheRobin;1876922]I just got this email from Apple about MobileMe going away by next summer. My big question is what will happen after that with my me.com email address. I will start moving away from it if they are shutting down the email service also.[/QUOTE]

    Didn't you read the email? Or even just the third paragraph?


    When you sign up for iCloud, you'll be able to keep your MobileMe email address and move your mail, contacts, calendars, and bookmarks to the new service.

  • Reply 78 of 85
    hummerphummerp Posts: 17member
    I am most troubled by the apparent shutdown of iDisk next June. I use it to sync my most used office documents between my MacPro (that I sit at 9-5) and my laptop (that I sit at 5-9). My company uses MS Office not iWork, so my document won't sync or back up from what I've read so far. I also use the "Share" function to send documents to people as download links on a daily basis. I'm still peeved over the whole 'new' calendar sync that dumped the 'view as web page' function and killed iCal<->Blackberry syncing...and now this. Month by month Apple is making my life harder and more complicated, not easier and less complicated.
  • Reply 79 of 85
    pendergastpendergast Posts: 1,358member
    Originally Posted by Hummerp View Post

    I am most troubled by the apparent shutdown of iDisk next June. I use it to sync my most used office documents between my MacPro (that I sit at 9-5) and my laptop (that I sit at 5-9). My company uses MS Office not iWork, so my document won't sync or back up from what I've read so far. I also use the "Share" function to send documents to people as download links on a daily basis. I'm still peeved over the whole 'new' calendar sync that dumped the 'view as web page' function and killed iCal<->Blackberry syncing...and now this. Month by month Apple is making my life harder and more complicated, not easier and less complicated.

    iDisk was never even the best solution for this, Dropbox works way better and is the same price

    as MobileMe was for 50GB.
  • Reply 80 of 85
    philboogiephilboogie Posts: 7,675member
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    I will miss the MobileMe Gallery feature if that isn't migrated. I'm still hoping these two features are part of the 5 GIGs we are being offered in some form but as others have said the Gallery may have been dumped because of FaceBook. That however, is hardly a replacement for an Aperture user that uses the Gallery for professional portfolios or client previewing.

    That indeed is a crying shame. And Facebook is no replacement.

    I love how easy it is to upload your photo's from Aperture. Versions. Masters. With or without captions, meta-data - the lot. Apple really got this right in Aperture. But upload to Facebook? The moment you upload a photo to Facebook they become the owner of that photo. One of the (many) reasons I dislike Facebook.

    Here's hoping Apple will publish info on the Gallery/iDisk issue.


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