Apple backlash...?

in AppleOutsider edited April 2014
With the recent surge of anti Apple campaigns like that of Samsung and the surfacing of derogatory terms like Apple cult, Apple groupie, and Apple fan boy. Do you guys think the negative ads or the "name calling" will affect Apple at all?

I read some post recently about Apple groupies and it said that woman who only buy Apple products were a top 100 Red Flag in terms of being undatable woman.

What say you Apple Insiders? Is this something that Apple loving ladies need to worry about?


  • Reply 1 of 12
    In their ads, Samsung is insulting the people they're trying to get to buy their products.


    This can't possibly go any way but 'exceedingly poorly' for Samsung. It won't have any affect on Apple.

    We wait in line for our products. Since their products aren't worth waiting, all they can do is make fun of what they can never have.
  • Reply 2 of 12
    piotpiot Posts: 1,346member
    Originally Posted by bberra View Post

    What say you Apple Insiders? Is this something that Apple loving ladies need to worry about?

    Me say you just spammin' yur blog.
  • Reply 3 of 12
    marvfoxmarvfox Posts: 2,275member
    Originally Posted by bberra View Post

    With the recent surge of anti Apple campaigns like that of Samsung and the surfacing of derogatory terms like Apple cult, Apple groupie, and Apple fan boy. Do you guys think the negative ads or the "name calling" will affect Apple at all?

    I read some post recently about Apple groupies and it said that woman who only buy Apple products were a top 100 Red Flag in terms of being undatable woman.

    What say you Apple Insiders? Is this something that Apple loving ladies need to worry about?

    Apple is nothing to worry about regarding women consumers buying their products.Do not believe everything you read.
  • Reply 4 of 12
    marvfoxmarvfox Posts: 2,275member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    In their ads, Samsung is insulting the people they're trying to get to buy their products.

    This can't possibly go any way but 'exceedingly poorly' for Samsung. It won't have any affect on Apple.

    We wait in line for our products. Since their products aren't worth waiting, all they can do is make fun of what they can never have.

    For your information Samsung is number 1 in Asia today.Do not knock Samsung their products especially the computer monitors and televisions are more superior than Sony and other brands.
  • Reply 5 of 12
    Originally Posted by marvfox View Post

    For your information Samsung is number 1 in Asia today.Do not knock Samsung their products especially the computer monitors and televisions are more superior than Sony and other brands.

    Ever waited in line for a Samsung TV?
  • Reply 6 of 12
    marvfoxmarvfox Posts: 2,275member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Ever waited in line for a Samsung TV?

    I own one and I am very content with it and their refs also.
  • Reply 7 of 12
    There has always been a simmering dislike of Apple the company, as well as its customers. In the past it was restricted to the nerdier reaches of the computing community, but as Apple has gone from success to success, its manifesting itself in broader society.

    I sometimes feel a little sorry for popular Tech. Writers: David Pogue, Farhad Manjoo; Walt Mossberg; etc. They literally cannot write a column that mentions an Apple product without inviting a storm of snark calling them shills or fanboys.

    I will say this, much of the current generation of Samsung-wielding Applehaters is a particularly unpleasant bunch. In the old days the discussions between the old IBM/Windows crowd and the Mac folks was on the lines of good-natured (and often self-deprecating) kidding. These days the Fandroids seem to swarm any site or blog that discusses the iPhone, iPad etc. with the sole intention of stirring up trouble. The old DOS/Windows guys you could at least respect for their ability to navigate command lines and config. sys files. Fandroids seem to think their ability to stream Pandora while playing Angry Birds makes them some sort of power user.
  • Reply 8 of 12
    Originally Posted by Drew63 View Post

    The old DOS/Windows guys you could at least respect for their ability to navigate command lines and config. sys files. Fandroids seem to think their ability to stream Pandora while playing Angry Birds makes them some sort of power user.

    Never thought of it that way. Kinda true. But what about "rooting" Android stuff... That's supposed to be 1337

    Coming back to Windows, indeed we had PC users who knew about stuff like loading drivers, installing Windows and building their own systems and custom rigs, etc. Now the average PC user is probably someone with a craptop dying to get a Mac "when the time is right", "when they have the money", "when it is compatible", etc.

    The "battle" has shifted to Android vs iOS, and is indeed more silly than PC vs Mac ever was.
  • Reply 9 of 12
    the whole Android vs iOS thing makes me LOL. There was a heated debate in one of my science classes....even the prof got involved.
  • Reply 10 of 12
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,428member
    Originally Posted by Eric S View Post

    the whole Android vs iOS thing makes me LOL. There was a heated debate in one of my science classes....even the prof got involved.

    That was probably interesting. I'm sure you covered the "open vs closed" system with the whole gamut of debate.
  • Reply 11 of 12
    ingsocingsoc Posts: 212member

    Originally Posted by Drew63 View Post

    There has always been a simmering dislike of Apple the company, as well as its customers. In the past it was restricted to the nerdier reaches of the computing community, but as Apple has gone from success to success, its manifesting itself in broader society.

    I sometimes feel a little sorry for popular Tech. Writers: David Pogue, Farhad Manjoo; Walt Mossberg; etc. They literally cannot write a column that mentions an Apple product without inviting a storm of snark calling them shills or fanboys.

    I will say this, much of the current generation of Samsung-wielding Applehaters is a particularly unpleasant bunch. In the old days the discussions between the old IBM/Windows crowd and the Mac folks was on the lines of good-natured (and often self-deprecating) kidding. These days the Fandroids seem to swarm any site or blog that discusses the iPhone, iPad etc. with the sole intention of stirring up trouble. The old DOS/Windows guys you could at least respect for their ability to navigate command lines and config. sys files. Fandroids seem to think their ability to stream Pandora while playing Angry Birds makes them some sort of power user.


    Perfect description of the current state of affairs.

    I just started a thread about this particular topic in order to explore some of the deeper motivations, but honestly, I think your post sums things up beautifully.

  • Reply 12 of 12

    It's true. I think so too.

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