Court upholds ban of Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 in Germany on new grounds



  • Reply 41 of 47
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,324member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Oh, so you don't care what one of the only people whose opinions on this whole thing matter couldn't do? Why?

    I'm going to a Best Buy this weekend. I'll put that to the test with other customers, if you'd like.

    Asking if the screen is the same or which one is made by Apple?
  • Reply 42 of 47
    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    Asking if the screen is the same or which one is made by Apple?

    Oh, was the former the argument to which he was responding? Never mind then. If the latter, yes, but if it was a discussion about aspect ratios, then the lawyer's opinion has less weight. Thinking that it's outright impossible to confuse a 16:9 tablet with a 4:3 tablet is a little presumptuous, though.
  • Reply 43 of 47
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    So what is their 'unique unfair competition law'?

    Because I see it as the difference between selling an iPad 2 and an iPad. Because that's exactly what their designs are based on.

    "But that's not what the lawsui?"

    Did I say I care about that? Was I talking about that at all? Not in the slightest. Take a look at the devices and you'll see the 10.1 and 10.1N are based on the iPad 2 and iPad, respectively.

    That's fine. Now, call Apple's legal team, and tell them where to look in each jurisdiction's legal codes to find the laws which specifically address and outlaw that similarity. In so doing, you'll be handing Apple the slam-dunk victory they so obviously deserve.
  • Reply 44 of 47
    Originally Posted by AbsoluteDesignz View Post

    dude...don't be an idiot...I don't give a fuck what one person from Samsung's legal team couldn't do...he's a moron...good for him...

    I'm not being an idiot. If this were a case of Ford v. Chevrolet, you could bet your arse that the legal teams would be able to identify a Focus from a Sonic from across the room with one eye closed. When the complaint is about design elements, don't be so self-righteous to pretend that the look doesn't matter. In fact, it's the ONLY thing that matters. Samsung's team not being able to identify their product from an iPad brings up validity to Apple's claims of infringement.

    If the redesign of the Tab to the 'N' version was so simple and differentiating, why didn't Samsung design it that way to begin with? The answer, of course, is that the first version looked more like the iPad, and could ride on the coat tails of Apple's products.
  • Reply 45 of 47
    eric475eric475 Posts: 177member
    Originally Posted by Orlando View Post

    Strangely the lawsuits generally seem to have very little to do with copying of the key features that originally made iOS unique (ie the touch based UI which is where Apple truly innovated).

    If Apple sued Samsung/Android over the touch based UI and won, then the inventors of touch gestures would probably demand all of that money and some more.
  • Reply 46 of 47
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Samsung is about to release their new quad core tablets anyway so this ban will be a non issue for them unless they use the same design, then their just idiots and deserve whatever comes to them.

    I don't why people on this forum hate Android so much. After the release of 3.2 and now 4.0 Android has defiatly surpassed iOS 5 on a tablet. iOS is still top when it comes to smartphones but on a tablet it is seriosly lacking. I expect more powerfull features like a filemanager, being able to tell the programs where to save the data and not being at the mercy of the App. I have a network appliance from Netgear and its very cool to have a mounted drive on my tablet that every video program thinks its a local directory. Android 3.2 and 4.0 is more like a normal OS and not as neutered as iOS 5 on a tablet. If it wasnt for the music creation apps I wouldn't even own a iPad.
  • Reply 47 of 47
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Before I get flamed for saying anything negative about the iPad I just want clarifly that the iPad is nice. Apples ecosysten can't be beat. The apps just work, its very quick and extremly easy for grandma. As a geek though I feel I can be better catered with a Android 3.2 or 4.0 tablet. Its has features that I want; like being able to install such services as a AMP (Apache, MySQL, PHP) server, write and run Python scripts and soon Pearl. Ability to mount network drives at the OS level. The ability to tweak the OS to my personility, icons, folders, overclocking ect.

    I like my iPad but I also like my Android tablet. There is no reason to hate either one, both serve a purpose.
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