Google shares sink after Q4 earnings miss Wall Street expectations



  • Reply 21 of 72
    quinneyquinney Posts: 2,528member
    Originally Posted by shompa View Post

    Just last night I could not send some files to my friends Gmail account. Google unrared the files and decided that they did not want those files to be delivered to their mail. Google have automatic scrips that checks all mail and if they don't like the mail, they bounce it.

    The file I tried to send did not have a virus o violated Googles official rules for mail. It was plain censorship since they didn't like the mail file.

    What do you think was in your file that made Google dislike and censor it?
  • Reply 22 of 72
    Originally Posted by cmvsm View Post

    The Windows phone will go the way of Windows Mobile. MS just loves to beta all over their potential customers, which makes this DOA before leaving the crime scene. Either way, this Google report gives the speculators and hedge fund investors an excuse to pull a few points away from Apple shares so that they can bath in the windfall of next week's report out. What a bunch of BS.

    And in other reports, Apple surges in Q3 as Android share collapses due to iPhone 4s launch. Where's that Windows 7 thing again?

    And this would have to be based on Windows 8, which won't get out of the gate until late 2012, if then. So in two years (2015) by which time IOS could be doing 200 million units a year Win 8 is projected to go from 0 to 200 million units in two years. Android would be 600 million units, iOS 200 million units, others 100 million units, and Win 8 200 million units. That's over 1.1 billion units or about 15% of the world population buying smart phones in 2015. About 2.1 billion of the 7 billion population will be under 15 year of age. So the 1 billion smart phones would have to be sold to 5 billion. So on average 1 in 5 people would have to buy a smart phone or iOS product in 2015. However, over a billion of that 5 billion probably can't afford one or would opt for a basic phone. So we are down to 1 in 4.

    My conclusions. By 2015. The practical limits of the total market will slow the growth of iOS and all variants of smart phones. Unless Win 8 phone gets over 100% of the developed markets, it is unlikely to achieve anywhere near 20% global penetration. If it does, it would be because of the collapse of android as a result of the various patent and copyright litigation. In my opinion, the Oracle patent trial my be more of a threat than any of the Apple law suit,s as there is no work around other than paying billions to Oracle, if Google loses.

    One other factor. IOS will have sold a cumulative over 500 million units by then and absent major mistakes by Apple, Apple should be retaining 70 to 80 per cent of existing iOS devises.

    My conclusions is the so called analysis projecting 20% market share for Win phones in 2015 is totally flawed. At the same time, neither I no any one else has a clue what will happen by 2015. 3 years ago, who would have dreamed iPhone would be selling at over 100 million annual rate and the iPad didn't exist.
  • Reply 23 of 72
    slapppyslapppy Posts: 331member
    Originally Posted by cmvsm View Post

    The Windows phone will go the way of Windows Mobile. MS just loves to beta all over their potential customers, which makes this DOA before leaving the crime scene. Either way, this Google report gives the speculators and hedge fund investors an excuse to pull a few points away from Apple shares so that they can bath in the windfall of next week's report out. What a bunch of BS.

    And in other reports, Apple surges in Q3 as Android share collapses due to iPhone 4s launch. Where's that Windows 7 thing again?

    That surge is just a small point and shoot picture of one quarter. It's an insignificant uptick. If you look at the calendar year Android outpaced iOS easily and will continue to do so. Twice as much. Computerworld has an excellent article that clears up this marketing spin for iOS. There is no denying that iOS is spiraling down to irrelevancy as Android continues to grow.

    "So did Apple grow in overall smartphone market share from the third to fourth quarter? Sure. But so did Android. And Android grew quite a bit more, gauging by Nielsen's measurements -- twice as much, with a total share increase of 3.5 points compared to Apple's 1.7. Despite the boost in iPhone sales following the launch of the iPhone 4S, the gap between the two platforms has actually continued to widen."
  • Reply 24 of 72
    Originally Posted by slapppy View Post

    That surge is just a small point and shoot picture of one quarter. It's an insignificant uptick. If you look at the calendar year Android outpaced iOS easily and will continue to do so. Twice as much. Computerworld has an excellent article that clears up this marketing spin for iOS. There is no denying that iOS is spiraling down to irrelevancy as Android continues to grow."

    You are confusing iOS with iPhone. Don't worry though, most fandroids do. You don't want to compare iOS to Android, cause then the numbers aren't so great. We know what you meant though. Wink wink
  • Reply 25 of 72
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    That depends on whether and how the CPC from their mobile ad base gets to what their non-mobile average is (see article). And, there is the Motorola Mobility acquisition to be completed, digested, and integrated.

    I am guessing that there's lots more trouble down the road, i.e., things are probably going to get worse for Google before it gets better.

    I am with you on this... Google hasn't paid as much attention to their knitting as they should. Too much gawking around at what other people are doing and losing focus.

    What has the Chrome browser done for them? It's a distraction from their core and not a profit generator. Then they totally get off the profit page with the development of Android, which they give away as well...and then break the piggy bank buying Motorola so they can make low profit phones.

    Meanwhile they scare the pants off their other phone manufacturing friends, who, while staying with Android, are making variations to the OS, cutting Google out of the ad picture.

    When management is defocused and distracted, this is the result and maybe the investors' questions may get Google's management back on track: heads down, no looking around, no talking, stay on task making money.
  • Reply 26 of 72
    Originally Posted by pridon View Post

    [COLOR="black"]And this would have to be based on Windows 8, which won't get out of the gate until late 2012, if then. So in two years (2015) by which time IOS could be doing 200 million units a year Win 8 is projected to go from 0 to 200 million units in two years. Android would be 600 million units, iOS 200 million units, others 100 million units, and Win 8 200 million units. That's over 1.1 billion units or about 15% of the world population buying smart phones in 2015. About 2.1 billion of the 7 billion population will be under 15 year of age. So the 1 billion smart phones would have to be sold to 5 billion. So on average 1 in 5 people would have to buy a smart phone or iOS product in 2015. However, over a billion of that 5 billion probably can't afford one or would opt for a basic phone. So we are down to 1 in 4.

    My conclusions. By 2015. The practical limits of the total market will slow the growth of iOS and all variants of smart phones. Unless Win 8 phone gets over 100% of the developed markets, it is unlikely to achieve anywhere near 20% global penetration. If it does, it would be because of the collapse of android as a result of the various patent and copyright litigation. In my opinion, the Oracle patent trial my be more of a threat than any of the Apple law suit,s as there is no work around other than paying billions to Oracle, if Google loses.

    One other factor. IOS will have sold a cumulative over 500 million units by then and absent major mistakes by Apple, Apple should be retaining 70 to 80 per cent of existing iOS devises.


    My conclusions is the so called analysis projecting 20% market share for Win phones in 2015 is totally flawed. At the same time, neither I no any one else has a clue what will happen by 2015.

    I don't see Microsoft getting the level of traction this one analyst projects. Microsoft has gotten nowhere in the five years the iPhone has been out, They don't control the hardware at all so they still need to have someone else make the phone and market it. The phone companies won't get behind Microsoft any more then they did with the Kin phones. All the electronic stores will display it along with all the Android phones, it will be just another black rectangle only will almost no apps.


    3 years ago, who would have dreamed iPhone would be selling at over 100 million annual rate and the iPad didn't exist.

    One person for sure didn't see it coming: Steve Ballmer.
  • Reply 27 of 72
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    As is to be expected, Google's top brass remained upbeat about the results. CEO Larry Page said he was "super excited" about the growth of Android, Gmail and Google+, adding that its new social networking service now has 90 million users globally.

    "I'm very excited about what we can do in 2012--there are tremendous opportunities to help users grow our business," Page said.

    ...and the investors still ask, "Show us the money!" Larry Page's response reminded me of Steve Ballmer's Keynote speech at CES where he talked at length about what they were going to be doing "later in the year"... RIM is all "excited" about what they will be shipping "later in the year". 2012 is gonna be a banner year for everyone "later in the year." ... or NOT.

    Meanwhile Apple's growing by double digits right now, and will likely still be doing so "later in the year."

    I don't know why, but I have this feeling that there will be a lot of splainin' going on next year at this time about why nothing much happened "later in the year", and a lot of CEOs really "excited" about what they will be doing "later in the year of 2013."
  • Reply 28 of 72
    jason98jason98 Posts: 768member
    Originally Posted by shompa View Post

    Why can't Apple continue to use Google search? Its a great search enginge and Google pays Apple huge money for it.

    Because money you bring to them feed Android OS developers, patent lawyers, and buy patents from a side to defend their infringements?
  • Reply 29 of 72
    just_mejust_me Posts: 590member
    Originally Posted by jason98 View Post

    Because money you bring to them feed Android OS developers, patent lawyers, and buy patents from a side to defend their infringements?

    With that thinking apple would need to cut Samsung. That would end all of Apples products.
  • Reply 30 of 72
    Originally Posted by slapppy View Post

    That surge is just a small point and shoot picture of one quarter. It's an insignificant uptick. If you look at the calendar year Android outpaced iOS easily and will continue to do so. Twice as much. Computerworld has an excellent article that clears up this marketing spin for iOS. There is no denying that iOS is spiraling down to irrelevancy as Android continues to grow.

    Personally, I would like to know how in your mind selling 50 million iOS devices in a quarter is anything 'spiraling down to irrelevancy'? And that's just iPhone and iPad sales, if iPod Touch sales approach 5 million units, then Apple activated 600K+ units per day this quarter. Google claims Android has 700K activations per day. 'Running neck and neck' is a far cry from 'spiraling down' to anything. We're 3+ months into the iPhone 4S's life, and Apple has only very recently cut it's shipping time down to 3-5 days. I seriously doubt there is ANY Android device with that type of demand 3 months into it's release.

    And lest we forget that Apple has only began to sell the iPhone in mainland China. Once that market is open, and if Apple were to come to terms with China Mobile, those sales numbers would skyrocket.
  • Reply 31 of 72
    just_mejust_me Posts: 590member
    iOS wont become irrelevant by 2015. Whoever thinks that is foolish.

    Android wont go away also.

    Consumers win
  • Reply 32 of 72
    matrix07matrix07 Posts: 1,993member
    Originally Posted by F1Ferrari View Post

    Personally, I would like to know how in your mind selling 50 million iOS devices in a quarter is anything 'spiraling down to irrelevancy'?

    Hey.. leave the kid alone.
  • Reply 33 of 72
    Originally Posted by Just_Me View Post

    iOS wont become irrelevant by 2015. Whoever thinks that is foolish.

    Android wont go away also.

    Consumers win

    You don't get it, some people here think we are playing by Highlander rules, for one to be a success all others must die. Apparently making billions but missing projections by a little bit means DOOOOOOMMMM.

    *And now I am singing the "I am immortal" song to myself, stupid highlander.
  • Reply 34 of 72
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    I'd like to see exactly where Google's losses are are occurring. I suspect the continued growth of iOS and the direct use of the Internet bypassing the web is one main reason. Google's revenue model is based 'eyeballs on ads on the web'. Apple by the ever growing use of apps is neatly sidestepping the web more and more. Once Apple releases their new mapping system for iOS this process accelerates.
  • Reply 35 of 72
    Originally Posted by shompa View Post

    Users needs to be educated about how Google data mines Android/their cloud service. Just last night I could not send some files to my friends Gmail account. Google unrared the files and decided that they did not want those files to be delivered to their mail. Google have automatic scrips that checks all mail and if they don't like the mail, they bounce it.

    The file I tried to send did not have a virus o violated Googles official rules for mail. It was plain censorship since they didn't like the mail file.

    I'm sorry. You're just talking BS. "If they don't like the mail" ? What the heck does that mean? It's going through an automated system. There isn't someone at Google going, "Hey, that mail looks stupid. Let's not send that one." Something in the files you were sending got flagged by some system. Heck it might have gotten flagged by your ISP or your friend's ISP. Did that ever occur to you?


    Every single Android user I know are geeks/uneducated/don't care: want a cheap phone/hate Apple. The "hate Apple" is huge in persons under 20 years old. Google have really managed to brainwash people. Evidence: Chrome. Most users says that Safari sux but Chrome rulez. They both uses the same engine. They have no clue...

    You should probably get a clue too. Chrome and Safari use the same HTML rendering engine. That's where the similarities between them end. I stopped using Safari on my Mac years ago because of the memory leak it had. Not sure if Apple ever bothered to fix that as I never felt a compelling reason to go back. Chrome was created as a lightweight browser that didn't have the years of feature creep overhead that bogged down browsers like Firefox and Safari. And Chrome was the first browser that ran tabs in different processes so that one tab crashing didn't kill the whole browser.


    His letter about Adobe was spot on and 2011 proved him right with the death of non open standards like Flash and Silverlight.

    That's really funny with Apple's event yesterday pushing the non-open standard iBook format. If you actually pay attention to what goes on, Apple supports open standards only when it benefits them. Not supporting Adobe and Microsoft products hurts Apple competitors and thereby helps Apple. Instead of supporting the already open and existing DLNA protocol, Apple created the proprietary AirPlay protocol. Instead of supporting existing conferencing protocols, Apple spun off their own proprietary Facetime protocol.
  • Reply 36 of 72
    matrix07matrix07 Posts: 1,993member
    Originally Posted by caliminius View Post

    If you actually pay attention to what goes on, Apple supports open standards only when it benefits them.

    Why are you talking about Google?
  • Reply 37 of 72
    OMG... just yesterday I transferred 18 months of my images and articles - otherwise known as "iSee... iSnap... iSell..." - from Google's Blogger site to the much nicer and dynamic WordPress domain... and shit happens! LOL
  • Reply 38 of 72
    irnchrizirnchriz Posts: 1,617member
    $8.13 billion is a hell of a lot of money they made from selling fraudulent advertising. They take money to post fake adverts, pushing them to the top of search listings. They don't check to make sure that they are real or not and then when there are complaints they happily remove them and keep the money.

    Do no evil my arse.
  • Reply 39 of 72
    cameronjcameronj Posts: 2,357member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Ah, about the entire market? Fine, then. I don't follow such things.

    Then why would you talk about things you don't know about?

    Apple fell about 10% just last quarter after earnings. So an Apple fanboy gloating when the exact same thing happens to google sounds really stupid.


    You listen. You deride and mock, but at least you listen.

    What are you, 11 years old?
  • Reply 40 of 72
    Don't start gloating yet, folks. Apple will drop 20% if it is one unit short of 42 million iPhones, 18 million iPads and 7 million Macs. I know this because Huberty, Munster and Wu have told me so...
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