Atari's legal threats prompt Apple to pull some games from iOS App Store



  • Reply 21 of 30
    jonoromjonorom Posts: 293member
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    I always wonder about these "Hippies smell bad" comments when they come up. Most hippies I ever met smell fine but most businessmen I have met smell like sweat and have coffee, cigarettes, or scotch on their breath (or all of the above mixed together).

    I think this is another one of those popular misconceptions along the lines of "women are bad drivers" (in fact they are better drivers on average than men are). It makes one wonder what the cultural necessity is at the root of the misconception.

    The benefit of the wide-spread illusion that women are bad drivers in a male dominated society is rather obvious, but why do we need to believe that hippies "smell bad?"

    Speaking as a genuine (former) hippie, I suspect that I DID smell bad to the average American. I lived at Wheelers Ranch (look it up) with basically no running water, but we had a community steam bath every Sunday. So what?

    I also think that the people working at Atari were NOT Hippies. If they smelled "bad" it was poor hygiene. So don't insult the Hippies by comparing trm to those loser Atari slaves.
  • Reply 22 of 30
    jonoromjonorom Posts: 293member
    Duplicate post.

    Damn it's hard to edit on an iPhone!
  • Reply 23 of 30
    chris_cachris_ca Posts: 2,543member
    Originally Posted by JONOROM View Post

    I also think that the people working at Atari were NOT Hippies. If they smelled "bad" it was poor hygiene. So don't insult the Hippies by comparing trm to those loser Atari slaves.

    You'll have to take this up with Don Lang, Atari engineer, who would not work with Steve Jobs because he (Jobs) was "a g.d. hippie with b.o."
  • Reply 24 of 30
    stourquestourque Posts: 364member
    Originally Posted by Chris_CA View Post

    You'll have to take this up with Don Lang, Atari engineer, who would not work with Steve Jobs because he (Jobs) was "a g.d. hippie with b.o."

    And because of his different diets it was said that he felt he did not need to shower. Hence the bad odour. I did not mean to insult any hippies. I would have been one, but I was 10 years too late.
  • Reply 25 of 30
    davendaven Posts: 702member
    How close of a copy are the apps? Most games are shooter type games and it seems to me that you can make a knockoff with enough changes where it wouldn't infringe. The basis for most old games seems to be kill all the bad guys and move to the next level. Why not do their own twist on an Atari game instead of a direct copy?
  • Reply 26 of 30
    Really glad I got imame while it was in the app store! I never liked Battlezone (always seemed to get shot from behind), but I've managed to load Donkey Kong, Mario Bros, Defender, Joust, and Punch Out. I'm still looking for a working Popeye rom and a few others. I would be more than happy to pay for legit copies if they were available. I have bought plenty of retro games that have legit ports. Pac man, Mrs Pac man, Galaga, Dragons lair, frogger, and probably a few others so it's not like I want to just swipe free games. I must admit a small thrill from hunting for working roms and then seeing them start IF the rom is not missing files or the wrong version or something. Any way I see an iCade box in my near future. (Class of '86)
  • Reply 27 of 30
    ssquirrelssquirrel Posts: 1,196member
    Yeah I don't see how anyone can think Vector Tanks isn't just a kicked up version of Battlezone. Just like that K C Munchkin is quite clearly a ripoff of Pac Man. You may not agree that something like that should be actionable, but it has been for quite a long time.

    EDIT: Looking at it, Vector Tanks does look like it's a ton of fun, but so was Battlezone
  • Reply 28 of 30
    bedouinbedouin Posts: 331member
    Battlezone is in their Atari Arcade Classics pack, so I can kind of understand this. It's diverting attention away from their own product. Not that I think Atari is right for doing this, but -- I can understand.
  • Reply 29 of 30
    shaoshao Posts: 39member
    Originally Posted by Stourque View Post

    I wonder if Atari still hire hippies who smell bad and make them work the night shift?

    no, they work for apple now.

    source, "steve jobs: the exclusive biography"
  • Reply 30 of 30
    Originally Posted by Stourque View Post

    I wonder if Atari still hire hippies who smell bad and make them work the night shift?

    Different Atari. That Atari (Atari Inc.) went under in 1984. The current Atari is a rebranded Infogrames SA.

    As far as the claim in the article on no communication, I'm not so sure about that. The author of this game is the same one that was previously contacted by them to remove his copy of their Adventure game, which was literally a direct reproduction of the original 2600 game on iOS. Likewise, they have a direct program specifically for smaller companies to work with them and license properties -

    That being said, Atari SA should also be considering how actions like these (this isn't the first time apps have been forced out of the app store by them) effect the brand's fans. With things as bad for the company as they are right now and not a lot of good remakes of older IP from them, they should consider approaching some of the better offenders to become official ports instead of issuing cease and desists. PR wise 2011 was a terrible year for them with stuff like this.

    Here's Atari SA's official response btw:
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