Reports claim Apple's third-gen tablet to be named 'iPad HD'



  • Reply 41 of 145
    processprocess Posts: 1member
    Perform the following search on Google:

    "ipad hd"
  • Reply 42 of 145
    calum86calum86 Posts: 1member
    Originally Posted by WardC View Post

    They may just call it iPad III

    or perhaps, RetinaPad™ HD 3 SuperPlus™ QC S....yes, S!

    But anyways, who said that Apple is even going to release this "rumored" iPad product on Wednesday anyways? For all we know, it could be the iSlate tabletop computer or some other touch-device, Apple has not specified that the event is for a "new" iPad. Come on, the iPad 2 just came out!!! I read a report last week that several Airlines have ordered hundreds of thousands of iPad 2's for delivery next month. The iPad 2 is new!! If there is such a thing as "iPad 3" even being developed, it probably won't be out until sometime in 2013. Apple is certainly not planning to release a new tablet right now -- all of this stuff is pure rumor and hearsay.

    Where have you been for the past year?? The iPad 2 hasn't just come out, it was approx 1 year ago, and apple releases it's iOS products once a year. Aside from all the mounting evidence as to what we will see at the announcement, the apple invite has a picture of an iPad on it! Get real.
  • Reply 43 of 145
    christophbchristophb Posts: 1,482member
    iPad Kessel-Run-in-Less-Than-12-Parsecs

    Quote me.
  • Reply 44 of 145
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Originally Posted by process View Post

    Perform the following search on Google:

    "ipad hd"

    "About 25,000 results (0.11 seconds)"

    THat's the best argument I've seen for it not to be named iPad HD.

    However... when you input: "ipad 3" you get About 3,940,000 results (0.50 seconds).
  • Reply 45 of 145
    red oakred oak Posts: 1,099member
    Originally Posted by realitycheck69 View Post

    A whole year and they can't come up with a new model? S and now HD? Sounds like fragmentation.

    Sounds like you missed out on the major advance in AAPL stock. Bitter?
  • Reply 46 of 145
    Originally Posted by rcoleman1 View Post

    I really hope not...then what will the iPad fourth generation be called?

    The iPad HD-S.
  • Reply 47 of 145
    dunksdunks Posts: 1,254member
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    I think iPad 3 is too repressed for the level of change this display brings. They did that with the iPhone 4 so it wouldn't be unprecedented but the iPhone 4 also got a huge change to the casing. I'm thinking iPad HD sounds good, or at least good enough that I've been using it for a week now, as the best option I've heard.

    PS: Maybe Apple will give devs a week to remove HD from their app names if they aren't ready for the 2048x1536 display.

    Yes I’m over the wall of application icons all branded with “HD” to identify them as iPad specific. Apple needs to reign this in and encourage more developers to release universal apps.

    Better to watermark “HD” on the buy button like they do with “+” for universal applications.
  • Reply 48 of 145
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member

    How about:




    Name... Shmame!

    Call it whatever they want...

    Certainly, a retina of this size is significant, and HD is pretty much ubiquitous for high-definition anything. So it understandably could be used in the name.

    There have been a lot of rumors discussed about the hardware features: Number of CPU/GPU cores, RAM, etc.

    About the only non-hardware rumor has been Siri -- pretty much assumed to be on the next iPad.

    I have this nagging feeling that we are all, somehow, missing a bigger picture...

    There has been no iOS SDK for the retina display (or anything iPad 3), Why?

    The iCloud infrastructure is in place, well-accepted -- yet nothing special for the iPad...

    OSX Mountain Lion is available to developers -- including some more iOS-like constructs, but they still don't quite match up...

    Apple's OSX iWork, iPlay apps are long in the tooth as are their iOS equivalents...

    There seems to be a post-pc environment for specialized "semi-pro" apps from Autodesk, Avid, Adobe...

    The absence of a solution for a "mobile file [access] system" grows more critical as iPad apps evolve from stand-alone widgets to sophisticated apps with a need to interact with other apps -- on the iDevice, on the Cloud and on the Desktop...

    Maybe it really isn't about the hardware as much as establishing a base-line for developers to interact with Apple's infrastructure.

    As a user and shareholder, I hope that Apple exploits the opportunity -- raising the potential uses for the iPad and sends the competition back to the drawing boards...

    It ain't just the hardware!

  • Reply 49 of 145
    Originally Posted by fishbert View Post

    Why would Apple go with a generic and beaten-to-death marketing term like HD, when...

    a) even 1080p HD severely under-states the rumored resolution of an iPad retina display, and

    b) it would completely overshadow the more Apple-unique 'Retina Display' marketing term that's caught on rather well over the last year.

    Just doesn't make sense.

    I agree that it doesn't make sense. To call a 4:3 screen "HD" is to bastardize the term. If a TV maker did it, the FTC would rightly call them to the carpet for misleading advertising.
  • Reply 50 of 145
    hentaiboyhentaiboy Posts: 1,252member
    iPad 2.5 HD feat. Siri 1.0

  • Reply 51 of 145
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    That and HD applies to anything greater than SD, so 721x481 is actually HD.

    Where do you get that information? Where is HD used in that manner?
  • Reply 52 of 145
    walshbjwalshbj Posts: 864member
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    If they do, this will be the first time they have used that moniker won't it?

    Also, it's trashy ... also also, what will they do next year if they call this new (standard) resolution "HD"?

    They used iMovie HD.

    I don't understand the article comparing HD to S in iPhone 4S. Seems like the opposite.

    This iPad, with Siri and doubled resolution, is a big step up and they want that noticed with a naming departure.

    As for HD being trashy, my take is that most consumers still view something that is "HD" as cutting edge. Maybe not AI people, but regular people.
  • Reply 53 of 145
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member

    Actually, I am growing rather keen on the idea of naming the models with the same name used internally:

    That way, we could merely look at the serial number or barcode and instantly identify the version and model

  • Reply 54 of 145
    fishbertfishbert Posts: 35member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    Originally Posted by fishbert View Post

    Why would Apple go with a generic and beaten-to-death marketing term like HD, when...

    a) even 1080p HD severely under-states the rumored resolution of an iPad retina display, and

    b) it would completely overshadow the more Apple-unique 'Retina Display' marketing term that's caught on rather well over the last year.

    Just doesn't make sense.

    Severely understates? Hyperbole much? The most specific name for the resolution, QXGA, is cumbersome, HD communicates the message just fine.

    HD in today's market is used to refer to resolutions like 720p and 1080p.

    And there's already an upper-limit for use of the "HD" term, with terms like "2K" and "4K" starting to replace "HD" in the industry for displays with larger numbers of pixels.

    In fact, the rumored iPad 'retina' display resolution of 2,048x1,536 (150% the pixels of 1080p HD) falls neatly into the "2K" display category.

    So, yes, I think it's reasonable to say "HD" severely under-states the rumored iPad 3 resolution.
  • Reply 55 of 145
    ohhh so just like how the iphone goes 3g>3gs and 4>4s, this will go 2>2 HD and then 3>3HD.

    Therefore, this one will have a retina display but for marketing reasons the next one wont.

  • Reply 56 of 145
    iPad 2 HD sounds about right. Apple tends to save major version upgrades for products that look physically different. I think it's also part of their planned upgrade cycles for customers. Apple knows most people who bought an iPad 2 aren't going to rush out and buy an iPad 2012 model. So they keep the design and name similar to communicate that the new model has 'nice to have' features but isn't such a huge generational leap that you should have buyers remorse over your previous generation model. The new display will be beautiful but I still think it's a 'nice to have' feature not a 'must have' feature for most people.
  • Reply 57 of 145
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Originally Posted by pooman625 View Post

    Therefore, this one will have a retina display but for marketing reasons the next one wont.


    That's like saying the iPhone 3GS was speedier than the iPhone 3 but the iPhone 4 wasn't speedier than the iPhone 3GS because it didn't contain an 'S' at the end of the name. Once you go Retina Display it will become the standard display in a year when the iPad 2 stops being sold.
  • Reply 58 of 145
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    Just call the darn thing iPad and be done with it. Apple's computers and iPods don't have numbers in their naming convention. I say stop with the numbers for iPhone and iPad too.
  • Reply 59 of 145
    Originally Posted by SinisterJoe View Post

    iPad 2 HD sounds about right. Apple tends to save major version upgrades for products that look physically different. I think it's also part of their planned upgrade cycles for customers. Apple knows most people who bought an iPad 2 aren't going to rush out and buy an iPad 2012 model. So they keep the design and name similar to communicate that the new model has 'nice to have' features but isn't such a huge generational leap that you should have buyers remorse over your previous generation model. The new display will be beautiful but I still think it's a 'nice to have' feature not a 'must have' feature for most people.

    IMO, a retina display on the new iPad would be a total game changer. Like night and day. Much more so than an incremental increase in CPU speed. And much more apparent to average consumers.
  • Reply 60 of 145
    ko024ko024 Posts: 68member
    Originally Posted by rcoleman1 View Post

    I really hope not...then what will the iPad fourth generation be called?

    iPad HDS, and then IPad 3D...

    It's really not that difficult to imagine this... I don't see what the big deal is here.... And when the article talks about apple's "usual naming scheme" , they obviously have no idea what they are writing about... Did they think the iPhone 3G stood for 3rd gen iPhone.?? Where do they get the people that write these articles..???
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