With more than $70B in cash, Apple could buy Nokia, RIM, HTC & Motorola



  • Reply 101 of 290
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    They wish... but of course it would never happen.
  • Reply 102 of 290
    mj1970mj1970 Posts: 9,002member
    Originally Posted by asdasd View Post

    Yes but is the median earner getting more pie, or not, as a percentage of the pie.

    ( Pies were a bad tactic for you).

    Pies are a fine tactic. What I'm saying is that the % doesn't matter that much.

    Let me use the soft drink analogy used earlier. Assuming you like Coke (or whatever), would you rather have 50% of a 12 oz. Coke or 10% of a 2 liter bottle of Coke?
  • Reply 103 of 290
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by techno View Post

    Or they could manufacture their products in the US and create some jobs.

    Businesses exist to make money, not to create jobs. Jobs are typically a benefit of a company that is growing.
  • Reply 104 of 290
    enjournienjourni Posts: 254member
    Originally Posted by frankie View Post

    Couldn't agree more. Be a real leader. Being jobs home. Period.

    Talk about something you could brag about.

    "Jobs bring jobs..." Does a headline get any better than this?

    I've got a better headline:

  • Reply 105 of 290
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    Originally Posted by MJ1970 View Post

    I don't have the numbers and links handy, but I was recently looking at this and, as it turns out, all income groups have increased (in real terms).

    Heres a wiki chart. From 2004. In 1970 ( in 2004 dollars) the median male income was $28,100. In 2004 it was $30,513. I bet all gains, and any subsequent gains since 2004, have now been wiped out.

    Contrast that with the difference in the twenty years between 1950 and 1970. The median - in 2004 dollars again - went from $17,000 to $28,000. A gain which is 5 times higher than the 33 years from 1970-2004.
  • Reply 106 of 290
    frankiefrankie Posts: 381member
    The facts are in... in America, the rich have gotten richer, and at the same time the middle class and poor are now poorer.

    All I'm saying is that maybe the rich could maybe be less rich, only have 100 million in savings instead of 10 billion. No one on the planet needs that much money while the rest of the planet suffers. And maybe the middle and lower class could afford health insurance and a house.
  • Reply 107 of 290
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by Patranus View Post

    The US population increased 50% since 1970.

    Inflation adjusted GDP

    As you see it has gone up 3 fold (when adjusted for inflation) while the population only grew by 50%,

    One thing you must take into account is the plummeting value of the dollar. The dollar today is worth a fraction of what it used to be worth pre-Nixon.
  • Reply 108 of 290
    milsf1milsf1 Posts: 27member
    Originally Posted by beeDevil View Post

    I know the focus is on Apple in this article. But I find it interesting that Samsung's liquidity is also huge. They could purchase all the other mobile companies together save for HTC. Or just their next two closest rivals, HTC and Nokia if Taiwan and Finland allowed them to.

    I think you are misreading the chart. The right-hand column is not the cash-on-hand for those companies, but what they are WORTH. That includes cash, inventory, facilities, tangible and intangible assets, etc. It's more akin to saying you have more in your checking account than I am worth when you include my house, car, savings, stocks, etc. Apple's market cap is over $300 billion.

  • Reply 109 of 290
    Don't know if it's been mentioned yet, but RIM stock is getting cheaper by the minute.

    Pretty soon, little unemployed old me might be able to buy the entire company with the change in my pocket and still have enough to by a chocolate bar.
  • Reply 110 of 290
    mj1970mj1970 Posts: 9,002member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    One thing you must take into account is the plummeting value of the dollar. The dollar today is worth a fraction of what it used to be worth pre-Nixon.

    Which he did with the words: "Inflation adjusted" and "when adjusted for inflation"
  • Reply 111 of 290
    patranuspatranus Posts: 366member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    One thing you must take into account is the plummeting value of the dollar. The dollar today is worth a fraction of what it used to be worth pre-Nixon.

    looking at inflation adjusted dollars pretty much takes care of that for me.
  • Reply 112 of 290
    xsamplexxsamplex Posts: 214member
    So *thats* where the supposedly mythical Apple Tax goes...
  • Reply 113 of 290
    marktrekmarktrek Posts: 69member
    Why don't they just start (or restart) paying dividends to their stockholders.

    With the rest of the money they could buy Dell, sell off the assets and give the money to those stockholders.
  • Reply 114 of 290
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by frankie View Post

    The facts are in... in America, the rich have gotten richer, and at the same time the middle class and poor are now poorer.

    All I'm saying is that maybe the rich could maybe be less rich, only have 100 million in savings instead of 10 billion. No one on the planet needs that much money while the rest of the planet suffers. And maybe the middle and lower class could afford health insurance and a house.

    "The rich could be less rich"? That is a very slippery slope. How rich is rich? How much must you, via the force of government, steal from the rich in order to "right" all of society's problems?

    When you start enacting more socialistic policies and so-called "wealth redistribution" suddenly the rich become less so, the power of government grows, the incentives for creating wealth disappear and you become Cold War Russia.
  • Reply 115 of 290
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by Marktrek View Post

    Why don't they just start (or restart) paying dividends to their stockholders.

    With the rest of the money they could buy Dell, sell off the assets and give the money to those stockholders.

    They don't need to pay dividends. Dividends are for companies that are no longer growing or innovating.
  • Reply 116 of 290
    mj1970mj1970 Posts: 9,002member
    Originally Posted by Marktrek View Post

    Why don't they just start (or restart) paying dividends to their stockholders.

    That's really a last resort I'd guess. So long as Apple's investment in running the business continues to increase the value of the company, that's the best use of that cash. It's just starting to look like they need to find some other, bigger investments to make.
  • Reply 117 of 290
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by MJ1970 View Post

    Which he did with the words: "Inflation adjusted" and "when adjusted for inflation"

    Inflation as it relates to the dollar's fall in value thanks to the Fed printing like crazy and a currency no longer being backed by gold... our dollar is devalued.
  • Reply 118 of 290
    jumejume Posts: 209member
    Originally Posted by MoXoM View Post

    ...and buy Messi from Barcelona and give him to Man Utd for free!

    Good one... but you and I know Messi is worth more then 70B and he only plays for Barcelona. Mes que un club !
  • Reply 119 of 290
    Originally Posted by techno View Post

    Or they could manufacture their products in the US and create some jobs.

    I would gladly pay $50-80 extra for a made in the usa iphone
  • Reply 120 of 290
    sandorsandor Posts: 663member
    Originally Posted by macinthe408 View Post

    This is OT, but where does that $70 billion live? Is it at Bank of America, or multiple banks? Can Jobs walk up to an ATM and withdraw from the Apple account ($300 at a time, of course)? Can he write a check against that $70 billion? If he buys a company, is it an electronic debit? Is there an iMattress?

    Their SEC 10-Q filing breaks it all down:

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