Rumor: Google prepping 'Majel' Android voice assistant to counter Apple's Siri



  • Reply 41 of 180
    Originally Posted by AbsoluteDesignz View Post

    Well hey...Apple had to buy it...

    remember that.

    You going to credit Apple with 3D maps when that comes out too?

    You going to credit Google with inventing Android?

    You do not get the right to claim ownership of an idea you bought and tweaked.

    Since a lot of you like to slam Google for having bought Android the same thing goes in all directions.

    I don't want to call a lot of you hypocrites or anything.

    Quoting someone's post, not addressing what they said, and implying he's responsible for replying to your far ranging rants is kind of a dick move.
  • Reply 42 of 180
    sennensennen Posts: 1,472member
    Originally Posted by AbsoluteDesignz View Post

    Well hey...Apple had to buy it...

    remember that.

    You going to credit Apple with 3D maps when that comes out too?

    You going to credit Google with inventing Android?

    You do not get the right to claim ownership of an idea you bought and tweaked.

    Since a lot of you like to slam Google for having bought Android the same thing goes in all directions.

    I don't want to call a lot of you hypocrites or anything.

    Don't get your knickers in a knot. The "Google bought Android" line is always used when proponents of the Android platform criticise Apple for licensing/buying other companies technology and making it work, crying that Apple isn't innovative.
  • Reply 43 of 180
    Originally Posted by Doctor David View Post

    Quoting someone's post, not addressing what they said, and implying he's responsible for replying to your far ranging rants is kind of a dick move.

    That's what she said.
  • Reply 44 of 180
    Originally Posted by Apple v. Samsung View Post

    YES bash the non officially announced feature in android. Bash a rumor.

    Depending on how it is added it could really just be the evolution of the current voice control. If you ask me an honest opinion I will tell you Siri at this point is just a gimmick in a new dress. I think in a few months people will not care to much about it. But this is just my opinion to features that do not add any real functionality to people.

    Even with its limited reach in its current form, it's become essential to my work life. It's easy to jump on the bandwagon and call it a gimmick, but it will last.

    For a single example, I drive everywhere in DC running from appt to appt. it's remarkably efficient to walk away from my car and use Siri to remind me to move my car when my meter expires. No idea how many tickets it's saved me. That alone is no gimmick
  • Reply 45 of 180
    Originally Posted by sennen View Post

    Don't get your knickers in a knot. The "Google bought Android" line is always used when proponents of the Android platform criticise Apple for licensing/buying other companies technology and making it work, crying that Apple isn't innovative.

    I'm sure Google buys more companies than Apple (correct me if I'm wrong) and I've never heard anyone criticize Apple for purchasing a company...especially an Android fan as that would be the biggest WTF.
  • Reply 46 of 180
    sennensennen Posts: 1,472member
    Originally Posted by CharlesS View Post

    Google Voice Actions came out in Froyo, in August 2010. Apple added Siri in August 2011, buying a voice recognition app from a smaller developer in order to quickly catch up.

    Siri isn't voice recognition. Apple added voice control in iOS 4, June 2010.
  • Reply 47 of 180
    Originally Posted by igxqrrl View Post

    That's an interesting perspective; Android has had voice recognition for well over over a year. Yes, Siri is an improvement over what Android offers. And no doubt Google will respond by improving Android.

    Let's not try to pretend that Apple introduced voice recognition. In the smartphone realm they're a late player to the game.

    Apple has had voice recognition for as long or longer. It sucked just as bad as googles
  • Reply 48 of 180
    Originally Posted by Santoanderson View Post

    Oh yeah, Droid has had voice recognition, but it doesn't hold a candle to Siri. I'm thinking of half a dozen Youtube videos wherein the author gives verbal commands to a new iPhone 4s and a new Droid handset sitting side by side on a coffee table. The author asks them both to find a Pizza shop near San Francisco. Siri pops up with a map of Pizza Huts, Dominos, Little Caesars, etc, and the Droid starts playing some Bowie song whose title apparently sounds like "San Francisco Pizza Shop".

    I'm trying to think of a Bowie song that sounds like "San Fransisco Pizza Shop"...

    I'm going with "Black Country Rock" for the win Bob.
  • Reply 49 of 180
    swiftswift Posts: 436member
    The point is, what's important?

    One: natural language. Not being stuck in a tiresome "nerd talking to computer using commands" mode is very important. (Uh, the Mac had voice commands back into the '90s. I don't remember which version of the OS it started with. Everybody's wanted to get real intelligence in an agent for a long, long time. Now it works well enough to release something very cool. And Apple, or Google, or anyone else, does not have to reinvent the wheel. A strategic purchase is just fine.)

    Two: being hooked up to databases. Remember the IBM computer winning Jeopardy? That would be great, but you can't put that on 10 million phones all at once. What Apple has is tight integration with a small number of databases. It will obviously expand into a bigger and bigger deal.

    Three: The personality of the agent is a critical part of having it be popular, and a real, used feature. The Apple team did a great job with Siri. All those programmers are good scriptwriters. I'd like to have the "real" Siri as my assistant. But the original Siri app didn't have this character at all. It interacted with you by text, not voice. And no-one would ask the app to marry. That's important. People bond in some way with Siri.

    Oh, I forgot. Emotions and artistic considerations are BAD, and IRRELEVANT for computers, which are the province of engineers only. I'm glad real people don't feel that way.
  • Reply 50 of 180
    sennensennen Posts: 1,472member
    Originally Posted by AbsoluteDesignz View Post

    I'm sure Google buys more companies than Apple (correct me if I'm wrong) and I've never heard anyone criticize Apple for purchasing a company...especially an Android fan as that would be the biggest WTF.

    Um, it happened in this very thread. It's always used in claims that Apple doesn't innovate, it just rdf's. Having a blonde moment?@!
  • Reply 51 of 180
    Google is a "1000 monkeys" company.

    They see a company (a competitor or not) do something cool and think that they can do the same by throwing a 1000 engineers or a heap of cash together to get something similar.

    Sometimes the monkeys are successful, but mostly they just get a half-assed result that goes most of the way so they can say "me too!".

    Sometimes my statements are simplistic.
  • Reply 52 of 180
    Originally Posted by AbsoluteDesignz View Post

    That's what she said.

    Quick change the subject to a joke that's years old. You wouldn't want to have to back up your bullsh!t now would you?
  • Reply 53 of 180
    iqatedoiqatedo Posts: 1,829member
    Originally Posted by AbsoluteDesignz View Post

    Well hey...Apple had to buy it...

    remember that.

    You going to credit Apple with 3D maps when that comes out too?

    You going to credit Google with inventing Android?

    You do not get the right to claim ownership of an idea you bought and tweaked.

    Since a lot of you like to slam Google for having bought Android the same thing goes in all directions.

    I don't want to call a lot of you hypocrites or anything.

    I had to unhide your post to see your criticism of mine.

    Are you suggesting that Apple just buys a technology and says - 'okay, now you're iOS'?

    In business, what is wrong with buying a technology or capability? Maybe others should try that approach.
  • Reply 54 of 180
    Originally Posted by tikiman View Post

    Except... if it ended up SPEAKING in the voice of the Star Trek computer, that would earn some serious brownie points.

    No kidding! Especially since the aforementioned Ms. Barrett-Roddenberry died in 2008. (RIP Ms. Barrett-Roddenberry)
  • Reply 55 of 180
    Originally Posted by IQatEdo View Post

    If this was so obvious and so simple, why hasn't everyone else done it?

    Time travel, light speed space travel, and artificial intilligence are also VERY OLD ideas, but they haven't been implemented yet either. I wouldn't be surprised if apple did first
  • Reply 56 of 180
    Originally Posted by AbsoluteDesignz View Post

    A) this is a rumor

    B) this is just an evolution of voice actions, something which already exists on Android and has for a while

    C) Apple didn't invent Siri

    D) Apple has no monopoly on voice action, voice control, etc etc etc.

    I could give a crap whether Apple or Google or whoever came up with it first. All I know is that when Apple released the iPhone 4S with Siri, they implemented it first in the best way so far and that's all that matters to me. Apparently, Google and Microsoft have some Siri envy to have to first knock it and then copy it or tout their own lame implementation of it.

    I used Google voice recognition buried in their app on the iPhone a couple of times but it was too cumbersome to use and only did their searches. Whoopee Fucking Doo.

    You Fandroids and Fanbois can have your childish argument about innovation, blah, blah, blah.

    (Dictated using Siri btw)
  • Reply 57 of 180
    1) Siri is much changed from when the stand along app Apple bought. The efforts taken on the front and back end to integrate it into the device itself are world's ahead of everyone else.

    2) So far it looks like Google only has an idea, and a sloppy one at that. "Let's copy the voice of the ST computer. We'll call it Majel, but we don't want it to have a personality. We'll just call it 'Computer'" How annoying would that be if Android users are walking around saying Computer before speaking a command. The brightside is it won't be well ingrained with system so its usefulness will be limited.

    3) Sounds like Google might be trying to get something prepped for a tech show coming up but I wouldn't imagine anything until the next version of Android v5.0 Jellybean(?). I can see them freely adding APIs without much control so that apps will interfere with other or that usage will require to voice every step of a command. Those may not happen but so far that is the myopic view Android has taken with everything. IOW, instead of improving a technology they just do enough to say 'me too".
  • Reply 58 of 180
    Originally Posted by openminded View Post

    HAHAHA. Apple purchased the company that created Siri. Siri isn't even Apple's idea to being with. Try having some knowledge about the subject before posting. And speech recognition is a VERY old idea. Yes there have been some advancements, but Apple has nothing to do with them.

    Time travel, light speed space travel, and artificial intilligence are also VERY OLD ideas, but they haven't been implemented yet either. I wouldn't be surprised if apple did first
  • Reply 59 of 180
    Originally Posted by sennen View Post

    Google purchased the company that created Android.

    Yeeeaaaa, I kinda, sorta already knew that. Nobody here said otherwise.

    What you said is the perfect example of if somebody says something bad about Apple you automatically assume that they are aligned with Google spies. A LOT of the people commenting about Google and other companies used Microsoft Windows up until about 3-4 years ago when Apple REALLY started to gain some ground. It comes down to PREFERENCE. Who gives a shit about who came up with what first. If Google can make something better than Siri, don't you think that is better for the industry as a whole because then Apple will be forced to make Siri even better? No, that's not the case, you trash anything that isn't Apple. The only fool here is you and people like you.
  • Reply 60 of 180
    sennensennen Posts: 1,472member
    Originally Posted by Psych_guy View Post

    I could give a crap whether Apple or Google or whoever came up with it first. All I know is that when Apple released the iPhone 4S with Siri, they implemented it first in the best way so far and that's all that matters to me. Apparently, Google and Microsoft have some Siri envy to have to first knock it and then copy it or tout their own lame implementation of it.

    I used Google voice recognition buried in their app on the iPhone a couple of times but it was too cumbersome to use and only did their searches. Whoopee Fucking Doo.

    You Fandroids and Fanbois can have your childish argument about innovation, blah, blah, blah.

    (Dictated using Siri btw)

    I don't even care if they come up with their own version. I just love the hypocrisy of the bs that they spout about people not wanting to speak to a computer, that people don't want an assistant etc etc whilst in the background they are scrambling to come up with something of their own (or copy Apple's).
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