Dutch court rules Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 doesn't infringe on Apple's designs



  • Reply 41 of 120
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    So you're both fine with a court using completely irrelevant evidence to rule on a case?

    "Your honor, O.J. Simpson was acquitted. Therefore my client, Casey Anthony, is also innocent."

    EDIT: No, seriously. Explain to me how...

    Ok, first off that analogy doesn't really make sense and is insulting in some ways. No one lost their lives over this IP dispute. Second I don't have to explain anything or even agree. It's simple, In the modern democratic world we let the courts handle disagreements and disputes and accept their decisions and respect them for what they are. Obviously it's not a perfect system but it's what we civilized people have determined to be fair. I certainly respect your disappointment or frustration at the outcome but to say it's blatantly illegal and it can't be over is somewhat amusing, this was the appeal and Apple lost twice in this scenario, therefore it's simply over.
  • Reply 42 of 120
    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    I find that curious and raises the question whether they have a grounds for a legal complaint on that.

    Try looking at one.
  • Reply 43 of 120
    gwydiongwydion Posts: 1,083member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Try looking at one.

    Apple lawyers doesn't have looked a t them?
  • Reply 44 of 120
    It's a losing battle for Apple. The best thing that Apple needs to do is sign licensing agreements with Google. Apple i products should begin transitioning to Android. The overwhelming momentum of Android will solidify its top place in the market. Apple needs to adopt and get on board or get lost the Android tidal wave. There really is no denying the future of iOS.
  • Reply 45 of 120
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,324member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Try looking at one.

    I'm certain you're well aware that it's not what you think in a lawsuit, it's what you can prove. I suspect Apple understands that can't show Samsung has copied the iPad design. There are differences if you look for them, and some would say they're significant. The display format would be the most obvious.
  • Reply 46 of 120
    Originally Posted by slapppy View Post

    It's a losing battle for Apple. The best thing that Apple needs to do is sign licensing agreements with Google. Apple i products should begin transitioning to Android. The overwhelming momentum of Android will solidify its top place in the market. Apple needs to adopt and get on board or get lost the Android tidal wave. There really is no denying the future of iOS.

    Are you on something? Being sarcastic? Or just idiotically trolling? I certainly can't see how anyone can take you seriously.
  • Reply 47 of 120
    geekdadgeekdad Posts: 1,131member
    Originally Posted by slapppy View Post

    It's a losing battle for Apple. The best thing that Apple needs to do is sign licensing agreements with Google. Apple i products should begin transitioning to Android. The overwhelming momentum of Android will solidify its top place in the market. Apple needs to adopt and get on board or get lost the Android tidal wave. There really is no denying the future of iOS.

    In the scheme of things this was a very small victory....the battle is far from over.

    The future of IOS? Dude the iPhone is the best selling phone ever! Thye can't keep enough iPads on the shelf..... I can't wait for iPhone 5 to come out this summer! :-)
  • Reply 48 of 120
    gwydiongwydion Posts: 1,083member
    Originally Posted by thataveragejoe View Post

    Are you on something? Being sarcastic? Or just idiotically trolling? I certainly can't see how anyone can take you seriously.

    He is definitively trolling
  • Reply 49 of 120
    Apple is required to attempt to protect their IP wherever they deem it is being challenged, but they are at the mercy of the ability of their legal team to properly present the case, the judges to properly understand and accept the assertions and make a correct decision. So this isn't wasted money, in that it is part of IP ownership.

    That being said, I doubt the legal team assumed a complete sweep of legal decisions, and each dismissal and non-infringement decision causes the Apple legal team to review and strengthen their arguments, tighten their case and become more effective. Which is why you are seeing these get delivered in Europe first. By fielding these in less impactful countries market-wise, they are preparing for the larger battles in the markets where it will make a difference, like China or India.

    As a tactical move, it causes Samsung to hedge their bets designwise and forces them to consider retrenching their approach - so the Dutch decision is a point of relief for them, but not definitive in the sense that it only affects sales in the Netherlands, and could possibly color somewhat the EU court action later, but that is not assured. And that court is going to look at Samsung's alleged mishandling of standards patents. The court will look for a pattern of abuse as well as the specifics of the case in question. Samsung has already been hit with adverse decisions on their other "copying" issues, so they are not clearly not going to enjoy any favoritism by the court.

    Anyone who has been a part of international corporate life understands the requirements that create the sort of actions that Apple has taken - it doesn't really matter if you agree with them or not in your particular version of reality as you see it. There are facts on the ground of which most of us are not aware, and parts of the picture completely obscured for you if you don't have the necessary background. Absurdly reducing the factors impacting here to a simple few, fails utterly to reflect the complex reality of the environment in which international corporations are required to operate.
  • Reply 50 of 120
    Originally Posted by slapppy View Post

    It's a losing battle for Apple...(continued rant of no consequence).

    Now technically I am violating my own requests to other posters to not rely to troll posts, but I just wanted to say how refreshing your consistency is. While I have ignored you, I have no choice but to see what you have posted when someone replies to it, so I have ample evidence of your consistency. I am very happy that you do not flip-flop, that you are always all about the successful domination of Android (in your mind at least) of the industry, and it's ultimate sovereignty in the mobile space. The same sort of consistency that allowed the captain of the Titanic to blythely ignore the effects of the grinding crunching noise of the iceberg that sunk the unsinkable ship.

    This is corporate gamesmanship at the highest level. When the elephants dance, it's most fun to be on the sidelines watching - not underfoot. Samsung is not going to change decades of corporate culture to avoid treading on Apple's toes, and Apple is not going to let that same corporate culture trample all over their IP rights.
  • Reply 51 of 120
    Have you looked at all modern flat tv's?

    Where's all the lawsuits over those.

    Luckily Apple hasn't made a tv. Oh wait...

    Get some popcorn. Its good to be a lawyer with Apple going thermonuclear.

    Just read that Apple spent 100 mil on lawyer fees against HTC
  • Reply 52 of 120
    Originally Posted by fecklesstechguy View Post

    Now technically I am violating my own requests to other posters to not rely to troll posts, but I just wanted to say how refreshing your consistency is. While I have ignored you, I have no choice but to see what you have posted when someone replies to it, so I have ample evidence of your consistency. I am very happy that you do not flip-flop, that you are always all about the successful domination of Android (in your mind at least) of the industry, and it's ultimate sovereignty in the mobile space. The same sort of consistency that allowed the captain of the Titanic to blythely ignore the effects of the grinding crunching noise of the iceberg that sunk the unsinkable ship.

    This is corporate gamesmanship at the highest level. When the elephants dance, it's most fun to be on the sidelines watching - not underfoot. Samsung is not going to change decades of corporate culture to avoid treading on Apple's toes, and Apple is not going to let that same corporate culture trample all over their IP rights.

    There are many die hards who can't or wont accept new ideas
  • Reply 53 of 120
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,324member
    Originally Posted by fecklesstechguy View Post

    Apple is required to attempt to protect their IP wherever they deem it is being challenged. . .

    That's not true. US patents can lanquish for years before the holder decides to wield them. Even if they never move against known infringement, the patent is still valid and can be used against someone else if they decide to at some future time.

    If you're referring to these EU Community Designs or "look and feel" design patents in the US, then yes those should be asserted once the holder is aware that infringement may be taking place AFAIK. In fact if Apple had waited just a few more weeks before making the claims against Samsung in Europe then they would not have been entitled to ask for an emergency injunction in the first place, altho they could still have pursued a final judgment. As far as the courts in Germany were concerned, it can't be an emergency if the holder was aware of possible infringement for months before acting.
  • Reply 54 of 120
    FlorianMuellerInsider. All the latest re-reporting of whatever Florian Mueller posted!
  • Reply 55 of 120

  • Reply 57 of 120
    Your images are broken. And you could just rehost them on Imgur instead of posting links.

    But apparently none of that matters anyway. That's not the argument being made. That's not the reason for the lawsuit. Nothing to see here.

    The fact that they're blatantly copying and obviously directly stealing this stuff doesn't legally matter.
  • Reply 58 of 120
    gwydiongwydion Posts: 1,083member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    The fact that they're blatantly copying and obviously directly stealing this stuff doesn't legally matter.

    The fact is that they are not copying, despite your denial of reality
  • Reply 59 of 120
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,324member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Your images are broken. And you could just rehost them on Imgur instead of posting links.

    They link fine for me.
  • Reply 60 of 120
    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    They link fine for me.

    Link, sure, but they don't appear.

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