Apple releases Final Cut Pro X, Motion 5 and Compressor 4 on Mac App Store



  • Reply 61 of 205
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by Rob55 View Post

    Thanks for the reply, that's what I figured.

    A Drobo with Thunderbolt would be nice.

    Yup! But the Drobo isn't the fastest. From what I've seen, we should soon see several storage systems coming out using Thunderbolt. Bearfeats recently did a story on a multiple SSD system doing over 2000 MBS.

    A bit excessive for most people, but for pro editing, not so much. I remember the days of being frustrated by the HDD raids we needed, and the pricing. At one time, Fuji came out with the first 9GB 5.25" scsi drives. Right at the computer show, I ordered four of them directly from Fuji. They cost $3,000 apiece, but I didn't blink, because it was cheap at the price.

    Drive pricing will never be at those levels again, but expectations have changed. Today, that drive would be, at today's dollar, about $6,000 each. You can get a terabyte SSD for $1,500. That's really cheap comparatively. If you're a pro, and need the speed and capacity, it's nothing.
  • Reply 62 of 205
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by cpr1 View Post

    Which of my statements is incorrect? I assume you mean the statement about the program not being "pro". You are correct, Gary Adcock did not say that in his piece found on

    He said it later in this forum

    Sorry about the mixup.

    We have to understand that this is Ver 1 of a completely new application. Apple has stated that features will be added quickly.

    I don't know if you remember FCP when it first came out. There were the same complaints about the lack of specific needed pro features. Apple barraged us with updates for the first 6 months, and by the time it was up to 1.5, we had pretty much all we needed to really get to work. Then 2.0 came out six months or so after that, adding major features again.

    It looks like we can expect the same.

    In fact, from the thread you posted, we get this, backing up what I'm saying.
  • Reply 63 of 205
    I've never purchased anything from the App Store before on a Mac, so this may be a "stupid" question but currently when I used to purchase FCP I would be able to install it on two computers and both would work. Is there such limitations with FCP X now that it is through the App Store? Will I need to purchase it multiple times to use it on more than one computer or will it be similar to how the iPhone works that it recognizes I purchased it once already and will re-download and any device that I long into with my apple id?

  • Reply 64 of 205
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    If you don't know that you need or want FCP, a trial period won't help. This isn't meant for an amateur to toodle around with, even at its really low price.

    What I'm wondering about is what's happening with their $299 FCE? There is no place for it in the pricing schedule now, and I haven't read if they're continuing it at a lower price, or just letting it go.

    I didn't think my comment would only get regulated to just being about FCP, and not what I see as an inherent shortcoming of the App Store model. :sigh:
  • Reply 65 of 205
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    FCS already has almost 50% of all the pro editing market. This will just mean that it will go over 50% this year, or early next. The upgrade is so vast in scope. The only thing I'm wondering about is how the color correction tools compare to Color in my older version. I'll find out later today, after I get this and have some time to play with it.


    I think network news and sports, as well as short video and commercial editors will eat this up. Don't know about "pro" film editors tho -- read a lot of comments that suggested FCPX was beneath them.

    I have some rather expensive plugins for FCP -- I suspect that these will not be compatible with FCPX... I don't even know if FCPX allows plugins.

    Also, I believe it is true that you can run FCPX, concurrently, on several machines! That will be a great boon -- especially for my granddaughter who's pretty comfortable with iMovie.

    i am under the impression, after 20 minutes playtime with FCPX, that someone comfortable with iMovie could hit the deck running with FCPX -- just using it as an iMovie with a lot of extra stuff.
  • Reply 66 of 205
    bigdaddypbigdaddyp Posts: 811member
    Originally Posted by TBell View Post

    Or worse, they buy Tom Tom and find out for fifty bucks it doesn't work nearly as well as cheaper competitors like Navagon. The Dark Vader and Homer Simpson voices are cool though.

    Not at $5.99 for a new "voice".
  • Reply 67 of 205
    haggarhaggar Posts: 1,568member
    Since FCPX is on the Mac App Store, are all the files contained in a single icon? Or will it install things in various locations on your hard drive, something Apple tells other app developers not to do?
  • Reply 68 of 205
    welshdogwelshdog Posts: 1,907member
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    All professionals will get this without a second thought (I'd think).

    Ehhhhh, no. It's missing too many features that pros need. No deck control is the biggest shortcoming, although both AJA and Black Magic have alternative ways of getting around this. Apparently Apple realizes they need to get some of these features released and have told various editors who were given advance copies that improvements will come quickly. We can only hope.

    As a hedge I just ought two copies of FCP 7 upgrade for later Ebay sale at a huge markup. Or I just bought a couple of expensive bookends.
  • Reply 69 of 205
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    What I'm wondering about is what's happening with their $299 FCE? There is no place for it in the pricing schedule now, and I haven't read if they're continuing it at a lower price, or just letting it go.

    All URLs that led to FCE now resolve to FCP-X.
  • Reply 70 of 205
    Both impressed and disappointed if CP1's info is correct, especially the lack of support for legacy projects. We often reference past projects for footage and edits for use in current projects. It would inconvenient at best to have to keep both copies of FCP around just to open old projects. Even then one couldn't bring in old edits that just need a GFX update for example.

    Thanks for the cites BTW Cp1. Despite what prosumers believe Rs422 isn't going to vanish overnight in the professional realm. There are still allot of HDCAM decks (for example) in use; When you spend $50k on a deck and another $50k on the cameras etc etc you're not going to flip them all that soon.

    Does anyone know what will happen to Color? Are all of Colors features integrated into FCP now? Doesn't sound like it. Not that I like to upgrade every time a new version comes out, but these issues will slow adoption amongst pro's for sure.

    I've been looking into Avid MC 5.5 and I think we might just pick up a copy or two especially since we have to start projects over anyway. MC is allot more expensive though and definitely not for prosumers. I have to see what auto duck is up to these days for converting the projects from Avid to FCP, but at least there's a known avenue for getting old projects into a new workflow.

    The Avid demo is full functioning BTW for 30 days. I was thoroughly impressed with the update and it was nice (like a Bentley is "nice" compared to the monstrous A8 ) to be in the Avid drivers seat again. MC is definitely for pro's . Phrase find for example is an incredible feature and its mixed and 'RAW" media support is unmatched in FCP IMO.
  • Reply 71 of 205
    Originally Posted by Haggar View Post

    Since FCPX is on the Mac App Store, are all the files contained in a single icon? Or will it install things in various locations on your hard drive, something Apple tells other app developers not to do?

    It appears to be a self-contained -- It saves its files in ~/Movies/Final Cut Events

    I moved the app to another computer and it appear to regenerate any missing? support files -- then runs fine with no conflict with FCPX running on another Mac on the same network.
  • Reply 72 of 205
    welshdogwelshdog Posts: 1,907member
    Originally Posted by spliff monkey View Post

    Despite what prosumers believe Rs422 isn't going to vanish overnight in the professional realm. There are still allot of HDCAM decks (for example) in use; When you spend $50k on a deck

    Well for an HDCAM SR deck it is over $100k. I have a machine room full of decks and we use them every single day. Clients still want tapes and they will for a long time. Until Internet 2 comes out so we can upload huge HD files to the networks and distribution houses, tape is still king.
  • Reply 73 of 205
    Originally Posted by jeffhrsn View Post

    All URLs that led to FCE now resolve to FCP-X.

    This makes me wonder if Final Cut Pro X will replace FCE and maybe we'll see another version of Final cut for pro's. Maybe Apple only cares about consumers and prosumers now though. The pricing seems to suggest as much.
  • Reply 74 of 205
    welshdogwelshdog Posts: 1,907member
    Originally Posted by spliff monkey View Post

    This makes me wonder if Final Cut Pro X will replace FCE and maybe we'll see another version of Final cut for pro's. Maybe Apple only cares about consumers and prosumers now though. The pricing seems to suggest as much.

    FCE is dead. Official.
  • Reply 75 of 205
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by WelshDog View Post

    FCE is dead. Official.

    So's Server.
  • Reply 76 of 205
    Originally Posted by WelshDog View Post

    Well for an HDCAM SR deck it is over $100k. I have a machine room full of decks and we use them every single day. Clients still want tapes and they will for a long time. Until Internet 2 comes out so we can upload huge HD files to the networks and distribution houses, tape is still king.

    Exactly! I'm sure clients would love to hear how an uncompressed file transfer repeatedly failed or took two weeks because you had to upload it to a web server. I guess one could just start shipping hard disks.

    PS sorry about the misquoted pricing. If you have multiple decks you surely won't be upgrading any time soon.

    To put it into perspective for others we have 2 deck for 4-6 editors/ 4-6 night crew assistants, (depending on how busy we are) so our deck stays busy too. They're too damned expensive especially when the networks won't comp you (even on a percentage) of the hardware. Profit margins can be surprisingly slim for some cable networks especially when it comes to post.
  • Reply 77 of 205
    onhkaonhka Posts: 1,025member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    I use Motion X Drive on my iPad2. Fantastic app, and really cheap too.

    I have both the TomTom and Motion X Drive HD.

    The TomTom cost me $69 and it is on my iPhone, my son's iPhone and my wife's iPhone and iPad. When I get my iPad, it will be on there as well. And at no extra costs even if we were all using the app at the same time. In addition, there is no data usage if I use it across the border.

    At $3 a month or $25 a year, the Motion X Drive HD is a pretty cheap price, particularly if you have an unlimited data plan. Great looking app otherwise.
  • Reply 78 of 205
    haggarhaggar Posts: 1,568member
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    It appears to be a self-contained -- It saves its files in ~/Movies/Final Cut Events

    I moved the app to another computer and it appear to regenerate any missing? support files -- then runs fine with no conflict with FCPX running on another Mac on the same network.

    So it does install other support files outside of its own app location? Isn't this forbidden in the app store developer guidelines? Whether those external support files are installed by running an installer or installed automatically when the app is first run, it should not make a difference.
  • Reply 79 of 205
    see flatsee flat Posts: 145member
    Originally Posted by procapital View Post

    $399 for FP, Motion and Compressor is a super price! I don't know why so many complainers! I can see more and more kids creating some neat stuff! good equipment is less expensive to get, hardware is getting more powerful at reasonable prices,and software like this is coming down in prices...

    I have a studio, my associates and I give a huge standing ovation to apple for another great decision!!


    I do agree it's a super price. But for those of us (you included) who have been using FCS since the beginning, and have paid for all the upgrades as they came out, to now pay the same has someone who is buying his first station leaves a bit of a sour note. Upgrades to FCS should be 299$ including Motion/Compressor.
  • Reply 80 of 205
    bartfatbartfat Posts: 434member
    What Apple needs is a peer to peer system like BitTorrent to help keep up with the traffic Of course, when millions of people suddenly want to start downloading Lion, the ISPs won't be happy about the legitimate use of peer to peer traffic
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