Bill Gates not bothered by Steve Jobs's comments in biography



  • Reply 41 of 87
    If Gates had to come out in public to say how he was unaffected by Job's comments, he was affected by Job's comments.
  • Reply 42 of 87
    Say what we will about Bill Microsoft or not...Gates has always been a class act. He takes what's thrown at him with great maturity and grace. I wish he had continued as CEO of Microsoft. I am grateful for his sanity and support for Steve in the lean years. Now that Steve has gone, Bill continues to show the same grace and class.

    Good job Bill.
  • Reply 43 of 87
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by AeronPrometheus View Post

    If Gates had to come out in public to say how he was unaffected by Job's comments, he was affected by Job's comments.

    Did you see the interview? The article linked to it. It doesn't sound like he was going out in public just to say that. It was more of an aside in an interview, it's covered in the last minute of an eight minute interview, the first seven were questions of public policy about poverty, not Microsoft. It looks like it was a response to a specific question, it did not look like he went out of his way to say it.
  • Reply 44 of 87
    macrulezmacrulez Posts: 2,455member
  • Reply 45 of 87
    Originally Posted by MacTechIdol View Post

    Now... Granted, he had small armies to design and develop the "inventions" but the patents speak for them selves... I think. Even if his name is on some that were just developed at Apple... Many are still his.

    A few people have said things to that effect, but you have to realize that just arbitrarily throwing Jobs's name on the patent without him having any substantive involvement with the invention (or "invention," in some cases) would actually invalidate the patent.

    It would be the height of stupidity for Jobs to just put his name on a patent unless he was directly involved with the described invention's creation.

    (Not saying that's what you were suggesting; I've just seen it suggested elsewhere and feel that this is an important fact to note.)
  • Reply 46 of 87
    eluardeluard Posts: 319member
    Good on you, Bill Gates. You have been gracious when so many others have not been. You're a mensch.
  • Reply 47 of 87
    mazda 3smazda 3s Posts: 1,613member
    Originally Posted by screamingfist View Post

    reading the biography has given me even more reason to despise bill gates and that empire of sh*t that is MS...

    Are we reading the same book? Jobs isn't exactly portrayed as a saint either.
  • Reply 48 of 87
    I've grown to like Bill Gates over the years. Giving away half of his wealth and his foundation are really amazing feats. Steve won in the end (or currently) as Apple is king. I liked the quote Jobs said about Gates 'not wanting to be the richest guy in the cemetery."
  • Reply 49 of 87
    Originally Posted by TheBestMan View Post

    Very classy, and I'm definitely a fan of post-MS Bill Gates. Impressive human.

    Agreed. 100%.

    In a corporate world with so few heroes (SJ was one of the few), he has - I'll man up and admit this - become one of mine.
  • Reply 50 of 87
    stelligentstelligent Posts: 2,680member
    Originally Posted by TBell View Post

    It is easy when you get paid hundreds of millions of dollars a year in dividends.


    So easy that no one ever in history has given so much both in percentage and in absolute terms?
  • Reply 51 of 87
    stelligentstelligent Posts: 2,680member
    Let's not forget that this is nothing new. Jobs has been saying the same thing about Microsoft and Gates for decades. I'm sure Gates is laughing it off as "same old, same old". In fact, he probably wishes Jobs was still around to say it again in person.
  • Reply 52 of 87
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by jeffhrsn View Post

    Let's be real...

    The fact is MELINDA Gates woke that $&@# up and inspired him to do what he does. We will never know what he would have done without her.

    Let's be real: we know what he did and what he DOES.

    What he would do, or would have done in a parallel universe, where he did not meet Melinda, or where he meet Kim Kardashian instead, or where he was physicist or factory worker, or where Hitler won WWII... is NOT real.
  • Reply 53 of 87
    Originally Posted by BuzzMega View Post

    Gates is forever condemned to existing in a world filled with creativity, song, dance, photography, cinematography, acting, graphics, grace, emotion, love and the exquisite rhythms of art, while counting his money, attending to technicalities, and keeping his namesakes.

    How satisfying that must feel, to him.

    check here

    now, even though 10 million dollars is a lot of money, and i guess he is counting his cash, he is giving away what, 60+ billion dollars away (imagine if Apple gave the majority of its cash on hand to charities, etc)

    I feel like Gate's is trying to help people in the world. He may keep more cash than most people get.

    i know i will be (possibly) singled out now, but:

    as wanting to help other people get out of starvation, poverty, etc, BILL GATES is far more caring and willing that STEVE JOBS ever was. i saw this after reading the book

    as a final summary of what Gates does:

    Gates- chooses to help those who need it a lot (Now, when he was at MS they copied lots of concepts that Apple created)

    Jobs- choose to help people who were better off by giving them better ways to access the web, communicate, etc.
  • Reply 54 of 87
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by SSquirrel View Post

    Depending on which of these 2 sites you believe, Bill Gates has 9 or 54 patents w/his name and Steve Jobs has 313.

    Both pointless, unless they are the only name on any of those patents. I clicked on few of SJ ones and he was always one of 4 - 5 people, never first one on the list.
  • Reply 55 of 87
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post

    Well, he couldn't really deny it as they were basically truthful statements.

    Microsoft has always been about generic products in large numbers, an amalgam of blandness designed to cater to everyone, doing just enough to achieve that.

    Much like the road Google is following with Android.

    Apple appeals to those who don't want to settle for generic imitators, they demand and get a premium for leading the "almost as good" wannabes.

    That leadership and attention to detail is down to S Jobs, the one with the vision and determination to bring it all together.

    I fail to understand how some people





    Because part of it (at least) is nonsense.

    MS Office is generic wannabe? To what?

    MS family of server software are generic wannabes? To what?

    Windows Phone 7 is generic wannabe? Really? Who/what is it copying off?

    What you are mixing, it seems to me, is what MS makes, and what others make and use MS products with.
  • Reply 56 of 87
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by AeronPrometheus View Post

    If Gates had to come out in public to say how he was unaffected by Job's comments, he was affected by Job's comments.

    Gates didn't come out, Gates was asked what he thinks.

    Regardless of what he really thinks, I think he gave the best possible answer. Doing anything else but graceful reply to a dead person would be utterly lame. And even if his ego is hurt, all he has to think off is that he is the one still alive and kicking.
  • Reply 57 of 87
    Originally Posted by makeintosh View Post

    Say what we will about Bill Microsoft or not...Gates has always been a class act. He takes what's thrown at him with great maturity and grace. I wish he had continued as CEO of Microsoft. I am grateful for his sanity and support for Steve in the lean years. Now that Steve has gone, Bill continues to show the same grace and class.

    Good job Bill.

    I'm glad he left.

    Microsoft may have been more successful if he stayed, but in the relentless ebb and flow of rising and falling tech companies he would have achieved nothing more than a momentary, lingering peak.

    As easy as it is to sometimes be caught up in pretty screens, fancy lights, magical toys and other tech-for-fashion, on the world stage these #firstworldproblems are trivial and washed away by the tears of yet another mother burying her child, fallen to a preventable disease.

    So I'm glad he left as what he can achieve away from Microsoft is far more meaningful to the world than it would have been possible to achieve by staying at Microsoft.
  • Reply 58 of 87
    Originally Posted by Obi-Wan Kubrick View Post

    I've grown to like Bill Gates over the years. Giving away half of his wealth and his foundation are really amazing feats. Steve won in the end (or currently) as Apple is king. I liked the quote Jobs said about Gates 'not wanting to be the richest guy in the cemetery."

    Not like Steve didn't leave a ton of jack in his grave.
  • Reply 59 of 87
    Originally Posted by Firefly7475 View Post

    I'm glad he left.

    Microsoft may have been more successful if he stayed, but in the relentless ebb and flow of rising and falling tech companies he would have achieved nothing more than a momentary, lingering peak.

    As easy as it is to sometimes be caught up in pretty screens, fancy lights, magical toys and other tech-for-fashion, on the world stage these #firstworldproblems are trivial and washed away by the tears of yet another mother burying her child, fallen to a preventable disease.

    So I'm glad he left as what he can achieve away from Microsoft is far more meaningful to the world than it would have been possible to achieve by staying at Microsoft.

    Quite simple really...Gates left and we now have Ballmer. I wish Gates had remained CEO.
  • Reply 60 of 87
    ssquirrelssquirrel Posts: 1,196member
    Originally Posted by makeintosh View Post

    Say what we will about Bill Microsoft or not...Gates has always been a class act. He takes what's thrown at him with great maturity and grace.

    Yes, especially pie

    Dan Rather even said he just walked in, wiped his face off and had his meeting w/o an outburst.
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