UK's chief rabbi meant no criticism of Steve Jobs, uses an iPad & iPhone daily



  • Reply 41 of 52
    Originally Posted by emoeric87 View Post

    Before you lob all your rudimentary "nuh uh" comments at people, stop and actually consider. Even if the rabbi wasn't all right, you have to see his point is at least partially right.

    And before you lob your posts about 'actually considering', why not re-read my post where it said:

    Originally Posted by F1Ferrari View Post

    I seriously doubt anyone here thinks that this rabbi's sentiments are that far off-base,

    I'm admitting that there is some valid truth to the rabbi's comments, but I can also see that by denigrating the actions of young people in activities that you see as wasteful and unproductive, you're not allowing the future to unfold or a possible creative spark to be struck.
  • Reply 42 of 52
    sennensennen Posts: 1,472member
    Originally Posted by Dickprinter View Post

    Sounds more like political-type spin to me.

    Exactly - make the hyperbolic, attention-grabbing yet erroneous statement, then backtrack with "No,no, that's not what I meant at all..."
  • Reply 43 of 52
    Originally Posted by SDW2001 View Post

    I have a better idea. How about you...

    1. Get a sense of humor

    2. Stop lecturing people on what to post

    3. Stop insulting people by telling them to "flex their brains."

    4. Take your 91 posts and put them where the sun doesn't shine.

    Good day, sir. I said...GOOD DAY.

    This is probably worse post in the forum, no added value and over emotional in their remarks. I actually did not agree with all MacShack had to say and from generation to generation, you going to get blamed laid at some technology, which seen to cause issues in society, BUT at least he give an opinion and his arguments.

    Also take comments out of context, e.g. point 3, reading Mac comments, he is just stating it is easy to throw abuse and quickly intrpret wrong understanding of comments and why don't we take time to analyse and assist the true meaning.

    Anyway Sir you are the one who should take your +12,000 comments and leave us alone, if the above is quality of your replies.

    Good Day Sir, Good Day!
  • Reply 44 of 52
    mac_dogmac_dog Posts: 1,083member
    he only contributes to the oppression of people (organized religion) and his pockets.

    perhaps he should stick to what he does best.
  • Reply 45 of 52
    Why should an apology be necessary?!? I understood what he implied. It was obvious. And it is obviously not an "i" society when "i" have to be careful about "u all" in the world when it comes to political correctness and accidental offensiveness.

    Cut these two bullshit situations out of society and I'm happy living as "i".

    Anyone needing that apology is an "i"diot.
  • Reply 46 of 52
    Originally Posted by Smallwheels View Post

    I wonder just how marvelous people felt the US Postal system was when it came out. It must have been a great invention way back in the 1700s.

    The US Postal System... Of course, you realize that the European Emperor Carolus Magnus already had Missi Dominici, that the Roman Empire had post, and that if the International Post Language is French, it's simply because Louis XIV set up the first modern post system in the 1600's...

    My point is, you Americans seem to forget easily that because you "invented" something doesn't mean it's new. You're the Samsung of non-technology.

    Just helping out
  • Reply 47 of 52
    Originally Posted by MacShack View Post

    I can't believe the comments that I'm reading. It is true that the generation that is growing up with all these amusement products are easily distracted from the things that really matter in life. Of course there is nothing wrong with an iPad or iPhone. But like with everything; when things are not seen in the right context they can become harmful. I see an upcoming generation that is hungry for amusement. They lack discipline and true commitment to fulfill the dreams they once had as a child growing up. Unless they learn how to use these tools to their enhancement rather than their demise they will fall a prey to these technologies.

    I think some of you can't flex your brain to understand what he meant and just want to believe what you want to believe so you can make fun of people.

    Have some dignity and respond like an adult should. Unless, of course, you are of the generation I was formerly speaking of. Then you have just confirmed my general experience. Then again, the coming generation has learned to be like that from somebody, you? Shallow remarks and conclusions are not rare from shallow people.

    BTW I don't know this rabbi. I'm in now way affiliated to him (I'm Dutch) or the Jewish faith. I can, however, relate to what he is saying

    I am two generations beyond the generation you refer to. However, I would suggest you "flex your brain" and look into your thoughts.

    You are making the same statements that were made in the middle ages, not to mention numerous other periods in our history. Books met the same criticism, as was the telescope, the world was round, etc., etc., etc. You are displaying a lack of trust in people's abilities to navigate through the pro's and con's of any new technology and choose the right path. Perhaps you believe in Facisim, I do not. And, the current generation most likely "learned to be like that" from my generation, and, by the sound of it, yours. Many of the replies to your comment have been rather mild. I would suggest you need to do take a good look at yourself before providing "guidance" to others.

    Perhaps English is not your native tongue, nor is it mine. Perhaps you should think twice before risking either being misinterpreted or sounding just like the rabbi that started this thread.
  • Reply 48 of 52
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    This makes no sense on any level. Most depictions of the biblical tablets aren't even rectangles.

    Thou shall not have Flash installed

    Thou shall not have a user accessible file system

    Thou shall not have a stylus or a mouse

    Thou shall not Jailbreak thy device

    Thou shall obtain all thy apps from the AppStore

    Thou shall upgrade to the newest device annually

    Thou shall integrate thy data through the cloud

    Thou shall stand in a queue in front of the temple at the Mall

    Thou shall affix an Apple logo to the window of thy car.

    Thou shall not speak the name of Steve Jobs in vain

    One of the best quotes I have seen on a forum. Excellent.
  • Reply 49 of 52
    how do YOU spell 'waffle'?
  • Reply 50 of 52
    Everyone is dining out on namedropping Steve Jobs these days. Rabbis, writers, even sportswriters, politicians, academics, anarchists, communists, ... everyone has found a name to mention Steve Jobs in their talks, interviews, blogs and articles.

    Management gurus use the Jobsian method as support for their philosophy on management. Rebel-wannabes invoke his comeback as proof that karma best favors those who bend rules. It seems his story is so rich that there's a chapter or page for everyone to use and usurp to advance their views and causes. It's only a surprise that LCD has not made a big comeback in his name.
  • Reply 51 of 52
    Originally Posted by SDW2001 View Post

    I have a better idea. How about you...

    1. Get a sense of humor

    2. Stop lecturing people on what to post

    3. Stop insulting people by telling them to "flex their brains."

    4. Take your 91 posts and put them where the sun doesn't shine.

    Good day, sir. I said...GOOD DAY.

    Yeah shuffing the comments under the comedy section is just a way of saying that you fundamentally do not agree with the literal meaning of the above mentioned posts.

    I didn't tell people what to post. I was merely categorising them into the shallow comments section.

    Suggesting to flex your brain is in no way an insulting comment. It is just a call to think a bit deeper about the message that the rabbi was trying to get across. Rather than willfully ignoring the challenges that come with these new technologies.

    I have no idea what my post count has to do with this subject.

    You too, have a good day.
  • Reply 52 of 52
    Originally Posted by Eye Forget View Post

    You are making the same statements that were made in the middle ages, not to mention numerous other periods in our history. Books met the same criticism, as was the telescope, the world was round, etc., etc., etc.

    You are mixing up inventions (i.e. tools) with believes. Please tell me more about the criticism that the invention of the printing press was facing?

    Originally Posted by Eye Forget View Post

    You are displaying a lack of trust in people's abilities to navigate through the pro's and con's of any new technology and choose the right path. Perhaps you believe in Facisim, I do not. And, the current generation most likely "learned to be like that" from my generation, and, by the sound of it, yours.

    I am very careful in trusting in peoples ability to weigh out the pro's and con's. You might find that I should trust their judgements in these matters more and call my trust lacking. If I lack trust I am very curious how much trust I should have.

    You are funny, I give you that. What has Fascism to do with the topic?

    Originally Posted by Eye Forget View Post

    Many of the replies to your comment have been rather mild. I would suggest you need to do take a good look at yourself before providing "guidance" to others.

    Perhaps English is not your native tongue, nor is it mine. Perhaps you should think twice before risking either being misinterpreted or sounding just like the rabbi that started this thread.

    I was providing my view on the posts that were posted and was a kind of shocked. It was more on the level of GIZMODO or ENGADGET.

    When I read the remark of the Rabbi I did take a good look at myself and was reminded of the care I should take in order to make good use of these new tools that are provided. I'm not against them just conscious that they may also have an adverse effect on our current or future culture. Oh and I'm not taken back by any risk of being misinterpreted. I wrote what I thought and I thought about it pretty well. Thus my comment is as good as it is.

    I'm glad you took the time to express your view on this matter.
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