Samsung accused of lifting iPhone screenshot for Galaxy Player promo



  • Reply 161 of 181
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    In all fairness, once you leave the USA, most countries and their media outlets could be referred to as "anti-Israel," and most don't see this as a bad thing.

    Israel is a pretty horrible place. It has a racist, quasi-fascist government. It violates international law with great regularity. It violates almost every treaty it signs. It was the only "western" country to strongly support apartheid in South Africa and now supports a very similar system within it's own borders.

    Being "anti-Israel" (not anti-Semitic), is a very common point of view outside of the USA.

    To be fair to Israel, the US government at the time characterized N. Mandela and the ANC as a terrorist and a terrorist organization. The US government at the time also opposed putting sanctions of the S. African government and kept sending aid to the racist South African government.

    There were many right wing government officials who were "sympathetic" to the S. African government.

    So the US while not overtly pro apartheid definitely weren't going out of their way to stop it either.
  • Reply 162 of 181
    realisticrealistic Posts: 1,154member
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    Apple should pull out of Korea completely! I'm not sure if Apple has any official stores in Korea, but if they do, then shut them down too! Demolish them to the ground! Many Koreans don't deserve Apple products, especially with all that is happening with Samsung.

    About 27,000 people joined a class-action suit against Apple?s South Korean unit and headquarters, seeking 1 million won per person ($930) in damages, according to a notice posted online by Mirae Law, which represents the plaintiffs. The suit was filed in Changwon, south of Seoul, where the law firm is located.

    27,000 Korean Apple users are suing Apple? For what? That silly location data story on the iPhone a while back that turned out to be a total non issue and that has long been resolved?

    Those 27,000 are leeches looking for a quick buck that they don't in any way deserve or are entitled to. Screw them.

    How would this help Apple? 27,000 out of how many millions? I am pretty sure more than 27,000 Americans have been involved in class-action suits against Apple. Best thing IMO would be for Apple to outsell SAMSUNG by a ridiculously large amount on its' own turf.
  • Reply 163 of 181
    Originally Posted by rcfa View Post

    That's collective punishment, and one of the most archaic, outdated and primitive notions.

    By consequence, if a single American ever murders a non American, all Americans deserve to die, without exception.

    That was your point, right?

    Some of the posters are going way over the top with anti-Korean nonsense.

    This is between Apple and Samsung.

    The bottom-line is that in many smaller nations a single company gets so big that it's success or failure can have an outsized impact on that nation's economy.

    So of course, there is a sort of nationalism that gets placed into that company's success or failure.

    I think Nokia has a similar prominence in Finland or at least it once did.

    But really it's no different here than with buy American. The difference is our country is so big that one company going under even a very large one doesn't devastate our economy.

    China, Japan, Taiwan, and Korea have all been targets of that same sentiment in this country.

    Apple is not crazy and will not pull completely out of one Asian country using racist reasoning, which may not go over so well in other Asian nations.
  • Reply 164 of 181
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post


    There was an agreement between Apple and Xerox which allowed Xerox to buy Apple shares at a real cheap rate. Apple didn't sneak into the Xerox Parc facilities, they were invited there as part of the deal.

    That is correct. Apple compensated Xerox to the tune of $1 million of pre-IPO Apple shares (option to buy at $10/share). Goddamn, I would love to have a $10/share option on Apple stock right now. But I'm sure Xerox blew it all on some DeLoreans and hookers.
  • Reply 165 of 181
    rcfarcfa Posts: 1,124member
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post


    There was an agreement between Apple and Xerox which allowed Xerox to buy Apple shares at a real cheap rate. Apple didn't sneak into the Xerox Parc facilities, they were invited there as part of the deal.

    Obviously they didn't sneak into Xerox PARC, but you can also "steal" things on official visits, and with contracts that are lopsided. But that's not my point.

    Legal issues are fought out in court, and if Samsung wins, will everyone just stop thinking that they stole the design, just because the courts said it was legal?

    This isn't a matter of legality, it's a matter of intellectual (dis)honesty. Apple and Jobs are widely represented as the inventor of the mouse, of the GUI, etc. all of which is patently wrong.

    They invented certain aspects of GUIs, and their own particular style.

    The history of technology is full of false attributions of inventions, e.g. Edison and the lightbulb.

    The way such false attributions come to be is by theft, theft through PR, dicy contracts, by omission, lack of giving credit, use of implication, etc.

    Ethics and law are separate worlds, that merely occasionally intersect.
  • Reply 166 of 181
    ssquirrelssquirrel Posts: 1,196member
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    Wow coincidence. I don't watch much sit-com TV, but I just recently saw one of their episodes for the first time and that was actually the one, however I came in in the middle of the program after that Jerusalem scene. I just watched it online right now. Pretty funny show. I'll have to try to watch it more often.

    Yeah my wife and I blew thru all 4 seasons of that and all 6 seasons of How I Met Your Mother this summer and have added them to our ongoing list of shows each week to torrent, convert and stream to our Apple TV Yay no cable for a whole year so far heh
  • Reply 167 of 181
    ssquirrelssquirrel Posts: 1,196member
    Originally Posted by DrDoppio View Post

    Removable storage == no limits > 64 GB

    You must have missed that part of the specs where the SD card limit maxes at 32GB. They don't support SDXC cards. So yeah, not unlimited and you can have more storage on a Touch.

    Originally Posted by rcfa View Post

    Obviously they didn't sneak into Xerox PARC, but you can also "steal" things on official visits, and with contracts that are lopsided. But that's not my point.

    Lopsided contracts? Blame Xerox PARC for lacking foresight and Apple getting a fantastic bargain. It isn't like they had a gun to Xerox's head for that one. Also as far as Jobs and company being credited as inventing the GUI or mouse, that's only by those who know nothing. Popularizing both? Certainly.
  • Reply 168 of 181
    Originally Posted by equalunderthelaw View Post

    Ah, you have hit upon the very crux of the disagreement.

    I am not an Apple fan...

    Then why did you register to post here? Apple has links on their iPod Touch product page for feedback.

    So no need to waste you time here.

    Hope that helps,

  • Reply 169 of 181
    macrulezmacrulez Posts: 2,455member


  • Reply 170 of 181
    Originally Posted by MacRulez View Post

    You created an account here to make that your first post?

    Yes, I changed my name recently and have been lazy about creating a new account to reflect it. I hardly ever posted before, but read everyday so I thought I would create the account and reply.

    My main point was that I'm registered because I AM an Apple fan.

  • Reply 171 of 181
    macrulezmacrulez Posts: 2,455member


  • Reply 172 of 181
    Originally Posted by equalunderthelaw View Post

    Ah, you have hit upon the very crux of the disagreement.

    I am not an Apple fan, but I do own and love an iPod Touch 4th Gen 8GB

    (Model MC540LL) now running IOS Version 5.0 (9A334).

    Originally Posted by Gabe Villatoro View Post

    Then why did you register to post here? Apple has links on their iPod Touch product page for feedback.

    So no need to waste you time here.

    Hope that helps,


    I am an Apple product user, not a fan.

    That does not necessarily connote an adversarial attitude towards Apple.

    If fandom is a requirement for site membership, then perhaps there should

    be a notice to that effect during registration to guarantee uniformity of opinion on said site.

    I remind you that this thread is titled "Samsung accused of lifting iPhone screenshot for Galaxy Player promo".

    My original post addressed the fact that the screenshot referenced was from a 2008 Samsung web page

    intended for a completely different product (Galaxy Player 50, not 5.0) that never even released in the US, and,

    therefore, has nothing to do with the current Galaxy Player 4.0 and 5.0 launched Oct/16/2011.

    I think it was my comment that

    Originally Posted by equalunderthelaw View Post

    ...both have hardware features that trump the iPod Touch 4th Gen

    that kicked the anthill.

    Since vigorous debate regarding the state of Israel appears to be fair game for this thread,

    I ask your indulgence for a final attempt to articulate my attitude towards the iPod Touch 4th Gen

    and the new Samsung Galaxy Player 4.0 and 5.0:

    - I use an Apple product (namely the iPod Touch 4th Gen)

    - The product is an elegantly assembled collection of minerals.

    - That collection has well-defined physical properties.

    - A product's physical properties largely define a user's experience with said product.

    - Different products have both common and unique properties.

    - Properties can be compared between products.

    - Product-A can be improved by enhancing common properties and/or incorporating new unique properties belonging to Product-B and vice versa.

    - This thread, for good or ill, is directly related to the recent Samsung Galaxy Player launch.

    - Questions were raised about what the Galaxy Players are

    - I explained by comparing specs between the iPod Touch and Samsung Galaxy Player 4.0 and 5.0

    - Given that:
    The iPhone 4/4s have unique non-cellular hardware properties when compared with the iPod Touch

    and that:

    Galaxy Player 4.0 and 5.0 have unique hardware properties when compared with the iPod Touch,

    it appears, in the most objective terms of which I am capable, that the iPod Touch can be improved.

    - 2011 yielded no such iPod Touch hardware improvement or any other hardware improvement for that matter.

    That's it.

    No Apple-hating, just a desire to see my iPod Touch improved so that I do not have to leave

    the Apple ecosystem (the best their is at this point)to find PMP properties that I want.

    I would have loved to trade up to an better iPod Touch this year, but no such offering was available.
  • Reply 173 of 181
    ssquirrelssquirrel Posts: 1,196member
    Originally Posted by equalunderthelaw View Post

    I remind you that this thread is titled "Samsung accused of lifting iPhone screenshot for Galaxy Player promo".

    My original post addressed the fact that the screenshot referenced was from a 2008 Samsung web page

    intended for a completely different product (Galaxy Player 50, not 5.0) that never even released in the US, and,

    therefore, has nothing to do with the current Galaxy Player 4.0 and 5.0 launched Oct/16/2011.

    It is still involved tho b/c it just shows how far back the copying by Samsung goes. Is the screenshot lift relatively minor? Sure. It could still possibly be introduced as more evidence of Samsung (possibly) willfully copying Apple.
  • Reply 174 of 181
    Originally Posted by SSquirrel View Post

    It is still involved tho b/c it just shows how far back the copying by Samsung goes. Is the screenshot lift relatively minor? Sure. It could still possibly be introduced as more evidence of Samsung (possibly) willfully copying Apple.

    I completely agree.

    It happened.

    That is a fact that no opinion on this thread can change.

    It was a marketing flub that Samsung will likely be challenged on in a court of law.

    Still, it has nothing to do with the new US Oct/16/2011

    Galaxy Player 4.0/5.0 release. That was my main point.
  • Reply 175 of 181
    ssquirrelssquirrel Posts: 1,196member
    Originally Posted by equalunderthelaw View Post

    I completely agree.

    It happened.

    That is a fact that no opinion on this thread can change.

    It was a marketing flub that Samsung will likely be challenged on in a court of law.

    Still, it has nothing to do with the new US Oct/16/2011

    Galaxy Player 4.0/5.0 release. That was my main point.

    Well the article never said it had anything to do w/the 4.0 or 5.0. It said it was about the 3 year old Player 50. Unless you're in here trying to drive hits for Samsung, I'm honestly not sure why you're carrying on about this. No one mistook the 50 for the new players, this is a "problem" spun up whole cloth by your posts. Your posts read like advertisements and of course, you are brand new to the forums, so you look like you are either a shill or a sock puppet, more likely the first.
  • Reply 176 of 181
    Originally Posted by equalunderthelaw View Post

    I am an Apple product user, not a fan.

    That does not necessarily connote an adversarial attitude towards Apple.

    Oh, okay. I thought it was very clear many years ago when I first came across Appleinsider that this is a fan site no matter the topic of stories.

    Apple users post regularly on Apple's product discussion pages, neutral, non-biased uses post um, not sure as I'm biased. Maybe electronista?

    When you become a fan, maybe you'll like us more and well like what you have to say more.

    I would not go to a Chevy fan site to say how great my Ford is and how Chevy can improve their models. I wouldn't know anything that the fan site would ever post.

    If you really do want it to be improved, I still think you should submit a suggestion to apple via their website. We can't do anything about it.

    That's the way I see it. Not the only opinion of course. :-)

  • Reply 177 of 181
    Originally Posted by SSquirrel View Post

    Well the article never said it had anything to do w/the 4.0 or 5.0. It said it was about the 3 year old Player 50. Unless you're in here trying to drive hits for Samsung, I'm honestly not sure why you're carrying on about this. No one mistook the 50 for the new players, this is a "problem" spun up whole cloth by your posts. Your posts read like advertisements and of course, you are brand new to the forums, so you look like you are either a shill or a sock puppet, more likely the first.

    I see your point about looking suspicious, especially being new and all.

    I cannot satisfactorily disprove either accusation, so I will not try.

    The AppleInsider story got it right, and I have no complaints there. However,

    most of the derivative stories floating around the internet (including

    this thread, which I found via a Google search) about the iPhone screenshot

    flap refer generically to the "Galaxy Player", which, coinciding with the

    same week of the US launch of the Samsung Galaxy Player 4.0 and 5.0,

    would naturally bias the cursory reader towards thinking this story is

    about the current Samsung marketing effort, not a 3 year old event.

    This site:

    went all the way and titled its story
    "Samsung Uses iPhone Screenshot in Galaxy Player 5.0 Promo"
    Not "50", but "5.0". I realize this forum has no control over this, but it is happening.

    After literally months of researching the Galaxy Players (kind of holding

    out for that iPod Touch upgrade this year), I have acquired a certain

    personal investment in them. I know just about everything they can

    and cannot do. So, I feel (yes, feel is the right word) a certain visceral

    need to set the record straight when I come across incorrect or misleading

    information about them.

    If Apple upgrades the iPod Touch next year, then I will probably do the same

    investing research about it and then get accused of being an "Apple fanboy"

    in an Android or Samsung forum.
  • Reply 178 of 181
    Originally Posted by Gabe Villatoro View Post

    Oh, okay. I thought it was very clear many years ago when I first came across Appleinsider that this is a fan site no matter the topic of stories.

    Apple users post regularly on Apple's product discussion pages, neutral, non-biased uses post um, not sure as I'm biased. Maybe electronista?

    When you become a fan, maybe you'll like us more and well like what you have to say more.

    I would not go to a Chevy fan site to say how great my Ford is and how Chevy can improve their models. I wouldn't know anything that the fan site would ever post.

    If you really do want it to be improved, I still think you should submit a suggestion to apple via their website. We can't do anything about it.

    That's the way I see it. Not the only opinion of course. :-)


    I see your point about intruding upon a de facto fan site.

    I am a fan of well engineered technology, just not of any

    particular company. In retrospect, given that I'm posting on

    AppleInsider, I probably should have toned down some of

    my rival product comparisons.

    I will redirect any future product suggestions to the appropriate thread.
  • Reply 179 of 181
    Samsung really became the main target because they carry the Android flag.

    Apple's litigation wrapper was scatter-gun but results dictate that they managed to patent use of the capacitive screen.

    With this being the winning card of their scatter-gun approach they can logically ban almost every single Windows and Android phone out there.
  • Reply 180 of 181
    Originally Posted by aBeliefSystem View Post

    results dictate that they managed to patent use of the capacitive screen.

    That's so impossibly wrong I can't even begin to start telling you how wrong you are.
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