College Football 2002



  • Reply 381 of 492
    [quote]Originally posted by ColanderOfDeath:


    So let's see, they are on his front door but he doesn't know who put them there. Riiiiiiiiiight. Additionally, he thinks the officiating issues are serious enough to warrant a formal investigation. Yet he thinks it is all just a funny joke and that he can a ref doll in effigy. Which is it?

    He lost credibility the minute he started suggesting that officials were biased because they were from Michigan. He lost credibility the minute he touched a referee, an obvious no-no, over a missed call even though an even worse call had gone his way in the Iowa game that obviously cost Iowa a TD. His long history in the game is the only thing that saved him because if almost any other coach had done such things they would have been suspended for several games. He should be ecstatic that his unethical behavior has been ignored rather than punished as it should have been.

    You whined. Sorry but you did. You mention that bad officiating cost PSU two games when in fact it did not. That is whining.

    I don't see what politics has to do with it and in fact you are the one who brought it into the thread. But if it makes you feel any better, I voted for Gore. </strong><hr></blockquote>

    You're introducing something new here that pretty much goes against every other article written about the subject. To me that has to raise an eyebrow, so just give me something to solidify your claim against the status quo that bad calls late in the game cost Penn State two victories. Provide me an article that articulates the same points about missed calls going against Iowa that you suggest. I don't have the tape, so I'd like some proof of your claim.
  • Reply 382 of 492
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    In honor of Texas A&M's failed but courageous attempt to defend their home field against the Tigers of Missouri, I present everyone with the stirring <a href=""; target="_blank">Aggie War Hymn</a> as performed by Shirley Q. Liquor.

    [ 11-21-2002: Message edited by: groverat ]</p>
  • Reply 383 of 492
    OK but on the morrow. Too sleepy and lazy to look around at the moment.
  • Reply 384 of 492
    Texas AM is the new home of the Homeland Security department. Your mockery of their school is extremely unpatriotic. Moreover, it is flippancy, another of the deadly sins. Move to Canadia if you want to rag on our hallowed American institutions rodentman.
  • Reply 385 of 492
    So there will be no OSU-IOWA national championship game since Miami won?
  • Reply 386 of 492
    Any predictions on the OSU-Michigan game?
  • Reply 387 of 492
    amorphamorph Posts: 7,112member
    Michigan, of course.

    Not because I want OSU to lose or anything. I have no bias at all. *cough*

  • Reply 388 of 492
    Whoa, Simple Ranger and Amorph, you live in the same city. Ever meet?

    I hope OSU just for the Big 10's sake.
  • Reply 389 of 492
    MICHIGAN IS WINNING, 9-7 in the 3rd Quarter!

  • Reply 390 of 492
    Larry Johnson 5 CARRIES 77 YARDS, 1 TD ALREADY!!!!!!!
  • Reply 391 of 492
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    Defense wins championships. OSU has a stout defense.
  • Reply 392 of 492
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member


    Let's go Cardinal... kick them Bears' asses

    hope cal's baseball coach doesn't read Ai
  • Reply 393 of 492
    amorphamorph Posts: 7,112member
    Ah well. OSU wins.

    I watched Penn State dismembering Michigan State while waiting for an oil change. That Larry Johnson isn't too bad, is he?

    Now I guess there's nothing to do but sit back and see what the BCS and the bowls settle on. I don't know the rules well enough to guess what the outcome will be, except that Iowa will do well - even if we don't get an invite to the Rose Bowl.
  • Reply 394 of 492
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    eh.... Stanford got their asses kicked once again... what a surprise \

    USC destroyed UCLA.

    Damn tv. I got like 20 different games but the 2 games I WANTED to see where only on ESPN GamePlan which you have to pay for.

  • Reply 395 of 492

    Go Bears!
  • Reply 396 of 492
    ou totally destroyed tech. why did our secondary have to take the day off against a&m? why?

    osu is pretty much a lock for the fiesta bowl. only way we have any chance to get there is if miami and wsu both lose. although we might be able to squeak past wsu in the bcs without them losing, but why chance it? remote hope is better than no hope i guess.

    edit: it was late when i wrote this, not to mention hammered, totally forgot that wsu lost to uw. unlikely that miami will lose any of their remaing games, but one can still dream.

    [ 11-24-2002: Message edited by: running with scissors ]</p>
  • Reply 397 of 492
    Wow... LJ had almost 300 yards rushing and 4 TD' the FIRST HALF! He deserves an invitation to New York.
  • Reply 398 of 492
    norfanorfa Posts: 171member
    I was in Columbus in 68, I might have to go back now, wait, I'm too old to burn cars and get pepper sprayed.

    Boy, what happened to Virginia Tech? Talk about a disappearing act. And Washington State losing to Washington in triple overtime? OK, so, there's Oklahoma, Gerogia and Miami between Iowa and Ohio State. Oklahoma and Georgia both have championship games to go through, and obviously either or both could lose, and Miami has Syracuse and Virginai Tech. Plus Miami lost two starters to knee problems. It's gonna be another amazing finish. If Notre Dame and Ohio State play in Tempe, I predict a 0-0 score after regualtion.

    [ 11-24-2002: Message edited by: norfa ]</p>
  • Reply 399 of 492


  • Reply 400 of 492
    4 Big Ten teams in the Top 11. That's a strong top four in a conference!
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