Samsung overtakes Apple's iPhone in Australia as patent battle continues



  • Reply 81 of 96
    conradjoeconradjoe Posts: 1,887member
    Originally Posted by Galbi View Post

    If that was truly the case, there wont be any sales in Korea for iPhones.

    But you have to admit that Korea is the only place in the world where Samsung sells more smartphones than Apple does.
  • Reply 82 of 96
    sennensennen Posts: 1,472member
    Originally Posted by cggr View Post

    Whether you take me seriously or not is irrelevant. The problem remains. Attack the ball - not the man mate. It just makes you look - well - small.

    I haven't seen anyone attack you, just disagree with you. People are going for the ball and yet the man falls over - I'd yellow card you for simulation, to be honest.

    There is little doubt that one day Apple will lose it's cache with the mass market, fall from the lofty height it is presently climbing. But they are in a unique position, perhaps, in that they are being very wise with the massive profits they are currently making and also in that they have shown that they are willing to cannibalise their own products in order to disrupt the market, rather than holding onto their existing territories too tightly. The fall will come eventually, new disruptive players will come eventually, but they may be able to mitigate it's extent and still remain an important, innovative player. There's a famous line from the old British comedy "Dad's Army" that comes to mind...
  • Reply 83 of 96
    Originally Posted by broadbean View Post

    It's strange that whenever I see mobile phones being used around the local shopping centre (in Sydney), there'd be five or six iPhones to every non iPhone user.

    Yes, I would make a similar comment about Melbourne. But perhaps that is because I find it difficult to distinguish between Samsung phones and iPhone because Samsung have done such a good job of copying the physical appearance of the iPhone?
  • Reply 84 of 96
    Originally Posted by slapppy View Post

    Slammed? Where? All I see is denial from Apple users. If Android is not profitable, then why are all these hardware vendors still producing products? It's not slowing down at all. The smartphone market is growing...with Android, not Apple/iOS. So clearly companies are making money. They will continue to do so and more Android Smartphones and soon Tablets will proliferate the market. Its so strange how strong Apple users are in such denial when the truth and future is showed to them.

    If all those other companies are making money and will still be in business... so will Apple.

    You seem to think that if you're not #1 in market share... you're nothing. That's clearly not the case. Apple has figured out that if you sell 17 million $600 smart phones in a quarter... you can maintain a healthy profit regardless of what the other guys are doing.

    BTW... Android already has more market share than the iPhone. I find it funny that you say things like "Android will own the market..." and "It's Windows vs the Mac all over again..."

    You don't even realize that you can start celebrating... Android "won" the smart phone battle. So, what's different now that Android "owns" the market? Anything new on the horizon?

    Maybe Google can celebrate... and try to turn that market share into money... but some Android OEMs aren't doing as well:

    -- "This also makes it the fifth losing quarter in a row for LG?s mobile division." - Q3 2011

    -- "Motorola Mobility Holdings Inc. said Thursday that it had a net loss of $32 million" - Q3 2011

    Google's market share numbers go up every time an Android phone is sold... even if the OEM's financial numbers go down. It's a win for Google all around.

    Which makes sense... Google provides an OS that can be found on hundreds of devices from a dozens manufacturers.

    So is that an automatic "win" for Google? Do they really "own" the market even though they only provide software?

    If you think OS market share is the ultimate yardstick... sure. However... scrappy li'l Apple is going in a different direction by selling hardware... and it's working out for them.
  • Reply 85 of 96
    sennensennen Posts: 1,472member
    Originally Posted by Michael Scrip View Post

    You seem to think that if you're not #1 in market share... you're nothing. That's clearly not the case. Apple has figured out that if you sell 17 million $600 smart phones in a quarter... you can maintain a healthy profit regardless of what the other guys are doing.

    And scarily enough, some are forecasting 35million handset sales this quarter for Apple...
  • Reply 86 of 96
    hentaiboyhentaiboy Posts: 1,252member
    Originally Posted by s4bones View Post

    When I have to take care of business in a "not so great" part of town, the majority of phones I see are not iPhones..

    Underbelly RAZR
  • Reply 87 of 96
    cggrcggr Posts: 37member
    Originally Posted by stelligent View Post

    Except, some of your facts aren't. (But some are.)

    Actually they are. But clearly you know better so we'll leave it there.
  • Reply 88 of 96
    cggrcggr Posts: 37member
    Originally Posted by sennen View Post

    I haven't seen anyone attack you, just disagree with you. People are going for the ball and yet the man falls over - I'd yellow card you for simulation, to be honest.

    There is little doubt that one day Apple will lose it's cache with the mass market, fall from the lofty height it is presently climbing. But they are in a unique position, perhaps, in that they are being very wise with the massive profits they are currently making and also in that they have shown that they are willing to cannibalise their own products in order to disrupt the market, rather than holding onto their existing territories too tightly. The fall will come eventually, new disruptive players will come eventually, but they may be able to mitigate it's extent and still remain an important, innovative player. There's a famous line from the old British comedy "Dad's Army" that comes to mind...

    Appealing to the masses with "I havent seen - have YOU guys"? is a cheap parlour debating trick more suited to schoolboy (and particularly preppy Sydney Grammar boys as they grasp with the nuances of english that weren't taught at kumon school for NESBS teams on a Friday night) than an open conversation. The post you quote was actually a response (had you read it) to a post stating that I couldn't be taken seriously.

    Yellow card? Oh - you must been ethic football. I've never seen the game. I believe new australians sometimes play it. Keeps them gainfully occupied - giving them a break from the day to day rigours of their professional tax avoidance and sometimes planning the odd terror attack. There aren't yellow cards in australian football - because we don't simulate.
  • Reply 89 of 96
    cggrcggr Posts: 37member
    Last post. Haters / Doubters / Disputers - there is a massive problem with letting android proliferate by selling cheap crap ophones en mass to cheap networks. History has shown that price wins. I just hope apple realise so that we don't go back to the days of having the shiniest power-pc computer on the block - with all the smugness of being elite - but none of the support or software. I believe that will happen unless apple roll up its sleeves and "go ugly early" - price match with the cheap (shit) asian phone makers LG & Samsung in the pov markets around the world - including Aust & NZ
  • Reply 90 of 96
    Originally Posted by cggr View Post

    ?none of the support or software.

    I'm fairly certain that with the existence of the Internet and the current base of 500,000 mobile apps and 100,000 desktop applications that this can never happen again.
  • Reply 91 of 96
    piotpiot Posts: 1,346member
    Originally Posted by cggr View Post

    Last post. Haters / Doubters / Disputers - there is a massive problem with letting android proliferate by selling cheap crap ophones en mass to cheap networks. History has shown that price wins.

    Do you live in a bubble? You seem to have no idea about what's happening out there.

    All the PC companies desperately trying to back away from cheap crap netbooks.

    The biggest PC maker, HP making 6 dollars profit per unit... And wandering what to do with their PC business.

    The largest phone maker, Nokia, making losses... just like a lot of the other phone OEMs.

    Obviously, Apple's business model is a little over your head.
  • Reply 92 of 96
    Are people seriously still questioning whether or not Samsung ripped off the iPhone? They designed the Galaxy to look like an iPhone, from the overall form-factor, down to the chrome bezel surrounding the face. Hell, some could argue that even the 'S' moniker was lifted from Apple's "3GS". It would appear that the argument is no longer "Did they do it" and has become "Is stealing really that bad?"
  • Reply 93 of 96
    Originally Posted by cggr View Post

    Last post. Haters / Doubters / Disputers - there is a massive problem with letting android proliferate by selling cheap crap ophones en mass to cheap networks. History has shown that price wins.

    Wins what... the chance to say "we sell the most things" ?

    What exactly is this game you seem to think Apple is playing?

    Since you mentioned price... you realize money has something to do with all of this... both with the price of the phone for consumers and the profit for the manufacturers.

    So, if Apple can make more money than all the other smartphone manufacturers combined... yet only hold 15% of the smartphone market... doesn't that mean they are winning?

    Originally Posted by cggr View Post

    I believe that will happen unless apple roll up its sleeves and "go ugly early" - price match with the cheap (shit) asian phone makers LG & Samsung in the pov markets around the world.

    Apple already makes a "free" phone. There's not much else they can do.

    Apple will never outsell Android in volume. And that's OK.
  • Reply 94 of 96
    sennensennen Posts: 1,472member
    Originally Posted by cggr View Post

    There aren't yellow cards in australian football - because we don't simulate.

    Tell that to Matthew Lloyd (and all the other Australian Rules Football players as they play for free kicks). As for the rest of your bunk, you pretty well condemn yourself.
  • Reply 95 of 96
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by cggr View Post

    We disagree. Optus and Vodafone are targeted at the cheap and cheerful phone users who have not got the same reliance on coverage/data speeds. 3 resells much of Vodafone airspace although I think it has it's own towers too. Not sure. Never used them.

    Since 3 and Vodafone Au have the same parent, wouldn't it make sense for 3 to use the Vodafone towers?
  • Reply 96 of 96
    sennensennen Posts: 1,472member
    Until taken over by Vodafone, 3 used Telstra's towers. So within metropolitan (non-roaming) areas performance (call and 3G) was quite good.
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