In-depth Review: iOS 5



  • Reply 21 of 76
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    They're sleeping. Apple operates on American time, not foreign time.

    Have you forgotten that your message goes on the inter-webs?

    What's foreign to you, mate, is local to someone else and what's local to you may be foreign to someone else.
  • Reply 22 of 76
    akf2000akf2000 Posts: 223member
    Question for AI forum: Do Gold Master versions expire? I am on iOS 5 GM and want to know if I need to update to the final build.
  • Reply 23 of 76
    Originally Posted by RichL View Post

    This article misses the key factor for most people when deciding whether to upgrade - what's the performance like on older devices? Is it slower? Faster? Does it drain the battery more quickly?

    Regurgitating Apple's marketing material isn't very helpful.

    It made my iphone 4 and my wifes 3gs faster. It helped a lot speed wise (i am running ios5 gm)
  • Reply 24 of 76
    Originally Posted by inkswamp View Post

    Short memory? There were an overwhelming number of reports of people having problems with the iPhone3G after upgrading to 4.0, including me, which Apple acknowledged and fixed in subsequent updates. I was one of the lucky ones who only needed to do a quick reset to get the phone back to some semblance of usability but there were many, many others whose phones were more or less rendered useless by 4.0 until the .x updates.

    Don't kid yourself. Not all iOS upgrades go smoothly. Problems are not always the result of improper installs or faulty phones. I admire Apple's willingness to support phones like the 3G a full 3 years after release (by comparison, you'd be lucky to find an Android phone similarly supported even 3 months after release) but that doesn't let Apple off the hook, nor does it give anyone the right to lay the blame on the users.

    Well, it might have been because I had a 3GS... Of course it is not going to go as fast or as well as with better/faster hardware, but in general, should work pretty well... I accept that, as I am accepting that probably iOS 5 is not working to work as smoothly or as fast on my iPhone 4 as on the new iPhone 4S, but I think this is pretty obvious... Yes, as nothing is perfect, in some cases it might clash or not go very well but in a small percentage of cases... (and I hope in this case even less, as they have delayed the release a few months than what it would have been expected... I am hoping to make sure that it runs smoothly). But I don't think Apple can control that the new OS might have some issues or clashes with some other software/Apps, etc.... (obviously, I am not talking about jailbroken phones...)

    Yeah, if people want to wait until iOS 5.0.1 or something like that, be my guest (and the more the better) so Apple servers will be not as busy and everything will go smoother on downloading and installation... I will definitely install it tonight on my devices when I get home from work.... (Wish me luck, hehe)

    Yes, definitely do a full back-up and Sync before installing it anyway...

    All the best! (even to the people on foreign time, haha, wherever that is.... Europe, Asia, Europe, Australia,...) I thought that was funny...
  • Reply 25 of 76
    This, like many other articles on AppleInsider, contains too much snarky/petty language:

    From the start, Apple has maintained an embarrassingly obvious lead in its third party apps library

    ...rather than drowning the user in notifications that look more like the verbose boot screen of a Linux PC.

    After beating Microsoft at its own game by being a better mobile client to Exchange Server than Windows Mobile/Phone

    I'm an Apple fanboy too and have a long-standing love affair with the company, its products, ethos, and culture, but reading this makes me think the writer is involved (on Apple's behalf) in a middle/high school imbroglio with Microsoft/Android/Palm. It's childish. I know the purpose of this site is not to get hard news on Apple. But when articles like this contain wording like this appear (as they frequently do) here, it makes me take the hard news that does get reported here with a grain of salt because I'm less sure if the writer is just being blinded by "AppleInsider" goggles. To that end, I didn't see a link to WSJ's article after the iPhone 4S that called it and the presentation thereof "underwhelming". At times like that and when I read the type of catty wording used in this article, I wish AppleInsider would be a little more objective. Or at least leave the cattiness/snarkiness to us- the commenters- on these boards.
  • Reply 26 of 76
    Originally Posted by cacticritter View Post

    sounds good

    Totally Agree!! However I get lag spikes in iOS 4.3.5 on my 1 month old ipod touch.
  • Reply 27 of 76
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    Originally Posted by IlikeAppel View Post

    This, like many other articles on AppleInsider, contains too much snarky/petty language:

    From the start, Apple has maintained an embarrassingly obvious lead in its third party apps library

    ...rather than drowning the user in notifications that look more like the verbose boot screen of a Linux PC.

    After beating Microsoft at its own game by being a better mobile client to Exchange Server than Windows Mobile/Phone

    I'm an Apple fanboy too and have a long-standing love affair with the company, its products, ethos, and culture, but reading this makes me think the writer is involved (on Apple's behalf) in a middle/high school imbroglio with Microsoft/Android/Palm. It's childish. I know the purpose of this site is not to get hard news on Apple. But when articles like this contain wording like this appear (as they frequently do) here, it makes me take the hard news that does get reported here with a grain of salt because I'm less sure if the writer is just being blinded by "AppleInsider" goggles. To that end, I didn't see a link to WSJ's article after the iPhone 4S that called it and the presentation thereof "underwhelming". At times like that and when I read the type of catty wording used in this article, I wish AppleInsider would be a little more objective. Or at least leave the cattiness/snarkiness to us- the commenters- on these boards.

    Congratulations, you just got Dilger'd.
  • Reply 28 of 76
    Originally Posted by Crowley View Post

    Congratulations, you just got Dilger'd.

  • Reply 29 of 76
    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post

    iOS2? iPhone 3G? WHy don't you do your wife a favor and update her phone? Almost nothing is compatible with iOS2 anymore.


    I even know someone who still has the original iPhone!

    iPhone 3GS is now free but even before, you could get it for $50!
  • Reply 30 of 76
    Originally Posted by akf2000 View Post

    Question for AI forum: Do Gold Master versions expire? I am on iOS 5 GM and want to know if I need to update to the final build.

    I have yet to see one that does. In fact I expect the release to be the same version like the GM

    9A334 as it has in the past.

    So even if you clicked check for an update you'd probably not get prompted to update......
  • Reply 31 of 76
    I have seen some people report bugs but oftentimes it turns out to be UEs, like putting iPhone iOS on iPad etc.
  • Reply 32 of 76
    jnoeljnoel Posts: 19member
    Originally Posted by IlikeAppel View Post

    This, like many other articles on AppleInsider, contains too much snarky/petty language:

    From the start, Apple has maintained an embarrassingly obvious lead in its third party apps library

    ...rather than drowning the user in notifications that look more like the verbose boot screen of a Linux PC.

    After beating Microsoft at its own game by being a better mobile client to Exchange Server than Windows Mobile/Phone

    I'm an Apple fanboy too and have a long-standing love affair with the company, its products, ethos, and culture, but reading this makes me think the writer is involved (on Apple's behalf) in a middle/high school imbroglio with Microsoft/Android/Palm. It's childish. I know the purpose of this site is not to get hard news on Apple. But when articles like this contain wording like this appear (as they frequently do) here, it makes me take the hard news that does get reported here with a grain of salt because I'm less sure if the writer is just being blinded by "AppleInsider" goggles. To that end, I didn't see a link to WSJ's article after the iPhone 4S that called it and the presentation thereof "underwhelming". At times like that and when I read the type of catty wording used in this article, I wish AppleInsider would be a little more objective. Or at least leave the cattiness/snarkiness to us- the commenters- on these boards.

    I TOTALLY agree. ESP when the cattiness/snarkiness are flat out wrong. For example, exchange support SUCKS on iOS. The calendaring is essentially a hoaky scrape of email with calendar attachments and does not work well at all. I constantly have a pile of cal notifications pending for events I have already accepted. It needs to be improved in a big way.
  • Reply 33 of 76
    msjmsj Posts: 1member
    And where is AirPrint for any printer? Not a version that I need to go buy a new printer for? Let's get this done, Apple - time to cut the (printer) cord.


  • Reply 34 of 76
    Originally Posted by IlikeAppel View Post

    This, like many other articles on AppleInsider, contains too much snarky/petty language:

    From the start, Apple has maintained an embarrassingly obvious lead in its third party apps library

    ...rather than drowning the user in notifications that look more like the verbose boot screen of a Linux PC.

    After beating Microsoft at its own game by being a better mobile client to Exchange Server than Windows Mobile/Phone

    I'm an Apple fanboy too and have a long-standing love affair with the company, its products, ethos, and culture, but reading this makes me think the writer is involved (on Apple's behalf) in a middle/high school imbroglio with Microsoft/Android/Palm. It's childish. I know the purpose of this site is not to get hard news on Apple. But when articles like this contain wording like this appear (as they frequently do) here, it makes me take the hard news that does get reported here with a grain of salt because I'm less sure if the writer is just being blinded by "AppleInsider" goggles. To that end, I didn't see a link to WSJ's article after the iPhone 4S that called it and the presentation thereof "underwhelming". At times like that and when I read the type of catty wording used in this article, I wish AppleInsider would be a little more objective. Or at least leave the cattiness/snarkiness to us- the commenters- on these boards.

    if it wasn't for language like that people like me probably wouldn't have felt compelled to join this site. lol.

    They kept showing up on my news feed and after reading the articles + comments with the snarky language I had to join though I'm pretty much an Android fan (open minded as evidenced by my posting history though others will try and convince you otherwise)
  • Reply 35 of 76
    Why i can't get the update till now as they were going to put it on 12th!

    I was waiting from morning for iOS 5
  • Reply 36 of 76
    cameronjcameronj Posts: 2,357member
    Originally Posted by kotatsu View Post

    iOS5 certainly plugs a few holes but for me I'd still like to see more glanceable stuff in iOS. Most stuff is still buried in apps, even with the new Android notification tray. Why can't we have a twitter feed, RSS feed, or even a realtime weather app running at all times? Even the weather icon still displays the same static image as it always did. It just seems needlessly backwards.

    Maybe iOS6 will finally fix this stuff.

    Realtime weather app? Like, because the weather changes every 10 minutes, so it's worth the drain in battery? No thanks!
  • Reply 37 of 76
    auxioauxio Posts: 2,751member
    Originally Posted by akf2000 View Post

    Question for AI forum: Do Gold Master versions expire? I am on iOS 5 GM and want to know if I need to update to the final build.

    GM builds typically don't expire. However, there's no guarantee that they'll be exactly the same build as the final, released version. Most of the time they are, but I've seen rare cases where the release version is one or two builds higher.

    Since the GM build is developer only, I don't think they'd give you a simple way to upgrade should that be the case. A full restore to the release version would likely be the only option. Such is life on the bleeding edge...
  • Reply 38 of 76
    was hoping to upgrade before work doesnt look like that will happen.
  • Reply 39 of 76
    Originally Posted by tkrunner1738 View Post

    was hoping to upgrade before work doesnt look like that will happen.

    As was i.
  • Reply 40 of 76
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by kotatsu View Post

    iOS5 certainly plugs a few holes but for me I'd still like to see more glanceable stuff in iOS. Most stuff is still buried in apps, even with the new Android notification tray. Why can't we have a twitter feed, RSS feed, or even a realtime weather app running at all times? Even the weather icon still displays the same static image as it always did. It just seems needlessly backwards.

    Maybe iOS6 will finally fix this stuff.

    Why do you even keep bothering with Apple stuff? I've never seen a single post from you that wasn't a variant on "Apple is playing catchup here someone else already has it" or "Someone else is already doing it better" or "too bad Apple doesn't have x oh well maybe next year."

    I mean, if you crave bigger screens and think Honeycomb is the bomb and yearn for Android like functionality, why not just go with Android? There are plenty of nice phones to choose from.
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