The worst films you have ever seen?



  • Reply 61 of 81
    <a href=""; target="_blank">Punk Vacation</a>

    So bad that it isn't in IMDb.

    And others in no particular order:

    Quest of the Delta Knights

    Deathstalker III


    Planet of the Apes (2001 version)
  • Reply 62 of 81
    Last Friday night I saw "Made" which must be the worst...hang on...WORST...hang on...WORST!!!!! film ever made. OH MY GOD!!!!

    Even the gag reel was boring. I heard a lot about Swingers (same guys) but never saw it. When I saw this in the videoshop I thought I'd rent it since I was ready for a laugh. It wasn't funny. It wasn't exciting. It was nothing. Absolutely nothing. I can't remember ever having seen a film that didn't trigger some sort of emotion at least once during the two hours. This was shocking. The deleted scenes and the gag reel were exactly the same. The two guys, the fat guy starts laughing all the time and the skinny guy wants to be serious. YAWN! YAWN! YAAAAAAWWWWWNNNNN!!!!!!!!
  • Reply 63 of 81
    bellebelle Posts: 1,574member
    [quote]Originally posted by ShawnPatrickJoyce:

    <strong>So your points are totally inapplicable to my contention that Best Picture winners shouldn't be named here as "Worst Movies Ever" because I doubt someone can claim never seeing a worse movie than one that won that award.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    But surely it's all about personal opinion? In my opinion, "Dances With Wolves" was one of the most boring pieces of crap I have ever seen.
  • Reply 64 of 81
    Dances with Wolves is one of the worst films you have ever seen? Damn. I'd hate to tell Costner his Best Picture? is on the same level as Batman and Robin, Jackass, and the occasional Friday 13th sequel. Oh well. I'm sure you regard the Postman in the same light
  • Reply 65 of 81
    wormboywormboy Posts: 220member
    Defcon4: came out in the 80s, from NewLine Cinema. Man if you haven't seen this... DON'T! if you have... I'm sorry for you. I feel your pain.

    Somehow, it managed to get a 3.6/10 at <a href=""; target="_blank">the Internet Movie Database</a>. Go figure...
  • Reply 66 of 81
    lucaluca Posts: 3,833member
    The worst movie I've seen was Starship Troopers. But Iron Monkey and the third part of AI are near the top of the list as well. Iron Monkey was that martial arts film made back in '93 that was released in the US just a few months after Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (which is an awesome movie). It had a very difficult to follow plot, it was utterly ridiculous, and to top it off, the subtitles disappeared half way through and remained off for about half an hour.

    The first two parts of AI were pretty good - first the interesting look at the android child adapting to his family, and the second part with the dark Kubrik vision of humanity torturing the robots. The third part, when the decendents of the robots found the child, was totally stupid and candy-sweet, with the Pinocchio crap. It was so like Spielberg to take a good movie and ruin it with some sugar coated crap.
  • Reply 67 of 81
    [quote]Originally posted by pfflam:

    <strong>Oh yeah . . . the worst to date for me:

    can't remember the title but it just came out in video, Mathew Mconnomy(sp?) plays a guy possessed by God to kill demons

    awful awfull . . . I snuck in to watch it . . and stayed for a while . . . i thought that it had some good acting . . .

    but when it turned out to be about a guy who is really possessed by God in order to kill demons . . unstead of what I thought it would be: a story about fanaticism leading to murder . . I was very very dissapointed

    that kind of film makes it seem good to be hearing God tell you to kill.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    It's called Frailty... and it's a damn good movie. Maybe you didn't enjoy it cus you built it up into something else? *shrugs*

    Psst. It's McConaughey.
  • Reply 68 of 81
    roborobo Posts: 469member
    [quote]Originally posted by Timo:


    Pretentious drivel masquerading as edgy "art" film.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Yes! I totally agree. It came out just around the time when mainstream American cinema was dabbling in slightly more intelligent fare (American Beauty as an example of a good outcome of this), and somehow Magnolia was mistaken for an intelligent, arty film. It wasn't. It was a stupid, pointless mess. The only redeeming moment was when all the characters broke out in song, but that wasn't worth the rest of the film.

    OTOH, i can't believe somebody listed 'Sitcom' as a bad movie! It's one of my favorite films. I love showing it to people and watching their reactions (strangely, few of them ever talk to me again after that... )

    I tend to avoid shlocky looking Hollywood films, so i've been spared Titanic and Wedding Planner type garbage for the most part, but for another 'garbage posing as an arty movie', try 'Buffalo '66'. At first, you think it was shot on a home video camera without a script, or even a central idea, and by then end, you are convinced. Basically, it follows a very stupid, ugly, totally unappealing character as he mopes around for three hours. Totally unengaging, pointless, and a waste of time. I think the guy who made it (he wrote, directed and acted) thought that by sticking together endless footage of him sitting on park benches and muttering to himself, he would have produced an 'art movie'. Sorry, it takes a wee bit more than that.

  • Reply 69 of 81
    [quote]Originally posted by Powerdoc:


    is it true that the first edition of Fiends and Folio 1981 version in very good shape can be sell 150 $ ?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I can't say for sure but I know that original D&D material, along with AD&D 1st Ed. stuff are highly sought after as collectibles, and I've heard that they can be worth quite a pretty penny...not as much as say, a mint condition "Transformers" Optimus Prime still in the box (I've heard they go for $200+ USD), but still quite a bit nonetheless.
  • Reply 70 of 81
    [quote]Originally posted by robo:


    OTOH, i can't believe somebody listed 'Sitcom' as a bad movie! It's one of my favorite films. I love showing it to people and watching their reactions (strangely, few of them ever talk to me again after that... )


    When I saw "sitcom", I didn't know what to make of it. I thought it was at the same time quite funny and quite tragic; the bits with the rat and the card game was great, but when the girl jumped off the balcony...I think it's a cool "arty film"...just not a great film.
  • Reply 71 of 81
    1) April Fools Day (horror... well it was suppose to be)

    2) Master of Disguise

    3) Lake Placid

    4) Born in East LA

    5) Last Man Standing
  • Reply 72 of 81
    rooroo Posts: 162member
    [quote]Originally posted by robo:


    OTOH, i can't believe somebody listed 'Sitcom' as a bad movie! It's one of my favorite films. I love showing it to people and watching their reactions (strangely, few of them ever talk to me again after that... )


    that was me. the film tries to be outlandish, jolting, satirical, etc, but for me it was just plain boring. nothing really grabbed me, nothing was that funny... it seemd like it was trying too hard. i'm not saying that this is you, but it seemed to me to be the type of artsy film that people would like to say they loved, but really didn't care for all that much, because it is so bizarre. and its not that i don't like bizarre, offbeat films, if you looks at my "best films" list-- shinju ten no amijima is in there, and i loved katakurike no kofuku!
  • Reply 73 of 81
    [quote]Originally posted by trumptman:

    <strong>I'm sorry I can't name just one...

    1. Dark City... the only movie I have ever... A) Had an entire group actually fall asleep while watching (not at home I'm talking in the actual theater), and B) Wake up and leave the theater

    2. Smokey and the Bandit part 3: A movie so bad even Burt Reynolds wouldn't do it.

    3. Highlander 2: There can be only one... unless you are a race of aliens in another part of the galaxy who send your convicts into the future to fight, then choose to grow up and die or.... yeah you get the point... or probably not....</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Hey! I like Dark City but I'm right there with you on the Highlander 2 thing. Why did they have to ruin such a good thing?!!
  • Reply 74 of 81
    Worst: The Cook, the Thief, His Wife and Her Lover, pretentious at best

    Aliens 3+ (Although I like Aliens)

    Everything put out by Disney in the last 15 years that wasn?t a Pixar film

    Eyes Wide Shut (we had to go sit in the bar for a while in the middle of that one)

    The English Patient

    Thin Red Line (I almost cried in the theatre when I realized it was a three-hour movie. I saw it with a friend and we both wanted to walk out but thought the other person didn?t.)

    Boob Raider, err, I mean Tomb Raider?love the game; hate the movie

    [ 11-12-2002: Message edited by: snelson ]</p>
  • Reply 75 of 81

    How lucky you are to be shielded from some the truly worst movies out there. &lt;insert funny Fellowship phrase&gt;
  • Reply 76 of 81
    No the worst movie EVER created was

  • Reply 77 of 81
    [quote]Originally posted by mntrapper:

    <strong>No the worst movie EVER created was

    BOOGIE NIGHTS</strong><hr></blockquote>

    You are absolutely right. I had wiped that one from my memory. YUCK!
  • Reply 78 of 81
    [quote]Originally posted by snelson:


    You are absolutely right. I had wiped that one from my memory. YUCK!</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I tried to but there was this image at the endaaaaayyyayyyhhnnooooopppplllleeezzzaaaahhhheeel llpppmmmeee
  • Reply 79 of 81
    well... something says do not over look,

    THE ASTRONAUT'S WIFE, (1999), quite possibly the worst movie i've ever seen...

    well.... first that pretentious hollywood woman, charlize theron, is in it..... i thought she was alright in "the devil's advocate," then she just kept on "over-acting" and "over-acting...." and kept on "over-acting" in every other movie since.....

    what was johhy depp thinking in that movie??? <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" />
  • Reply 80 of 81
    cubs23cubs23 Posts: 324member
    Worst movie = Event Horizon
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