There is no G5



  • Reply 201 of 456
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member
    [quote]Originally posted by KidRed:

    They think a G5 is soming-

    From the URL: "And no matter how fast the G4 processor is clocked at, the chip has its limits. This explains why we'll be seeing G5-equipped Macs this year.

    <hr></blockquote> occurs to me the author of that article might need to take a formal logic class. One chip having a specific shortcoming has no direct bearing on its successor's release date, only that there will *be* a successor.

    [quote]The G5 may even come as early as this month's MacWorld in San Francisco. As any dedicated Mac aficionado knows, the semi-annual MacWorld Show and Conference is the traditional time at which Apple showcases its newest computers. At this year's Expo, held from January 8 to January 11, tens of thousands of MacHeads will line up to get a glimpse of the fastest Macs ever. And the Ranting One is guessing the G5 will be there!


    The operative word being "guessing."

    Not to pick on you Kid, but I think this is the kind of thing that stirs up the animosity between the two camps. Just because you can "provide a link", doesn't mean the link is worth anything - regardless of which stance the link benefits. People should be more careful in terms of posting something to be seen as "evidence". I know you were just showing yet another possibility, but...

    ...if everyone would only post links to information that is more or less concrete and verifiable...Motorola spokesperson comments, press releases, developer evidence, etc...things would be easier to discern.
  • Reply 201 of 456
    [quote]Originally posted by SFVcpz: <strong>I don't feel the evidence that

    the 8540 will be SAMPLING in Q2/2002, not shipping, is any evidence

    that the 8500 is anywhere near ready, in production, or giving yields of

    uber Ghz chips.

    And, the reason I said "tomes" more evidence is because Take the G4

    evidence (solid) and put in in the Numerator and the G5 evidence (scant at

    best) in the denominator and you get the following equation

    G4 (good) ---------- = veritable Tome G5 (scant)

    in math this may look something like

    10.0000000000 ------------- = 10e12 &lt;----- Tome .000000000001

    Sorry, but a G5 is just wishful thinking.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Solid G4 evidence? Where? Conservative guesses are just as speculative as

    optimistic guesses, something that SdC can't seem to understand, and

    neither do you as it would appear.

    As far as your non-belief in my case for the 8500 based on the 8540s

    release date, sticking your head ("i don't feel"... as if we give a toss

    what you `feel', this isn't a counsellor's office, we like cogency in our

    arguments) in the sand when presented with a cogent argument does not

  • Reply 203 of 456
    rickagrickag Posts: 1,626member

    "...."nor will it use [i]rapidIO.[\\i]"

    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

    Motorola's roadmap specifically states that the G5 will use a "New bus topology/RapidIO Interconnect Architecture".

    I also thought I read somewhere that the E500 core would be used in the G5, but I guess not. (addendum: GOT IT: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

    page 5 shows the E500 core for the G5, but looking at the spec.'s, a lot must be added to the core for use in a desktop?)

    It almost seems that for Motorola to produce a G5(longer pipline, 64 bit, faster bus) for Apple it will not be a Motorola G5 :confused:

    I just hope the next upgrade is the Apollo chip, made on the 0.13µ die, incorporates SOI and the motherboard has a faster system bus.

    [ 01-16-2002: Message edited by: rickag ]

    [ 01-16-2002: Message edited by: rickag ]</p>
  • Reply 204 of 456
    The reason I believe we'll see a G5 in 2002 is that the original expected launch date was Q4 '01 or Q1 '02. Now I know that this was all being talked about in 1999 and 2000 and that these dates aren't set in stone, but I add to that the fact Steve-O has supposedly lit a fire under Mot's a$$ to get some high speed chips out the door.

    I know a lot of people here think there is bad blood between Apple and Mot, and that Mot is getting revenge for having their clones axed and a few other things. You all need to realize that without Apple, Motorola could not afford the PPC project. Apple invests big dollars into it's R&D, pays a lot of engineers that help in it's development, pay for the majority of product testing, and thru Apple's computers provide marketing for the chips themselves.

    So again, I say PPC would not exist at Mot without Apple. Even though Apple is not the biggest customer, they foot a lot of the bill. That gives them first access to what comes off the production line.

    I don't think Apple would spend all that money, effort, and time to let Motorola release the 8540 which is a G5 class processor. The 1st G5 released will be for Apple's consumption, the 8540 might be the first announced, but that doesn't mean first released. Since the 8540 is to sample later this year, the G5 will be released before it.

    That is why you will see a G5 in 2002.

    Proof = none.

    Rational, logical thinking, based on past events, partnership agreements, and progression have brought me to this conclusion.

    Thank you <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" />


    My spelling is bad

    [ 01-16-2002: Message edited by: Slacker ]</p>
  • Reply 205 of 456
    [quote]Originally posted by Mac Sack Black:


    Solid G4 evidence? Where? Conservative guesses are just as speculative as

    optimistic guesses, something that SdC can't seem to understand, and

    neither do you as it would appear.


    If you believe that, then no amount of rationality will ever light the inside of your dim head and make you see anything you don't want to believe.

  • Reply 206 of 456
    Be nice suckfuldotcom, some people can't help it if they have dim lights. Look at me :eek:

    I think there will be a G5 this year. I know it doesn't make me dim, but I might be using the wrong wattage bulb :confused:

    Then again, I may be using one of them fancy 5 year bulbs that are super energy efficient, (hmm, maybe it has a G5 in it too )
  • Reply 207 of 456
    [quote]Originally posted by suckfuldotcom:


    If you believe that, then no amount of rationality will ever light the inside of your dim head and make you see anything you don't want to believe.


    Am I reading this correctly? You really think that conservative guesses are less speculative than optimistic guesses? Have you ever looked up what `speculative' means?
  • Reply 208 of 456
    Have you ever looked up what conservative means?

  • Reply 209 of 456
    [quote]Originally posted by suckfuldotcom:

    <strong>Have you ever looked up what conservative means?


    I do know what it means, but you can try just in case. Definition 3) fits my intended usage perfectly. Your point?
  • Reply 210 of 456
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    [quote] Not to pick on you Kid, but I think this is the kind of thing that stirs up the animosity between the two camps. Just because you can "provide a link", doesn't mean the link is worth anything - regardless of which stance the link benefits. People should be more careful in terms of posting something to be seen as "evidence". I know you were just showing yet another possibility, but...

    ...if everyone would only post links to information that is more or less concrete and verifiable...Motorola spokesperson comments, press releases, developer evidence, etc...things would be easier to discern. <hr></blockquote>

    Sorry there big guy, but, mm, this is a rumor site and we are currently in the 'future hardware' section. What that really means is there isn't a lot of concrete and verifiable information, thus the rumors. If we could all post 100% reliable info and links, there'd be nothing to read or post here

    Because you didn't link the article then I shouldn't post it here? Newsflash-I posted it for everyone and anyone who wants or cares to read it.

    Sorry to pick on ya moogs
  • Reply 210 of 456
    sc_marktsc_markt Posts: 1,402member
    According to my Random House College Dictionary, the 1st description for conservative is "disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., and to resist change."

    Well, I've noticed that liberals get very conservative when you try to change or eliminate something that they put in place. They only want change when the results suit their ideals.

    - Mark
  • Reply 212 of 456
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    [quote] Well, I've noticed that liberals get very conservative when you try to change or eliminate something that they put in place. They only want change when the results suit their ideals. <hr></blockquote>

    hahaha, if you are going to make some leftist republican extremist freak statement like that about liberals, I suggest you offer up some concrete examples.

    Otherwise you sound like a dumb deaf radio host
  • Reply 213 of 456
    xoolxool Posts: 2,460member
    [quote]Originally posted by KidRed:


    hahaha, if you are going to make some leftist republican extremist freak statement like that about liberals, I suggest you offer up some concrete examples.

    Otherwise you sound like a dumb deaf radio host </strong><hr></blockquote>

  • Reply 214 of 456
    sc_marktsc_markt Posts: 1,402member

    When the Republicans wanted to reform welfare a few years back, liberals spewed forth dire predictions of millions of people starving in the streets, etc.

    Never happened.

    "A fact to a liberal is like kryptonite to superman."

    - Mark
  • Reply 215 of 456
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member
    Oh man, spoken like a true stubborn liberal.
  • Reply 216 of 456
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member
    Uh...what's a "Leftist Republican Extremist"?? I thought all Republican Extremists were by definition, decidedly NOT Leftist...

    By the way Kid, I undertstand you just posted that link for everyone's posterity, but really it was nothing more than some guy's random opinion, which itseld did not seem to be based on anything factual. I know this is a rumor-heavy forum, my only point was some links and sources are more concrete / useful than others.

    I thought yours was pretty useless, but God love ya for keeping the faith!

  • Reply 217 of 456
    nitzernitzer Posts: 115member
    Go Packers!!!

    Oh, sorry wrong thread.

    Go Libertarians!!!
  • Reply 218 of 456
    slackerslacker Posts: 127member
    [quote]Originally posted by sc_markt:

    <strong>When the Republicans wanted to reform welfare a few years back, liberals spewed forth dire predictions of millions of people starving in the streets, etc.

    Never happened.

    "A fact to a liberal is like kryptonite to superman."

    - Mark</strong><hr></blockquote>

    You are so full of it, both liberals and conservatives are full of it. Neither side will compromise unless they have no alternative. They push their agenda's and spin statistics and comments in their favour. Nothing but lies and BS.

    Give me a moderate (democrat or republican), we should actually start a third party and call it the Moderate Party since that is where the majority of American's fall politically. Until people are willing to use their brains instead of follow party lines at all costs this country will not move forward.

    Since this forum is for future hardware, I should talk about something hardware.....................

    I say we use the power of the G5 chip to create a lie detector we can put in a simple baseball cap with a red and green light on the front of the cap. We lobby hard and threaten politicians with their jobs until a law is passed that requires all politicians to wear the hat anytime they open their dirty lying lips.

  • Reply 219 of 456
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    [quote] Uh...what's a "Leftist Republican Extremist"?? I thought all Republican Extremists were by definition, decidedly NOT Leftist...


    My bad, I meant rightwing, I thought about editing. So the rolleyes is childish and immature

    [quote]By the way Kid, I undertstand you just posted that link for everyone's posterity, but really it was nothing more than some guy's random opinion, which itseld did not seem to be based on anything factual. I know this is a rumor-heavy forum, my only point was some links and sources are more concrete / useful than others.

    I thought yours was pretty useless, but God love ya for keeping the faith! <hr></blockquote>

    And yet we live and die by what rumor sites say? Wow, so the difference between a rumor site and a guys opinion? How is an article on the register more concrete then a writer from a tech web site?

    So is there requirements that a link to an article has to meet before I post it? The moogs concrete link code? If you don't want to read it, then don't, it's not that hard, really.
  • Reply 220 of 456
    g-newsg-news Posts: 1,107member
    The G5 pessimists make two mistakes:

    -They think Motorola's roadmap is the holy bible. It is not, the roadmap is a: rarely updated, and b: whenever it is updated, it usually has totally different contents afterwards. The older ones among you may remember the evolution of the roadmap back in the 6xx times...A lot has changed there.

    Personally I don't give a shit about what Motorola wrote in their roadmap half a year ago, they may long have totally revised everything.


    -Who says the G5 that is going to be used in Apple machines is being developed and produced by Motorola. It could as well be Apple, IBM or even AMD, you never know.

    Well eventually see both the Apollo and the G5, question is only when and where. And no suckfuldotcom, you don't have a ****ing clue about that either.

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