Inside iOS 5: AirPlay Mirroring will be its "most exciting feature"



  • Reply 21 of 42
    esummersesummers Posts: 953member
    Originally Posted by ameldrum1 View Post

    Why do you believe this to be the case?

    I use AirPlay all the time on my iPad 1 to send full screen video to my Apple TV 2 using the Air Video app under 4.3.5 and it works just fine?

    Have they stated that they are deliberately not allowing the mirroring feature for the iPad 1?

    There is a difference between streaming already encoded video and streaming video that is encoded realtime.
  • Reply 22 of 42
    Why is it that Hulu (and others) would want to block this from happening?

    I have been pissed at Hulu for months because they have neither put an app on the AppleTV (like Netflix) or built in AirPlay to their iPad app. They are on Roku devices, xboxs, and others. So, it is obvious they want to play in this arena.

    I attributed all of that to laziness. Now they are going to block a core iOS ability to mirror?

    I am about an inch away from canceling my Hulu plus account.
  • Reply 23 of 42
    maguromaguro Posts: 65member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    The full screen modes automatically works wirelessly

    Subject is plural so verb has no "s". Still no proof reading?
  • Reply 24 of 42
    not the game, but what is the app for the iphone that mirrors to an ipad 2? it was towards the end at 4:30 thanks!
  • Reply 25 of 42
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    edit: I think I was working from old information, never mind.
  • Reply 26 of 42
    dlcmhdlcmh Posts: 43member
    I hope Apple has plans to bring the Apple TV 2 or its successors to the rest of the world.
  • Reply 27 of 42
    rtm135rtm135 Posts: 310member
    That is just bullshit. I'm tired of the games these companies play.

    *I* decide how I use my toys. Not ABC.

    This is why jailbreaking was legalized.

    Originally Posted by irnchriz View Post

    Neither the ABC app or the Sky Go app allow video to be mirrored, just audio.

  • Reply 28 of 42
    wigginwiggin Posts: 2,265member
    Originally Posted by cyberjedi View Post

    Why is it that Hulu (and others) would want to block this from happening?

    I have been pissed at Hulu for months because they have neither put an app on the AppleTV (like Netflix) or built in AirPlay to their iPad app. They are on Roku devices, xboxs, and others. So, it is obvious they want to play in this arena.

    I attributed all of that to laziness. Now they are going to block a core iOS ability to mirror?

    I am about an inch away from canceling my Hulu plus account.

    What makes you think it was Hulu's choice to not be on AppleTV? If I had to bet, I'd bet that that was Apple's choice to not invite them.
  • Reply 29 of 42
    Originally Posted by saarek View Post

    Sucks that this is an iPad 2 only feature. No reason the first iPad couldn't do this apart from Apples greed!

    You might recall that the iPad2 incorporates a dual core processor, twice the ram, and a much improved GPU (up to 9 times the performance) ... This plus the software improvements are why the original iPad can not do the graphics in such an elegant and exciting way. You call it greed, but it is the natural progression of product hardware updates. The old rarely can do what the later ones can. As the apps are upgraded a whole new experience is achieved.
  • Reply 30 of 42
    Originally Posted by irnchriz View Post

    Neither the ABC app or the Sky Go app allow video to be mirrored, just audio.

    Uhh on my iPad 2 I can most definitely mirror the ABC app to my widescreen. It's not full screen but it works well for what it does.
  • Reply 31 of 42
    Originally Posted by cyberjedi View Post

    Why is it that Hulu (and others) would want to block this from happening?

    I have been pissed at Hulu for months because they have neither put an app on the AppleTV (like Netflix) or built in AirPlay to their iPad app. They are on Roku devices, xboxs, and others. So, it is obvious they want to play in this arena.

    I attributed all of that to laziness. Now they are going to block a core iOS ability to mirror?

    I am about an inch away from canceling my Hulu plus account.

    There are basically two version of Hulu: a computer version and a television version. Not all programs available via the computer version are available on the TV version (for example, last time I checked Fringe was a computer-only program). I'm guessing the iOS apps give access to the computer version, thus no mirroring to a TV.

    They attribute the difference to licensing issues, but that seems really odd considering how Hulu is owned by the networks themselves.
  • Reply 32 of 42
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,815member
    This sounds fun. Does anyone know of any development to allow head to head control of a game this way between two or more iPads?

    Side bar: My two gripes with iPad is first the physical volume control. I wish there was an iOS level gesture for this. Then the second thing that when using AirPlay the iPad's volume control is not used, rather the TV's has to be.
  • Reply 33 of 42
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by caliminius View Post

    They attribute the difference to licensing issues, but that seems really odd considering how Hulu is owned by the networks themselves.

    They're probably still trying to protect their old revenue stream. TV shows make more money per audience member from TV (OTA/cable/sat) than they do online. It's been relaxed a bit with Hulu Plus, but there appear to be some leftover vestiges of the old policy.
  • Reply 34 of 42
    alfiejralfiejr Posts: 1,524member
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    This sounds fun. Does anyone know of any development to allow head to head control of a game this way between two or more iPads?

    Side bar: My two gripes with iPad is first the physical volume control. I wish there was an iOS level gesture for this. Then the second thing that when using AirPlay the iPad's volume control is not used, rather the TV's has to be.

    agree the hardware volume rocker control sucks. but you can go to the on screen controls to the left of the home page via a double click and swipe, and back to your app.

    and yes a fixed/variable volume output toggle would be nice, so you never have to pick up the damn TV remote. me, I'd also like a basic equalizer option too.

    I think a Scrabble approach is best for multiplayer. the app being mirrored is running on one iPad and you can use other iOS devices as player remotes linked to it. I gotta think we will quickly see game developers take advantage of every option they can.
  • Reply 35 of 42
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Veggie Samurai is far better.
  • Reply 36 of 42
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,815member
    Originally Posted by Alfiejr View Post

    agree the hardware volume rocker control sucks. but you can go to the on screen controls to the left of the home page via a double click and swipe, and back to your app.

    and yes a fixed/variable volume output toggle would be nice, so you never have to pick up the damn TV remote. me, I'd also like a basic equalizer option too.

    I think a Scrabble approach is best for multiplayer. the app being mirrored is running on one iPad and you can use other iOS devices as player remotes linked to it. I gotta think we will quickly see game developers take advantage of every option they can.

    Thanks, I always forget the volume control there, but it would a lot faster to have some on screen, iOS wide gesture. I haven't seen the Scrabble solution, that sounds promising.

    I hope Steve Forstall reads AI
  • Reply 37 of 42
    orlandoorlando Posts: 601member
    If Apple would just release an SDK and an AppStore for the AppleTV most apps wouldn't need AirPlay mirroring.
  • Reply 38 of 42
    Originally Posted by libertyforall View Post

    Update: Why would text sizes that are huge be available, if only to have your post edited by JeffDM?! What other purpose IS THERE for other text sizes?!

    That is a good question. (Notwithstanding the fact that larger and brightly-colored fonts are a tad annoying).

    Over to you, JeffDM.
  • Reply 39 of 42
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by libertyforall View Post

    Developers should not be able to disable a core feature of the device's OS -- AirPlay & AirPlay Mirroring!!!

    Update: Why would text sizes that are huge be available, if only to have your post edited by JeffDM?! What other purpose IS THERE for other text sizes?!

    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    That is a good question. (Notwithstanding the fact that larger and brightly-colored fonts are a tad annoying).

    Over to you, JeffDM.

    Just because something is there, doesn't mean it's there to be abused. At size 7, it just looks like a cry for attention, especially as I can read it from across the road, and that's just completely unnecessary.
  • Reply 40 of 42
    tenlytenly Posts: 710member
    When are we going to see 2-way airplay? Or the AppleTV software running on an iPad?

    I love my Apple TV, but sometimes I'd like to watch it in a different room that doesn't have a TV in it - such as the bedroom or bathroom - or even outside on the deck.

    For that reason, it would be super convenient if I could stream whatever is currently playing on my AppleTV to my iPhone or iPad. It would also be nice to have an iPad App which replicates the AppleTV interface in its entirety. Since they both run iOS, shouldn't this be relatively easy to do.
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