Apple releases Final Cut Pro X, Motion 5 and Compressor 4 on Mac App Store



  • Reply 101 of 205
    poochpooch Posts: 768member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    Apple apparently has hinted that the App Store distribution model will allow them to do more frequent updates.

    how does the app store distribution model make it any easier to issue updates than does the software update model? i don't see it.
  • Reply 102 of 205
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Are you talking about those basic stripped down web apps? Or are you talking about full versions of the software?

    Originally Posted by minderbinder View Post

    Off the top of my head, Adobe and Avid have demo versions.

  • Reply 103 of 205
    cpsrocpsro Posts: 3,223member
    The negative reviews from professionals in the App Store(TM) are enlightening. The deficiencies in the new program don't end with the "mere" lack of support for previous FCS projects.
  • Reply 104 of 205
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    I don't think that's an upgrade path. I don't even know if they will keep FCE in the product line, or if they do, at what price. They may have more information on that in the coming days.

    They killed FCE today.

    The only option is to buy FCP.
  • Reply 105 of 205
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by chippy08 View Post

    is open level CL is good for the mac mini 2010 running final cut?

    I can't imagine it wouldn't be.
  • Reply 106 of 205
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by minderbinder View Post

    My guess is people doing work that doesn't require the missing high end features, hobbyists with deep pockets, and a few high end pros who will buy it but just play around with it for at least a few months while they use the previous version for real work.

    This release sounds a lot like QTX. Hey, it's 64 bit and shiny! But it's missing enough features that high end users will just stick with the old version.

    Yeah, the QTX comparison seems apt.

    Problem being, this isn't that kind of software, where the average user probably doesn't care and those that do can get by just fine with the previous version, until Apple gets around (as they have started to) to adding back features.

    If Apple starts to lose their pro video market they're unlikely to get it back. If they seem to be signaling that they no longer have the best interests of professional editors in mind, they'll lose mindshare faster than actual market share, but latter follows inevitably from the former.

    It really makes no sense to me, because there simply isn't that much of a market for sort of pro software. You either step up and give the pros what they need, by offering plenty of options and flexibility, or you concentrate on consumers by offering ease of use and low cost of entry.

    FCPX seems like it sort of wants to do both, but truly satisfies neither. Not remotely enough functionality for the pros, way to complicated for the casual user. Does Apple imagine that they're going to usher in a new world of professionally edited iPhone movies? Do they think that a You Tube upload option means that the kind of people that put stuff up on You Tube are going to start taking a lot of time and effort to polish their epic skateboard videos?

    I have to believe that Apple intends to add to this quickly, but it would be nice if they gave some guidance. Being Apple, of course, that was never going to happen.
  • Reply 107 of 205
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    You really feel true professionals would be posting their honest opinion within hours of downloading the software. Would a "real" professional want to use the software for awhile before making an assessment?

    Originally Posted by Cpsro View Post

    The negative reviews from professionals in the App Store(TM) are enlightening. The deficiencies in the new program don't end with the "mere" lack of support for previous FCS projects.

  • Reply 108 of 205
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    We need to band together and do a 2 week trial "sit in" to get Apple to add trial version option to their App Stores.

    Just go to your local or nearest Apple Store and play around in your own time on one of many pro computers that have FCP installed. Or, arrange a one to one session with a Geniuses. You can also attend one of their workshop. Simples! If you want 'privacy' or load your own content, you can do so in there as well. Not convinced? Try it.
  • Reply 109 of 205
    aiwaz418aiwaz418 Posts: 21member
    The increased speed in some regards (i.e., playback, transcoding, etc.) is amazing, but the complete lack of support for basic features such as the export of XML and EDL files for professional finishing in other software is criminal. The changes to the interface and workflow are frustrating, but can be learned, however...

    I've been cutting feature films and television programs for years with FCP, and without the ability to export files for use in third party software for color correction and other finishing, the latest version is utterly useless in a professional environment.

    This is simply NOT a professional piece of software at this point in time.

    I am vastly disappointed in Apple, and our company may have to look to an alternative software for editorial purposes moving forward.
  • Reply 110 of 205
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    You really feel true professionals would be posting their honest opinion within hours of downloading the software. Would a "real" professional want to use the software for awhile before making an assessment?

    Believe me they are. Professionals have been speculating about this program on many trade site for weeks now. Most of the opinions are based on specs.
  • Reply 111 of 205
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Speculation means nothing. Actually using the software and getting work done informs a real assessment. That cannot be done in only the span of a few hours.

    How do you know the people posting are professionals - exactly what defines a professional?

    Originally Posted by ForceQuit View Post

    Believe me they are. Professionals have been speculating about this program on many trade site for weeks now. Most of the opinions are based on specs.

  • Reply 112 of 205
    aiwaz418aiwaz418 Posts: 21member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    Speculation means nothing. Actually using the software and getting work done informs a real assessment. That cannot be done in only the span of a few hours.

    How do you know the people posting are professionals - exactly what defines a professional?

    In fact, it can be done within a few minutes given what this package is lacking.
  • Reply 113 of 205
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by Aiwaz418 View Post

    In fact, it can be done within a few minutes given what this package is lacking.

  • Reply 114 of 205
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    I think this statement says it all about anonymous people posting reviews.

    Originally Posted by Aiwaz418 View Post

    In fact, it can be done within a few minutes given what this package is lacking.

  • Reply 115 of 205
    aiwaz418aiwaz418 Posts: 21member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Hey, roll your eyes if you like, but after having cut fifteen features and numerous episodics in FCP over the last eight or nine years, I think I know a thing or two about assessing the viability of changes to said software.
  • Reply 116 of 205
    aiwaz418aiwaz418 Posts: 21member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    I think this statement says it all about anonymous people posting reviews.

    Right back at you.

    The word within the professional (and non-pro, as well) community is spreading rapidly, and it's quite negative.

    I would suggest you take a look at the reviews on the App Store if you seek less 'anonymous' feedback, and then give it a few days before some pros write more in-depth responses and post them on Apple and editorial sites.
  • Reply 117 of 205
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    You really feel true professionals would be posting their honest opinion within hours of downloading the software. Would a "real" professional want to use the software for awhile before making an assessment?

    That's a reasonable point, but some of the omitted functionality isn't a matter of using it and seeing how it feels, it's simply stuff that many editors need that isn't there.

    It would be a little like Adobe releasing an update to Photoshop that didn't export PDFs or something. You see that, and you're taken aback, other workflow advantages notwithstanding.
  • Reply 118 of 205
    cpsrocpsro Posts: 3,223member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    You really feel true professionals would be posting their honest opinion within hours of downloading the software. Would a "real" professional want to use the software for awhile before making an assessment?

    It's difficult to believe anything on the Intertubes, isn't it? The Onion and John Stewart are the only reputable news sources anymore. That Bin Laden thing last month? Fake.

    Professionals already have FCS and immediately recognize their old projects can't be imported into FCPX. The list of reported deficiencies goes on from there. The formal reviews are going to be fun.
  • Reply 119 of 205
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    I do understand that.

    From talking with professionals I know. Few have any plans for upgrading to the FCP X on the first day. Especially not in the middle of important work.

    Pretty much everyone had plans to download FCP X on a test machine, checking it out and seeing what the deal with it was before they would actually use it on anything mission critical.

    Anything missing that they absolutely need simply means they will stick with what they currently have until the proper time to upgrade to something new.

    I cannot think of anyone (an actual working professional) who has the time or would waste time posting on the App Store reviews. Especially on the day the software is released.

    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    That's a reasonable point, but some of the omitted functionality isn't a matter of using it and seeing how it feels, it's simply stuff that many editors need that isn't there.

    It would be a little like Adobe releasing an update to Photoshop that didn't export PDFs or something. You see that, and you're taken aback, other workflow advantages notwithstanding.

  • Reply 120 of 205
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    I think the most important review will be sales and the size of the market that actually uses Final Cut Pro. Those are the reviews that have credibility for me.

    Originally Posted by Aiwaz418 View Post

    I would suggest you take a look at the reviews on the App Store if you seek less 'anonymous' feedback, and then give it a few days before some pros write more in-depth responses and post them on Apple and editorial sites.

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