Trio of patent suits target Apple over caller ID, Web apps, USB



  • Reply 21 of 30
    mennomenno Posts: 854member
    Originally Posted by ezduzit View Post

    blatant infringements? pretty broad statement from somebody who's credentials are suspect to start with.

    otherwise, why a texas 'outlaw court'? afraid to take a real shot with a real court.

    Same reason Apple filed their community design suit in the "outlaw court" of the EU?
  • Reply 22 of 30
    Originally Posted by ConradJoe View Post

    ClassCo, Negotiated Data, Droplets, HTC, WiLAN, Openwave, Samsung and Paul Allen have every right to protect their intellectual property and anybody suggesting that they shouldn't be suing Apple or that they should just let things slide has got to be totally brain damaged and they should wake up and smell the coffee, because they are thinking and acting like a clueless fool.

    I don't have anything in particular against Apple, but blatant infringements of patents is blatant infringement and anybody who engages in such pathetic and cowardly actions deserves to get smacked down.

    Or something like that.

    You're the "clueless Fool" that you have already tried and convicted Apple of "Blatant patent infringement" before they have had their day in court...if you can call that southern backwoods hillbilly Eastern District of Texas a fair court.....have you seen how many rented vacant offices exist simply for a small company to litigate in that district because of an 85% success rate!!!? You would be sick to your're not one of the judges from down there are you Ernie Bob?
  • Reply 23 of 30
    Originally Posted by Jetz View Post

    And what's your thoughts on patenting a rectangle for a computer device?
  • Reply 24 of 30
    Originally Posted by EmperorsNewClothes View Post

    It used to annoy me whenever someone sued Apple over a patent. However, following the way in which Apple has aggressively gone after Samsung in the name of protecting their intellectual property, I no longer have any sympathy whatsoever when they are sued for infringing the intellectual property of others.

    Sorry, Apple, but you can't have it both ways.
  • Reply 25 of 30
    habihabi Posts: 317member
    Originally Posted by Menno View Post

    Actually, it's the trademark of the Logo that protects the bag. The design of the bag itself isn't protected.

    If apple and samsung were clothing companies, this wouldn't even make it to court (even if the copying item for item but the logo

    Please look up trade dress and then come back on the subject.... And selling copys of telefones with names like sany (copy of sony), panasoanic (copy of panasonic) etc is no legal because of ______(yes you can fill in the blank if your smart enough and give yourself a parrot sticker for being a good student)
  • Reply 26 of 30
    habihabi Posts: 317member
    Originally Posted by Menno View Post

    Same reason Apple filed their community design suit in the "outlaw court" of the EU?

    If you had followed this issue you see that Apple is doing the same thing allover the world. They got this win in EU and Australia and other markets are pending (it just takes more time in other places).
  • Reply 27 of 30
    habihabi Posts: 317member
    Originally Posted by EmperorsNewClothes View Post

    It used to annoy me whenever someone sued Apple over a patent. However, following the way in which Apple has aggressively gone after Samsung in the name of protecting their intellectual property, I no longer have any sympathy whatsoever when they are sued for infringing the intellectual property of others.

    Sorry, Apple, but you can't have it both ways.

    Well these patents will most probably be ruled that apple insnt infringing. Take the caller id patents as an example. This isnt anyway near how its done in a cellphone. Looks just like a fishing expedition to me.

    So Apple doesnt need your sympathy they are a fullgrown company by now and have all they need to defend themselves. Acually their cases look quite good in my opinion compared at the odds of android and google mess. I give it a year and Android will not be anything like its today.

    1. no Android OEM has a valid kernel license.

    2. Oracle suit Google will have their ass handled to them. Either not having java (no working apps) on top of paying BIG fines for willfull infringement is not going to make your business bolster (on selling a product for free)

    3. Dumping good money after bad (Motorola) isnt going to make a difference and will just make Google worse in the end (selling a product for free)

    4. Making enemies of your oem manufacturers will not be a successfull strategy.

    5. copying blatandly your competitors will get your ass handled to you in the end.

    6. If google is found guilty in oracle lawsuit then I think US government regulatory is going to look more closely at what google is in fact doing (ie Android = making their search monopoly even more of and monopoly).

    7. google not paying any taxes to the states and EU. Well 2,4% is like NOT paying any taxes here in the EU atleast!!!
  • Reply 28 of 30
    sipsip Posts: 210member
    For CallerID, my phone gives me two options:

    Network default

  • Reply 29 of 30
    Originally Posted by habi View Post

    1. no Android OEM has a valid kernel license.

    Just thought I should mention that Android uses the Linux kernel, which is free software (GPL) and does not require a separate license to use. The GPL allows the software to be used and copied freely.

    I'm a bit of a stickler on this, since some people actually fell for SCO's bullshit a few years back.
  • Reply 30 of 30
    Originally Posted by Panu View Post

    "Trio of patent suits"? I have a quintet of objections to that, but I'll limit myself to this solo: Unless by that you mean three patent lawyers wearing suits and singing in harmony, it's wrong. The cardinal numbers in English are one, two, three, four, five, six. Solo, duet, trio, quartet, quintet, or sextet refer primarily to musicians. Even then those aren't really quantities, because a trio and a duet don't make a quintet.

    I've been to 17 funerals in the last 12 years, and now another one. For the English language this time. suggestion would be to stop going to funerals in your grammar nazi costume.
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