Unverified photo may show pre-production iPad 3 Retina Display

in iPad edited January 2014
An unverified photo from a Korean Apple forum claims to detail the rumored iPad 3's display, and reveals a subtle change from the iPad 2 that could suggest a higher resolution panel is being sourced for the upcoming tablet.

An image published to a Korean forum (via MacRumors) on Friday claims to be a photo of the much rumored iPad 3's high-resolution display, showing a component that has three ribbon cable connectors instead of the two found on current iterations of the device.

Little to no information accompanied the photo, however it is believed that the image is a comparison shot of a current iPad 2 panel sitting above an alleged iPad 3 display. Clearly illustrated are the three ribbon cables attached to the new component in a totally new configuration.

While the iPad 2's cables are known to be for power and data transfer, the extra cable in the photo is thought to provide for the bandwidth necessary to power a display capable of Retina display-like resolutions.

Recent reports have suggested that Apple will be using an IGZO panel capable of a 330 dots-per-inch resolution, and are in line with a The Wall Street Journal claim that Apple had invested a substantial amount of capital in Sharp's LCD manufacturing facilities.

Apple is rumored to be releasing the new tablet sometime in early 2012 and may include a next-generation A6 processor along with the suggested Retina Display.


  • Reply 1 of 50
    Its Android not iPad
  • Reply 2 of 50
    Originally Posted by ElectroTech View Post

    Its Android not iPad

    Damn, that's a big phone!
  • Reply 3 of 50
    So we have what might be the iPad 2 display, might not, above a display that might be the iPad 3 display or might be an iPad 2 display but someone flipped over the little connector bar so folks can't see where they glued on another copper piece, or it might be something not Apple at all. All turned off so we can't really tell anything about any of them.

    bit of a reach I'd say
  • Reply 4 of 50
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    Originally Posted by ElectroTech View Post

    Its Android not iPad

    whatever it is, it is definitely not an OS
  • Reply 5 of 50
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    Originally Posted by MobiusStrip View Post

    This would be typical of Apple. Introduce a pointlessly higher-resolution screen (wasting memory and processing resources) instead of addressing the two problems that plague the current screens:

    1. GLOSS. Apple continues to embarrass itself with ignorant glossy screens. Since when does a "leader" take cues from the third-tier plastic schlock being peddled at Best Buy? If you're Apple, since about five years ago. Glossy screens are the biggest regression in the history of consumer computing.

    2. Polarization angle, which makes the iPad's screen blank in portrait orientation with good (polarized) sunglasses. Most mobile applications (and vehicle mounts, like a pilot's kneeboard) call for the device to be upright (in portrait orientation). But Apple has failed to have its manufacturer polarize the screen at the appropriate angle. Therefore, it's only visible in landscape orientation:

    yeah those are the most important things ever.
  • Reply 6 of 50
    Originally Posted by MobiusStrip View Post

    This would be typical of Apple. Introduce a pointlessly higher-resolution screen (wasting memory and processing resources) instead of addressing the two problems that plague the current screens:

    1. GLOSS. Apple continues to embarrass itself with ignorant glossy screens. Since when does a "leader" take cues from the third-tier plastic schlock being peddled at Best Buy? If you're Apple, since about five years ago. Glossy screens are the biggest regression in the history of consumer computing.

    2. Polarization angle, which makes the iPad's screen blank in portrait orientation with good (polarized) sunglasses. Most mobile applications (and vehicle mounts, like a pilot's kneeboard) call for the device to be upright (in portrait orientation). But Apple has failed to have its manufacturer polarize the screen at the appropriate angle. Therefore, it's only visible in landscape orientation:

    Blah blah blah.....matte screen protector....take the damn glasses off.
  • Reply 7 of 50
    Originally Posted by asdasd View Post

    yeah those are the most important things ever.

    Lol. Exact same thought
  • Reply 8 of 50
    herbapouherbapou Posts: 2,228member
    Originally Posted by asdasd View Post

    yeah those are the most important things ever.

    I think those are minor problems too. I gave up on using the iPad outdoor and i am thinking of buying an e-ink device for reading but I wish someone could make a bigger model.

    If those pics are real it looks like the iPad 3 will stay with the same screen size.
  • Reply 9 of 50
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    I wouldn't say that an extra ribbon connector was a "subtle" change. Does anyone happen to know if autostereoscopic displays need separate video feeds like this for left and right data? You see where I'm going with this . . . ?
  • Reply 10 of 50
    Originally Posted by Flaneur View Post

    I wouldn't say that an extra ribbon connector was a "subtle" change. Does anyone happen to know if autostereoscopic displays need separate video feeds like this for left and right data? You see where I'm going with this . . . ?

    Yeah, because demand for iPad has dwindled to the point that they feel putting useless gimmicks like 3D into it is the only way to prop up sales now?

    3D devices have already failed. It's been two or three consecutive years now that the manufacturers have been pushing 3D TV's and gaming machines down everyone's throat and pretty much no one has bought into the idea yet.

    It's a gimmick. It was a gimmick in the 1950's when it first came out, a gimmick in the 1970's when it was also "the next big thing" and a gimmick today. It's not even new technology. It's accomplished using basically the same basic methods as were used in the 50's.

    If you are really into buying 3D gear though don't worry. It will take a few more years to die out so you can still buy all your stuff now. It should come around again in 2040 also.
  • Reply 11 of 50
    Originally Posted by Flaneur View Post

    I wouldn't say that an extra ribbon connector was a "subtle" change. Does anyone happen to know if autostereoscopic displays need separate video feeds like this for left and right data? You see where I'm going with this . . . ?

    No way is 3D being added, and no one on Earth makes TEN INCH, 2048x1536 autostereoscopic panels.

    Not until the end of the decade at best.
  • Reply 12 of 50
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    Yeah, because demand for iPad has dwindled to the point that they feel putting useless gimmicks like 3D into it is the only way to prop up sales now?

    3D devices have already failed. It's been two or three consecutive years now that the manufacturers have been pushing 3D TV's and gaming machines down everyone's throat and pretty much no one has bought into the idea yet.

    It's a gimmick. It was a gimmick in the 1950's when it first came out, a gimmick in the 1970's when it was also "the next big thing" and a gimmick today. It's not even new technology. It's accomplished using basically the same basic methods as were used in the 50's.

    If you are really into buying 3D gear though don't worry. It will take a few more years to die out so you can still buy all your stuff now. It should come around again in 2040 also.

    Well, I guess we know where you stand on the issue.

    I agree that 3D is a gimmick, but so is photography, color photography, movies, color and sound movies, etc. The difference between now and the 50s is a little thing called digital.

    Photographing space and texture are imperatives, not luxuries. But you don't have to watch, that's your choice.
  • Reply 13 of 50
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    Yeah, because demand for iPad has dwindled to the point that they feel putting useless gimmicks like 3D into it is the only way to prop up sales now?

    3D devices have already failed. It's been two or three consecutive years now that the manufacturers have been pushing 3D TV's and gaming machines down everyone's throat and pretty much no one has bought into the idea yet.

    It's a gimmick. It was a gimmick in the 1950's when it first came out, a gimmick in the 1970's when it was also "the next big thing" and a gimmick today. It's not even new technology. It's accomplished using basically the same basic methods as were used in the 50's.

    If you are really into buying 3D gear though don't worry. It will take a few more years to die out so you can still buy all your stuff now. It should come around again in 2040 also.

  • Reply 14 of 50
    Originally Posted by Flaneur

    Well, I guess we know where you stand on the issue.

    3D is a gimmick, but so is photography, color photography, movies, color and sound movies, etc.

    Comparing the current implementations of 3D to today's arguably mature and non-gimmicky categories of photography and movies is plain silly. 3D is a joke. It is a novelty, and a lame one at that. Movies are intended to transport you into another world, another time, another circumstance, etc. 3D does only one thing really well: it rips you out of the medium and slams you right back into reality, reminding you that you're just watching a silly screen with silly hardware on your face after paying stupid money to get an inferior experience which you're now trying desperately to convince yourself wasn't a huge waste of your paycheck. Only, it was.

    So you got duped, just like me. The question is, will you make the same mistake twice, or get yourself royally screwed by spending inordinate amounts of money on a home theatre setup that's just as 3D and just as lame?

    I know I won't.
  • Reply 15 of 50
    tylerk36tylerk36 Posts: 1,037member
    This is the new iPad 3 dubbed iBoard. It also works as a floatation device.

  • Reply 16 of 50
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by Flaneur View Post

    Well, I guess we know where you stand on the issue.

    I agree that 3D is a gimmick, but so is photography, color photography, movies, color and sound movies, etc. The difference between now and the 50s is a little thing called digital.

    Photographing space and texture are imperatives, not luxuries. But you don't have to watch, that's your choice.

    Right now 3D is a gimmick. In a few years it may not be. One major problem is the content. There isn't a lot of good 3D content yet. Right now, consumers are rejecting 3D.
  • Reply 17 of 50
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    One major problem is the content.

    In terms of content, it's not really gonna change. Movie quality has been trending downward for a good long while now. When the best blockbusters Hollywood has to offer are already in 3D and people don't really care, it makes me think that's not the issue.

    What would have made people accept 3D is lack of glasses. Who wants to wear glasses to watch a movie/tv/game/whatever? And what about the people who ALREADY wear glasses?

    It's just not… you know.
  • Reply 18 of 50
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Right now 3D is a gimmick. In a few years it may not be. One major problem is the content. There isn't a lot of good 3D content yet. Right now, consumers are rejecting 3D.

    Don't forget that some people can't view 3D without nausea or eyestrain. I'm in the latter category. My mom received a 3D tv for Christmas, and I can't watch it for 15 minutes without my eyes aching.
  • Reply 19 of 50
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Right now 3D is a gimmick. In a few years it may not be. One major problem is the content. There isn't a lot of good 3D content yet. Right now, consumers are rejecting 3D.

    What out. Haggar will remember your balanced comment as "Apple will never offer 3D displays."
  • Reply 20 of 50
    Originally Posted by MobiusStrip View Post

    This would be typical of Apple. Introduce a pointlessly higher-resolution screen (wasting memory and processing resources) instead of addressing the two problems that plague the current screens:

    1. GLOSS. Apple continues to embarrass itself with ignorant glossy screens. Since when does a "leader" take cues from the third-tier plastic schlock being peddled at Best Buy? If you're Apple, since about five years ago. Meanwhile, E-readers clearly demonstrate the superiority of matte screens. Glossy screens are the biggest regression in the history of consumer computing.

    2. Polarization angle, which makes the iPad's screen blank in portrait orientation with good (polarized) sunglasses. Most mobile applications (and vehicle mounts, like a pilot's kneeboard) call for the device to be upright (in portrait orientation); and in these environments people are often wearing sunglasses. But Apple has failed to have its manufacturer polarize the screen at the appropriate angle. Therefore, it's only visible in landscape orientation:

    This needs to be reversed. It makes no sense to give priority to landscape orientation for sunglass-wearers. They're not watching movies with sunglasses on.

    1. e-readers as in e-ink you mean? Honestly I see glossy matte issues - i pay more for matte MacBooks, but i hardly think "embarrassment" is appropriates- Apple had to choose - many like the choice - some do not

    2. When one uses an iPad (by the passenger of course) for navigation while driving - Navigon for example - navigation is better in landscape mode - I think Apple got it right!
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